Narcissist and Their Obsession With Karma: Nowhere in the
Bible does it state explicitly that there is an “age of
accountability”, but there are many implications that people
without the capacity to understand certain concepts are given a pass
by God, at least to the extent of their incapacity. That just makes
sense, being that God is a God of love as well as a God of justice.
But again everyone needs to be careful when describing God and we
should never overstep our bounds and be definitive about what God's
true nature is. We as mortals and created beings are merely
speculating. It is an informed opinion since we use the only source
available that describes the nature of God, that being the Bible.
Only when that accurate source, describing God in terms that humans
can understand, is misinterpreted do all sorts of unusual opinions
about God manifest. But an accurate view of what life's meaning and
purpose for ourselves as individuals is and humanity in general is
requires us to try the best we can to understand God's nature. So
the concept of an “age of accountability” does have it's
purpose. Yes there are Christian covert narcissists, but if
they are a true narcopath they are merely putting on an elaborate
act. Saying and doing all of the correct things publicly, but having
selfish and misguided motivations for all of that apparent piety.
Yes, Jesus called out the Pharisees for their public professions of
worship. Jesus called them “the Synagogue of Satan”, what better
way to describe a religious narcissist, since it has been established
that the man behind the curtain for every single covert narcissist is
the being that pretends to be an “angel of light”, Lucifer,
Satan. Even if that narcissist is demon possessed, the being calling
the shots is still the devil himself. Even if that narc professes
Christianity. Even if that narc professes to not believe in any God
at all, and is living as the captain of their own destiny. No matter
what the scenario or philosophy the true driving force behind that
covert narc is Satan and no other. It gives the devil no end of
satisfaction to be the master of someone who doesn't believe he
exists. Yes that narc is a puppet on a string and has even convinced
themselves there are no strings attached to them. So when
we get to the subject of having to pay for our wrongful acts of
either omission or commission the narc is first in line to come up
with their own self constructed framework of how others pay for the
wrongs they have done. The narc does this by making themselves the
god of their own world and therefore only they have the authority to
decide what is considered a “sin” or “wrong” and only they
decide how severe the judgment or punishment will be that is doled
out. Any person who fails to see and acknowledge the deity of the
narc will receive the harshest treatment of all. Any person who
dares to deem themselves even close to, or on the same level as the
narc will receive harsh judgment. After all the narc is so far above
mere mortals that the narc considers it blasphemy for anyone to speak
of the narc as if that narc were there equal and sacrilege if they
don't praise that narc and believe every one of their lies without
any question or scrutiny. Yes, it's considered apostasy if the
victim actually disagrees with the strict rules and guidelines of the
narc's warped fantasy world, the rules that the narc has imposed on
those closest to them. So the Biblical concept of a God that makes
the rules, is the Creator and is in charge doesn't wash well with the
covert narcissist. The concept of sin means that there is a
standard and that implies that the standard is made by someone other
than the narc, a greater being. The narc can never acknowledge that
there is a being greater than themselves in their hearts, but the
narc will utter all of the right words from their lips, just as long
as the core being is allowed to be the actual and true god of their
world. No the narc will never give up that reign. So that is the
Christian narc as well as narcs practicing other Monotheistic
religions. But the narc has another option, that of believing that
God is not an actual entity, not a being, but rather god is simply an
impersonal force. That concept appeals greatly to the narcissist.
The narc loves the fact that they don't need to use precious
resources on giving the appearance of worshiping what they consider
the rigid notion of one great unknowable being but instead they can
simply believe in the concept of karma. Yes karma appeals to the
narcissist because they can make it an impersonal force and use such
terms as “what goes around comes around”. The narc can define
the karma that they create for themselves as “male”, “female”
or gender-less and totally eliminate the concept of god. If the narc
wants to give credence to the concept of god, they can also make
their self created god male or female or no sex what soever . The
narc can form an idol out of clay or metal and call that idol god.
In every instance the god of the narc is a god that is less than the
narc themselves, a god that was created by and given life by the
narc. So in essence the narc has found the perfect solution in that
case. Yes the narc can acknowledge “god” without ever
considering themselves lesser than or subservient to the god that
they create for themselves. So karma is perfect for the
narc because the concept is so ambiguous and open to interpretation
that the narc can literally craft their own personal version of karma
and that means this “cosmic impersonal retribution” is whatever
they want it to be. Yes, being that the narc either consciously or
unconsciously considers themselves the master of their environment
the narc has great comfort in knowing that they themselves are the
arbiters of right and wrong. Therefore any action of the narcissist
is judged by the narc and the narc alone. Yes, the narc and the narc
alone decides what is right and what is wrong and the narc decides
what punishments will be appropriate for any offense. So is it any
wonder that the narc is easy on themselves and quite harsh when it
comes to the slightest offense by another individual? Yes those
“wrongs” are sinful even if the actions of others weren't wrong
at all. If the narc perceives something to be wrong it is wrong and
the narc will be the sole arbiter of what the punishment should be.
So it becomes clear that the concept of karma, being as malleable as
it is, becomes the perfect solution for the narcissist. After all
that narc can shape karma to be whatever that narc decides and can
shift that definition whenever they feel the need to. So karma is
the perfect solution to both absolve the covert narcissist of the
most egregious depraved actions and convict any other person of the
most minor offense, even if that other person did absolutely nothing
wrong. Of course there are occasions when someone actually does
purposely harm the narc and in those circumstances the narc viciously
attacks, since they consider this an act of blasphemy if that person
contradicts them, corrects them, or actually says something that is
anything less than complimentary. Yes the narc must be praised at
all times, never corrected and never have anything they say
questioned. Similarly, any notion any other person has that they are
the equal of the narc is an act of sacrilege that requires severe
punishment, has severe consequences. Now the motivations of
that narc that makes them be compelled to see themselves as god have
been covered previously, but the bottom line is that deep down the
narc knows they are actually deficient when compared to others,
therefore any person that the narc has in their environment has to be
downgraded no matter what their accomplishment or the narc's
supremacy in their own mind would be challenged. After all a god has
no equal, no one can even come close to being at the level of a god
and the narc absolutely has to be god to maintain their deluded and
over-inflated opinion of themselves. So yes the narc never forgets
and always has to come out on top. The narc can never be bested or
out maneuvered at their own game of life. That would be the ultimate
threat to that counterfeit monotheistic world view that they have,
where there is only one god and they are that being. The narc can't
conceive of any of their victims retaining even an ounce of self
respect and self esteem and the narc is particularly enraged when a
previous victim has healed and even prospered in their absence. But
even then the narc knows the implications of coming up against
someone that has prevailed despite everything they threw at that
person. The narc will never acknowledge it to themselves, but they
will have to shift their strategy if they are to continue their
campaign of destruction. So the narc will seek third parties, flying
monkeys and have them do their bidding. Yes the narc will be miles
away when those flying monkeys do their bidding. The narc will
entrance, then enlist people from half way around the world, that
they think can't be traced back to them. The narc will enlist any
person they know with any form of authority. The narc will do
anything it takes to demonize that previous partner by weaving a
false narrative portraying that former partner as pure evil. The
narc will use anything at their disposal and if it is required put on
the perfect act of humanitarian so that they can enlist flying
monkeys that are dupes, good people that are totally unaware that
they are being used as instruments of evil. The other type of flying
monkey is well aware of the evil they are doing so the narc uses
different methods to motivate this group. Yes, a narcissist may have
been blessed with beauty, so they use that gift given them and
leverage it to manipulate some people to do their bidding. Other
members of the opposite sex will do what the narc wants regardless of
what is asked, because they are so entranced by the angelic
appearance of that narcopath. Who can resist a gorgeous damsel in
distress? I say this because I do believe such narcissists exist
although I can't say I witnessed this personally. The person I
was with was quite attractive and being that I loved her was always
considered the best looking of all women by myself. I told her this
all of the time. But the creep took that opinion literally, never
understanding that love idealizes the partner forever, because that
idealization, blindness to a person's shortcomings, is a function of
love and creates a stable lifelong bond. The narc doesn't get it.
To the narc, the idealization they bestow upon others is just a tool
of manipulation but the idealization they receive from others is
justified, self evident and taken for granted. No, the narc never
appreciates that devotion of their partner towards them for what it
actually is, simply a function of love, instead for the narc it is
merely an affirmation of the obvious, that the narc is superior. The
unfortunate truth that the narc may just be above average physically
and hardly a catch when it comes to their personality doesn't even
figure in for the narc. The fact that their targeted current partner
may have had previous partners far superior to them is never even
considered by the narc. Yes the victim could do better, but only an
arrogant narcissist would think that way. A person who genuinely
loves someone makes due with what they have in a relationship and
cherishes that with gratitude. Yes, genuine relationships are
exclusive. Neither loyalty nor confidences are shared with the
outside world by two people in an exclusive relationship. But when a
genuine person is in a relationship with a phony narcopath all bets
are off as far as the narc is concerned. Yes, loyalty is given to
the highest bidder without any consideration for a previous
commitment made. Of course the victim has to be fully loyal and
committed to the narc, but the narc, being that they are a god is
never constrained by those restraints or parameters. Boundaries and
rules of conduct only apply to others, never the narc. So here
is where many a narc ends up destroying themselves. Yes that narc is
a mere mortal, a created being. Yes, there is a higher being. The
one and only God. Yes God makes the rules and not the narcissist.
Yes, God is patient. So for years the narc plies their trade and
refines their lying treacherous ways and for years God is patient.
The problem with the narc is that getting away with treachery has
made them quite bold and convinced that they have figured out all of
the angles of life. But behind the scenes God was carefully
observing, carefully noting every detail of that narc's evil
duplicity and God was patient. But the narc, being totally convinced
of their own godhood lost track of the reality of life: namely that
God exists and is apart from humanity and is the creator of humanity
and is the one who makes the rules. God has no use for
karma, His concept is “you reap what you sew” and His rules and
regulations are not at all arbitrary or ambiguous. Yes, God laid out
the things He considers unacceptable, what He calls “sin” and
God's standards don't change with the times or with the
circumstances. Similarly God has set up punishments for those who go
against His standards of conduct. There is no ambiguity in what is
considered right and wrong or who is in charge. There is no
ambiguity whatsoever that God created man and God makes the rules.
There is no ambiguity whatsoever that Man, this earth and the
universe were created by God for His purposes. But the narc has
gotten away with so much evil over the course of their lives they are
totally blind to reality. The world as it actually is. Yes, for the
narcissist the world was created by them for their own purposes.
The universe, the world, and those who live in that world were all
there for the use and benefit of the narcissist and the narcissist
alone. So it then becomes clear why the narc just loves karma. The
fickle nature and application of karma will always be warped to fit
and fulfill the purposes of the narcissist and always pour
retribution on anyone the narc deems in need of it. But the narc is
delusional and even though they have enlisted flying monkeys that
were fed lies and disinformation the narc is in grievous error and
has placed themselves in a contest with the real God. So that narc,
thinking they have the universe and the world and karma on their side
has no idea of what they are up against and the danger they are in.
So then the narc unwittingly walks to a battle with the real God,
never having understood His patience and long suffering. That narc
never understood that there is a point of no return, an “age of
accountability”, a time when God's patience simply runs out and the
need to put an end to the narc's treachery is needed. Yes, the narc
is walking into a trap that they themselves have constructed. Yes
the narc's downfall will occur by their own hand. So the narc
is given a free pass. They assault a previous partner, make one
threat after another in an attempt to destroy that person, their
livelihood and their psychological stability. Yes, the narc may
actually even get a person close to ending it all. But the narc has
been given that free pass. They were given the gift of that victim
not seeking vengeance, they were given the gift of never having one
threat made against them. They were given the gift of no malice to
them, other than measures the victim had to take in self defense.
But instead of being grateful, the narc is proud of their own
treachery and is now fully convinced of their own invincibility.
They gloat about their superiority, but then something unfortunate
occurs. The victim doesn't just crawl in a hole and die. The victim
fights for their existence and then the supremacy of that narc and
their celebratory mood is reigned in and to the narc that tarnishes
their dark victory. This disturbs the narc greatly. Yes, that narc
can never be satisfied with victory and getting away with everything
and leaving that victim far worse off than they were before that narc
made their appearance. No the narc, being that they have appointed
themselves god and the person who makes the rules, decides that the
victim needs to have “karma” visit itself upon the victim. Yes,
that victim has to have further damage done to them. So flying
monkeys are groomed and everything at the narc's disposal is enlisted
to pulverize that victim and destroy everything that was rebuilt.
But the narc is in grievous error. God is watching and His patience
has come to an end and that narc is stepping into a trap that will
destroy them. But the narc is blind to all of that and marches to
their ruination with the self same arrogant swagger that they always
had every time they got away with their treachery. Yes, the narc
has overplayed their hand and is now up against the real God. Sadly,
no amount of warning will prevent the narc on their path of self
destruction. Yes ultimately the narc will feel the presence of the
real God, a God who was far more patient with them than they could
ever imagine. So when a potential flying monkey tells the
victim “karma is coming”, here is one response: Yes it is. The
victim leaves it in God's hands and the narc will eventually get
everything they deserve. The Bible calls this "you reap what you
sew". So when a narcissist viciously attacks and threatens a
person that just days previous they told "I love you" and
leaves that person's life broken into a million pieces, never having
any remorse whatsoever that narc may think "they won" and
got their revenge. That was revenge for a totally fabricated "wrong"
done to them. The narc may be convinced that their actions were
correct and justified. That narc may be convinced that the collateral
damage they suffered was their paying for any mistakes that they
made. But that narc is in error. Those vicious attacks and threats
were never yet even addressed by "Karma" as you say. So
then the narc ex teams up with another narc, a male “friend” that
suddenly appears out of nowhere and decides to strong-arm the female
narc's ex partner. Yes a "do-gooder", nothing more than a
weasel interloper Kowurt (letters chosen carefully) gets in the way
of two people who need resolution and thinks they are doing good for
"altruistic" reasons and makes threats to someone they
don't even know. That creates all sorts of unintended consequences.
But again the true victim is blamed and the weasel narc feels totally
justified. So here is the problem: both of those narcissists have set
themselves up for extremely negative "karma" (I will use
your term even though it is inaccurate) and think the fault lies with
the victim. The victim on the other hand has moved on, never even
making one ounce of effort to harm that narc or the weasel. Yes the
weasel was confronted for a man to man meeting, but he ran to the
police. So other than that the ex partner never made even one
threat. The victim has used their faith to overcome that need for
"getting even". But the narcs, being that they are a
narcissists, can't even fathom taking any personal responsibility for
anything, so when the narc's life takes a turn for the worse and the
repercussions for the abuse they heaped on the victim start "coming
home to roost", the narc automatically needs to once again blame
the victim. But that victim has left it all in God's hands and will
remain harmless. The narc that thinks they want another round will
destroy themselves. Why? Because "thinking themselves wise, they
became fools". "The fool sayeth in their heart there is no
God". " For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then
sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with
child; and they shall not escape." Just like the Pharaoh in the
ten commandments who refused to believe in God. That stiff-necked
attitude eventually hardened their heart and then God made His
presence felt. The narc of course will even then refuse to understand
that they are no longer fighting a battle against the victim/target,
but instead are coming face to face with the real God, the one and
only God. Good luck with that. By the way there is a way of tracing
every comment back to the commenter, especially when a carefully
selected series of "random comments" have been carefully
documented and chronicled. Yes threats on social sites are no longer
considered benign and the repercussions to those who think they are
anonymous will be felt, eventually. So yes the "knight in
shining armor" will be the one who does the bidding of a covert
narc and that covert narc will be miles away and totally disconnected
as her "savior" "helps" her. But "karma"
(your term) has a way of intervening in a very palpable way.
There is one additional thing to note and that is
that no victim should ever leave themselves vulnerable to attack and
they should always be willing and able to defend themselves if it is
necessary. Although this may not apply to us as individuals in our
present situation, never forget that God did command individuals and
groups of people to be aggressors in the past, but as victims we
should never ever consider anything but being defensive. Our goal is
to remain harmless, but be prepared if that narc thinks they will
encounter the same mild, ill prepared, naive person that they
originally decided was a good source of energy, a victim to suck dry.
Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be
with you.