What the Narcissist Finds At the
“End of Themselves” : So a major tragedy has just
brought you to the end of yourself and it gave you a rare opportunity
to see what was there. What you find there can give you keen insight
into what you truly value, what is important to you. It can show you
clearly what type of person you genuinely are as opposed to who you
think you are and show you what your real priorities in life are, not
the ones you profess to yourself and to the world. This situation
will also be a test of your genuine faith, not what you profess. So
yes, that life changing event can give you profound insight if you
use it as an opportunity, not a tragedy. How is this an opportunity?
Well it is an opportunity to clearly see yourself as you are,
clearly focus on every aspect of your life and being that you have at
least for a short time divorced yourself of all of those things, you
can pick and choose which one of your priorities to re-instate which
to discard, and which priorities to add that were missing. The
priorities you keep in your life can then be sorted in order of
importance and you can then strengthen those which you deem most
important and minimize those that are less important. How
does this relate to the narcissist? Well, occasionally the narc's
grand plan of deception that they have constructed falls in on them
and their lives are also effected by their own duplicity. Yes, the
narc got away with their evil time after time as they refined every
aspect of their deception. They had the master plan in any current
relationship all worked out with contingency plans for every
scenario. Yes they worked out the practicability of every one of
their actions and lies as they created the fantasy relationship
with every victim and sold that relationship as the truth. Yes the
narc was obsessed with their confidence game of making the victim
believe that they genuinely cared and loved. In the past an
occasional victim became wise to them early on and began exposing
them for the frauds they were and the narc learned how to pre empt
that same scenario from occurring in the future by setting up the
next relationship with no loose ends. The narc already had two or
three feasible exit plans all worked out and in most cases the
victims believed everything, and the drained victim simply went
quietly away, never understanding why they were so destroyed. Most
of the time the narc convinced the victim that they themselves were
to blame for the relationship ending, leaving the narc free to pursue
their next fantasy relationship. So yes, the aged narc preserved
their immaturity all the while their duplicity, lying, treachery was
becoming more and more mature. So the narc's world has hit a
major brick wall and not only one mask has been found out but now
multiple other masks are potentially going to fall. The narc then
garners every one of their matured skills of evil to once again
produce feasible explanations to all of those remaining people in
their lives, each of those explanations custom tailored for each
mask that remained intact. So we now clearly see the difference
between what happens to a narc when they come to the end of
themselves and the victim. The narc finds a duplicitous, disloyal
beast in that brief glimpse of self-revelation and doesn't even
glance at what is in front of her or him. Instead they immediately
look away and that exposed inner world of theirs is quickly covered
up by the most convenient means possible and a new facade is created.
No, the narc never skips a beat, never stops and pauses, they simply
use that tragedy to become a more refined ghoul. So how can
we illustrate the above points just made? Well, lets create some
fiction and describe for example, a woman who grows up with a
narcissistic mother and maybe is torn between the impulses she has to
be just like her mother, who she is repulsed by, or to go a different
direction altogether. So maybe the child has some empathy and
conscience and remorse mixed in with her strong narcissistic
tendencies. Her solution is to pick and choose when to turn her
narcissism on and off and when to turn her empathy on and off. So in
effect she has turned herself into a classic covert narcissist. She
herself sees things differently. In her mind her overtly
narcissistic mother is evil and naive and she, the covert narc, is
the wise one, the intelligent one, the superior one, the good one.
Yes the covert narc sees themselves superior to both the overt narc
and the empath who tries to minimize the narcissistic tendencies we
all have as people. The covert narc sees herself as self-aware and
in control of herself, of course that is just a delusion, but where
that delusion becomes dangerous to the rest of the world is when the
narc considers themselves in control of their whole environment, the
environment they share with other people. That is the root cause of
what makes narcissists treat other people as objects to be used. So
without knowing it the covert narc has actually become far less aware
of reality than her overtly selfish, narcissistic mother. Her overt
narc mother at least knew what she was and strangely enough in her
own way that mother at least did have some capacity for genuine
loyalty and love. So the pattern created as a child,
what that covert narc has come to the conclusion is the middle way:
to balance overt narcissism and empathy, transfers into every
relationship the narc ever has. In every single scenario, be it
with an em path or with a narc she sees herself as the superior one,
the enlightened one. Each relationship the narc engages in is simply
an experiment and a learning experience to see what traits of every
one of her lovers she can learn and understand and incorporate into
her next fantasy persona otherwise known as a false mask that she
creates for the next relationship. Yes the narc never forms any
emotional attachment to any of her former partners and she freely
takes all of that previous partner's intimate details, detaches them
and re purposes those traits as her own. She in effect plagiarizes
anything she sees useful that she has extracted from the previous
partner and coldly, callously moves on to the next relationship. So
the narc will then collect more useful traits from every subsequent
relationship and once she has mined all that is useful she moves on
to the next victim. That is why the narc sees every prospective
partner as simply a source. A source of immediate energy to drain
and a source of new material to use for the next performance or act
that she will undoubtedly create in the future. Yes the narc is
already getting material for her next grand performance, her next
production. She will create the new fake persona where she will be
the leading lady, the queen, and she will be the production designer
and create a whole new environment or “world” from scratch and
she will be the director of that new production. Yes, in effect the
narc is like a movie maker, but she lives out her productions in real
life with every person she comes in contact with as a mere pawn in
her game. Life goes on and eventually the covert narc
decides on something different. Why not have a long term
relationship and see what that is like, since she never tried that
before. Plus, it may give her more comfort and provide her with the
resources to do even more covert elaborate productions. So, in
effect the covert narc can once again be above it all and have the
best of both worlds: a stable relationship and the pleasure of
multiple covert new relationships to continue mining from. So the
narc comes up with all sorts of new scenarios to find partners
willing to engage in adulterous affairs with her. The fact that she
is married is actually an asset, giving her an “out” any time one
of her covert relationships is no longer wanted once it has been
thoroughly mined of all of it's resources. But eventually the
narc tires of the long term relationship and ends that looking for
her next option. Oh yes the narc is still going to use the discarded
ex husband as a source of comfort while she freely shops the market
and decides if she wants numerous short term relationships or maybe
finds another source of comfort that she can use in another fake long
term scenario. With today's modern society the excuse will be she
never wants to get married again. But then the narc meets someone
that she never knew existed, a person known as a super em
path. The super em path is someone that is benign and kind and
harmless, a person who trusts but when pushed to the limit will be
more than a match for the narcissist. The covert narc doesn't see it
though, to her he is like putty in her hands, a naive fool that she
can toy with as she pleases. Yes she can lie to this person with one
hand tied behind her back and she can play with his emotions at will,
with him being totally unaware. Years go by and she eventually tires
of that relationship, since that em path does have a moral code and
that means she can't manipulate him at will, so she then decides it's
time to slowly extract herself. Unfortunately for the narc her mask
slips off at the worst time and she fully exposes herself for the
fraud that she is far earlier than she had anticipated. Unbeknownst
to her the em path has been paying attention, has been analyzing the
situation, has been aware for all of those years. That is when the
carefully laid plans for extraction fall to pieces around her and her
victim. The narc then engages in a salvage program, totally
vaporizing the previous partner's life and having to make due with an
only partially created new persona and only partially built next
production. She quickly instates to full status one of the many
targets she has been trolling for and uses him to help destroy her
previous partner. How easy that was, since she simply demonizes her
former partner and uses the new partner as the person saving her from
the vicious evil previous partner. Classic damsel in distress knight
in shining armor routine. Works every time. She simply walks away
from the relationship and refuses any attempt at the previous partner
to get any answers. But the super em path will not just curl
up and die after the narc takes a sledgehammer to the fantasy world
she created for the both of them. A world the em path believed was
real. He may be harmless, but he will relentlessly pursue answers
and he does eventually get clarity on what was going on. With no
help from the narc. Yes, eventually the em path gets all of the
answers and in that pursuit many unexpected sources give him more
information than he could have ever gotten on his own. So the em
path target gets his answers, learns, moves on and grows. He came to
the end of himself and used it to his advantage. Now let's answer
the question posed by the title: what does the narc find at the end
of themselves? What is it that the narc couldn't stand to look at
when it was clear for her to see, but she looked away instead? It
was a clear view of the hideous creature that lurks behind all of her
masks, the core of her being and even one glimpse at that creature
would have haunted her for the rest of her life, so she refused to
look. That creature is an immature five year old that never grew up
and is living inside the body of a full grown demon. Better not to
look and move on for the narc. But there will be no growth as the
narc slips ever deeper into her dark world. Sad. Yes, even the narc
could possibly deserve some pity, but the enormous pain and suffering
she has caused eclipses all of that pity. Thank you for
watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with
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