The Crimes of the
Covert Narcissist: Numerous metaphors are used to describe
covert narcissists: demons, vampires, the embodiment of evil,
etcetera. The list goes on and these terms are appropriate as well
as useful in that they give insight into the type of creeps these
covert narcissists are below the surface. But what exactly are
these covert narcissists guilty of? What are their crimes, their
sins? Well part of the problem is that the covert narcissist is
covert, they are very adept at hiding their evil from others, even
those closest to them. Nothing is as it appears with a narcissist.
The narc may at times actually convince themselves that their fake
outer noble and positive persona is genuine, but that narc is usually
well aware of the game they are playing and the lies told to keep
everyone around them guessing, in the dark, and most importantly
under the narc's control. Yes, many an outsider can't fathom why the
target of a narc can't react to a breakup like everyone else. The
outrageous behavior of the narc and totally calloused and gleeful
approach they take by purposely doing emotional damage in that
seemingly normal breakup is known only to the victim. Outsiders are
told that the target is the crazy and irrational one and the cold
demeanor of the narc seems to show that the narc is in fact the
rational one. But again this is only what it appears to be on the
surface to those who have never conceived of the depths of depravity
that covert narcissists sink to. So what exactly and
precisely are those narcissists crimes? Well, before we engage in
this discussion let's take the advice of the Bible and look in the
mirror, realizing that it is far easier to spot the splinter in
another person's eye and be ignorant of the log in our own. Yes, the
target wasn't vigilant, was too willing to believe in the narc,
didn't scrutinize or simply believed in the good of that narc despite
the numerous verifiable lies that were told. Surely most of what
that narc was presenting to their confidant and best friend and
intimate partner was true, wasn't it? Well sadly, only later does
the target find out that no, almost everything that narc was
presenting to the target was a lie. The narc, their persona,
everything they said and did with regard to the victim, including
every promise made, every future event planned, and every commitment
made was mere posturing and game playing because that narc is the
epitome of a fake, phony, fraud. The poster child of charlatanism.
We tend to call the victim of the covert narcissist an em path and
that is a good description since it defines a person who does want to
put themselves in another person's shoes and understand. The narc,
of course is drawn to this and plays the perfect victim in the form
of the lost waif looking for a savior or the misunderstood rebel that
is really soft and vulnerable on the inside among many other ploys.
Yes, that feigned vulnerability and need to be understood draw the em
paths like flies. Of course the em path is not a perfect person as
the narcissist is quick to point out in the devaluation phase of the
relationship. Yes the em path's faults are embellished, fabricated,
magnified, even warped by that narc, and without a doubt some of the
narc's criticisms are spot on, but that is beside the point. The em
path is only a human being and flawed, just as every other human on
earth is, but that em path was genuine. That can never be said for
the narcissist. More importantly, the em path took many of those
criticisms to heart and tried to improve upon themselves. Why?
Because that em path actually took the relationship seriously and had
an actual goal of trying to build a harmonious, peaceful relationship
that could last a lifetime. Yes, people pleasing and putting up
with a partner's nasty behavior isn't necessarily the right thing to
do and that is one of the areas the em path failed. The greater
problem with the em path is that they simply couldn't get themselves
to heed the obvious red flags in their partner. That em path never
truly scrutinized the narc's inconsistent stories and brushed those
lies off as white lies. After all it became obvious very early on
that calling a narc out on their lies got them nowhere anyway. But
the em path chose to see only the good in that narc and chose to
believe in them. Yes, that was a function of love and love can be
and maybe even should be partially blind if two people are to ever
bond and get along peacefully. The problem was not expecting that
same leeway from the narc. But the em path's lack of scrutiny and
willingness to believe the narc early on was the major
miscalculation. Yes the em path's lack of scrutiny, wanting to
believe was a major blunder. But let's be clear, the narc purposely
hid all of their duplicity and treachery from the victim at the
beginning in the idealization phase and then slowly and purposefully
bound that target into their web of deception. No one could
blame the em path for lack of judgment once they were under the
spell of that narc's chicanery. In the middle of a relationship with
a covert narc the victim has been actively blinded and mesmerized and
at that point has lost the ability to discern the truth no matter how
increasingly obvious the narc's incontinence becomes. The signs of a
lack of love, a lack of loyalty, lack of commitment, a lack of any
empathy coming from the narc do hit that target in the head and get
their attention, but by then the fog and ambiguity and disorientation
prevent that victim from putting together the pieces or even focusing
to see things clearly. Now onto the covert narcissist and
their crimes and this ties directly in to the original point
concerning observations by outsiders that are convinced that the
target and not the narc are the irrational ones. Yes, many a victim
falls into the clutches of a narc and is convinced they are in a
normal relationship, especially when that concept of covert
narcissism is inconceivable. So that target loves that narc and has
made that lifetime commitment and believed that the narc's promises,
commitments and proclaimed love were just as genuine as their own.
No person dating in this day and age ever has 100 percent certainty
that a relationship will last forever and realistically speaking,
yes, two people can grow apart and part ways for almost any reason.
So, in theory a person could be in a relationship with a covert
narcissist, have a breakup and never realize that person they were
with was a narc. The problems occur when that narc shows their true
colors, drops their mask either deliberately or inadvertently and
decides that the previous partner needs to be suddenly and without
warning disposed of. This produces a shock to the partner and
disorientation, as well as a need to make sense of things, now that
the partner's whole world has been turned upside down. The narc
typically has already moved on and has no incentive whatsoever to
show any sympathy for the victim's plight. That ex partner is now
simply in the way and the questions that ex has are an inconvenience.
The next stage is when that narc actually purposefully emotionally
tortures their ex by design, with their new partner as a willing
accomplice. Yes, take a victim who has just suffered a major shock,
lost everything important to them and start playing games with a
person that is already on the edge. Compound all of that by
convincing everyone that the target is the one who was unhinged and
the abuser and that narc has literally sucked every ounce of energy
from that target and stolen it for themselves. So the narc's true
crimes, their sins start to become visible when we see the truth of
that relationship with the ex and the true nature of that discard and
how it was executed. Clearly observing that depraved way that narc
abused their ex brings to light the true extent and nature of that
narc's crimes. It would have taken minimal effort, just an ounce
of concern for someone other than themselves and a minimal amount of
effort for that narc to leave the relationship smoothly and enjoy the
new life that they had been cultivating and planning right under the
nose of their ex. But the very fact that the narc didn't even have a
minimal concern for a person they proclaimed to love just days
previous says volumes about the stark, soulless environment under the
skin of that ghoul. A person could be forgiven for not empathizing
with a stranger in a distant location, but how is it possible to not
have an ounce of concern for a previous “soul mate”? How is it
even conceivable that years of loyalty, as questionable as it was,
could suddenly be shifted to a complete stranger overnight? Yes
those judgmental outsiders would never believe the outrageous
scenario the narc put that former ex through. But let's look at
things from the narc's point of view, empathize so to speak. That
narc has a lack of empathy, no conscience and no remorse and the
argument can be made that for at least some narcissists that is just
how they were born. We know for many of these creeps they made an
active decision to live only for themselves and years of debauchery
made them lose whatever conscience they were born with. But let's
give the benefit of the doubt and call the narc a victim of genetics
and environment. Let's allow for the possibility that the narc is
not to blame for their lack of empathy and remorse and for not having
a conscience. Let's go one step further and allow the possibility
that the narc doesn't fully know that each and every fake
relationship they build is a fake. The reality is that most narcs do
know the game they are playing and never have any intention of doing
any more than extracting fuel from that target. Most narc's
knowingly deceive, but let's give the benefit of the doubt. So if
this narc was a victim who was born without the capacity to love or
have genuine concern for another human being they might be forgiven
for simply reaching out to another person for a relationship in
whatever capacity they can partake in it. No one could fault that
narc for seeking that relationship and not wanting to be alone. You
might even somehow make the point that a narc not being able to fully
comprehend the value of love, can't appreciate that love and
therefore is constantly searching for a the next relationship that
might produce contentment and joy and peace. OK, point made. So if
we follow that logic, we conclude that the narc should be left alone
since they never really meant any harm. But is that how it plays out
in the real world? Yes, that narc could go from relationship to
relationship, show a minimum of fake compassion and move on, but do
they? Unfortunately for the pile of victims in that narc's wake, no
they don't. That narc extracts everything from that relationship and
takes it all for themselves and the incredible negative impact, the
cost to their victims is multitudes greater than any small pleasure,
or benefit they get from shirking their responsibility as an adult in
a relationship they seek to exit. That narc refuses to honor the
debt, the responsibility they incurred by verbally and under false
pretense committing to a relationship. Yes a few grains of gain for
the narc cost the victim their entire existence. So that crime of
the narc becomes obvious. They don't have an ounce of concern for
anyone but themselves. Not an ounce of concern for a person they
purposely deceived and extracted a genuine relationship from. But
the crime goes further. It isn't enough the victim is destroyed.
The narc then in their own warped mind can't help themselves but to
self righteously deny that previous partner any answers and then
decides to even take advantage of that situation. They then flaunt
their new relationship and remove any last vestige of their previous
partner's self esteem and self confidence. So yes even if somehow
that narc is a narc through no fault of their own, that can never be
used as an excuse for the damage they do to others. That narc is an
adult human being and culpable for all of their actions towards
others. It isn't necessarily their narcissism that hangs the narc in
the end, it is how that narcissism, that cold hearted lack of concern
for anyone but themselves, plays itself out in other people's lives.
That is the narc's crime and it is inexcusable. That narc only puts
on an act of concern for others when it is to their advantage in the
idealization and mirroring phase. The true nature of the beast only
shows up when there is no longer any gain for the narcissist. How
foolish can a human being be to incur such a huge cosmic debt that
could have been totally avoided for a minimal outlay? Yes we are now
looking at a love relationship as simply a transaction with no
emotions attached to it. We are looking at a relationship in the
same detached coldness as a narcissist and even under these stark
conditions it is inconceivable that a person wouldn't have enough
sense to at least take into account that they will one day have to
pay for all of the evil and harm that they have done. That would
keep most people up at night. Yes we reap what we sow whether we
believe in God or not, because God does exist and is in control.
Yes that narc is a slave to sin, a greatly indebted
individual who has committed crimes that warrant a jail sentence and
public exposure and they go nowhere without always looking over their
shoulder. Yes the narc has a history, they have numerous sins and
those crimes follow the narc wherever that narc goes. The narc,
despite all of their denial is aware of those crimes. In many ways
the narc is actually proud of all that they have gotten away with,
but that is just the equivalent of whistling in the dark. Only
Jesus can take away that debt, can give that narc a chance to have
peace and joy and walk in the sun, no longer worrying about what is
in their past and with the ability to look forward to a bright
future. But a phony, patronizing, lying acknowledgment of “having
found God” with no evidence of anything but more lying and
deception shows that so called conversion to be yet another ruse in
an effort to manipulate. Targets victimized by narcs have a
responsibility to themselves to learn about narcissism and learn
about what made them vulnerable to narcissists. Yes sometimes
trusting others and assuming the best is the fool's way and it is the
target's responsibility to no longer be a fool. There is no need to
be paranoid and cynical and assume the worst of others, that is the
narc's way of looking at the world and that philosophy hardly
qualifies as wisdom. No, we continue to think the best of others,
but we will be aware and be more vigilant, and be less willing to
give away trust without doing our homework. Living in a dark world
where you always assume everyone is lying and has ulterior motives
may make you less vulnerable to being deceived, but looking at the
world in that warped way produces all sorts of other misconceptions
and in the end that person creates more problems for themselves than
they ever solved. We will leave that world view to the narcissist.
No wonder they are miserable people with no hope. It is the target's
responsibility to gain knowledge and understanding of covert
narcissism and see where they failed. The target does need to
understand their role in the dysfunction of the relationship while at
the same time realizing that the full culpability for the abuse in
that relationship rested solely on the shoulders of the narcissist.
Yes an informed victim does his or her homework and is amazed at how
they can learn to spot a liar. Those narcs go through every tell and
it is quite amusing to see someone lie in real time while you know
they are lying. Call the narc out on an obvious lie and they double
down, never admitting anything. No we won't be giving away what we
know to narcissists because they will simply try to find another way
to get around the “tells”. Public agencies have decoded lying
and that information is available. Continuous vigilance and scrutiny
in an effort to discern fact from fiction in our everyday lives is no
longer an issue for the informed target, since we will be avoiding
narcissists in the future. But we will make it a point to be more
aware in our dealings with all people. We will, however, never lose
our optimism, or our belief that many people are good and have good
intentions that are genuine. So what is the chief crime of the
narcissist? Not caring about anyone but themselves and being selfish
to such a depraved level that it would boggle the average person's
mind. All of the narc's evil actions stem from that lack of concern,
lack of even the slightest concern about others. The average person
can't conceive of the moral corruption that lurks in that narc's
psyche and that is what allows narcs to ply their trade covertly and
allows them to convince others that the victim is the person in the
wrong. We know better. Thank you for watching. Comments
are welcomed. Peace be with you. Take
Note: Covert Narcissism is real, it exists. It's a fact of life
that these people are roaming free in open society. There can never
be a law against narcissism, because the covert narc is usually very
careful in the way they abuse. Only when the narc is under pressure
do they place themselves in potential legal jeopardy. It is the
victim/target's most important task to not give the narc anything
“to work with”. That narc will twist everything the ex partner
does and make that person appear to be the perpetrator. The take
away is this: Once you know you have been dealing with a covert
narcissist partner NEVER EVER trust these people again or make
yourself vulnerable. Not emotionally, not legally, not financially.
Any potential “reform” in a situation where there might be an
obligation on the victim's part to resume a relationship means that
trust will need to be earned by that narc over years and possibly
decades. But who would ever want to live that way? Yes covert
narcissism is a fact of life but many will never believe. All we can
do is warn people and create awareness.