The Root Cause of Narcissist
Relationship Abuse- Can it be Found? The motivations of a
narcissist remain a mystery to most unfortunate victims that have
been in a relationship with these fiends. The assumptions of the
victims were that they were in an honest two way relationship and
this caused the victimized partners to believe that the narcissist
had the same feelings and motivations and reasons for the
relationship than those victims did. When the narc showed signs of
disloyalty or indifference or any other behavior that didn't fit
those assumptions, such as apparent lack of empathy, the victim
always made excuses because that victim believed in their heart that
the narc loved them every bit as much as they did and the narc was
every bit as committed to them as they were to the narc. The
narcissist confirmed to the victim that they had nothing to worry
about as well and the case was closed. The narcissist was very
crafty in the way they gradually devalued the victim in the sense
that the victim hardly noticed that the narc was gradually
disrespecting them, gradually making them lose their sense of self
respect and self esteem, gradually making them question their
perception of reality. Yes it was a tour de force of manipulation
and the narc attacked from every possible angle relentlessly. Then
came the discard. Sudden, calloused, abrupt with absolutely no mercy
or compassion on the part of the narcissist. The victim was
blindsided and left confused and puzzled. Then all of those issues
of the past, the pieces that didn't add up, the behavior that didn't
fit the narrative of the narc's professed love, devotion, and
commitment, started making sense. But the conclusion that the
discarded victim came to was a very harsh one. It seemed that
the narc never really loved them or cared about them, ever. It
seemed that the narc was really serious about leaving their partner
and really didn't care about the damage they were doing. It seemed
the narc actually enjoyed flaunting their new relationship, making
sure the previous partner had the maximum pain. It seemed that the
narc truly and suddenly abandoned the relationship and just as
suddenly had a new intimate committed relationship with someone else.
Yes all of those things seemed true, but in the immediate aftermath
of that discard the victim couldn't believe it. In fact the victim
was so overwhelmed that denying the incredible truth that they faced
was an absolute necessity. It was a survival mechanism. Yes, the
victim had to convince themselves that the narc hadn't really done
all that they just did or if they did do all of those things there
had to be some plausible explanation. Surely the narc had feelings
for the victim and would be back to try and repair the damage.
Surely the narc really cared. With time the ugly reality of that
partner's calloused heart became apparent to the victim and more
importantly the victim was gradually able to accept that truth.
Yes, that partner was a covert narcissist and as much as the victim
tried to deny that fact, time made that truth obvious. Yes, time had
gone by and emotions had calmed and maybe now that the dust had
settled that narc would come back and at least have a reasonable
conversation. Surely that narc cared enough to see how their ex was
doing. After all they had once made a lifetime commitment to that
partner. No, the narc never came. It wasn't in their interest to
show any compassion whatsoever to their previous lifetime partner, so
why do it? Let that previous partner rot and wallow in their own
misery. The narc was powerful, they had the strength to walk away
and never look back. Yes the narc thought themselves superior and
deserving of their new relationship. After all that narcissist was
the victim! They were the devoted ones that had been betrayed! At
least that is the story they were telling their new partner and that
made the bond between that new couple all the deeper. So the
victim of the narcissist gradually put together all of the pieces and
over time began the long journey of getting themselves back, but
their was still a nagging question, a question that just didn't have
any logical answer. Why would the narcissist do this to another
human being? Why would the narc insist on a relationship and get
everything they wanted and then abruptly leave? What was going on in
that mind of theirs? Yes it is now clear, and it can take a year or
more to understand it, but it is now clear that narcissist never
loved their ex. So why expend all of that energy? Why lie about
everything? Why would one person do that to another human being?
The narc had done this many times before and witnessed the
meltdown of their discarded victims again and again. Didn't that
narc have any concern at all about the harm they were causing others?
Well the short answer is no, the narc didn't care about any of those
people. No, on the contrary the narc looks back on those experiences
and sees themselves as the strong one. The narc looks back at the
behavior of their previous victims as they became irrational under
the emotional torture inflicted upon them by that narc with detached
amusement. Yes, those victims are the narcissist's trophies.
Especially the ones that were reported to the authorities and were
formally and publicly turned into the perpetrators. Yes, those
victories of the narcissist always pick up that narc's spirits.
After all, it means the narc won. So no, the narc doesn't care about
anyone but themselves. No effort would ever be expended on another
person if there was no gain for the narcissist. So what would cause
a person to do these things to other human beings, to cause so much
pain and damage? More importantly can an answer to that question
help others avoid these narcissists in the future? So let's try to
answer the question of what motivates that narcissist when it comes
to relationships. We now live in an age where sex is a mere
pass time, a recreational activity. There is no longer any shame
associated with sex and in fact the only concern is to do it safely
and to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. So any person who wants to put
constraints on this sexual behavior is now considered out of step
with modern thinking. All of that being said though, a human being,
even if they are secular, intuitively forms a bond with a person they
have a physical relationship with and there is that intuitive feeling
most of us still have that we want to be serious about a relationship
before we get physical. Most of us still have a heart that yearns
for one and only one person in our lives and that act of physical
intimacy does bond us to that other person. Of course there is the
pleasure aspect of sex, but deep inside most people take this act
seriously and understand sex to have much greater significance. The
narcissist is of a different opinion and isn't weighed down by the
constraints of morality. Yes, the narcissist views sex differently.
The narc doesn't bond with those they have sex with. This may be
because of the numerous sex partners they have had over the course of
their lives, but it also has to do with the fact that they don't bond
or form deep emotional attachments to others. So for a narcissist
they see mostly the pleasure aspect of sex as their motivator. The
narc has only one concern and that is never to be publicly known to
be having sex with multiple people because the narc is first and
foremost concerned about their billboard or public persona. Yes, the
narc still realizes that lax sexual standards are frowned upon, so
the narc maintains a public image of respectability. So how is this
significant in a narcissist relationship? How does this attitude
play itself out when the narc interacts with others? Well
the narc sees an opportunity for sex and just has to take it. The
plans have to be laid carefully, but if the narc is in one
relationship and wants something on the side or wants to gradually
transition to another partner they need to set a foundation that
paints them as in some sort of distress. Maybe that narc, who never
has any intention of leaving their moneyed husband will tell someone
they are in a sexless marriage and are staying together only until
the children graduate. Or maybe the narc meets a man that is far
more successful than their current partner and then that partner is
demonized as an abuser and the new person, who just happens to have
money, is gone to as a protector. Maybe the narc simply loses
interest in a business man and now wants an experience with a
firefighter or an ex military man. For the male narcissist it may
just be another opportunity at work or the allure of a younger woman.
Either way that male narc will convince himself and oftentimes that
partner that he is misunderstood and will allude to being in a
sexless marriage. The list is endless, but the whole thing boils
down to the fact that the narc only has the motivation of the
pleasure aspect of sex, they are always seeking that new experience.
When the narc finally achieves that goal of the new
physical relationship they will either be dealing with a fellow narc
that is also just seeking a quick fix in which case they are both in
agreement or they will have to play a person seeking a long term
relationship. The narc loves to mix things up. So the narc will
then convince their serious partner that they are serious as well.
This is where the problems start for the partner who is serious. Yes
that partner may even become that narc's spouse. But it doesn't
really matter, eventually the narc tires, gets bored and undoubtedly
will begin to stray from the relationship definitely mentally and
almost definitely physically. So you could make the argument that
boiling the narc's motivation down to sex is being too simplistic.
What about the love bombing” What about all of the pleasure the
narc gets from gaslighting, demoralization, future faking, lying?
Yes all of those things are sources of energy for the narc, but it is
that sexual bond that the partner has and the narc doesn't that makes
all of that other depravity possible. Yes it is the sex that is pure
pleasure for the narc because not only is it physically pleasant, it
also gives the narc power over their victim since it causes the
victim to become ever more emotionally bonded to that narc and that
gives the narc an even greater high, knowing that they have emotional
control over that victim. So now we see how even a decent
person who takes sex seriously and would never just do it for
recreation can be caught in the narc's web. The narc gets into this
person's heart and mind by mimicking a chaste individual. My ex
partner told me I was only the second person she had ever been with
and it was clearly understood that we would be sharing the rest of
our lives together and right from the beginning that meant a clear
path to eventual marriage before any physical activity was engaged
in. She said and did whatever it took. I will spare the details of
what I later found out was the reality of her past. It was shocking
to say the least. So what is the possible root cause of
narcissist relationship abuse? It is the narc's use of sex to make
another person bond with them. For myself it is clear I could have
avoided everything by sticking to what I knew was correct. Not
engaging in premarital sex. That narc would have needed to give more
than lip service to a lifetime commitment and eventual marriage and
the price of my heart would have been too high. So ultimately for
myself I realize that I could have avoided a lot of grief. But how
do you say no to a person who is crying out for help and is telling
you they are lonely and being abused and needs you? Someone who
touches you deeply and makes you want to be there for them even
before the first notion of physical activity? Other more unfortunate
souls did keep a high standard and still ended up with a narcissist,
but now they were married to that person. So in a sense it is very
difficult to avoid these narcs. However being more cautious, more
vigilant before ever giving someone your heart and mind, let alone
your body, combined with your new found knowledge of narcissism will
go a long way towards preventing this tragedy from befalling you
again. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be
with you.
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