The Cost of Covert Narcissism Part
2: The Covert Narcissist's Secret to Success: The covert
narcissist's guide to lying: The lie will serve you well if you
respect it and never betray it. Don't be fooled by the world that
sees the lie as wrong and the truth as good. That philosophy is for
fools and as a covert narc you will never be a fool. Yes the lie
will give you everything as long as you never betray it or turn your
back on it. Yes the lie is a jealous partner and expects full
allegiance. In fact the lie expects you to be wedded to it. Some
truth is allowed, but only in service to the lie, to make the lie
more believable. So here are your rules: 1. You must fully embrace
and love the lie, see it's beauty. 2. Never Hesitate: Don't ever
waiver when lying. When questioned go into even further detail and
make the lie even more elaborate. 3. Remember, most people in this
world do give homage to the truth and are therefore wavering in their
recollections. The cardinal rule of the pathological liar is to be
adamant and 100% certain of your version of events. The beauty of
this cardinal rule is that it gives you almost god like power to
fabricate reality out of thin air. 4. Just remember: Don't EVER
betray the lie or admit to having lied. Trust the words of the lie:
Sin doesn't exist, you are allowed to do anything that you please as
long as you can get away with it. But don't ever admit to having
lied. That and only that is sacrilege and may set a precedent in
your life and make you just like all of the other mortals that are
subject to the truth and not protected by the lie. 5. Remember:
The lie is your best friend, your protector, your mentor. The lie
has given you everything that you ever wanted. Without the lie you
would be nothing. You would be a mere mortal. You would be
vulnerable. You would lose all of your advantages. 6. Don't ever
forget who your enemy is: the truth. You see what the world is like
and those people who believe in the truth are like sheep for the
slaughter. To use another metaphor it's a dog eat dog world and only
fools living in a dream world would make themselves vulnerable and be
committed to the truth. You are a consumer and it is your right to
take everything possible from the fools who think it is wrong to lie.
Those people are your rightful source of fuel. So remember as a
chosen one, you MUST be loyal to the lie at all times or you risk
losing everything. 7. Just remember the lie has made you what you
are and given you superhuman abilities to recreate yourself, who
people perceive you as being at any time and in any setting that you
choose. The lie has made you strong and allowed you to never make
yourself vulnerable or dependent on any other human being. The lie
has given you your whole existence. 8. Last but not least remember
this: The lie has made you everything that you are. So there
you have it in a nutshell: The narc's secret to success now fully
revealed. Of course there is a glaring omission. Never is any
mention made of any cost whatsoever to the narcopath. Yes that
narc's lies frequently caused the narc to lose jobs, relationships,
money, trust, and reputation. But the lie glosses all of that over
and the narc faithfully listens and believes. No mention is
ever made of the value and necessity of credibility. Yes,
credibility is the “coin of the realm” in human interactions. A
parent who loses credibility with their children loses all of the
efforts they put into that child and loses authority in their lives.
An employee who loses credibility becomes a liability, someone who
needs to be removed. A partner who loses credibility destroys the
very foundation of a healthy relationship and fractures the very
important bond that makes a relationship valuable and beneficial.
Yes in every single arena of human existence, and we have just
mentioned a few, trust is everything and oftentimes the only
important thing when we interact with another human being. But the
narc takes it all to the limit and thinks that a veneer of honesty
gives them the freedom to engage in their wicked impropriety. The
lie gives the narc a false sense of security of stealth or
invincibility and that gives the narc false confidence. That false
sense of their own abilities and what they can get away with hangs
the narc up every time. You would think that someone whose
wickedness has cost them so much when it was found out would finally
wake up and see the futility of being a fake phony fraud. Yes in the
end the gains given by the lie are unfulfilling and no ill gotten
gain will ever have the ability to give joy. Something that is
undeserved never ultimately gives satisfaction or peace or a sense of
accomplishment. Only genuine achievements that we know inside that
we deserve and have worked for and have delayed our gratification for
gives us a genuine sense of accomplishment. A life genuinely devoted
to a child in which the parent actually denied themselves the
pleasures of life, not one in which adultery occurred with many
different partners throughout that child's development is what gives
that child confidence in the parent and imbues the parent with
authority and credibility. Devotion and dedication and commitment to
a job or relationship and genuine concern which proves itself over
years is like money in the bank. That equity is the fruit of genuine
efforts and accrues interest. It becomes a reputation. That
faithfulness and chastity and dedication can be faked, but only
temporarily. The proof is that genuine devotion and commitment prove
themselves over time. A fake phony commitment, a veneer of
faithfulness and chastity eventually wears thin and gets exposed.
Once exposed the narc loses all of their ill gotten
credibility and all of the lies in the world can't help the
narcopath. The narc knows that and you would think they would learn
their lesson after losing credibility time and time again. Yes the
proof is always in the pudding, where the rubber meets the road, over
time. In parenting. At the job. In a relationship. No we won't
mention religion. Even a covert narcopath should know their limits
and we would hope that at least consciously they won't ever try to
pull the wool over God's eyes. Just to be clear God sees everything,
He is aware of every intricate detail of our lives every motivation
of everything that we do. So the foolish narc loses all of the
most important things in life. That opportunity to be a parent and
make a positive difference is destroyed. That opportunity to make a
difference in the workplace and all of those positive contributions
are overshadowed by the destruction the covert creep leaves in their
wake. The relationship that is damaged because the narc can no
longer be trusted has the potential for repair. But trust is easily
obtained the first time, then hard to regain once it is lost. Yes,
the narc is given one second chance after another and eventually they
destroy that relationship beyond repair. How does the narc cope with
all of this loss? They simply tell themselves that the jobs and the
relationships were not important, were worthless, and are fully
replaceable. In fact they entered every one of those jobs and
relationships never intending to actually invest in them anyway. Yes
the narc never values or cherishes or invests in anything. They only
take. They only fake the appearance of contributing or giving. Yes
right from the very outset the narc never has any intention of
actually staying for the duration. Not as a parent. Not as an
employee. Not as a partner. Yes the narc will stay at a job or in a
relationship if it is beneficial to them and they can maintain their
veneer of dedication. But all bets are off when a better opportunity
comes along. Yes the narc's closest ally and best friend,
the lie wants nothing from the narcopath at all. Sure. The cost of
the lie throughout that narcopath's life is glossed over by the lie
and only the so-called benefits are highlighted. One day that friend
of the narcopath will expect payment and the cost to that narcopath
will be their entire existence. Eternity paying for the dubious
gains given to them by the lie. Only Jesus can help the narcopath.
The all knowing narc never suspects who “the man behind the
curtain” is, who “the father of lies” is and what his true
motivations and purpose are. Yes, Satan was defeated by Jesus on
the cross when Jesus willingly gave up His soul, releasing Himself
from His body. So it's a source of amusement that people would
actually deify a being that has already been defeated, and get on the
losing team. Yes it is game over for Satan and all of those who
follow him. Satan is simply being allowed to still influence the
human race. So it all boils down to one thing: God exists and the
truth matters and will always defeat the lie. Yes the crowning
achievement of the lie is when the truth can be told in the middle of
a deception and the dupe doesn't even understand what has been told
them. Yes the lie spoke one truth and that is that it made the
narcopath everything that they are. Sorry to throw a wet blanket
over the narc's perfect world. To end with some even harsher
reality. We've all heard of famous people, musicians, actors, or any
person with accomplishments and acclaim, having supposedly made a
deal with the devil for their success and achievements. Well, the
narc has also made that deal, whether they knew it or not. But the
narc sells their soul for pennies on the dollar. The narc gives
themselves away cheaply. No tangible benefits come from that sale
when it comes to the narcopath. The narcopath may be allowed to get
away with their depraved treachery time and time again, but is that
really worth the loss of their soul? Of course the targets and every
single victim of the narcopath get no benefits whatsoever. Well here
is the only bright spot in this gruesome scenario: No one actually
sells their soul and everyone has the possibility of redemption. But
that requires sincerity and being genuinely remorseful. Those who
have been given over to a reprobate mind and are unreachable most
likely had many chances and opportunities to change their ways, but
they refused. So eventually they lost their chance. Eventually
those reprobates can't even understand or believe the simplest truth
or warning and that seals their fate. Yes, in the end the reprobate
scoff at everything and simply can't even understand what is
comprehensible to a five year old child. But they did that to
themselves, didn't they? They march to their doom with a continued
arrogant swagger and have nothing but disdain for those who warn
them. That smirk and the attitude behind it will cost them eternal
life. For what? Pennies on the dollar. Believe it or not yes,
pennies on the dollar. Thank you for watching. Comments
are welcomed. Peace be with you.
End Comments: Is the
narcopath evil or are they sick? The short answer is that they are
both. We all have times when we are not at our best. This is
usually a result of life's pressures and us not being prepared for
them. Yes, sometimes life throws us a “curveball” and we strike
out miserably and don't even have any grace about it at all. Yes, we
all do and say things that we regret later on. Some of those thing
could even be construed as evil. So we try to make amends, we feel
remorse, we beat ourselves up and we allow our conscience to guide
us. The narcopath is different in that they do evil things
purposefully. Yes even a narcopath become more viscious and
treacherous than originally planned when placed under pressure. But
that narc never feels remorse or heeds a conscience. Sometimes they
even feel a sense of accomlishment for what they were able to pull
off. Never is any thought given to the repercussions on another
person's life. It's all about the narc and only about the narc 24/7.
So it ends up being the narc's attitude about the evil things they
do that makes then evil themselves. Is the narcopath mentally
ill, insane, sick? Yes they are because the motivations of these
creeps are nonsensical and dysfunctional. Remember the narc has
made themselves what they are; they chose to be evil, chose to ignore
whatever pangs of conscience that they felt, chose to even be proud
of having perpetrated their treachery and gotten away with it. Yes
the narcopath is mentally ill, because even after having plenty of
time for self reflection and introspection the narc sees noting wrong
in themselves. More importantly, the narcopath's toxicity does real
damage to those that interact with them. Worse than that, the
covert narc seems perfectly sane and rational and no one could even
suspect that they are evil. Yes they are “covert” after all and
self centered always focusing on themselves (narcissists). Combine
the two and you get a sack of filth, otherwise known as a covert
narcissist, a “narcopath”. Yes, the victim didn't
have a clue. They couldn't see the evil in their own partners and
they couldn't see the bona fide mental illness. No the narc wasn't
just “crazy outrageous” in their actions, attitudes, and
embellishments, they were mentally ill game players, evil creeps, and
pathological liars. The covert narc wasn't a troubled person who
needed understanding, they were a a person suffering from insanity,
but that insanity incapacitated others and hardly touched the narc at
all. Yes the victim was clueless, but the mask dropped and the
narc showed themselves and this created confusion. The internal
dialogue of the victim defended that narc, but the pieces of the
puzzle came together one after another and over time there was no
longer any doubt that the narcopath was evil. Imagine someone faking
love, commitment and loyalty all the while having no respect for
their partner's humanity. So yes the victim finally sees that covert
creep's wickedness. But that gives no relief, it causes anger and
rage. Time heals and that victim sees what the problem really was:
the narcopath was mentally ill. That explains it all and the
explanation works wonders. It eases the pain and allows the victim
to heal at an even greater level. No, the narcopath isn't absolved,
they are just seen as someone that we should have never taken
seriously. Not when they love bombed us and not when they ruthlessly
denigrated us. Yes in the end we see that narc as the small
insignificant person that they are and that allows closure.
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