Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Narcissist and Their Religion: The click bate title of this video could have been “All Narcissists are Satanists and All Satanists are Narcissists”, and it would accurately describe the true religion of the narc. Yes, narcs are devout believers in Satan and unwittingly or wittingly worship him. Some say that our battle against narcissist abuse is simply a psychological one and there is no spiritual component at all. I beg to differ. The battle we face is very much a spiritual one and narcissist abuse victims are severely crippling their chances of recovery if they refuse to accept that fact. To even begin to get a handle on narcissism we have to understand the underlying “religion” of the narcissist, a religion they all share. Some narcissists have simply made their lives very easy and accepted the fact that they “aren't going to a good place”. This attitude gives the narc the impression that they are somehow protected at least in this world and in this life from the forces many call karma, but the Christian believer calls Almighty God. Well, apparently the narcissist's life experience bears that out. Yes, the narcissist has gotten away with numerous acts of treachery and has come out unscathed time and time again, so in a way the narcissists understand intuitively that they are somehow protected from having to pay for their acts of evil. Yes, even the narcissist understands the evil nature of their acts, but the narc feels that they have gotten a good bargain in the exchange, the exchange of living in the here and now with no concern for an uncertain or unknown future. Why not throw the existence of an unseen God under the bus? Case closed for the narc. God simply doesn't exist, He is a figment of the imagination. Take your pleasure in this world and have all of the freedom you can imagine to do as you please whenever you please without ever having any concern for the people you damage. In exchange you simply accept the fact that “you aren't going to a good place”. Yes, the narcissist wants immediate gratification, the narc thinks any person who lives this life, and submits their own will to an unseen God is simply wasting an opportunity. The narc will never waste any opportunity whatsoever to do something they can get away with. So the narcissists simply finds no need to live by external standards of conduct imposed upon them by God. How dare someone tell them that their adulterous relationship is wrong. The narc is the one who makes the rules and just ask them, they will give you numerous reasons why their relationships with multiple partners all at the same time is totally justified. Now of course the narcissist is aware that society does frown upon acts of treachery and adultery, but the only concern for the narcissists in these situations is to be publicly exposed. It isn't that the narcissist feels any guilt, but there is the aspect of shame, of public devaluation or humiliation that is of great concern for the narcissist. So the narc is careful in some of the things that they do, but that is only because they cling tightly to their “billboard”, their public image. So what has all of this to do with Satan worship? Many narcissists are “devout” Christians, others are Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists. Still others are devout atheists or agnostics. The last category of narcissists, the enlightened ones, the self aware ones are outright Satanists. No, not all of these Satanists are going to profess their religion publicly. Instead many Satanists simply feign Christianity or any other form of religion to have a more acceptable, higher profile public image. Yes at least Satanism has not yet become publicly acceptable. No problem with it below the radar, but publicly Satanism is still shunned, so the wise Satanist doesn't let on. What is the way of life of the Satanist, the moral code as proclaimed by Aleister Crowley? “Do as thou wilt”. Does this sound familiar? Yes it is the creed, the subconscious or conscious creed of the narcissist. Sure, a person will convince themselves they are a Christian believer, but their fruits, their actual actions paint a very different picture. The Bible clearly states “by their fruits you shall know them”. Well what do the fruits of the narcissist point to, even a narcissistic Christian believer? The short answer is “Do as thou wilt”. For example is it any wonder that a young narcissist who wants to be a nun becomes severely disappointed by the fact that God doesn't throw out a red carpet for them in gratitude and fall down to worship them? After all the narcissist has just told God they would be partners with him. Oh yes, the narcissist consciously thinks they are worshiping God, but they become disheartened when their prayers, which are really commands to God go unanswered, in reality unheeded. Yes, God doesn't listen well to the narcissist, so the narcissist is highly insulted. The narc has no need for a God that doesn't listen to them so they become an atheist. Other narcs maintain their “relationship” with God in one religion or another, but that relationship with God is mere lip service. The reality is the narc is practicing their true religion all of the time. “Do as thou wilt”. So let's be very clear now, it is no great mystery at all that Satan exists. Yes, the devil is more than pleased to put a hook in someone's nose and have that self same person be under the arrogant impression that they are above it all. Yes, the atheistic narcissist is quite an arrogant fool and will confidently proclaim that Satan is a fairy tale and so is God. What glee the devil must have in that situation. Yes, the narc atheist is a patsy for the devil, keep on not believing is Satan's opinion. The narc agnostic is not far behind although it should be noted that not all agnostics are narcissists. We are talking about agnostic narcissists here. The narc agnostic simply can't accept the existence of something they can't fully comprehend, something that is beyond them. Most agnostics are just being honest, maybe they have doubts, but the narc agnostic most likely simply refuses to bow their knee to God. Either way, any doubt whatsoever the devil can create about the existence or the nature or the sovereignty of God is adequate for him to achieve his goals. In the case of the narcissist who sees themselves as a worshiper of God, the devil simply warps that narcissist's ideas of what it means to be a believer, that is also more than acceptable to Satan. The main thing is making people believe they can and should “Do as thou wilt”. Yes, Satan is saying to these deluded fools “you can be as God”, “God doesn't want you to have any knowledge because He is trying to prevent you from being enlightened”, “God is trying to spoil your fun”, “You are God”, “God doesn't exist”, or Satan will simply warp your opinion of God and make God a “Genie in a bottle”, someone who takes commands from you and fulfills your wishes, when there is no use for God, you simply put a cork in the bottle and “Do as thou wilt”. So the pieces of the puzzle begin coming together and the picture you see becomes clear. Yes some narcissists are self-deluded and think themselves followers of God, others have doubts, and God is therefore effectively neutralized, and yet others are self aware and openly deny and refuse any influence of a higher power in their lives. No matter, every single narcissist is a worshiper of themselves as god and will never submit their will to any other being and that is where they have made their fatal mistake. The narcissist is a slave to Satan and even though they are under the impression they have freedom in this world in reality the narcissist is the most enslaved person on the planet. They walk around continually doing the will of their father, the father of lies, Satan and he deftly pulls the narcissist's strings and directs their every move and thought like a puppet. Narcissists are the willing slaves and property of Satan. They are slaves to sin and they are under total domination as indicated in Romans 6 16: “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?” Yes the reality, the truth of eternal life and the obvious fallacy of the lies of the devil and the false path to happiness and fulfillment by indulging in the pleasures of sin in this world are clearly stated in the Bible. But the narc is too drunk on themselves to understand what a child can comprehend. What is that? That God exists and the importance of submitting to someone with more knowledge and authority than yourself, admitting that you aren't King or Queen. Of course a narcissistic child with progressive parents may never learn of that reality, but the average child intuitively “gets it”. So we have now put our finger on the precise problem with the narcissist, the foundation of all that is wrong with them and also shown them the clear way out of their endless cycle of misery and destruction, both to themselves and everyone their lives touch. What is that way? It is full and total submission to God and a genuine internal acknowledgment that there is a higher power. We now understand why it is almost impossible for the narcissist to change, they simply will never give up the authority over their own lives let alone even consider the notion that they aren't god. Make no mistake, the covert narcissist will give the appearance of submission in the workplace or in their personal lives and they may even convince themselves that they are humble and meek, but they subconsciously consider themselves god, the final authority in all that they do. So the narcissist wastes their opportunity of life, misses the point of human existence altogether. Just like they had everything a person could ever want and wasted the opportunity, a relationship with someone who truly cared and was committed to their mental and emotional health. Rather than appreciate that situation they threw it away and in the process lost any excuse that they were never given a break in life. Yes, eventually the narcissist will have to take personal responsibility for their lives and the dark, desolate, lifeless, hollow world they have created for themselves. Yes there is a way for the narcissist to free themselves. Think of what Romans 6 16 says: You are either obedient to God, or you sin. One thing we know for sure the obstinate narcissist will never be obedient to anything or any one, yes they may act obedient to deceive someone but the reality is the narc will always be god in their world. Their puppet master is just fine with that. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Narcissist and the Karpman Drama Triangle: So, you have just gone through the battle of your life trying to get answers from your narc ex and the new knight in shining armor ( let's call him what he really is: a narcissistic weasel) has run interference and is protecting the narcissist ex from any contact with you at all. The end of the relationship came suddenly with a physical attack and vicious threats and a sudden loss of your ex as the mask slipped off totally and she suddenly turned into someone you never met before. Yes there were issues that needed to be discussed and answers that deserved to be given and some closure was needed. Things had to be sorted out. Anyone with the bare minimum of respect for a person they said they loved and intended to spend the rest of their life with owed the ex partner at least that much. But the weasel, who may well have been the catalyst for the breakup in the first place was making sure there would be no equitable resolution by enabling the situation to be fully no contact and enabling and aggravating the demonization of someone he never met before, someone he never knew. Yes, think of a deluded fool who would judge another human being he had never met simply by the disclosure of an unstable woman in distress. Oh yes the narc's world did blow up unexpectedly this time along with the person she was discarding. This wasn't expected by the narcissist at all and the shock of actually being a victim of her own duplicity shook the narcissist to her core. No she was never supposed to have any repercussions from her own treacherous acts, but this time it all caught up with her. Make no mistake though, this just meant the narc had a new battle. Her final phone conversation with me was filled with one threat after another, and my concern was for her and I said please don't hurt yourself. Her response: she was on a mission to destroy me and no she wasn't going to harm herself, my total destruction was her reason for being alive, she was going to make sure I suffered. Yes, her new battle was to make sure that her ex partner suffered and had at least twice as much pain as she had. So the weasel was the perfect tool for her to achieve that goal as well as provide her with comfort. In a sense this was a match made in hell. The female narc on a mission to burn down her previous partner and the manipulative deluded weasel narcissist male with an inferiority complex that couldn't resist the urge to vanquish another man and prove his superiority. Finally he could live out his fantasy delusion of being a victorious warrior. Yes stealing another person's relationship and being a victor was the ultimate mind candy for this clown and his years of wanting to be a victor over another man were finally being lived out in real life. Yes, the weasel thought himself a knight and the female narc played the role of the damsel in distress to a “T”. So you are trying to have important conversations and resolve some major issues with your ex partner. Trying to make sense of things. Trying to get answers. None will ever be coming. Instead you are faced with triangulation as the new couple flaunts their emotionally intimate relationship right in front of you and attempts to drive you crazy with the narc ex putting up multiple sham posts and starting multiple Instagram accounts that they think they are gaslighting you with. The narcissist male weasel's account is the source of one threat after another and the ex backs him up as each post is within seconds “liked” by the female ex and vice versa. Yes this relationship's emotional intimacy plays itself out right in front of you on multiple posts each day. The Christmas and New Years posts brought you to your knees. The female narc and the weasel literally collaborate with each other for hours each day keeping in close contact and synchronizing everything. You have no option but to communicate through your Instagram account and the two way conversations between you and the narc male weasel go on for 4 to 6 weeks. There is no contact between you and the narc ex at all. Yes you and the narc weasel boyfriend are engaging in psychological warfare with the narc weasel making threats one after another and insults as well. You try to keep things positive on your site and reach your ex as well as refute the atheistic rants and raves of the weasel narc and of course the threats of doing violence and things that will end him up in jail. Finally, trying to put an end to things you tell the weasel. You have won, be happy with your achievement. Now stop the threats. Well the weasel continues to gloat. Another warning is given. Bear in mind these are all simply posts on my site and posts on his. I simply ignore the weasel's site for a week or two and then in an effort to block this account I unfortunately have to view it. Well the post that stares me in the face is this: “Proverb: Fear only two: God and the man who has no fear of God”. Well that was a take on my Biblical passages that I had posted on my site. I then made this comment directly on the post: “Fear this: a man who believes in God and has no fear of you.” It's time for you to back up your threats. So what happens next? Well within 20 minutes the narcissist ex shows up at my doorstep and engages in our final conversation and contact together and that brings us to the subject of this video the Karpman Drama Triangle. In short the Karpman drama triangle is the dynamic between three people playing three roles that of victim, persecutor, and savior. How does this apply to the narcissist? Well the narc unwittingly is always caught up in this triangle and seamlessly switches from one role to the next. Let's get back to that final meeting since it only became clearer to me this very day what was going on. So the narcissist walks in to my place of business calm cool and collected and says she only has a few minutes to talk. She thinks she has shocked me by coming in. Why? It goes back to those Instagram accounts of hers. I will spare the details of the gaslighting she did on her site and the bizarre self contradictory posts that she made. In short she was attempting to get me to believe she was moving to another state. The posts on that site were a clear display of the instability and mental illness she was suffering from. Somehow she actually thought that I believed she had moved out of state. So when she walked into my business she thought she had shocked me. She then proceeds to tell me that she hasn't been on Instagram for three months and a friend told her about my Instagram site. No she knew nothing about anything and then proceeds to discuss some of the posts I had made. I then show her on my phone how Instagram links your contacts to an Instagram page and she proceeds with her lying without skipping a beat. I show her more contradictory evidence. Printouts of the threatening Instagram posts that she had made. Yes that advice was given me by the police and a copy of those printouts was added to my police report. I will be kind and not mention the extent of those threats. Just to be clear I did give the narc fair warning to stop the threats or I would file a report with the police. She didn't think I was serious. After 6 weeks of fearing for my life and not eating I had had enough and made the report. Even that day the narc had the opportunity to stop the threats of her family taking care of me. She did not. By the way, I did forget to mention that the worst of her threats were on a very special day. My birthday. Getting back to the final encounter at my business, she then tells me I had to apologize for what I did first and then she would apologize. She then struts out of my business thinking herself victorious. Well her problem was I had already been learning about covert narcissism and I was spotting the lying in real time. Yes her crazy eyes were steady as she blurted out one lie after another, but I looked straight into her eyes and her upper eyelid began twitching. She knew that I knew but thought she wasn't letting on. So what was actually going on in that last meeting other than the obvious? The cold hearted creature was there to run interference for her new beau, but the important thing was her demeanor. She came in calm cool and collected, and she was channeling the new boyfriend who had helped her stay calm and cool and subdue her rage in the face of the terrible situation with her evil ex boyfriend, yours truly. Yes the narc was now mirroring someone new and was a different person altogether than the one who was my partner. That new creature staring right into my eyes had no soul. She literally channeled that narcissistic sack of filth boyfriend of hers as she proudly lied, gaslit me and literally every word out of her mouth was a lie meant to bury me alive. Lying, duplicity, treachery, aggressive vengeful hatred were now virtues to this beast that had once espoused all of my positive traits as her world view and way of life also. Yes my partner once believed honesty, humility, hard work, kindness to others, selflessness, tolerance, a belief in God and being faithful and loyal to her partner for a lifetime as the correct path. This demon in front of me bore no resemblance whatsoever to the previous love of my life. Yes, they shared the same physical body, but my ex was nowhere to be seen inside that Jezebel. The weasel boyfriend had saved her and told her he would take care of her problem, namely me. Yes she was all saturated and filled with the new supply from a new boyfriend and she and he were one. That narc weasel was living inside of her and she treated me like a total stranger with a coldness of spirit that chilled me to the bone. That narcissist truly had no soul and I could hardly believe that I hadn't noticed that throughout our years together. But that was another persona, another mask. This person in front of me was someone else altogether. The cycle, the Karpman triangle had been fully completed with me now being firmly in the role of the evil perpetrator and someone else installed as the savior. She once again took her favorite position of the victim. But let's not downplay the narcissist's versatility. Yes, she had seamlessly played every one of the positions in that Karpman triangle. She walked through my door in June of 2013 doe eyed and at the end of her rope seeking employment. A broken woman. She rapidly told me about a terrible ex she had ended the relationship with but was still in close contact with and slowly she convinced me that I was the perfect man for her. The man she had been looking for all of her life. Yes she was a victim of terrible abuse with a former partner who drank all of the time and was always drunk. She had been abused and likened her previous relationship to the Julia Roberts movie “Sleeping with the Enemy” where the partner came home and everything had to be perfectly organized and clean or she would be berated. But the descriptions of her partner when asked didn't line up with the statements of abuse and I didn't buy into it all and never took the bate by calling that ex evil. Did I know of the Karpman triangle? No. But in retrospect this is exactly what I was dealing with. So fast forward to our last day and the narc who started off as a victim when she walked in my door that first day walked out as the obvious perpetrator that last day. That last day I had been placed into the role of her ex partner and goodness knows what stories she fabricated about me, and the narc weasel was now the savior. Full circle. In actuality I was the victim and both the narc and her weasel savior were the true perpetrators. Of course the narc had gradually taken that position of perpetrator for at least the two previous years of our relationship. However in her mind, even while being the perpetrator in our relationship, it is clear to me that she believed herself to be the victim and correspondingly portrayed herself as the victim and me as the perpetrator to the outside world. Yes she started off the victim, making me the savior and her previous partner the perpetrator. To summarize, in that second stage she made me the perpetrator and herself the victim to the outside world while simultaneously behind closed doors she was the actual perpetrator. In the final act of this Karpman Drama triangle she had retained victim status, made the narcissist weasel the new savior and retained me as the perpetrator. The narc weasel boyfriend complied with her wishes and aided in my demonization and punishment. Karpman triangle completed. One narcissist, three roles. Her role is always of the victim publicly while behind closed doors she is the actual perpetrator. The previous savior then becomes the perpetrator in her public discourse away from him when she no longer has any use for him and is shopping for a new savior. Yes an evil perpetrator is always required and the more evil she can make him the greater the contrast she can create as she idealizes her new savior. This cycle continues throughout the narcissist's life. The trail of broken lives left behind boggles the mind. But the narcissist is always in control of that triangle, always making sure they act out the role that serves their best interest at the moment. Does the narc ever think of themselves as a savior? Yes, when they love bomb and idealize someone and build that person up. Like a calf being fattened for the slaughter. But ultimately the cornerstone of the narc's existence, in their mind at least, is the role of victim. How strange that the narc can't see the irony. For the most part the only victims in the narc's world are those around them and the only perpetrator in their world is the narc themselves. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Narcissist and Their Web: How to Break Away The narcissist lives in a world of ambiguity and chaos and will never want to come out of that world of foggy turmoil. The average person couldn't conceive of living in constant unstable pandemonium. It makes no sense to want to live that way, and yet the narc fights every attempt at being brought into the light, into peace, into contentment, into stability. Part of the reason for that is that the narcissist gets bored easily, so stability isn't stimulating enough, but there is also another very important reason why the narcissist wants no resolution in their lives and that is mainly because a peaceful environment with clarity might well expose the narcissist and all of their duplicity. Then there is an even more important area the narcissist has to keep cloudy and ambiguous and that has to do with the debt that the narcissist owes to all that they have come in contact with throughout their lives. Yes that is the core of what makes the narcissist never come out of that dark world of theirs. As long as the narc lives in their world they can avoid seeing things clearly or being seen clearly. Yes, the narc will always stay the victim in their world and always be the person that other people have wronged, the person that is owed repayment. To come out into the light, the world of crystal clear transparency would leave the narcissist very vulnerable and never more so than when the reality is shown. What is that reality? It is the fact that the narc owes a huge debt to the victims they have amassed over their lifetimes. The narc sees themselves as the wronged one, the perennial victim, because the narc intuitively understands that the person that owes is a slave to the person that they owe. The narc always wants to have others in the position of slaves and themselves in the position of master. That is part of the narc's MO, method of operations, modus operandi. The narc must be in control, must be master, must be king or queen and what better way to be in that position than to have everyone they have ever been in contact with be the person who wronged THEM. So the narc puts a huge effort into maintaining victim status and convincing all of those around them that they are the ones who have wronged the narcissist. So the narcissist weaves their web and catches their victims in it, but the narcissist themselves is the one who is truly doomed to live in that web forever, a world strewn with the remains of the countless broken lives of their victims. Those victims, having been sucked dry, either escaped or were ejected by the narcissist, but the remains of the damage will forever stay attached to the narcissist's web. So maybe the narc views these remains as trophies, a source of comfort. A constant reminder that they, the narc, “won”. But that “win” is only valid as long as the narcissist stays in their web. Yes those victims left that web and rebuilt and some poor victims were repeatedly entangled into yet another web of the next narcissist. Knowledge however made other victims learn to recognize the whiles of a narcissist and avoid ever being trapped again. So that is the narcissist's world. No, it isn't a pleasant place to spend time in. Isn't it curious that it takes some time for the victim to realize that obvious fact, the fact that they were actually caught in a web. Well we have to remember that the narc injected that victim with toxins making the victim think that entanglement was natural and normal and even desirable. After enough time away those toxins do wear off and the victim can get back their senses and see things as they really are. Now at this point the victim may finally understand the reality that the narc was the one who wronged them and the narc is the one that owes them a great debt. Of course by now the narc has moved on and has made very sure no collection of that debt will ever be made. In fact the narc will never admit to themselves or to others that they are the ones who owe. No the narc will always insist that they are the victim and that those ex partners all owe them. Pure nonsense, but what else is the narcissist to do? Yes subconsciously the narc knows they are the ones who owe, but the narc will never let themselves or others become aware of that fact. What does this all mean for the victim? Well as the victim becomes more and more aware of what was done to them they become filled with rage anger and resentment and a need to settle the score and seek vengeance. But the slimy narcissist has been through this situation many times before and is fully prepared to never let you get anywhere near them or if you do get an opportunity the narc will make sure they make a speedy exit when confronted and never address any of your concerns. What is exactly going on in these interchanges between narc and victim? To get an answer we will have to take a closer look at the above dynamic and analyze the situation. To do that we will have to look at the relationship between a debtor and the person who is owed the debt. By definition the person who owes is a slave to the person who is owed and this really gets to the heart of the conflict that takes place inside the victim. The victim intuitively, subconsciously understands that they are “owed”, that they are in a position of power after having suffered the abuse and the narcissist is equally aware of “owing” on the very same level of subconsciousness. Yet consciously the victim feels powerless while at the same time the narcissist seems to have all of the power. Yes consciously the dynamic makes the victim the slave with the narcissist as master and in control. But like everything else relating to narcissists that outward appearance is fantasy and in this case it is the exact opposite of reality. The narcissist is actually the slave and the victim is the master. So as a victim you have to understand that dynamic. You think you are in the worst position and the narc has moved on and is in the superior position with no ill effects suffered and in a new relationship. But you have to ask this question of yourself. Would you want to be the person who owes or the person who is owed? Well you don't have that choice, but when you think about it the person who is owed is in a far better position. That person has the power to forgive the perpetrator and grant that narcissist their freedom. Of course the narcissist will never accept that reality and will never appreciate or comprehend the great gift they are given, but that isn't really the point. In granting the narcissist freedom, since you the victim have all of the power to do that, you have freed yourself as well. That is right, the narcissist has no power at all. For the narc to be able to live in clarity, get out of their web they would have to see things as they really are , see themselves as the perpetrator, the one who owes, the one who is enslaved, the one who depends on the victim, who is by default the narc's master, to free them. Yes, the narc depends on your forgiveness but you the victim have no dependence on the narcissist whatsoever to gain your freedom. You are fully in control. You are the master and until you are willing to release the narcissist from his or her bondage to you, you will also be bound to the abuse, stuck in that web so to speak. You can now free yourself. You can break that psychic bond that connected you to the narcissist. Yes, in a way that resentment and anger you felt for the narcissist meant that the narc was still with you, and you with them. Those emotions maintained the emotional connection you had with the narcissist. For you it was a relationship based on love, but for the narcissist that love was never there. Post relationship the victim who has the ability to love is naturally still attached to the narcissist. The very nature of love is that it doesn't let go even in the face of terrible adversity. But that was on the victims end, the victim who is normal. The narc is different when it comes to that bond. The narc never loved and could really care less what happens to their previous partner. The narcissist was never emotionally attached to the victim. If the narc does have any attachment whatsoever to the victim it is either to enjoy seeing the victim pine for them or to torture the victim by flaunting a new relationship or to get the sick thrill of getting the victim to believe that they have changed and perpetrate another con job on their partner once again. Yes it is quite a thrill for the narcissist, it makes them almost feel omnipotent and invincible when they can treat a person with absolute disrespect and cruelty and then return and once again deceive the victim and have them eating out of their hands. No, it isn't about love at all for the narcissist. It is about control and being superior to their target-victim. It's all about playing god and having another person worship them. So whether the victim sees it or not any attachment that exists between them and the narcissist is to the advantage of the narcissist and to the detriment of the victim. The victim gets no benefit whatsoever in maintaining that emotional connection to the narcissist. So if the victim is ever to truly heal every last trace of that bond must be eliminated. No, that isn't what a caring loving human being should do, but when dealing with a narcissist it is the only appropriate thing to do especially if there are no children and you haven't married. Yes it will mean saying goodbye to the narcissist and being that we do still have love for that person despite all that they have done it means we will need to let go. Every victim has the power to decide when that day comes. The day that the narcissist is fully detached from our existence. The narc with all of their ability to deny everything has no say and no power as to when you release them. But to fully release the narcissist and yourself and make that final cut, there is one more bond that has to be severed and that is your love for the narcissist. So yes, you released the narcissist from their debt that they owed you, you eliminated your need for vengeance and now you still have that bond of love that is holding you down. Let's make this clear, the narcissist neither wants nor needs nor appreciates that love so keeping the flame alive will do nothing at all to benefit the possibility of a future relationship. On the contrary the narc will simply use that last vestige of love as a tool to extract even more energy from you the victim. The narc will callously use your love as a tool to manipulate and because they have already burned you the narc will actually think in their heart that you are asking for further abuse, that you actually deserve it. Think about that. So yes it is time to sever that love bond. My deadline was one year and that day is approaching soon and may well be passed by the time this script is made into a video. Yes, I gave it a full year before pronouncing the relationship abandoned. A full year to remove all doubts that the narc was just not thinking clearly and actually is sorry for all that they have done. A full year to pay respect to the love and the commitment I had to that person. To do less would have meant my love and commitment were as fake and phony as that of the narcissist. Forever holding on to my resentment could have sealed the narcissist's fate for eternity as an eternal debtor, but I choose to release them from their debt and wish them happiness and joy in whatever relationship they are now in. Jesus allowed my sins to be forgiven so I am obliged to forgive the narcissist as well, or have my forgiveness placed in jeopardy. In so doing I have freed myself and yes it is with tears in my eyes. Tears for all of the plans and dreams, all of the things we were yet to do together, all of the beaches we would comb and quiet weekends together, all of the sunsets that we will never share. Yes, it was all narcissistic future faking. All fantasies that would never come true as I tried to bring peace and contentment to someone who was living in a web, a web of lies and being that I didn't realize I was in that web with her I could never understand what was binding us and binding me to that frustration and chaos and fog and ambiguity. Yes it was a web that I was caught in and now I am free. Am I better off, happier, more joyful today than I was one year ago, October 6th 2016? It was one year ago when my ex told me she loved me for the last time. Yes, I am, and that is sad because that means that being alone and in total chaos with an uncertain future but aware and awake is far better than living in a fool's paradise where the angel in front of you was nothing more that a demon in disguise. Yes, I am free and I can go into the future knowing that I did nothing wrong, never lifted one finger or said one word to hurt the narcissist. No it wasn't my fault what happened to me. Yes, the narcissist will say the same thing and try to convince themselves they are innocent, but the weight of their actions, the reality, the truth can never be escaped in the real world. So the narc is no longer a slave to me, but she will always be a slave to her own lies and will always be stuck in her web. Yes in a moment of clarity after a particular rough time the narc gave me I called her a black widow. She rather liked that analogy. Little did I know, only she knew, how close to the truth that analogy was for me and for many others that had come before me. But none of that makes a difference any more. I have come full circle. One year ago today I loved and I had no animosity or anger or bitterness or resentment. One year has passed and I have gotten myself back. I have no anger, no bitterness, no resentment, no animosity. Yes I am back and climbing that mountain of forgiving that narcissist and actually wishing them well was my Mount Everest. I made it to the top and viewed the vast distances that surrounded me. I saw clearly the path my life had taken below me. I saw the path that led me to this point and the many slips and falls, the hopelessness the fear the anxiety the self doubt, the tears, but I persevered and made it to this peak. I now walk back carefully to the ground changed, stronger, better, more aware. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed, Peace be with you.