The Narcissist is
Haunted by Their Actions Part 3, Conscience: First one
disclaimer. Please keep in mind these comments are my opinion. I am
not a mental health professional. I am describing actual
observations on ONE person that I was truly trying to understand
while in a relationship. All of the actual explanation and much of
the detailed insight was gained after the relationship ended. I have
spent hours every day for nearly 4 years trying to understand this
individual and that is my only qualification for discussing this
subject. So, let's proceed. The severe, comprehensive
damage that the pathological covert narcissist does to the people
around them is undeniably diabolical. The narc is pure evil and the
damage they do persists for years after they finally discard the
victim that has been depleted and is no longer useful. The
implication that a narcopath has a conscience seems to imply that the
narc has some humanity, some good inside of them. Let me make this
clear. The person I was with was a true pathological covert
narcissist. I am still comprehending the total depravity and
darkness of this person and day by day I see that this person hasn't
got a shred of decency in them. I truly believe that narc's only
chance is a genuine, life changing, dedication of their life to Jesus
and making Him their Lord and Savior. I will always hope for that for
that person. I will always hope there is a shred of humanity and
conscience and remorse somewhere inside that dark heart.
Furthermore, there is the possibility this person is under the
influence of a demon, in which case there is hope if they could only
be freed from their enslavement. Unfortunately this person's
arrogance and high opinion of themselves will never allow them to
“bow their knee “ to Jesus. Their body would have to suffer 20
times the amount of pain it could tolerate, and their psyche as well,
before they would ever humble themselves. This person is in effect
unreachable with no hope. I have now put things in
context. So, are narcissists totally devoid of a conscience
and remorse? Let's remember that Narcissism is on a spectrum and is
a constellation of signs and symptoms and every one of those signs
exhibits itself differently in every narc. Therefore, it is tough to
generalize, since you have to allow for all of the variations in each
and every narc. There is some general agreement that narcissists do
have a trace of remorse and empathy and conscience, just that the
narc will always place a higher priority on their own needs. I
witnessed that personally. Here is a true example. I needed to have
my cat that was suffering immediately put to sleep, but the narc
actually thought it an inconvenience. I was told I should have
waited, because the timing was not convenient for the narc. The narc
actually became nasty right after this and was yelling and arguing
with me the rest of the day. Not an ounce of empathy? Right, but
here is the very critical part I left until the end. That narc did
actually give me a hug and support for about 5 minutes after the
actual event. Those 5 minutes where I actually needed her emotional
support and drew on her energy. She seemed to care and I assumed she
did. But then there was silence after those 5 minutes and not long
after the hostility and anger at me, the shocking callousness that
left me scratching my head for days and weeks. Of course not another
word would be said about how I felt about losing my animal and I knew
that I would never again expect any support from this person. If
another similar situation arose with an animal I would go it alone
figuring I could never put any of my needs ahead of the slightest
minor needs of this person and I learned never to expect an ounce of
emotional support from her. I thought this is what a man should do,
give emotional support but never expect it from the woman and I
adjusted my attitude, but still that calloused indifference didn't
jive with the professed love she had for me, there was just something
“off” and it made me wonder. The consensus is yes, narcissists
do have empathy, remorse, and a conscience, but they are at such a
low level and so unreliable that they are in effect absent. So now
let's focus on the narcissist and how can it be that they are
haunted, or plagued, by their actions and yet they don't have a
conscience or remorse. Let's use another metaphor. There is and
alligator in a river and their main meal is fish and they consume
fish every day. Then someone releases a non native catfish into the
river and over time these catfish multiply. These particular catfish
have the ability to give off a shock when a predator tries to eat
them. Well one day that alligator happens to bite into an electric
catfish and is severely shocked. Immediately after, that alligator
now looks at every fish and is afraid to bite into it. Eventually
after 2 or 3 days, hunger wins out and the alligator takes another
meal of fish. This time there is no shock and the alligator
gradually gets back to his normal routine, consuming fish every day.
Yes there was some initial hesitation, but eventually the alligator
was totally back to normal. All the while the electric catfish were
multiplying and then a month passes and the alligator catches another
catfish and gets shocked. The alligator once again goes on a hunger
strike and once again slowly gets back into the routine, but this
time the alligator is more cautious and carefully observes the type
of fish he will sink his teeth into. So is the alligator remorseful
for having eaten fish? Has the alligator now got a conscience? It
sure appears that way. Look at how carefully he looks at that fish
before he eats it. He must be contemplating the poor fish's
suffering before he consumes it for his meal. We know that is really
not the case, it only appears that the alligator has a conscience.
Now let's get back to the narcissist. The narcissist may have
the emotional capacity of an alligator, but she does have the mental
capacity of a human. So that electric catfish takes on a hundred
different forms for the narc. She lied at a critical job interview
and lost that job opportunity because of the lie, so she now realizes
she needs to be honest or lie more effectively. She was too obvious
about her lack of concern in the last relationship so she now more
carefully mimics the signs of being a concerned supportive partner.
She was caught in adultery multiple times and each time very
carefully analyzed the situation and modified her behaviors to make
the next adulterous affair less detectable all the while putting up a
smokescreen to her partner about being remorseful and truly having a
deep painful conviction of her conscience. She has refined her act
to the point where she makes these professions of conscience while at
the very same time is already starting and into another affair. Yes
the narc has turned treachery into a high and fine art. They perfect
their evil over time. So the narc is haunted by her past actions, her
failure in pulling off her treachery. Her failure in lying
effectively. Her failure to deceive those around her. Then
we get into the other aspect of the haunting and that is the element
of fear and anxiety that can turn into full blown paranoia, where the
narc panics and projects all of her duplicity, treachery and malice
onto another human being. She literally perceives someone with
nothing but love for her, no desire whatsoever to harm her, as a
predator out to damage her in any way possible, sort of like she
wants to do to others. Yes, that narc is constantly looking over her
shoulder. She does ponder her actions, she does think about the
repercussions of her evil duplicitous treachery, her lying and
deceit, but it isn't due to a conscience. She has seen her actions
go terribly wrong in the past and suffered the painful results. She
doesn't have a correct concept of God and how He works in people's
lives because she refuses to submit her will to a greater being. She
dabbles in the eastern religions and likes the concept of karma since
it doesn't require an actual subjugation of herself to God. In fact,
for the narc, she can retain her self decreed “goddess” status
and a belief in karma at the same time, no conflicts. Karma to the
narc is whatever she defines it as. One slightest injury to the
narcissist may result in karma, the narcissist's brand of karma,
imposing a thousand fold penalty on the wrongdoer. Yes, the touch of
a feather on the narcs hand could result in the perpetrator losing
their whole hand. That is the warped illogical justice the narc
imposes on others that have the unfortunate experience of being
sucked into her dark kingdom. So this is another source of that
haunting. The narc doesn't understand that karma is not what she
makes it, illogical and unpredictable, so she lives in a world of
paranoia and is constantly concerned about her brand of illogical
karma. Repercussions for actions which are out of proportion or
unexpected for the action done. Yes, the narc is a victim of her own
warped world. I have observed personally this incoherent logic, the
inability to connect her actions to the potential punishment. She
actually thought that another human being would suffer for a totally
unrelated action that she did. Now did the narc really believe that
an unrelated person could actually pay the price for her
transgressions? Maybe. But of course, with the narcissist nothing
is that straightforward. This could have been just another one of
her covert attempts at gaslighting and manipulation, feigning the
fear of karma, trying to put on an act of concern about karma but
giving herself away in the presentation, by presenting an obviously
counterfeit version of the karma that she was afraid of.
So in conclusion the narcissist is haunted by her
actions. The haunting is unlikely to have anything to do with a
conscience or remorse, and more to do with fear for what might happen
to her, even though you can't rule out that a small amount of
conscience may be involved. Because the narc has never lived by the
rules of a higher power, that of a Christian God with very consistent
definitions of what sin is and somewhat predictable punishments for
bad behavior, her concept of retribution for bad behavior is warped
and incoherent. The narc won't even believe in the generally
accepted consensus of how karma may come back to revisit someone,
because again it means she would have to live by rules that others
have decided on. The narc is therefore left living in a world where
there are uncertain and unpredictable repercussions for any action
whatsoever. This is what happens to those who are untrustworthy,
duplicitous treacherous, unreliable, disloyal frauds, people who
don't care for truth and justice. People who don't care to live by
coherent external standards and codes of conduct. Yes the narc
thinks herself free and sovereign, but has actually enslaved herself
in a warped unpredictable world. The narc lives in a dark bleak
world devoid of love, compassion, empathy. A world where no one can
be trusted, filled with anger, envy, bitterness, fear, with nothing
to have faith in or believe in other than the lie. Yes, the narc
does trust in her own lies and she is led by the nose by the father
of lies and chaos and incoherence. That would be the devil. He keeps
her on a short leash and she follows his every command because she
has been given over to her own iniquity. My opinion. Thank you for
watching, your comments are welcomed.
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