Victory Over the Narcissist: The Narcissist is
fixated on victory, being the winner. The narc gets the greatest
pleasure out of totally destroying their former partner, then coming
back for a victory lap and telling the broken victim to get over it.
Of course this is ideal for the narc, they have exacted their revenge
for supposed wrongs done to them by using their well refined tools of
gaslighting, threats of violence and actual physical assault and they
got away with all of it. So their crowning achievement is to go back
to the victim and tell them to get over it. How convenient. The
narc is in effect saying I destroyed you, I took everything you had.
Now its time for you to accept that I won and walk away. Yes the
narc is quite smug, and that haughty smirk of self satisfaction means
they have come out on top yet again. Another achievement that proves
they are superior to another human being. Another notch on their
belt. Yes, you the victim are just supposed to accept the
superiority, the dominance of the narcissist. So, of course being
that you are a human being it is natural that you will have deep
anger and resentment welling up inside of you. That anger grows
into fury as you regain your senses and see more and more clearly how
the duplicitous narc played you for a fool and was never at all
genuine in any of their actions or words. No one who treated you the
way the narc did could have ever really loved you or cared about you
at all. So now you look back on that fraudulent
relationship in an effort to find the answers to all of the
questions. Questions that the narc would never answer, since they
simply abandoned the relationship and refused to give any closure at
all. You go on a journey, a quest to find out what was really going
on in the relationship. Getting those answers can take weeks and
months as you reinterpret every moment with the narc and analyze it
piece by piece to understand what the narc was actually doing while
they called themselves your lifetime partner. You reinterpret what
the narc actually meant in all of your conversations together. You
look back on all of those moments when you had doubts about the
narc's integrity and you now realize that it was your intuition
speaking to you or something else inside of you that was trying to
warn you, but you simply ignored the warnings. Yes the narc was a
fraud, a phony through and through and the more you realize that, the
angrier you get. The more you realize the extent of the narc's
duplicity, the extent of the lies and deceit, the more you
comprehend the narc's total lack of respect for you as a human being,
the angrier you get. Then on top of all of that you recount the
abuse and remember all of the excuses you made for it and that gets
you even angrier, at yourself, but even more so at the narc, because
now you see clearly that that abuse was coming from a dark place that
was devoid of love and more importantly that abuse was specifically
designed to damage you. No, that wasn't tough love the narc was
dishing out as you previously thought. It was pure malevolent evil
for the sake of extracting the sick pleasure of causing you emotional
pain. So the thoughts of all that was done to you as you recount the
abuse generates anger and resentment. Those emotions can overwhelm
you , make you bitter and eventually destroy you, if you allow them
to. So then we come to the subject of the video: having victory
over the narcissist. Yes there are numerous ways of getting even
with the narc and many will give you ideas or methods on how that can
be achieved. Early after the abuse we all would love the opportunity
to pay back every ounce of pain that narc inflicted upon us and that
might be normal while we are still disoriented and unsure of what
just happened to us. But here is the problem, we are playing by the
narc's rules to get even with them on their terms. Does it really
constitute a victory if we are able to torment or gaslight or deceive
a narc, if we terrorize them and make them constantly look over their
shoulder? Well one commenter on my page who redacted their comment
boasted about physically harming a narc and getting away with it.
That might have been a narc troll or just someone making up a story I
can't say, but think about the implications. So now we victims are
supposed to play by the narc's rules and act like a narc to get a
supposed victory? In my opinion that is a loss and it means the narc
has made you lose a piece of your humanity. Now please don't
misunderstand, I would have taken the opportunity to extract revenge
myself right after the discard by simply giving the narc a dose of
their own medicine, within reason. Yes it would have been something
that I wouldn't regret or have to feel guilty about the rest of my
life, it would have been relatively benign in comparison to what the
narc did to me, but in it's own way it would have given me the
satisfaction of a small victory. I get that and can understand, but
to do physical violence or inflict anywhere near the emotional pain
the narc inflicted upon you, NO WAY. So how do we get victory over
the narcissist? Here is my opinion. First and foremost it is WE,
not the narcissist who make the rules and it is WE who decide what
constitutes a victory. We are in control, NOT the narcissist and we
create the criteria for victory. Leave the narc in their swamp.
If we want victory over the narc it is our responsibility to educate
and inform ourselves about narcissism. It is our responsibility to
try and understand what happened to us in the relationship by
applying all that we have learned. It is our responsibility to
measure our progress. Are we getting better, becoming more joyful
and productive week to week, month to month? If so we are on the
right track. It is our responsibility to avoid becoming bitter and
we need to work on the resentment and anger. I know of no better way
than leaving the narcissist totally in the hands of God and in so
doing we remove the heavy burden of wanting to seek vengeance from
our shoulders. It is our responsibility to understand what it was
inside of us that attracted us to the narc and attracted the narc to
us. It is our responsibility to understand that we weren't to blame
for the abuse the narc inflicted upon us. Finally it is we and we
alone who decide when we no longer need to think about our abuse. We
take as long as we need to. There is nothing wrong with dwelling on
the abuse as long as we are headed on the path of healing and we are
able to measure real progress in our lives. We owe it to ourselves
to heal and yes move on when we are ready and we decide. No one is
qualified to tell us when that is. If we follow the steps of
healing and growth, do the work, eliminate the anger, then hope and
joy return to our lives and when we begin to see that progress it
gives us an added lift. That is the victory that we as victims who
later just think of ourselves as targets are looking for. If we can
look back on that interaction with the narc and see that we never
sank to the level of the narc, we never returned evil for evil and we
are healing then we have achieved the ultimate victory. Yes, victory
over the narcissist means we have not allowed the narc to dim our
light, have not allowed them to steal any more of our joy. The work
we have done to achieve that victory of becoming a fully functioning
and joyful human being is ours and ours alone and we may be better
off than before the narc came into our lives. Let's be clear though,
the narc gets no credit. Similar things occur to people when they
get a diagnosis of a disease or have an accident with severe physical
trauma, or have their whole environment destroyed by a natural
disaster. Yes, we take stock of our lives after major tragedies and
maybe have a firmer grip on life, a more focused idea of our life's
purpose, a more defined sense of what is important, a clearer sense
of what our priorities should be. We might gain a greater
appreciation of the simple things in life and regain a sense of joy
in those simpler things. But no one would ever give the credit to
the tragedy for improving our lives. That was our victory and for
the believer it isn't their victory at all, it is God's victory as we
get out of His way and listened for His directions. Let's give the
full text of Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends,
but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine
to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.” It clearly states
that we should stay out of the way and leave the vengeance to God.
Good advice from the Creator of the Universe and all that is in
it. So to put it in simple terms. The best revenge for the
victim is moving on and living a joyful happy life free of resentment
and full of joy and hope. That is the true victory. The victory
that we work hard to achieve every day. The narc can have their
hollow victory gained by doing the most unimaginable evil. We have
the genuine, the real victory. The narc's victory is fake and
counterfeit and their joy is also fake. Only total denial and self
deception can make the narc's victory appear as real, but the narc's
victory will NEVER be real. The narc's punishment for all of their
evil will be real though, with no possibility of the narc denying
it. To put things another way, the Narc blew up your life
leaving you to pick up the pieces, disoriented. As you slowly came
to your senses and began putting back together the pieces of your
life you eventually came to a fork in the road. You had a choice.
You could choose the path of vengeance and have a false victory or
you could take the road of genuine victory, rebuild your life and
choose to leave the narc to their own fate. The path of vengeance is
the same path the narc always takes and for the victim this path
leads to bitterness and resentment. To get to a point of true
healing you have to retrace your steps all the way to that fork in
the road in order to get to the path of true, genuine victory. As
you walk down that path of victory and look back you will realize you
are on the right track and you would never want to go back to that
fork in the road again. Thank you for watching, comments are
welcomed. Peace be with you.
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