Dissonance and the Recovering Narcissist Abuse Victim:
Cognitive dissonance can have a number of different meanings but
for the purposes of our discussion we will define it in two ways: 1
when a person is confronted by new information that conflicts with
existing beliefs, ideas, or values and 2 when a person has two
opposing thoughts that contradict each other and shouldn't be
logically present in the same person. Cognitive dissonance is
oftentimes the aftermath of our encounter with a covert narcissist
and it disrupts a person's internal consistency or you could call it
mental and emotional integration. The return to internal
integration, regaining consistency in our thoughts and emotions is
one of the key goals of recovering from narc abuse. It marks a
return to sanity after living in the world of insanity that the
narcissist surrounded us with. How does this play out
for the victim or target? Well, the first cause of cognitive
dissonance is something that happens to the target while in the
relationship with a narcissist. What happens is that for whatever
reason the narcissist's mask slips off, most likely due to some sort
of trauma or stress that occurs while in the presence of their
partner and all of the sudden the narcissist literally becomes a
different person that the narc's partner has never known before.
This can be quite shocking because many a victim that has been in a
long term relationship with a narc has had numerous suspicions that
mounted during the course of the relationship, and yet that victim
was all too ready to accept the tenuous explanations that the
narcissist gave. But then all of the sudden that mask slips off and
years of accumulating doubts and suspicions are suddenly confirmed
and the extent of the fraud that was perpetrated against the victim
comes clearly into focus. In an instant the victim understands
completely that the partner they are with was not the person they
presented themselves to be. The overload of this sudden realization
that their partner is not who they believed them to be creates the
first type of cognitive dissonance for the victim. The
course of the next few days after the incidence of the unmasking can
push the narcissist into a corner, making the narcissist even further
unmask themselves. In some instances the vicious creature that comes
from under that mask is almost unimaginable for that person's
partner. Yes this creates deep emotional wounds, and the inner
integration of the victim, the victim's view of their entire world is
literally made illogical. Yes the victim has been made situationally
insane. The mind is thrown into turmoil and needs to regain it's
sanity, it's equilibrium. That means that a normal sane person wants
their ideas of their world, their place in the world, and their
opinion of their place in the world to all be consistent with
reality. Yes that is the definition of sanity and a sane person is
continually doing their best to see themselves, their world and their
relationship to that world in as clear and accurate a way as
possible. The narcissist's brand of dysfunction is the exact
opposite. The narc has a totally inaccurate, skewed, warped sense of
themselves and how they relate to their environment. So the
narcissist actually seeks out and thrives in that fantasy world that
bears only a very slight resemblance to reality. So, in effect that
warped thinking is now foisted upon the victim and that cognitive
dissonance is not what a sane human being wants to live with. Yes,
in a sense the victim was already infected with the narcissist's
virus without seeing any signs in themselves. But now that dormant
infection is becoming virulent, active and the signs of dysfunction
are now clearly evident in the thinking patterns and actions of the
victim. So how does the victim respond to their introduction
to the bizarre, surreal world they have been suddenly thrown into?
Well the first order of business is to get answers and figure out
what was really true and what was false during the years or decades
spent with the narcissist. Of course the narc may just walk away
from the relationship and go no contact and that means very few
answers are coming from the narcissist. In fact any “help” the
narc gives you on your quest for the truth will probably just be more
disinformation in and effort to disorient you further so that you
never see the truth of what happened. Yes the narcissist already had
contingency plans and simply put those plans into action. Part of
the preparation was a labyrinth of pre-planned lies to totally
confuse and wear down their partner so that the partner would never
know what was actually going on in the relationship. The victim will
be able to get many answers, but at a certain point there has to be a
realization and acceptance that most of what went on in the narc's
head and a good deal of what they were doing while on their own, away
from their partner, will never be known by the victim. The answers
that are helpful will come from an awareness of narcissism as well as
self-awareness, the victim understanding of how they were vulnerable
to and targeted by the narcissist. Yes answers will come and the
truth will be revealed but it takes work and effort. The narcissist
will never be of any use whatsoever in the healing
process. So the victim works on themselves and makes a
great deal of progress but they are still confronted with more
cognitive dissonance and this is the long term form or the second
type as described previously. So what is going on inside the victim
in this second type of cognitive dissonance? Well in this case the
victim is confronted with the conflicting emotions of still deeply
loving and caring for their previous partner and wanting to be with
them and simultaneously they have deep rage and anger for that narc,
view the ex partner as their greatest enemy, someone dangerous and to
be avoided. So yes this is definitely cognitive dissonance and the
whole concept of loving and hating someone, wanting them in your arms
and no where near you at the same time is illogical. It makes no
sense at all. But the sequence of events that led you to this point
are the direct result of the fraud that was perpetrated upon you by
the narcissist. It is the result of you loving a person that never
existed and being totally repulsed by the creature that was the real
person lurking behind that mask. So we get back to our goal, our
journey back to inner integration and it now becomes clear that that
cognitive dissonance is one of our greatest sources of turmoil. We
have placed our finger on a key area that needs to be worked on and
is holding us back. So how can we reverse this situation? Well, we
start by realizing and continually emphasizing to ourselves that the
person we loved never existed, that our feelings of love are
misplaced and even though love is meant to be forever and not meant
to be turned off in this case it is critical for us to kill that
aberrant love. We need to do this before we get into another
relationship, or we may never really be in the position to truly
invest ourselves into another person and that is our ultimate goal.
The second part of our aberrant thinking is the rage and anger and
the urge to seek vengeance and those emotions are absolutely
appropriate, but by the same token they are toxic and they are a
roadblock to our recovery and they prevent us from enjoying peace.
So for that reason the rage and urge to seek vengeance has to be
fought and eliminated. Yes, that virus was inside of us
throughout the relationship, going ever deeper into our cells and
almost becoming a part of our DNA. It was a part of us and it seemed
natural, almost normal for us to have that virus. The virus seemed
harmless enough but to outsiders the effects of that chronic
infection were becoming more and more obvious. Then the virus became
virulent and brought us to our knees and we could no longer deny that
there was something wrong, that we were infected with a pathogen, a
malignant pathogen that was incompatible with living a normal life.
We were forced to seek a cure. Some of us treated the symptoms and
got relief but it was never long lasting. That cognitive dissonance
was just being masked. But true healing requires us to treat the
cause of our problems. Yes, to truly heal we need to treat that
virus, eliminate it from the body fully and that means focusing on
eliminating those toxic thoughts that are the result of the
incalculable treachery and cruelty inflicted upon us by the
narcissist. Yes, that rage and the incredibly dark emotions that you
never experienced before that narc abuse have to be acknowledged then
eliminated, given to God and disavowed. As we eliminate those toxic
thoughts and emotions more will come to the surface and each and
every time those toxins need to be purged. It will take time, but
eventually the poison will be fully out of our systems. It is then
that life can begin again and you can put that narcissist and their
toxicity into the garbage bin of history. After all we are dwellers
in the light. Yes the world tells us it is cool to be dark and the
narc byes into this lie hook line and sinker. But that darkness is
nothing to boast about and the reality of that attitude has pretty
dire consequences. Eternal consequences. No Joke. Thank you for
watching. Comments are welcome. Peace be with you.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
The Choices That Narcissists Make: There is an
ongoing debate as to what causes narcissism and the desire to come up
with the ultimate answer leads some people to decide that a
narcissist is born that way while others place an emphasis on the
environment the narcissist grows up in and believe that to be the
cause. This is the debate between nature (genetics) and nurture
(environment). The problem is the fact that each person is different
and every environment is different meaning that no one answer can be
applied to any one individual. The truth is that the final outcome
that produces the covert pathological narcissist is a “team effort”
of nature and nurture. In some narcs the cause may be nearly all
nature in others nearly all nurture in yet others it is a more equal
combination of the two. The cluster of pathological traits that
includes narcissism is a subject of intense study among mental health
professionals, but the safe conclusion to come to as to what causes
narcissism is that both genetic predisposition and environment play a
role. Here is a brief clip of a ted x talk presented by Simon Baron
Cohen to explain the role nature and environment play in empathy, a
link to the video is in the description: Yes, we do
need to go to a narcissist's childhood especially the first five
years of life to try to pinpoint the cause of the narcissism. Yes,
we have to take into account the responsibility of the parent and we
have to see if there is any possible culpability on the child's end
as well. The ultimate “blame”, the person primarily responsible
for the unfortunate creation of an adult covert narcissist can rest
on the shoulders of the parent or the child, or be split almost
exactly in half. Yes, variable variability is not something most
people are comfortable with. A clear cut answer makes life easier
for everyone, but it isn't always helpful if we want to truly
understand what is going on that produces these demonic creatures we
call covert narcissists. Yes, there is a spiritual cause as well,
but today we will try to look at the observable facts and try to at
least get a better idea of the origins of covert narcissism. Now a
recent study of psychopathy and patterns in child behavior looking at
the parent child relationship looked at exactly that. Is the child
to blame for the parents not responding properly or are the parents
responsible for the child not responding properly. The results are
eye opening and confirm the above statement that the causes of
dysfunctional adults is a complex one. Let's just listen to a few
key moments of this ted x talk given by Luna Centifanti. a link to
this video is in the description: So what does this mean in
layman's terms? My interpretation is this: that sometimes the child
is the actual cause of the parents being unable to properly train the
child and other times it is the parents that are to blame for the
child becoming a dysfunctional adult. Now again we must take into
account the element of variable variability. Yes, there is a
constant interaction between the child and the parent in those
critical formative years before the age of 5, but the data can be
analyzed so that a general conclusion can be made. Again to keep it
simple, sometimes the parents share the larger portion of
responsibility, “are to blame” and sometimes the largest part of
the dysfunction is actually due to the personality of the child, “the
child is to blame”. The other possibility, that sometimes the
blame can be equally attributed to the parents and to the child is
also to be expected since these scenarios and the actual people that
were studied are all on a spectrum. So, how does this apply
to the covert pathological narcissist? Well it all boils down to the
decisions the narcissist makes starting as early as we can go, to the
very first decision a child makes. We have all heard of stubborn and
hard to handle children as well as children that are compliant and
“easy”. That already shows us that the genetic predisposition of
a child plays an important role in the final product that is a
narcissistic adult. Regardless of if the narcissist has neglectful
or loving parents, strict or lenient parents the ultimate outcome of
narcissism always starts with a behavior pattern, a decision of how
to respond to a situation that the environment presents the
narcissist with. So the origins of narcissism can then begin to
come into focus, become clear. The narcissist is a person who never
takes others into account, has no compassion or empathy and
considers themselves more important than anyone else. The narc has
developed a pattern of behavior where they no longer have any qualms
about lying. The narc has developed a behavior pattern that has
continually eroded their empathy to the point where they have little
or no empathy. The narc has continually ignored their conscience to
the point where it became calloused and then seared, so again the
conscience is in effect non existent. Yes, in short
the narcissist is a bad person, an evil person and they became that
way by continually indulging in bad and evil behavior throughout
their lives. The narc became someone who doesn't have a shred of
decency. There is no doubt that many an adult narcissist can no
longer help themselves because they are so locked into the cycle of
lying, duplicity, treachery and deceit. They can't help but destroy
those around them. Some people will argue that narcissists do need
our understanding, or that we should just avoid them and just not
make ourselves vulnerable to them. How does that even take into
account that the covert narcissist purposely hides their true self
and is an expert at deception? That doesn't even take into account
that most people are unaware of covert narcissism and that the
narcissist by design is a predator that purposely seeks out their
victims. So isn't it really giving these narcissistic beasts a
little more slack than they deserve to say that they can't help
themselves? How can we even take the outrageous claim that they
don't know what they are doing, don't know right from wrong
seriously? Rest assured the narcissist knows exactly what they are
doing and if they can't help themselves it is for one reason and one
reason alone: they always refused to make the right choice whenever
given the opportunity. Yes they made the wrong, the evil choice
every single time with very few exceptions. Let's be very clear:
the narcissist is an adult and they are responsible to be an adult so
do they really have any excuse at all? No they do not, they have no
excuse whatsoever. So we go back in time to childhood
development and look into the past of any narcissist, we go to the
day that they had enough awareness to make a choice. The choice to
listen to someone, in this case their parent, give authority to
someone that was greater than themselves or to refuse, usurp the
authority and do it their way. As the child grew, the choice to do
right or wrong was given them countless times and each time they did
it their way right or wrong. Whether that parent was a responsible
parent or and irresponsible parent is almost irrelevant. We are
focusing on the narcissist and the narcissist alone. Yes, there was
a point where the narc had to listen to a reasonable demand from
their parent or decide not to listen and rebel, to stiffen their
neck. As the child got older there were more and more complex
choices to make, more sophisticated choices to make, but the narc
simply became more sophisticated in their rebellion and lack of
concern for what was right or wrong. As the narc became an adult and
needed employment they began understanding the necessity of giving
the appearance of listening, but they covertly never really gave up
an ounce of authority to another human being. Similarly in
relationships the narcissist realized the necessity of giving the
appearance of concern and of being cooperative and willing to
compromise. Yes, that was necessary to get a foot in the door, Once
the relationship was locked in, the narc gradually and insidiously
began taking full control. The general overview of the
narcissist gives us a picture of a person who was addicted from early
childhood to get it their way, never feeling the need to give any
other human being authority, never feeling the need to live by the
standards of decency, of “right and wrong” that broader society
had agreed upon. Yes the narc understood the importance, the
necessity of appearing to live by the rules, appearing to believe
that it was important to do the good, the right thing, but underneath
it all the narc was never really going to relinquish an ounce of
having things their way. On the inside of that narcissist the rules
were very clear cut. The world revolves around the narcissist. The
narcissist reigns in that world, is the supreme being who makes all
moral judgments upon their own actions and the actions of others.
The narc is the judge and the narcissist's judgment is final, no
mercy. The people that the narc comes in contact with are merely
there for the use of the narcissist. These people have no
sovereignty or rights, only the narcissist has rights and only the
narcissist's needs are important. So now we begin to see that
the narcissist never had any problems making their choices. Choices
such as: Do I tell the truth or do I lie? Do I steal because I can
get away with it or do I walk away? Do I “turn the other cheek”
or get even at all costs? The list is endless, but the point to be
made is that at every stage of development, every choice the
narcissist encountered they almost always chose the easiest way, what
was best for them and them alone, never even really considering what
was the right or “moral” thing to do. Never considering the
effects their choices might have on other human beings. Yes the
narcissist certainly appeared to be an adult and certainly learned
to make themselves sound and look reasonable and even moral. But
sadly this was all an act and even more sadly their victims were
fully deceived by that mask, the act the narcissist put on. Because
the narcissist had no moral compass, no outside authority this led to
a pattern of decisions, of “choices” that were increasingly less
and less moral. Yes the choice to be evil was the exact result, the
consequence, the culmination of a lifetime of the narc having it
their way. That route never even took into account anyone else in
their environment. The narc's path of selfishness was a
long road with ever increasing covertness and sophistication, to the
point where a narcissist's selfishness could literally appear as an
act of altruism to the uninformed public. Those who are aware are no
longer deceived, but most of the world will just take that “kind”,
“noble”, “gracious”, “generous”, “compassionate”,
“empathetic”, “genuine”, ”humble” narcissist on face
value. But not those who are awake, they know the truth of what
lurks beneath the mask: for the narcissist it was always all about
them and them alone. So, if you want to ultimately judge ANY
human being, every single human on this planet is the result of a
myriad of choices that were made each and every moment of their
lives. In a way the final result, the “adult” that we are
presented with is the final “product”, the final exam result so
far of all of the choices we have made in our lives. Yes the
narcissist is a resounding failure as a human being and perhaps even
a grade of “F” is too lenient a judgment. But the scale will
never go to the depths that would be necessary to give the narcissist
the true grade they deserve. Yes, the narc is far worse than just a
failure as a human being, they are the source of so much suffering
and multiple other failures of all of the people that they have come
in contact with. The beginning of this video spoke about
nature and nurture and those subjects are very important and
necessary to take into account. But here is the narcissist's
problem: they ARE an adult, and there comes a point in every
person's life when they reach an age of accountability, when they ARE
responsible for their words and actions and how they treat others.
They are responsible for all that they say and do. Yes the narc will
deny that fact to themselves and to the world and believe that it is
possible for them to do as they please and NEVER grow up or develop
any level of emotional maturity. How is this even possible? Well,
the narcissist fails to understand that they are NOT the center of
the world and they simply can't comprehend that in order to coexist
with others they have to give those other people the possibility of
sometimes having things to their liking and make others more
important than themselves. Despite all of the complexity
it really boils down to this simple fact: The narcissist is a bad
person who is aware that they are doing bad things and there is never
really any excuse whatsoever for being a bad person. Whether that
narcissist had a bad upbringing and is emulating the duplicity and
treachery that they learned by observing their parents, or the narc
simply became that way due to the parents allowing them to indulge in
their strong willed stiff necked attitude of self entitlement it is
all the same. Yes the narcissist may have some excuses for being a
narcissist, but there is never any excuse for being a bad, an evil
person. The narcissist does know better. The narcissist knows how
to be kind to people and considerate. After all they did exactly
that when they first ensnared their victim during the
mirroring-idealization phase of a relationship. They are always
impeccably kind and respectful on their social sites and in any
public function. But those who know the narcissist behind closed
doors have a very different story to tell. The story of a selfish
self centered beast that hasn't got an ounce of respect or decency.
The narcissist knows right from wrong. The narcissist chooses to do
the wrong thing, to be evil, and that takes us back to our original
conclusion: the narcissist is the result, the aggregate of all of
the wrong and questionable decisions that they have made throughout
their lives. Yes they may have had poor parenting that didn't give
the right example, yes they may have been subject to abuse, or
perhaps it was the opposite. They had parents that let them “do as
they pleased” and overindulged them. It really doesn't matter at
all. At some point the narcissist had their own choice to do right
or wrong, good or bad and at each and every opportunity to do the
right thing they chose the opposite. Yes they are adults, they are
responsible and they have locked themselves in to bad behavior, but
ultimately as an adult they have NO excuse whatsoever. Thank you
for watching. Comments are welcome. Peace be with you.
REFERENCES 1. The erosion of empathy | Simon Baron
Cohen | TEDxHousesofParliament
2. Psychopathy and Patterns in Child Behaviour | Luna
Centifanti | TEDxDurhamUniversity
An Additional useful video: 3. From Saints to
Sociopaths: Dopamine and Decisions | Nadine Kabbani |
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Reprogramming Yourself After
Narcissist Abuse: Narcissist
abuse is deep seated and ends up infiltrating every aspect of your
mind and emotions. The toxicity gets into areas of our being that we
don't have access to and that we aren't even totally aware of, our
subconscious mind and the emotions and thoughts that exist there.
That toxicity can be likened to a flood where nearly raw sewage stays
in a house for weeks and then when the flood waters recede there is
damage that goes far beyond what is visible and some of that damage
may take months and years to fully become evident. So the homeowner
is left with two decisions: 1 try to rebuild the house that we have
an emotional attachment to, tearfully discarding all of our precious
memories such as family photos and keepsakes that we have cherished
over the years and that are no longer salvageable or, 2 making the
very difficult decision that NOTHING is salvageable and literally
starting from scratch. Yes that home that you lived in for years,
maybe decades, possibly most of your life, seemed very comfortable
and it contains many fond memories, but the unfortunate reality is
that that home is no longer inhabitable, it is filled with toxicity,
mold that if inhaled for long enough will result in your death. So
you are now forced to walk away, renew, rebuild. That is the
dilemma the narcissist abuse victim has, the difficult decision of
either rebuilding or walking away and that decision is different for
every individual since the reality is that no two individuals and no
two combinations of individuals are ever the same. It isn't
always a clear cut decision, but for most of us that have gazed into
the abyss of evil that is at the core of a pathological narcissist,
the decision is sharply defined and obvious, but we still hesitate
debating the pros and cons of rebuilding. Yes, an outsider sees the
obvious, that sewer washed home with rotting beams and a destroyed
foundation gutted of its moldy drywall is never going to be
inhabitable again and yet we victims can't and won't see the obvious.
Why? Well it goes back to our subconscious thoughts and emotions.
That fantasy world the narc created, the one you lived in for so long
is still very much alive in the areas of your heart and mind,
emotions and thoughts that aren't consciously accessible and you
simply aren't aware of that fact. So the victim can't make a clear
decision at all because that inner being of theirs' that they aren't
aware of is clouding their judgment. Add to all of that the
incredible resentment that some victims have to deal with due to
incredible physical and mental cruelty and it becomes clear why some
people can take years and decades making very little progress. Yes,
getting rid of that resentment and walking away from that beloved
house, the mind palace that was either a dilapidated shack or a house
of horrors is absolutely essential. Yes walking away is the hardest
thing but in a relationship with no bonds of marriage or children we
need to face that reality and consider ourselves fortunate. Nothing
in that now destroyed dwelling ever had any real value and was never
really meant to last. Every one of those cherished mementos in the
environment you once considered home and even the home itself was
toxic, fake and phony through and through. Do you understand the
absurdity of actually debating the pros and cons of rebuilding or
walking away? The answer is very obvious. Walk away! So
how do we get out of this cycle, this endless cycle of debating
whether to jump back into that toxic cesspool or not? We need to
consciously take control of our lives and we need to understand that
the subconscious part of us, the part that has all of the insight
and is far more intelligent than we are consciously, has been
corrupted with a virus. Yes, theoretically you could probably change
everything about yourself and alter even the core of your being, your
belief system, everything that you hold near and dear and totally
reprogram yourself, but that is not what the goal is here. We want
to retain the core of our being, our beliefs, all that is good about
us and makes us who we are and simply eliminate that toxic virus.
To do this a second metaphor will be useful, that of a computer
effected by a virus. When faced with a virus that has
infiltrated our computer unfortunately sometimes the operating system
has to be backed up and every file and folder and program that was
present before that computer crash occurred has to be carefully
preserved, or maybe if you had a backup, restore that computer to an
earlier time, a time before the virus, the narcissist, was
downloaded. Yes there may have been some corrupted files and viruses
before the narcissist and maybe we want to eliminate some of those as
well, but we really don't want to over-complicate things. Remember,
we are avoiding doing a fresh install of the operating system and
wiping everything clean. We want to retain as much of the useful
data as is possible. So yes you know the day, date, and
hour that you first encountered that virus and that is where the
search will begin. Bear in mind we are using two metaphors here. We
have already decided that that sewer infested home with all that was
in it is not salvageable. We have made a firm commitment to walk
away. The computer analogy is simply the process of beginning the
rebuilding process of a new dwelling. Back to the computer. It is
up to us to build a firm reliable foundation for the rest of our
existence, so now is the time to eliminate that virus and not allow
it to infect the new or renewed computer. So we carefully transfer
every safe file, folder and program, every one of them that was good
and solid, verifiably genuine and uncorrupted and transfer them to
the new computer. We jettison all of the files that may have
contained that virus no matter how useful they were. If we are
really in need of that program, such as a video making program, we
isolate that program until we are sure it is safe. We carefully
rebuild and back up each successful configuration of that computer of
ours, gradually getting back all of the functionality previous to the
narcissist. Yes, along the way we may decide that some previous
programs that we had are best not reloaded onto the new computer, but
that is not essential. The important thing is to purge the
narcissistic virus once and for all. So what does all of the above
mean in the real world, the world of the victim? Well the victim has
to isolate all of the toxicity in their life and realize that much of
that toxicity exists in the inaccessible portion of their mind. So
what is the victim to do? There are numerous ways to reprogram the
subconscious, but I will give you the Christian version, those who
want to take the secular approach are welcome to do so. Those
secular approaches include meditation, subliminal messages, creating
metaphors to try and define the situation you are in, music, changing
your brain's alpha waves, visualization, repetition, using a peak
positive occurrence in your life as an anchor event, etc. I will
not be interested in any of these methods, I consider them
potentially dangerous and will not recommend them. So
let's approach this situation from a Christian perspective and keep
things very simple. 1. Learn to pray to God Get on your
knees and humble yourself and begin a daily prayer time for yourself.
That is the quickest way to start reprogramming your way of thinking
by reinforcing the fact that God, not you are in control. James
MacDonald of Walk in the Word gave a comprehensive series of sermons
on how to pray. We should realize the importance of prayer and using
that prayer as a way of understanding God's purpose for our lives not
giving God commands. 2. Yes we want to eat right, get adequate
sleep, and certainly rekindle our connection to the Creator, Almighty
God not just in prayer, but as an integral part of our daily
existence. 3. We need to isolate the resentment and need for
vengeance and again remember that God will do a much better job of
repaying that narcissist than we could ever do. God commands us to
stay out of His way, make room for Him so that the narcissist can get
the proper reward for their treachery and evil. Make no mistake at
all the narcissist will pay for every ounce of what they did to you
with one exception, if they give the huge debt they owe to Jesus and
He will relieve them of their debt. But that requires the narcissist
to genuinely submit to God. The chances of that are slim to none,
but again that is not our problem. We just want that narcissist,
every last vestige of them out of our lives. When thoughts of
vengeance, anger, hostility arise we continually have to affirm to
ourselves, “vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord”. Eventually that
thinking will override the subconscious need for settling the score
or getting even. 4. We have to break that false notion
that the narcissist ingrained into us that we had a lifetime partner
that would be there for us forever. That person we loved and that we
still subconsciously want back in our lives NEVER existed. So every
time we have those feelings of nostalgia we need to remember the true
nature of narcissism and the reality of what was going on in their
minds. Just to cover some of the highlights lets go down a brief
list. The narcissist never loved and never cared about you. The
person you loved was a false persona, a mask with no substance below
the surface. 5. We have to realize that the bright future
together that you visualized in your mind and somehow were always
frustrated by the narcissist from achieving, was nothing more than
future faking. The narc purposely made it seem like that paradise
was just over the horizon then surreptitiously threw up roadblocks to
achieving that paradise. Yes the narc blamed you for the roadblocks,
but let's be clear the narc is without a doubt the one that placed
them there. So you need to continually tell yourself that that
endorphin producing thought process of being in bliss by thinking of
your life with that narcissist is nothing more than crack cocaine.
It warps your thinking and is literally a dysfunctional addiction.
Keep on telling yourself that you are not dealing with reality when
those flights of fancy occur in your mind. 6. We
have to analyze our time with the narcissist and reinterpret all of
what occurred in that relationship but more specifically we have to
stop blaming ourselves. Yes, the narc left and on top of all of that
they made you feel like you were the one to blame. Think about the
reality. The narcissist accused you of being fake and disloyal while
they are the ones that were in a new relationship and left you behind
without a single opportunity to understand or defend yourself and
with no explanation. The narcissist lies through their teeth and
then accuses you of being a liar. The list goes on. Bottom line once
you see clearly what was going on in that relationship you can
clearly see who the perpetrator and who the victim was. So every time
your subconscious brings up that you should blame yourself, keep on
reminding it of the reality. Use facts, don't give in to those wrong
thoughts. 7. We have to take the narcissist off of the high
horse, the pedestal that we put them on. No the narcissist was NOT a
paragon of virtue. No they weren't ever faithful or loyal, and yes
they lied about you being the only true love of their life. Not only
were you NOT the only true love of their life in fact the narc NEVER
loved you at all. The narc never had honorable intentions towards
you, the narc never cared, the narc was not good for you, the narc
never really made you feel good about yourself, the narc never built
you up, they were constantly tearing you down, the narc was your
great misfortune not your fortune. 8. We have to stop
wondering about what the narc is doing and projecting our genuine
love, loyalty, and concern onto the narcissist. We have to come to
grips with the harsh reality that the narc stopped thinking about us
long before they formally left the relationship. We have to come to
grips with the reality that the narc could care less about what we
are doing. They don't think about us at all, they have tired of the
relationship since they now have someone new, and that is the narc's
entire focus. The narc we loved is dead, they have transformed
themselves into someone new as they mirror the new person in their
lives. We are a waste of the narcissist's time, they wouldn't even
give us a cup of water if we were stranded in a desert and it could
save our lives. Remember it is hard for an em path to comprehend
this, but the narc is literally only concerned about themselves and
themselves alone. So let's summarize. Again all of the above
things become obvious over time, if we do the work to try and
understand, or are immediately obvious to us consciously, but we need
to repeat then to ourselves again and again so that our subconscious
finally understands. Yes we need to reprogram that subconscious of
ours. Although that subconscious mind is much more intelligent than
our conscious mind, it is quite naive. It is up to us to continually
correct that subconscious mind until it finally realizes the error of
it's ways. How will you know if you have begun the
reprogramming process? That is easy enough. When your
subconscious stops telling you what a wonderful environment that
unsalvageable, flood ravaged home is. When your subconscious stops
telling you how wonderful that narcissist and your life together was
and would one day be. When you see that narcissist not as a
beautiful or handsome angel, but you see then for what they really
are, a hideous beast that you have to turn your gaze away from.
When those thoughts of vengeance, anger, and rage dissipate as you
give them to God each and every time. When you start thinking
clearly and there is positivity in your life and your attitude once
again. When joy returns and you have gotten yourself back. When you
are whole inside and you feel your own presence and hopefully also
the presence of the Holy Spirit, God in your life. So the bottom
line is this. You can tell what is going on in your subconscious
mind very easily since it is the source of all of the dysfunctional
thinking that still binds you to that unsalvageable relationship with
the narcissist. We reprogram that subconscious by gently, carefully
and continually showing it the error of its ways. Success is
achieved when the subconscious finally agrees with what any outsider
can clearly see. Whether it be a house beyond repair or a
narcissist, an outsider can clearly smell the sewage, can clearly see
the ugly results of flood damage and clearly sees that the victim has
to move on. If you can't see that yet in your life that is not your
fault, but it is my sincerest hope that you gently remind your
subconscious that it is not thinking rationally and hopefully you
will begin the process of healing yourself. Remember, it wasn't your
fault what happened to you, you were taken off of the path of life
and were led to a dead end. It is now time to renew your
relationship with God and humbly admit that you are lost and rely on
God's guidance to return you to the world of light. You made a
mistake, it wasn't all your fault. In fact very little, if any of
that nightmare was your fault. Some of us may not have done things
God's way but we had honorable intentions, we were sincere and we
made a lifetime commitment to that narcissist. The narcissist broke
that trust and misrepresented themselves and their intentions. Not
you. The narcissist never loved you, the narcissist was never loyal
to you no matter how many times they told you of their loyalty. The
narc was in it for the thrill and they told you anything that you
needed to hear, made any promise necessary to gain your confidence.
Became anything they needed to become to convince you they were your
soul mate. The narc got bored when they achieved their goal and
bagged yet another victim. In the end it was simply a game for the
narcissist. A game that was deadly serious for the victim, but the
narcissist never cared and was never serious. The narcissist only
cares about one person, that creature that stares at them in the
mirror every morning. So yes think about it. That
narcissist has to look at themselves and lie to themselves every
single day, they have to deny reality 24 7 and they have to live in
that hollow shell of theirs. An environment devoid of love, empathy,
compassion, forgiveness, creativity, peace, contentment. A barren
lifeless environment with chaotic eddies of turmoil, rage,
resentment, envy, duplicity, debauchery, fear, treachery, and
unbridled lust to get whatever meets there eye as soon as possible
with no delay. The narc has to expend enormous amounts of energy to
convince themselves and others of all of the lies they are
maintaining. Quite an expenditure of energy to obtain negative
results. Do you really want to still believe that sewage dump was
a paradise? Your subconscious may cling to that notion but you can
see the truth very clearly. Thank you for watching. Comments
are welcomed. Peace be with you.
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