Are there Too Many Narcissist Abuse
Videos that all Say the Same Thing? A commenter posted a
concern on one of my narcissist abuse videos entitled “The Goal of
No Contact for the Discarded Victim: The Narc Must Be Dead to You”
The video was apparently boring with nothing new to say. It nearly
put this person to sleep. Yes, it seems that people are just jumping
on the bandwagon and making videos to get viewership by covering a
popular subject. Yes all of those videos go over the same material
again and again. Now of course that commenter couldn't have possibly
been someone that I know that doesn't appreciate me sharing my
personal experiences. No they couldn't have possibly been a
narcopath themselves. I'll give that person the benefit of the
doubt. Maybe they were just being sincere. OK. It is just
coincidence that they had absolutely nothing of any value to say and
it was all negative. But I will allow you to judge that for
yourself. The post is contained in the above mentioned video. The
commenter has the option of removing that post as well as the
conversation line containing my responses. My hope is that they
leave the posts. That person has the right to their opinion. When
asked to identify themselves as a narc or a narc abuse victim the
conversation ended. So anyway was this person making a
valid point? I tried to explain that each and every narc abuse video
available on YouTube has its own unique perspective simply because
each person making those videos is a unique individual that has had a
unique experience. But the conversation went nowhere. Still was
this person's argument valid? Not from my perspective or the
perspective of the multitude of narc abuse survivors that I have
personally had conversations with. But the point is missed by this
person who seems to know everything that has already been presented
by the numerous videos already available. Yes this person wants
something “fresh” and “new”. Well good for them. But since
when were narc survivors watching narc abuse videos for entertainment
or to get cutting edge knowledge of covert narcissism? Most people
just need to get a basic clear understanding of what covert
narcissism is. Maybe this person had a detached but genuine
curiosity. But if that person is really that interested in studying
covert narcissism there is plenty of literature available that will
go into far more depth and detail. The DSM, numerous peer reviewed
journals, and innumerable books on narcissism are available just to
name a few sources. Let that person study. Let them search and find
the material not covered before. Then that person could make
constructive suggestions. That would be helpful. Yes the argument
that this person is watching to get something new and different could
possibly be valid, but think about the subject matter. You have to
remember that covert narcissists aren't complicated people. These
narcs are actually very shallow human beings, all reading from a
similar playbook, although they exhibit this behavior for many
different causes. It is the inconceivable evil and irrational
motivation of these narcissists that is very difficult for people to
understand, so repetition is absolutely essential. Most
people watch narc abuse videos for one reason and one reason alone.
To get answers. Those answers are needed for the victim to put
themselves together, to heal, to understand. NO new or fresh
information on the subject of covert narcissism is required for that
healing process to occur. But many different perspectives are
necessary and needed for that person to get the information in the
form that they can personally understand. After narc abuse the
victim is devastated and has no idea what just happened to them.
Many seek answers on their own and eventually are able to identify
their ex as a covert narcissist. The paralyzed and nearly catatonic
victim can barely function and one source of help is binging on the
wide variety of narc abuse videos out there. My story of eating
virtually nothing for 6 months is nothing new and the only thing that
kept me going was hours upon hours of listening to the accounts of
others. Those numerous videos made by numerous people from numerous
perspectives in many different styles validated both the fact that
the abuse I had suffered was real and validated that there was
something very wrong with my ex partner. Yes many an abuse victim
has been so psychologically abused and deliberately gaslit to the
point of not even knowing what is real or fantasy. Many of these
victims actually believe that they are to blame for it all. So
repetition is needed and over time that victim finally understands.
The very fact that someone is bored by the so called same information
casts doubt on their victim status, but again, the conversation ended
before any clarification was made. My original intent
was to incorporate the first comment and my response on this video,
but I will instead leave that conversation line in the hands of that
person to do with as they please.
Going over the the same old details
and descriptions of narcissists does seem like beating a dead horse.
But for the narc abuse victim that is trying to understand what
happened to them it’s absolutely essential to get this information.
Repetition form every angle is essential and needed because it
allows the irrational and nonsensical behavior of the covert
narcissist that is unbelievable and inconceivable to finally be
believed by the victim. Yes, the counterintuitive and destructive as
well as nonproductive thought processes and motivational forces
inside of the covert narcissist are not easily understood or even
believable to the average person. The stark barren landscape inside
that covert narcissist is frightening and takes your breath away and
this is compounded many times over when the victim realizes that this
is what was going on inside their ex partner's head all the while and
they were totally unaware of it. The concept of someone
taking on false personas and tailoring different personalities to
different people and different situations is a story that takes many
tellings to even be plausible. The duplicity, the treachery, the
lying, the theft, the lack of conscience, remorse and empathy are not
easy for someone to imagine possible. The wanton cruelty of the
covert narc and the glee they have in bringing their previous soul
mates to the edge is mind boggling. So the more people that give
their unique experiences and perspectives the better. Only
narcissists themselves want there to be a limit on the information.
Most people spend a lifetime trying to cultivate functional behavior
and become more mature and capable over time, so the concept of a
person who cultivates and thrives on irrationality doesn't even make
sense. It is literally unbelievable, but that doesn't mean it isn't
true. It is true and the numerous accounts about these narcopathic
creeps make covert narcissism an undeniable fact. Yes, the covert
narc would be more than happy to have covert narcissism debunked and
turned into a myth, a trope. Yes that narc would like nothing better
than to twist reality and make all of those victims the crazy ones.
But knowledge neutralizes the narc's power and the more of the same
knowledge the better.
So those myriad of experiences shared as videos are a treasure
trove, a God send, medicine to the recently discarded and vandalized
narc abuse victim. I remember one anecdotal story that was
particularly poignant to me at the time. I’m not 100% clear on
the details or even who made these videos but it was a woman talking
about a narcissist who had just flown to a distant city, will call it
Chicago, and then had somebody pick them up at the airport on their
return. The narcissist claimed they had just come from Los Angeles.
However, it was clear that they had actually just arrived from
Chicago. The baggage was claimed from a Chicago flight and all of
the tags on that suitcase indicated that the flight that this person
was on came from Chicago. So when the person was confronted with
these facts, the obvious things that were clearly visible, such as
those tags on the luggage, they doubled and triple down on their lie
that they had been to Los Angeles. That narc started making up more
detailed lies about having been to LA in the face of obvious facts.
This very anecdote cleared up all of the doubts I had had about the
numerous questionable and fanciful tales that my ex insisted were
Yes, the average person could never conceive of somebody being such a lying duplicitous sack of filth that they would hold onto a lie even in the face of obvious facts that were clearly visible and totally contradicted everything the narc was saying. That nugget of information played itself out multiple times when the narc revisited me. I showed that narc incontrovertible evidence that what they were saying was false and they doubled down without batting and eye. Yes that narc gave me two occasions to watch a liar in action and just to be sure I did question them and true to form that narc doubled down on their deception. Carefully observing and testing the validity of this bizarre pathological lying confirmed everything. Sure enough that narc even when confronted with the truth refused to admit to it. In fact, they even embellished the lie further.
Yes another presentation describing the incredible cruelty and depraved indifference of an ex narcopathic girlfriend gave me keen insight and confirmed further suspicions I had had about that narc ex having zero empathy or concern or loyalty to me. Yes, my worst suspicions were confirmed. As unbelievable as it was to me at the time those accounts made it clear that narcopaths don't care about or love anyone but themselves.
Yes some people's presentations were long winded but to a person who was barely hanging on and searching for wisdom it was like panning for gold and oftentimes the patience was paid off with great nuggets of wisdom hidden inside that jargon. The jargon of a victim who had walked the path and was far further along the journey of recovery than I. Every now and then those nuggets of wisdom were custom-made for the my particular situation. That victim had experienced what I had experienced and the insight shared was invaluable. The answers revealed by some of those personal videos made all of the difference. Those nuggets of wisdom give the victim a foothold, a grasp on reality again, allowing that victim to pull themselves a little further out of the deep hole that narc put them in.
It goes without saying that narcopaths think there are too many videos on covert narcissism. Yes, those narcs think a handful of videos are enough since as far as the narc is concerned and according to the narc each and every video is covering the same ground. But is that really the narcopaths concern? Are they really trying to be helpful? Of course not. The narc's real goal is to stop the conversation, to shut it down. To stop the exposure of their kind. That possible narcopth might think they are making a good argument about there being too many videos that all cover the same ground. Yes, that might make sense and be a logical argument for a narcopath, but the victim has a very different point of view. They need answers and the greater the variety the more numerous the perspectives the better. Victims take years and possibly decades to overcome the overwhelming and comprehensive abuse and damage the narcopath does to them on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level, not to mention the possibility of the lingering effects of physical abuse. So narcs and curiosity seekers who aren't narc abuse victims see no point whatsoever in all of these videos being made. Only an uninformed person or a covert narcissist who could never understand would come to the conclusion that these videos are being made solely to seek popularity. The damage these narcopathic creeps do is real and runs deep and it is the victim's primary objective to stay as positive and as productive as possible in an effort to diffuse and eventually eliminate all of the deep seated hostility and toxicity the narc gifted them with. Yes not seeking an eye for and eye, and resisting the urge to respond in kind is a very difficult task and that requires knowledge and work and study. That victim seeks to heal themselves without doing what comes naturally in the form of seeking revenge. That is the mine field that the narc has left their victim in and many a victim blows themselves up trying to make the narc pay. The path to mental and emotional health as well as spiritual health is to leave that narc to their own peril and walk away. Other victim's accounts in the form of video presentations can be helpful in showing how that seemingly impossible task can be achieved. Each and every victim that has walked that path has done it in their own way and therefore each and every video is unique and helpful to certain people. Yes covert narcissists all act the same and the descriptions of these sacks of filth can be uninteresting, even boring, but the victims who have overcome the abuse of these creeps have stories and solutions and descriptions of covert narcissists that are infinitely interesting and each viewpoint is worth listening to. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.