What Will Become of the Covert
Narcissist After They Leave? What will become
of the covert narcissist after they leave? Well, many a victimized
target who had just about every conceivable form of abuse, fraud,
and treachery committed against them has a very good idea of what
they would like to happen. Yes that target has extremely strong
opinions about what should happen to that narc. Mostly the target
wants that narc to receive payback. The target wants the narc to
experience all of the pain and suffering that that narcopath served
out with such calloused indifference to other people. With interest.
But what does the target observe? It seems that the narc gets off
mostly scot free and is even rewarded for the evil they perpetrated.
So that target has the urge to settle the score, the urge to seek
vengeance. But this is the target's initial response. It is
understandable. Later, the paradigm changes for the target when they
have healed, especially if they have had the good fortune to rebuild
and replaced all that was lost. Yes eventually the anger fades and
we feel bad for these creeps. After all, nothing genuinely good will
ever come of any of that narc's evil actions. They sowed the wind
and that means a whirlwind will eventually head their way. But that
is later. It's almost a foregone conclusion that the narc will have
travail. There will be nothing the narc can do about that. That
narc squandered their opportunity. But it's in the target's hands to
not suffer the same fate. In the early stages of the
target's awakening and realization, before that target can envisage
recovery, even if that target does attempt to give the narc a dose of
their own medicine, that retribution will rarely come close to the
degree of damage that the narc did to them. The target would never
go as low as the typical cheap and filthy narcopath, who has no
boundaries. In the end anything that target does “to get even”
will only serve to justify the narc's false pretense of that target
being the unstable abuser. Ultimately, whatever temporary
satisfaction that target gets from giving the narc a dose of their
own medicine will just end up lessening the narc's culpability and
debt that they owe. Yes, there are long term implications for the
target if they do succeed in evening the score in the form of
personal guilt and remorse. That target may well be able to unleash
a psychological firestorm against the narc and get away with all of
it. But there is a God and He sees all and knows all and has highly
detailed knowledge of what motivated that target to behave the way
they did. Yes that target was instructed by God to “stand down”
and let the Almighty handle things. There are consequences to not
obeying that command. So “getting away with” and succeeding in
giving that narc a dose of their own medicine may give temporary
satisfaction. But guilt and remorse and a fear of the Lord will
carry on as long term consequences for that target. The
key difference between the target and the narc during the
relationship was that the target had genuine love and made a genuine
commitment to the narcopath, in stark contrast to the narc, who was
never serious and was only putting on an act. But long term, after
the relationship ends and the target begins learning what happened to
them and understanding the fraud perpetrated against them, the focus
shifts to other differences between the target and that narc. Yes,
we are assuming that the target actually does have empathy and does
have a conscience, regardless of their belief in a higher power. But
for the believer, the fear of the Lord and the awareness of His
presence is the clincher that eventually means the believer is given
stern warnings to “leave things be”. Yes, God does communicate
with the believer, not audibly but through circumstances that govern
a believer's thoughts and behavior. But that is a subject for
another day. The bottom line is that the target and the narc live
in two different universes, even though the narc's phony persona made
the target believe there was much in common. The key
difference that needs to be focused on in this discussion is
conscience and remorse. No we won't be discussing the false piety of
a so called religious narcopath. The narc's faith is a joke, since
the narc has no more genuine belief in or respect for God than they
had genuine love or respect for their partner. Instead we focus on
the narc's lack of conscience and lack of feelings of remorse. The
lack of those key items creates a chasm which separates imperfect
people who strive to be good from people who are evil and are simply
interested in making sure they preserve their own public reputation.
Yes the narc's lack of conscience and remorse gives them license to
do almost anything they can get away with. On the other
hand, the target does have a conscience and does feel remorse and
those two critical attributes weigh down the target with guilt. That
governs the target's actions. How? Guilt is a painful emotion and
a strong motivator. Guilt provides painful lessons that teach that
target never to transgress again, because they want to avoid that
guilt at all costs. Yes, the fear of having to endure the pain of
guilt again is a huge deterrent. If the lessons aren't learned the
first time, the situation gets worse and eventually that target “gets
it”, receives the message and listens. Yes those transgressions by
the target could be telling half truths, lying, or stealing just to
give a few examples. Make no mistake, that target is a mere human
being. They don't walk on water. Yes, some of the more minor
transgressions the narc has repeatedly done throughout their lives
may have been briefly contemplated or even done by a target as well.
But the target learned. They thought deeply about what they did and
suffered the consequences. No matter how similar the external
actions of the target and the narc the big difference is in the
motivations, in the internal workings of the narc's warped mind. The
narc's disrespectful, haughty, self entitled false grandiosity is an
attitude forged in an environment devoid of any conscience. That is
why those creeps are habitual offenders, habitual abusers, habitual
destroyers, habitual perpetrators. In a real sense conscience
and remorse are the key items that straightened out the target's
crooked ways and thought processes and attitudes. They allowed that
target to learn lessons from life and mature. The abuse that the
narc perpetrated and the realization of the fraud that narc committed
presents the target with a huge challenge that will require every
ounce of whatever maturity life has taught them. Yes that target is
a human being, not a saint, and treachery at the level that narc
committed against them creates a fertile environment for dark
thoughts. Yes when a person we loved and trusted and would give our
lives for returns all of our best intentions with unjustified evil,
that creates a potentially explosive environment. Yes in the direct
aftermath of the discard when that narc is gloating and jeering in
tandem with their new partner most targets are blindsided. They
haven't got a clue as to what kind of demon they were dealing with in
that narcopath of theirs. Yes, initially the target believes
that somehow that narcopath is justified in all that they are doing.
But the flaw in that logic is that the target actually thinks that
narc to be someone with a moral compass, a person that thinks
logically and with reason. In the aftermath of the discard, that
target still thought of their ex partner as someone who believed in
the importance of being good and doing the right thing, regardless of
how flawed they were in the execution of their intentions. But no
that isn't what was going on. That partner was a narcopath and they
saw nothing wrong at all with being evil. Any regard that narc had
for the feelings of their ex partner was simply motivated by making a
smooth transition to a new partner or preserving their public image.
Away from public view, that narc and weasel partner of theirs showed
their true colors, displaying a pathologically depraved lack of
empathy and ruthless lack of remorse simply because they knew they
could get away with it. Yes, the narc and their new partner knew
they could get away with it, so why not do it. Thankfully the
target's realization of the truth behind those treacherous actions
comes later. Yes that revelation of the enormous scope of the fraud
and treachery that narc perpetrated can conjure up demons of
hostility and vengeance and a need to settle the score, but those
feelings of vengeance are out of place for a person who has spent
their lives heeding their conscience and trying to do the right
thing. Yes those thoughts of wanting to give the narc some of their
own medicine are powerful, almost overwhelming. It requires every
ounce of what life has taught the target to vanquish those thoughts.
Yes, that target made the decision long ago to do their best and do
what was right and the narc tested the strength of those convictions.
Yes the target could be forgiven for crossing the line and engaging
in gaslighting and treachery and deception that would throw that
narc into a tailspin, but the target might never be able to forgive
themselves. Yes guilt is painful and the worse we fail in doing what
is right the greater the intensity and duration of the painful
consequences. But not acting on those impulses gives no immediate
relief. Those benefits come later and the objective for the
victimized target is to come out of the abuse with no second
thoughts. Yes the goal is to disentangle ourselves and never look
back at what we should or should not have done immediately after that
narc committed their act of treachery and destroyed our lives.
There was no logic or reason for the victim to “stand
down”, it was counter-intuitive, it made no sense. There was no
satisfaction in “walking away” and remaining as harmless as
possible. But the long term benefits are undeniable. You can't put
a price on a clean conscience. It is inestimable. It eventually
allows that target to make a clean break from the past and neutralize
almost all of the effects of the abuse. Don't misunderstand, that
target isn't expected to be a saint. Absolutely the target should
forgive themselves for not being perfect and having said and done
some minor things that were in effect harmless compared to the
massive destruction the narc was actively and purposefully
inflicting. But when no major damage is done by that target that pays
huge dividends in the target's future and has huge implications for
the narc as well. Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel said it best: You
can take things into your own hands, or you can leave the situation
in God's hands and have a much better outcome. We will
most likely never know what becomes of the narc if they have cut all
ties with us, or maybe the news of their fate will come our way
through no effort of our own. But in the end there will be no
pleasure knowing that the narc did actually pay a heavy price and
suffer deeply. It will be sad. There will be no gratification or
fulfillment in knowing that the narc is suffering at all. Reports of
the narc's tribulation won't be celebrated by the target, but instead
that empathetic target that has healed focuses on themselves and
examines their own culpability in the situation. No, that target
doesn't want the responsibility of having taken part in making
another person suffer or setting that person down the path of
destruction. The target's actions, no matter what they were during
the revelation of the narc's treachery was all about wanting to
understand and wanting resolution and wanting a clean cut if that is
what the narcopath wanted. But that narcopath wasn't a partner at
all. That narc wasn't an advocate, they weren't on our side, they
weren't on our team. That narc never loved us or cared about us,
they simply used us. The narc was never actually our
friend and because of their own individual treachery that narc
trusted no one. That narc's jaded world view and assumption that it
was a dog eat dog world meant that they never understood the real
meaning or value of love and friendship. The result was the narc
themselves interpreting everything through their own warped point of
view. They were untrustworthy, they were no one's friend, they were
treacherous and therefore they judged others to be the same as
themselves. You could rightfully call that narc's extreme inability
to trust others paranoia. Yes the target's actions in the face of
the narc's treachery and betrayal were all about that target not
wanting to believe their partner was capable of this level of
malevolence. The answers were sought by the target for good reason.
The target wanted to know what they had done wrong to deserve the
treatment the narc gave them. The target wanted to understand and
justify the narc's actions and words and behavior. The target simply
wanted to make sense of things, learn and hopefully move on.
The target wasn't motivated by malevolence. Yes there was
incredible disappointment and anger at the betrayal. But the
motivation for the target was to understand and lessen the pain
caused by the seeming treachery and clear the confusion that resulted
from the narc's inexplicable behavior. It was all about wanting to
repair or end a relationship in a way that honored the years spent
together. But the narc saw it all as a person wanting to harm them.
After all the narc was always emotionally divorced from their
previous partner, so when that narc decided to seek out a new partner
they saw no need to expend unnecessary energy on the no longer wanted
relationship. Somehow, because the narc was ready for a change of
scenery that warped narco pathic freak believed, or at least made
themselves believe, that the target was just as much a mercenary in
that relationship as they were. Yes, because the narc was only
putting on an act and was never a genuine partner they could never
understand why a relationship can't be turned off like a light
switch. That narc saw being a friend as simply acting like being a
friend and that false pretense of being a friend to someone could be
shifted to being that same person's enemy on the turn of a dime. So
the narc assumed that the same was possible for the target. No that
isn't how it works. Love is real, commitment is real, friendship is
real and those attributes have tangible manifestations. Those
attributes aren't turned off suddenly and they have great value when
someone bestows them upon us. Yes the narc somehow saw wisdom
in the saying “I can be your best friend or your worst enemy”.
Yes that statement speaks for itself doesn't it. It's a rare display
of candor by the narc even though the narc doesn't even realize it.
No, if you are someone's friend, a true friend you will never be
capable of being their enemy, unless they were a narcopath. Yes
the narc is the exception, they deserve to be the enemy of every
single person they betray. But most people aren't narco paths. Most
people want to be able to live with themselves. So they go on with
their lives and ultimately pity the twisted sick narcopath. It's far
better than harboring resentment and anger and hostility. No we go
on with our lives and seek the company of a better class of person to
spend our time with. In the end we were saved from ourselves and the
upgrade is very much appreciated. Yes a quality life can be lived
when another person cares about us and supports us and is genuinely
appreciative of us and values us for who we are. No, love,
commitment, and friendship when genuine, aren't turned off like a
light switch. Instead they can be relied upon and in the midst of
the greatest adversity, even when two genuine partners have major
disagreements. Yes love, friendship, and commitment still play a
huge role when two people come to the sad conclusion that they can't
make the relationship work. Yes maybe one partner wants the
relationship, but they realize they will never be able to give the
other partner what they are looking for, so they let go. But they
were allowed the chance to meet those expectations by a partner that
at least honored the commitment of that relationship. Even if the
dissatisfied partner's love may have been lacking in it's strength,
it was still there. But in the end no one wants to live with a
partner that can't be satisfied. There can be a debate about if
those expectations were realistic or not, but ultimately the
partner who thinks they need to leave is allowed that freedom. Yes
let that partner go on to what they see as greener pastures to their
benefit or to their detriment. The key is that it isn't the problem
of the partner that was left behind. For example, maybe the finances
weren't enough. OK, if that is what made the partner leave so be it,
that is their problem. That is on them. Lets be clear no
relationship ends without pain and suffering, but the important thing
is for both partners to try and dissolve things in a way that creates
minimal damage. Unfortunately many relationships with two genuine
partners can end in acrimony. That is just human nature. But the
narcopath sets themselves apart in the way they end a relationship
and in this process, the narc's lack of love, friendship and
commitment become fully revealed. No it isn't normal when the
person you rely on as a shelter from the harsh world suddenly becomes
the person who wants to harm you in any way possible. That is
rightfully called bizarre and crazy behavior. So the sane
victim of this ruse by the narcopath is faced with an emotional storm
of chaos and confusion and the only person who could possibly get
them out of the situation is the person who has now made themselves
our enemy and is gleefully watching our world fall to pieces. With
their sudden new partner, no less. So under no circumstances should
that target have any regrets about having sought answers. Under no
circumstances should the target feel bad about having wanted to seek
vengeance. Hopefully the target did the bare minimum to try to even
the score. Maybe there was no wisdom and no satisfaction in walking
away at the time. We couldn't see any of the benefits at the time.
We saw only our own pain and the destruction that narc caused. We saw
only that narc's incredible arrogance and treachery. That narc
seemed bulletproof, and being that they never loved us they had
nothing “to get over”, did they? Yes that narc got
their new relationship immediately, no looking back, no obligation
whatsoever to the partner they spent years with and faked the
planning of the rest of their lives with. But that was then. What
about that narco paths situation years later? Well for the target
it may well be unknown, but more importantly it is irrelevant. Yes
the target moved on and has only their own role in that relationship
to think about. Yes that target made the mistake of having a
relationship with a narcopath and being unaware. But the target
forgives themselves and hopes that God forgives them as well.
Premarital sex, which is now the norm, creates great risk. Many
people, even in the face of not waiting for marriage do get lucky and
meet a good partner, but those unfortunate enough to have encountered
a narc need to think twice before they ever break that rule set up by
God for a reason. Yes the target was punished, especially if they
believed themselves to be a Christian. But even the secular target
would have been well served to “take it slow”, because no covert
narc will want to delay gratification and that means we are free of
those covert creeps before we ever make ourselves fully vulnerable to
them. Yes that narc wasted years of our lives, years that we could
have taken to cultivate a relationship with a genuine partner who saw
something special in us and was more than willing to delay
gratification. Yes, the target may well have found themselves again
and put themselves back together, and that has made the narc's fate a
moot point. But there was love for that person, there is a
responsibility felt for that person simply because the target did
invest themselves and try to have a positive impact. That target in
the end will not be celebrating the adversity of the narcopath, they
will instead hope that they didn't have any part in sending the narc
down that path of destruction. That is where the “not acting in
kind” steps in. Knowing that we didn't seek to add to that narc's
misery at a time when our emotions told us to serve retribution will
be a great source of comfort and justify our own current belief that
we deserve a new healthy relationship. In addition, we remember that
we never stopped caring while in the relationship with the narcopath.
We tried to inspire them. We tried to be a positive force. We
tried to point out and make the narc aware of a life that didn't need
to be lived in the darkness and shadows. We took a deep interest in
that flawed and injured person and tried to make a difference.
Yes it's sad when a narc finally hits that brick wall and their
world is destroyed in the same way they actively destroyed the world
of other people. But the narc did that to themselves. They had it
all. They had stability and love and a real tangible bright future
with a person who would have accepted them for who and what they
were. They had respect and they were actually, despite their lack of
genuine intentions, making a real difference. No they will never
reach the heights or recreate what they had in the past and that
alone will gnaw at them. Such is the fate of a narc who ran out of
second chances, played a bad hand and had their bluff called. Then
payment was due. A person who is on the downturn, growing older and
becoming lesser as every day goes by. Well that narc's actions
against us are a millstone around their neck, one of dozens of
millstones they have accumulated during the course of their lives.
Your retribution in the aftermath of the treachery would have
lightened that narc's load. The narc acting like a human being and
treating the discarded partner with respect and giving closure would
have lightened their load. Yes giving retribution would have
produced some relief and satisfaction, but that would have been short
lived. Not giving retribution at the time gives huge benefits to
the target years later. Let's be clear and repeat: There was
nothing wrong with standing up for ourselves and acting in our own
defense. There was nothing wrong, in the midst of the incredible
treachery and abuse for drawing and enforcing a “red line” that
would not be crossed by the narc or their weasel partner. No regrets
for that. Yes standing up to people who capitalized on and took
advantage of your misfortune and vulnerability after incredible
emotional abuse was the one thing that needed to be done to get
yourself back. But that wasn't retribution, it was self defense and
putting an end to the abuse. It was standing up for yourself. It
was the beginning of your awakening. To covert narcissism. It was
the beginning of getting all of the incredibly important answers that
would eventually lead to your full recovery. So what will
become of the narc after their departure? Do you really think that
creep will ever be happy and content and find true love? Do you
really think that no matter where they live, how much money they
have, how many possessions they have, no matter where they live they
will ever have inner peace? They robbed the target of everything and
now that narc thinks they deserve all of the good things this world
has to offer. But is that realistic? After all that they did and
walked away from? Yes we here about the criminals, ranging from
white collar Ponzi schemers to low life thugs living off of their ill
gotten gains, but are these people icons of success? Only on the
outside. Of course we know that eventually most of these creeps do
get caught. So will the narc...eventually. The narc knows that and
is always “looking over their shoulders”. Mostly for what they
might call “Karma”, since the targets have moved on. But the
narc is paranoid and maybe even rightfully so, because those
millstones are a weight upon them. Yes paranoia may well eventually
slowly destroy that narc no matter what there financial status, where
they live, or who they are with. You were there for the narc,
you were ready to forgive. You were ready to send them off with the
hopes that they would finally be happy, despite your own
disappointment and anger. You wanted resolution for yourself and
what the narc never saw is that you wanted resolution for them as
well. Yes that narc may have found happiness, joy, peace and
contentment if THEY did the right thing. But they didn't. Hopefully
the target did the best they could to do what was right and that
means the target has the possibility of true joy, happiness, peace
and contentment. So that target, if they play their cards right and
don't seek retribution will have no second thoughts. They won't be
second guessing themselves or be plagued by a guilty conscience and
pangs of remorse. They will feel no responsibility whatsoever for
what becomes of that narc, no matter how sad the outcome, or how good
for that matter. The narc made their decision and there was no
stopping them. They made their bed and now they sleep in it. That
narc is looking over their shoulders even though the target will
never be there, but the consequences of evil actions will. The target
is off the hook because they were ready to take responsibility, ready
to resolve the issues and allow both partners to move on. But the
narc had a different way of handling the situation and because of
that has those millstones around their neck. Baggage that they take
with them wherever they go. They always talked about carrying around
other people's baggage. Sure. That narc never had the capacity to
carry other people's burdens and baggage. They have way too much of
their own. The phony narc only pretended to be carrying
other people's baggage, when in reality they were abusing, stealing,
lying, cheating, victimizing, and only pretending to be a loyal
friend and partner who cared and carried our burdens. Yes they call
the problems normal people face that can be benefited by a partner's
assistance baggage. No matter. The narc was only ever in it for
themselves. They carried nothing for no one with the exception of
the support they gave their own children. We will give them that and
only that. But even that was in its own way selfish, and not at the
level it could have been. So good luck to the narc. Their fate is
not our problem or concern. But a healed target will be saddened by
that narc's adversity and misfortune anyway. If the narc is doing
well, fine. Maybe they changed, as unlikely as that is. Either way
the target will never feel responsibility for the bad or take credit
for the good in the narc's future life, because the narc did things
in a way that took everything out of that target's hands. The healed
target has erased that narc and gets no benefit out of revisiting
that painful past with the narcopath and therefore would prefer never
to know any details whatsoever. No, that narc's misery gives the
target no pleasure and their so called happiness and success is just
fine with that target. Good for the narc. But the real world
doesn't reward evil creeps forever and hopefully that narc has
finally sobered up and realized they are out of second chances. Yes
good luck to them. Remember this: When the thought of that narc
and the relationship with them makes you nearly sick to your stomach,
you know you have made huge progress. When the mere thought of that
narc makes you immediately switch to another thought, on any other
subject, you are close to fully healed. Yes, we dwell on things that
make us happy and hopeful and give us faith in life and in the future
and the thought of that narc just sucks all of the light and energy
right out of our lives. We don't need that. Thank you for
watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with
you. Published End
Comments: There are people in this world
that have dedicated themselves to being arrogant boastful sacks of
filth. They never learn, they never reform, they never change.
Instead they double down. They see their arrogance as self
confidence and something for others to respect and admire when in
reality this attitude stinks to high heaven and is anything but
admirable. They mock what is good and because they have no seeming
repercussions their evil continually increases. They seem
untouchable and it’s hard to imagine that people can go through
life and never be humbled . Nevertheless those people do exist.
The average person wants no part of these creeps and actively
avoids any relationship with them whatsoever. But when the covert
narcissist entered our lives we had no idea we were doing just that:
bringing a malevolent wrongdoer into our lives and allowing them full
access to all that we were and all that we owned.No more. We have no obligation to try to communicate with these people or try to do anything at all to help them because we’ve already gone down that road and saw that it made no difference.
Yes the target has every right to move on and never look back. The target has every right to genuine relationship with a quality person. No regrets. That genuine relationship will restore the target's faith in the human race minute by minute, day by day.
It isn’t our responsibility to help
someone who doesn’t want help, even though we see that they’re
destroying themselves. Yes the covert narcissist is a loser
regardless of their financial and social success. But they’ll
find that out later because, of course, nothing we ever told them had
any impact on them whatsoever. Yes evil people exist.
The target learned that. But good people exist as well and the right
partner will confirm that without a
doubt. Original End
Comments: Remember that although the target might have
contemplated doing some of the minor things that a covert narcissist
actually did, the majority of what that narc has done in their life
is something the average person would have never even given
consideration to. Yes, most of the evil that a covert narcissist
does is the product of their uniquely warped brain. That distorted
thought process has environmental and genetic causes, but ultimately
it is the choices the narc made themselves that created the person we
encounter that we view as a sane adult.
That narc may well be a victim of a poor childhood environment.
Yes either neglect or excessive unmerited praise could have warped
that narc's world view and magnified that narc's sense of entitlement
along with excessive expectations of having things their own way.
That narc may have been born with a low capacity to feel guilt or
remorse or empathy and no we can't blame someone for their genetics.
But that the narc is fully responsible for what they did with the
poor hand they were dealt.You could say there is a fork in the road at a certain point in some people's lives and at that juncture those people need to decide if they will continue to do the wrong thing or make a decision to do the right thing instead. Yes even the most reprobate covert narcissist was a child once and did have at least some innocence. At every juncture that narc decided to do what was wrong and those poor decisions destroyed whatever small amount of conscience that the narc was born with. But more importantly the destruction of that conscience took that narc down the path to increasingly more corrupt, degenerate, and debased behavior. Every transgression made the next greater transgression easier to do without a second thought. Every lie made the next greater lie easier to construct and maintain. Those immoral and profligate behaviors and attitudes created an internal mental environment that aided and abetted every other form of new debauchery. So in the end that narc that narc created themselves. Things could have been different. Yes if you could look back to the covert narcissist's childhood you would see multiple instances where the narc not only had the opportunity to do the right thing, it would have been easy for them to do the right thing. Yes there were multiple chances to change the course of their destiny and at each and every opportunity that narc actively decided to do wrong. Because they could and could get away with it. Yes that is sick, but in the end the narc victimized themselves and created the monster that they became. That narc never understood that progressing in and cultivating a life of evil and depravity is not the same as becoming mature. Yes the covert narcissist in their twisted mind equates advanced levels lying, gaslighting, treachery, deceit and theft as maturity. But the average person intuitively understands that being able to get away with evil behavior is hardly mature, but instead is a sign of immaturity.
Maturity is just the opposite of the
narc's vision, it’s having restraint, it’s being kind to someone
who doesn’t even deserve it, it’s doing the right thing when the
temptation to do the wrong thing is incredibly strong. Yes, just
about every time that narc had a choice, they made the wrong one.
Sadly when the narc did make the right choice by mistake, they
sabotaged it. Yes that narc not only created themselves, they
created the situations that they ended up havin to live