The Narcissist and their Grandiosity
Complex: It is common
knowledge that the narc is a hollow human being, There is always
something just a “little off” in everything they do. Most people
sense this, but they just can't put their finger on the problem.
Yes, the narc seems generous when they walk through the streets of
New York City handing out cash to the homeless, but somehow the sense
of that spirit of generosity just isn't there, especially when the
narc starts talking about their partner being a tightwad who would
never want to give to or have any concerns about the homeless. When
the narc wants to be a contributor to a cause, they always do so in a
way that it seems they are doing that anonymously, but it is strange
that they then billboard their t-shirt on the internet showing they
are a supporter of a cause, or become a publicly listed supporter.
No, it is just coincidence that the narc's giving is listed publicly.
Yes that t-shirt photo selfie on her public page , that one gave
other opportunities as well, it was bait to attract the next partner.
Of course the narc wasn't looking at all, were they? They just
happened to stumble upon their new soul mate totally by accident and
of course looks don't matter. So what that they were still with
their old partner telling him they loved him. No need to let on that
he was being replaced until absolutely necessary. That counterfeit
feeling extended to her real life personal relationships also. The
loyalty that she constantly professed with her tongue just didn't
manifest itself as she really never focused on her partner after the
idealization phase was over. The love, well again the words were
there and the actions, but there was just a hollow, counterfeit feel
to the whole thing. Something “off”. There could be endless
other examples given but let's move on to our subject, the narc's
grandiosity complex. So the narcissist's grandiosity complex, which
is intimately tied to their sense of entitlement, is similarly just a
little bit “off”, but of all of their fake dramatic gesturing
this is the one they cling to most and have perfected to the highest
level of refinement. Yes, the sense of grandiosity, being better
than and superior to other people is their most important trait and
is equal in importance to their ability to lie. How so? Well the
narc's whole self image, which is no doubt based on a fantasy, has to
be maintained for the narc to exist, for them to even have the
slightest trace of a core personality. The irony is that deep inside
the narc knows they are actually deficient when compared to other
people with the capacity for love and empathy, compassion and
remorse, those who have a conscience. The narc senses that they are
actually inferior to these people and that is what makes the narc
react so strongly in an effort to convince themselves and the world
that they are different, yes, but that difference makes them
superior, not inferior. So, much energy is put into maintaining this
sense of superiority, because the facts all around the narc, the
reality all around them, points to the truth. The truth that the
narc is deficient, the narc is inferior, missing some very important
things that others have and the narc never received. Yes love,
empathy, joy, creativity, peace, those are all things the narc sees
around them and can't understand and those very things when right in
front of the narc, make the narc face their own inferiority.
Therefore the narc, being envious of those “normal” people goes
into defensive and denial mode to convince themselves and all around
them that THEY, the narc are the superior ones. But there is
another reason for the narc's need for being superior and that lies
in the fact that the narc sees everything as black or white good or
bad superior or inferior. There is no in between for the narcissist
so if the narc isn't good and superior that means they are bad and
inferior and the narc can't tolerate even the notion of not being
best. So, in a sense, the narcissist has to expend huge amounts of
energy to convince themselves and others of their superiority because
deep inside the narc knows they are deficient and can't handle that
truth. No, the narc could never admit to themselves that they aren't
perfect. That then takes us to the narc's incessant and inflated
sense of entitlement. Yes, the narc always has to get more than the
next person, the narc has to believe that they are deserving of more.
To get less than someone else or be equal just doesn't sit well with
the narc because it gives the implication that the narc isn't the
best, isn't superior to those around them. How does this
sense of entitlement manifest? Well it results in some of the narc's
most evil deeds. Take the narc's need for revenge for example. If
the narc feels that anyone has wronged them, they immediately feel
entitled to pay back ten fold and have no remorse about having done
so. If anyone questions the narc, same thing, the narc is entitled
to and feels justified in teaching a lesson to someone who had the
audacity to contradict them. Yes, the narc's nasty behavior towards
others, especially their immediate family behind closed doors away
from public visibility is horrendous. But again the narc feels
totally justified. Turn the tables on the narc and scold them when
they deserve it once in three and one half years after the narc has
dished out daily doses of vitriol and the narc will go ballistic.
Only the narc has the right to have temper tantrums and disparage
their partner and treat them poorly. Never the other way around.
Take the narcissist's core emotion, envy. If anyone does better or
is more fortunate than the narc this is totally unacceptable. After
all the narc and the narc alone is the one who always needs to get
the best, have the greatest good fortune, and be the best, the
“winner”. How dare anyone else take that right away from the
narc. How else does this sense of entitlement manifest? Well the
narc expects every one of their actions to be praised. The narc
would never accept even the slightest hint that something they have
done or are doing could use improvement. Is it any wonder that the
narc is stuck in their same rut year after year? Those around the
narc learn well how to walk on eggshells and not set off the narc.
So the victims engage in constant placation and praise of the narc.
They have long ago given up on ever being able to have a frank
conversation with the narcissist. So yes, in a world
where everyone is special the narc needs to be “more special”.
In their quest to be the best, the narc can never resist taking the
shortcut, going after the big ticket items for their billboard. At
all costs. Getting a hollow victory that isn't theirs, costs an
enormous amount of energy, produces nothing of any value to society,
and never gives a genuine sense of accomplishment to the narcissist.
Yes, the narcissist is a broken human being that can't live without
sucking others dry of their energy since the narc has a limited
ability to generate any energy on their own. Thank you for
watching. Peace be with you. Comments are welcomed.
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