The Narcissist and Their Web:
How to Break Away The narcissist lives in a world of
ambiguity and chaos and will never want to come out of that world of
foggy turmoil. The average person couldn't conceive of living in
constant unstable pandemonium. It makes no sense to want to live
that way, and yet the narc fights every attempt at being brought into
the light, into peace, into contentment, into stability. Part of the
reason for that is that the narcissist gets bored easily, so
stability isn't stimulating enough, but there is also another very
important reason why the narcissist wants no resolution in their
lives and that is mainly because a peaceful environment with clarity
might well expose the narcissist and all of their duplicity. Then
there is an even more important area the narcissist has to keep
cloudy and ambiguous and that has to do with the debt that the
narcissist owes to all that they have come in contact with throughout
their lives. Yes that is the core of what makes the narcissist never
come out of that dark world of theirs. As long as the narc lives in
their world they can avoid seeing things clearly or being seen
clearly. Yes, the narc will always stay the victim in their world
and always be the person that other people have wronged, the person
that is owed repayment. To come out into the light, the
world of crystal clear transparency would leave the narcissist very
vulnerable and never more so than when the reality is shown. What is
that reality? It is the fact that the narc owes a huge debt to the
victims they have amassed over their lifetimes. The narc sees
themselves as the wronged one, the perennial victim, because the narc
intuitively understands that the person that owes is a slave to the
person that they owe. The narc always wants to have others in the
position of slaves and themselves in the position of master. That is
part of the narc's MO, method of operations, modus operandi. The
narc must be in control, must be master, must be king or queen and
what better way to be in that position than to have everyone they
have ever been in contact with be the person who wronged THEM. So
the narc puts a huge effort into maintaining victim status and
convincing all of those around them that they are the ones who have
wronged the narcissist. So the narcissist weaves their web and
catches their victims in it, but the narcissist themselves is the one
who is truly doomed to live in that web forever, a world strewn with
the remains of the countless broken lives of their victims. Those
victims, having been sucked dry, either escaped or were ejected by
the narcissist, but the remains of the damage will forever stay
attached to the narcissist's web. So maybe the narc views these
remains as trophies, a source of comfort. A constant reminder that
they, the narc, “won”. But that “win” is only valid as long
as the narcissist stays in their web. Yes those victims left
that web and rebuilt and some poor victims were repeatedly entangled
into yet another web of the next narcissist. Knowledge however made
other victims learn to recognize the whiles of a narcissist and avoid
ever being trapped again. So that is the narcissist's world. No, it
isn't a pleasant place to spend time in. Isn't it curious that it
takes some time for the victim to realize that obvious fact, the fact
that they were actually caught in a web. Well we have to remember
that the narc injected that victim with toxins making the victim
think that entanglement was natural and normal and even desirable.
After enough time away those toxins do wear off and the victim can
get back their senses and see things as they really are. Now at this
point the victim may finally understand the reality that the narc was
the one who wronged them and the narc is the one that owes them a
great debt. Of course by now the narc has moved on and has made very
sure no collection of that debt will ever be made. In fact the narc
will never admit to themselves or to others that they are the ones
who owe. No the narc will always insist that they are the victim and
that those ex partners all owe them. Pure nonsense, but what else is
the narcissist to do? Yes subconsciously the narc knows they are the
ones who owe, but the narc will never let themselves or others become
aware of that fact. What does this all mean for the victim? Well
as the victim becomes more and more aware of what was done to them
they become filled with rage anger and resentment and a need to
settle the score and seek vengeance. But the slimy narcissist has
been through this situation many times before and is fully prepared
to never let you get anywhere near them or if you do get an
opportunity the narc will make sure they make a speedy exit when
confronted and never address any of your concerns. What is exactly
going on in these interchanges between narc and victim? To get an
answer we will have to take a closer look at the above dynamic and
analyze the situation. To do that we will have to look at the
relationship between a debtor and the person who is owed the
debt. By definition the person who owes is a slave to the person
who is owed and this really gets to the heart of the conflict that
takes place inside the victim. The victim intuitively,
subconsciously understands that they are “owed”, that they are in
a position of power after having suffered the abuse and the
narcissist is equally aware of “owing” on the very same level of
subconsciousness. Yet consciously the victim feels powerless while
at the same time the narcissist seems to have all of the power. Yes
consciously the dynamic makes the victim the slave with the
narcissist as master and in control. But like everything else
relating to narcissists that outward appearance is fantasy and in
this case it is the exact opposite of reality. The narcissist is
actually the slave and the victim is the master. So as a victim
you have to understand that dynamic. You think you are in the worst
position and the narc has moved on and is in the superior position
with no ill effects suffered and in a new relationship. But you have
to ask this question of yourself. Would you want to be the person
who owes or the person who is owed? Well you don't have that choice,
but when you think about it the person who is owed is in a far better
position. That person has the power to forgive the perpetrator and
grant that narcissist their freedom. Of course the narcissist will
never accept that reality and will never appreciate or comprehend the
great gift they are given, but that isn't really the point. In
granting the narcissist freedom, since you the victim have all of the
power to do that, you have freed yourself as well. That is right,
the narcissist has no power at all. For the narc to be able to live
in clarity, get out of their web they would have to see things as
they really are , see themselves as the perpetrator, the one who
owes, the one who is enslaved, the one who depends on the victim, who
is by default the narc's master, to free them. Yes, the narc
depends on your forgiveness but you the victim have no dependence on
the narcissist whatsoever to gain your freedom. You are fully in
control. You are the master and until you are willing to release the
narcissist from his or her bondage to you, you will also be bound to
the abuse, stuck in that web so to speak. You can now free
yourself. You can break that psychic bond that connected you to the
narcissist. Yes, in a way that resentment and anger you felt for the
narcissist meant that the narc was still with you, and you with
them. Those emotions maintained the emotional connection you had
with the narcissist. For you it was a relationship based on love,
but for the narcissist that love was never there. Post relationship
the victim who has the ability to love is naturally still attached
to the narcissist. The very nature of love is that it doesn't let go
even in the face of terrible adversity. But that was on the victims
end, the victim who is normal. The narc is different when it comes
to that bond. The narc never loved and could really care less what
happens to their previous partner. The narcissist was never
emotionally attached to the victim. If the narc does have any
attachment whatsoever to the victim it is either to enjoy seeing the
victim pine for them or to torture the victim by flaunting a new
relationship or to get the sick thrill of getting the victim to
believe that they have changed and perpetrate another con job on
their partner once again. Yes it is quite a thrill for the
narcissist, it makes them almost feel omnipotent and invincible when
they can treat a person with absolute disrespect and cruelty and then
return and once again deceive the victim and have them eating out of
their hands. No, it isn't about love at all for the narcissist.
It is about control and being superior to their target-victim. It's
all about playing god and having another person worship them. So
whether the victim sees it or not any attachment that exists between
them and the narcissist is to the advantage of the narcissist and to
the detriment of the victim. The victim gets no benefit whatsoever
in maintaining that emotional connection to the narcissist. So if
the victim is ever to truly heal every last trace of that bond must
be eliminated. No, that isn't what a caring loving human being
should do, but when dealing with a narcissist it is the only
appropriate thing to do especially if there are no children and you
haven't married. Yes it will mean saying goodbye to the narcissist
and being that we do still have love for that person despite all that
they have done it means we will need to let go. Every victim
has the power to decide when that day comes. The day that the
narcissist is fully detached from our existence. The narc with all
of their ability to deny everything has no say and no power as to
when you release them. But to fully release the narcissist and
yourself and make that final cut, there is one more bond that has to
be severed and that is your love for the narcissist. So yes, you
released the narcissist from their debt that they owed you, you
eliminated your need for vengeance and now you still have that bond
of love that is holding you down. Let's make this clear, the
narcissist neither wants nor needs nor appreciates that love so
keeping the flame alive will do nothing at all to benefit the
possibility of a future relationship. On the contrary the narc will
simply use that last vestige of love as a tool to extract even more
energy from you the victim. The narc will callously use your love as
a tool to manipulate and because they have already burned you the
narc will actually think in their heart that you are asking for
further abuse, that you actually deserve it. Think about that. So
yes it is time to sever that love bond. My deadline was one year and
that day is approaching soon and may well be passed by the time this
script is made into a video. Yes, I gave it a full year before
pronouncing the relationship abandoned. A full year to remove all
doubts that the narc was just not thinking clearly and actually is
sorry for all that they have done. A full year to pay respect to the
love and the commitment I had to that person. To do less would have
meant my love and commitment were as fake and phony as that of the
narcissist. Forever holding on to my resentment could have sealed the
narcissist's fate for eternity as an eternal debtor, but I choose to
release them from their debt and wish them happiness and joy in
whatever relationship they are now in. Jesus allowed my sins to be
forgiven so I am obliged to forgive the narcissist as well, or have
my forgiveness placed in jeopardy. In so doing I have freed myself
and yes it is with tears in my eyes. Tears for all of the plans and
dreams, all of the things we were yet to do together, all of the
beaches we would comb and quiet weekends together, all of the
sunsets that we will never share. Yes, it was all narcissistic
future faking. All fantasies that would never come true as I tried
to bring peace and contentment to someone who was living in a web, a
web of lies and being that I didn't realize I was in that web with
her I could never understand what was binding us and binding me to
that frustration and chaos and fog and ambiguity. Yes it was a web
that I was caught in and now I am free. Am I better off, happier,
more joyful today than I was one year ago, October 6th
2016? It was one year ago when my ex told me she loved me for the
last time. Yes, I am, and that is sad because that means that being
alone and in total chaos with an uncertain future but aware and awake
is far better than living in a fool's paradise where the angel in
front of you was nothing more that a demon in disguise. Yes, I am
free and I can go into the future knowing that I did nothing wrong,
never lifted one finger or said one word to hurt the narcissist.
No it wasn't my fault what happened to me. Yes, the narcissist
will say the same thing and try to convince themselves they are
innocent, but the weight of their actions, the reality, the truth can
never be escaped in the real world. So the narc is no longer a slave
to me, but she will always be a slave to her own lies and will always
be stuck in her web. Yes in a moment of clarity after a particular
rough time the narc gave me I called her a black widow. She rather
liked that analogy. Little did I know, only she knew, how close to
the truth that analogy was for me and for many others that had come
before me. But none of that makes a difference any more. I have
come full circle. One year ago today I loved and I had no animosity
or anger or bitterness or resentment. One year has passed and I have
gotten myself back. I have no anger, no bitterness, no resentment,
no animosity. Yes I am back and climbing that mountain of forgiving
that narcissist and actually wishing them well was my Mount Everest.
I made it to the top and viewed the vast distances that surrounded
me. I saw clearly the path my life had taken below me. I saw the
path that led me to this point and the many slips and falls, the
hopelessness the fear the anxiety the self doubt, the tears, but I
persevered and made it to this peak. I now walk back carefully to
the ground changed, stronger, better, more aware.
Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed, Peace
be with you.
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