Trust and the
Narcissist: The narcissist trusts no one. They are
suspicious of every word and gesture of those they come in contact
with. This attitude is one of the many ways that narcissists make
themselves dysfunctional and dissociate themselves with reality. The
inability to trust makes narcs inefficient in all that they do and
holds them back in many ways, but the narc never sees things that
way. Yes, the narc views those who trust as dysfunctional and naive
and the narc can point to numerous occasions where being trusting
burnt the person who trusted. The narc never sees the big picture,
the fact that we all understand that people can't be fully trusted
and that the trust we give others is based on experience and testing
the waters. So the trust a normal person places in another human
being is earned by the person who receives that trust. This ability
to give trust appropriately can only be learned by trusting, getting
burned and then re-evaluating a healthier way of continuing to trust
others. Of course the narc has a severe handicap when it comes to
trust. They have only themselves to use as a reference point and the
narc is totally aware of the treachery, deceit and duplicity that
lurks inside of them. So the narc thinks any trust given to anyone
is misplaced. Of course that is true only when a normal human being
encounters a narc. Yes, the narc will take advantage of even the
smallest amount of trust and belief we place in them. But the narc
fails to see that trust is his or her problem, not a problem for
normal people who don't seek to lie and deceive people in every way.
Yes the narc deceives and plays their game for important things and
even in the most trivial things. The narc is wedded to duplicity and
will never come clean. Yes the narc will stick to the most
insignificant lie and never admit to having lied. Even in the face
of the truth. Why? Because the narc takes great pride in that
ability to lie and also because the narc's flawless ability to lie
relies on the narc themselves clinging to and believing that lie to
be true. So what are the nuts and bolts of the narc's thought
process with regard to trust? No one but the narc knows for sure,
but let's do some informed speculation. Yes, I was intimately
involved with a covert narc and actually put a huge effort in to try
to understand her. So again, the narc views the average healthy
person who trusts as a fool, as dysfunctional and views themselves
as the wise functional person. The narc is well aware that the
average person starts out with a baseline of trust that they extend
to all people and the narc then seeks out that baseline as soon as
they can. The narc then gets a foothold on that trust and after
studying the victim gradually finds new ways of gaining the target's
trust. Again in this scenario the narc always sees themselves as the
superior and wise one. Regardless of the level of trust the narc
finally obtains they then put that trust on the shelf to be used as a
tool in the future when it is needed. To achieve a goal. Let's never
forget that the people in the narc's environment are simply objects,
appliances to be used and in this case the people will be used
towards a goal. You could say that the narc is creating a group of
“potential flying monkeys”. That goal could be to damage someone
in what the narc considers their own self defense or to “get
ahead”, used to get a relationship or job promotion, or used as a
tool of treachery. The treachery is when the narc uses another
person's good will and trust that they have obtained by duplicity and
counterfeit concern and uses that trust to obtain information they
then use to damage the person who gave it. Yes, I was an eye witness
to that treachery and frankly it took my breath away to think that
someone could be that duplicitous and actually use someone's love for
them as a tool to damage that very person that cared about them. Yes
the narc was actually proud of having been treacherous, she thought
it quite an achievement. Never once considering the damage she was
doing to others with her treachery or even considering the fact that
treachery is evil. So let's illustrate these points, how
the narcissist uses trust as a tool. So the narc makes friends and
wins their confidence and trust. This could be on a social site or
at the workplace or it could even be over the course of years as she
gains the confidence of certain extended family members. Yes, the
narc builds up trust wherever they go. Then the narc has a major
disagreement with someone, or the narc is caught red handed lying,
stealing, cheating, committing adultery, etc. The narc immediately
uses the trust equity to circle the wagons and makes the person who
she feels has wronged her an evil human being by fabricating a story
that all of those who trust the narc will believe. If the narc can
do this pre-emptively, before the other party has a chance to speak
to others about it all the better, so she quickly swings into action.
Oftentimes the narc already has another shelf full of feasible lies
about that person that can be told to multiple groups of people.
The stakes are much higher when the narc is caught doing questionable
and embarrassing acts of evil so the narc goes many steps further.
First she will try to get the observer to be a nice person and keep
what they have observed to themselves. The person may then have to
take some time to decide if it is the right thing to keep quiet or
not. For example the revelation of a theft or of adultery may end up
ruining the narc's job or relationship so the narc plays on that and
makes sure she pleads a case to the observer that will make that
observer stop and pause. Meanwhile, the narc has bought themselves
precious time and immediately engages on a smear campaign to
discredit that person with the knowledge of the narc's wrongdoing.
The narc sees everything as a power play, a game. The worst thing
for a narc is if someone else has damaging information on them. They
automatically assume that that person will abuse that supposed power
and the narc therefore makes sure the person is discredited and
considered unreliable, or even crazy. So yes the narc sees trust as
a tool, an insurance policy that he or she will use in any
contingency. After all, insurance, a safety net is needed with the
kind of questionable practices the narc engages in almost every day
of the year. Under less stressful circumstances trust is
merely used by the narc to smooth out their life. Make work a bit
easier or make her home life easier. Yes the trust always gives a
degree of comfort and gives the narc just a bit more wiggle room for
practicing her unconventional lifestyle. Unconventional in the sense
that the narc will always try to get away with one evil act or
another. Living an honest transparent life means there are no
opportunities to be covert. No fun for the narc. Yes an honest
normal life is boring. Turmoil is all the narc knows and wants.
Peace and tranquility and contentment again mean the narc is missing
out, missing out on leading a double, triple, or quadruple covert
existence. So what is it that the narc is missing out
on, just not understanding about trust? Well trust is essential for
anyone to be truly functional and achieve their highest potential.
It is not naive to trust, it is always understood that people don't
always tell the truth or have pure motives, but that is beside the
point. To think clearly you take into account the inaccuracies in
people's statements and impurity of their motives but to be
functional you need to take most everything on face value, with a
grain of salt. Constantly believing that people are looking for an
edge or doing everything for ulterior motives means that you can
never think clearly about anything, you can never make clear
decisions or comprehend a situation in order to make those decisions
sound. Instead, you are caught up in a never ending cycle of second
guessing. The narc fails to realize that their endless second
guessing takes them farther away from the truth and clouds the
situation rather than giving clarity. Yes, taking things on face
value will always invariably be as close to the truth as you can ever
get. Can a person live a life under those conditions of never
trusting or believing in the good of others? Yes they can, but that
person will be functioning far below their potential and will miss
out on the opportunities life gives all of us to grow and mature. So
when does the average person's ability to trust become a problem, a
stumbling block? Only in one instance, when they encounter a
narcissist, a criminal, a killer, a psychopath. Being that the narc
has no conscience, empathy or remorse there is very little to
distinguish them from every other undesirable and evil person on
earth. The narc is simply too cowardly to go the next step. But oh
what they could achieve if they could get away with
everything. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed.
Peace be with you.
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