The Tragedy of Covert Narcissism: We all know about
narcissism because it’s widespread in the modern popular culture
that we encounter in our every day lives. Yes narcissism is
considered normal and possibly even a desirable trait. Some people
actually admire the brash swagger and haughty glance of a narcissist
told by society that they are special. Many of these pop icons are
anything but special. They are in fact oftentimes the bottom of the
barrel of society with no real abilities or accomplishments to speak
of. But they are famous and to the superficial of the world that is
enough. So is it any wonder that the average person thinks it
appropriate to emulate these narcissists. Yes in our society the
more you think of yourself the more value you have. It seems that in
the past few decades parents have been in a mad rush to give their
children just a slight edge over their peers by pumping their own
children full of self esteem. Yes these children are praised into
the heavens regardless of their accomplishments and the resulting
over-inflated ego and sense of self is not a pretty sight. At least
to those of us who are sane enough to realize the value of humility
and accurate self assessment. This is the narcissism people are
aware of, the overt type, the type many of us think is the only type
until the day we encounter the serpent in human flesh called a covert
narcissist. Yes the overt narcissist is aware of their narcissism
and everyone they come in contact with is aware of it as well. You
take these overt narcs or leave them but at least there is no
question about what you are dealing with. Covert narcissism may
share the label of narcissism, but it is an altogether different
condition of the heart and soul. Covert narcissism is a malignancy,
a pathology that destroys every person that has the misfortune of
coming in contact with it. It is the evil twin of overt narcissism.
Overt narcissism is out in the open, covert narcissism
is by it's very nature, undetectable to the outside observer and
possibly the covert narc isn't even fully aware of the scope of their
own condition. Many a covert narc considers themselves noble and
righteous and just thinks it fully acceptable to lie, cheat, steal,
deceive people, and to pretty much do whatever they please and can
get away with. Somehow the covert narc never sees any of these
obviously wrong and evil actions as a problem. The covert narc at
their core has an attitude problem, a soul that is profoundly
diseased and because of this somehow believes they are entitled to be
evil. The covert narc is a warped dis integrated individual full of
contradictions that can't be explained rationally because the covert
narc themselves is irrational. How can you even begin to
understand or explain to someone that a narc thinks of themselves as
superior to everyone and has totally convinced themselves of that
and yet that self same narcissist doesn’t feel that they themselves
have any intrinsic value. Yes paradoxically, the covert narcissist
felt inferior, inadequate from as early as they can remember. Their
way of coping with that was to convince the world and also themselves
that they were more than what they were, different than what they
were. Yes the narc felt that dealing with the reality of their true
inner self was too painful and too complicated. The narc's attitude
or method of coping was to develop an alter ego that would protect
them from their difficulties in the real world and take them away
from the actual person that they were. So if they were being
emotionally abused by their parents or neglected, etc. that abuse or
neglect was directed to an “other” and that allowed the narc even
as a child to avoid any shame by disconnecting themselves from their
real persona. So yes, the narc would be different. Different on
the outside than they were on their inside. Usually that meant more
intelligent, richer, more accomplished, but most importantly
different. Yes even as a young child the narc never felt their inner
self was good enough. You could say the narc felt that they were
always “better than themselves”. Even from a very early age the
narc began that cycle of deceptiveness to the outside world and to
themselves, because deep inside the narc felt deficient, not good
enough. So as the narc progressed through life they fulfilled their
own prophecy,: they were deficient and not good enough. Yes, towards
the middle and latter half of the narcissist's life they are exactly
what they predicted they would be: a hollow shell with nothing inside
of it at all and only a tenuous fake facade that needs careful
maintenance so that no one can ever look behind it. At the core of
that facade is a creature that never grew up and became more and more
jaded as the years went by. How could such a tragedy occur?
Because the narc never gave their real self a chance. A chance to
develop, to grow, to learn from mistakes. It was so much easier for
the narc to pretend than to do the work. Sadly, the narc had
betrayed their own inner self, had not even shown loyalty to their
own self. Yes, the narc divorced themselves from their own inner
persona. So is it any wonder that after years and decades of putting
on this show and betraying themselves that the narc has no ability to
be truly loyal or commit to anyone?
With the em path or the narc abuse victim, there’s a similar
problem with self-evaluation. They also feel they have no intrinsic
value and therefore they see nothing wrong with being downgraded by
those that they love around them. They see no problems with other
people in their environment asserting their superiority over them.
Yes, others around them are given every right to take away their
accomplishments and their sense of self esteem. Others around them
have every right to consider themselves superior to the em path or
codependent. So this leads right into the theme of the difference
between self-esteem and the more popular notion of self love. There
is a very key difference. Self esteem means correctly estimating
your abilities to do anything and correctly assessing your knowledge
across a broad gamut of topics. Not assessing yourself to be less
than what you’re capable of doing or knowing less than you know and
not assessing yourself to be more capable than your actual abilities
of what you can do or knowing more than you actually know. The third
and possibly most important aspect of self-esteem is correctly
assessing your self in relationship to others, being able to see that
you are more accomplished than others in some areas and less
accomplished or able in other areas. Yes, when you clearly see your
own self more accurately, you can begin to understand the complexity
of the human condition. Things aren't black and white, but instead
each person no matter what walk of life they come from, has been
given their own gifts. Again, the Bible spends a great deal of time
discussing that each person has value in and of themselves and they
should embrace both their own strengths and weaknesses. The Bible
gives the analogy of believers in Christ being one body with each
person being a member of that body with his or her own function, some
people being feet and others hands, others eyes or ears. Each member
of the body of Christ having their own purpose as described in 1
Corinthians 12 for example verse 17 and 18 “17 If the whole
body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole
body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in
fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as
he wanted them to be.” Each person has been born with their own set
of gifts and abilities and needs to embrace those abilities and use
them in order to fully reach their true potential. This is the core
of what makes the narc dysfunctional. The narc never realizes their
own potential because they literally refuse to accept themselves for
what they are or accurately assess their own capabilities. The narc
runs away from their real self instead of embracing who and what they
are. So this is a far better way to look at narcissism than to
broach upon the subject of self-love. The Bible knows that
each person intuitively has their own love of self. That is
something that the Bible does not want us to cultivate. On the
contrary, the Bible wants us to be less focused on the self and our
own will and our own accomplishments and instead we should look at
our value simply as how useful we can be to God in fulfilling His
purposes through our lives. So a person's true value or assessment
of themselves or self-esteem should be based on and really lies in
how close we are to doing God's will in our lives. This removes our
focus on ourselves. Yes the purpose of every person's life, if it is
fully realized, is to glorify God. Anything that we do for our own
self image and our own sense of accomplishment is robbing or taking
away from that ideal purpose. We should look at our abilities not by
what we personally can do but what we can do through God as His tool.
To do this we need to fully realize and embrace the abilities or
gifts that we were born with, that God gave us. If we allow ourselves
to be used as God's tools we will realize our full value and have an
accurate sense of our own value or self esteem. Both the narc and
the em path have a self esteem problem and that is what creates Ross
Rosenberg's aptly named “Human Magnet Syndrome”. The narc is so
disconnected and divorced from their own core being and has neglected
that being so that it remains an emotional infant. The narc simply
refused to grow. So the narc got into the pattern of having to
overestimate themselves at all times. The em path on the other hand
simply grew up getting into the pattern of downgrading themselves and
underestimating their abilities. The em path somehow was conditioned
to believe it was noble and correct to let others take away any
accomplishment, anything that they had or did. The em path felt it
was totally OK to be denigrated and treated badly. The em path
almost felt it was their purpose to be another person's doormat. Yes
the narc copes by convincing themselves they are superior and the em
path convinces themselves they were put on this earth to be another
person's emotional enabler. The em path sees the energy that is
being drained from them as giving love to another person. It never
occurs to the em path that they should be concerned about any needs
of their own. That would be selfish and wrong in the em path's
opinion. The empath never sees the irony, that they actually feel it
is quite alright for another person to be selfish. Yes the empath
feels they are serving their intended purpose by allowing others that
selfishness. Yes the narc agrees the empath was made to give it all
to the narc. Now this human magnet syndrome might seem to
be a workable situation, a symbiotic relationship, and maybe it could
be if the narc had any ability to love and be concerned about another
human being. Unfortunately, the narc doesn't have any empathy,
commitment, or loyalty and that is when this situation takes an evil
turn. That is what makes the narc the evil and rightfully maligned
creature that they are, because the narc left their partner and
simply used them for everything that they could get. So yes, that is
the key difference in this dysfunctional “dance of death” or
death spiral, it leaves one person as a victim. The key is for the
em path to see and perceive what is going on and learn that they need
to change. The em path has that ability, although it will be very
difficult for them. The dysfunction of the narc on the other hand is
so deeply ingrained and the damage the narc has done to themselves by
neglecting personal development for literally a lifetime means that
the narc is almost irredeemable or un reformable. Yes genetics and
environment all play a role in the narc's twisted malevolence, but
let's make no mistake, the narc also made choices. Choices to be
evil, choices to turn a blind eye to another person's suffering,
choices to lie and be duplicitous, choices to be a fraud. Yes
ultimately the narc is a living breathing human being imbued with a
mind that can think and the ability to see the difference between
right and wrong and the narc has chosen to continue doing what they
do. That is the tragedy of narcissism, certainly for the victim but
also for the narcissist. Yes the narc viewed that relationship as a
game and whatever we may say about the em path, the lion's share of
the problem lies with the narcissist. Why? Yes that em path may
have been an enabler, but here is the key difference. The em path
was committed to the narc, they did love, they did care, and they
were genuine. The em path was looking at things from a long term,
lifetime perspective and although they may have overlooked the narcs
deficiencies and may have even enabled them the em path had a long
term goal and that was to help that narcissist become the person they
knew that narc could be. So no there is NO equivalence whatsoever
when it comes to the narc and the em path. The narc is the
perpetrator plain and simple, The em path is the victim. It is the
em path's responsibility to learn and be a victim no more.
Now let's resume with our analysis of what creates a
narcissist and take things a bit further. Yes that young narcissist
has gotten into the habit of creating a false persona and masking
their true inner self. They’ve taken the easy way out of every
situation that they’ve ever been in and yet they somehow feel
cheated and they somehow sense that their fake bravado and fake
pronouncements of great accomplishment are all just delusions. Yes,
on the inside the narcs know this. So the narcs look around them
selves and become very envious when they see that there are genuine
people that have legitimate accomplishments and this creates a great
deal of envy in the narc. The narc's way of dealing with this is to
tear those people with legitimate lives, legitimate personas, and
legitimate accomplishments down. Let’s now break
down what we’ve found out so far about narcissists. Number one,
they set up a fake persona that protects them from whatever their
real self is suffering or is unable to accomplish. Number two, they
subconsciously sense their own inferiority and phoniness and seeing
that others around them are the genuine article they become envious
of those people. Three, the narc's way of coping with their
subconscious understanding of their own inferiority and phoniness is
to tear down those around them that have genuine accomplishments and
to build up in themselves a sense of superiority. Yes the narc must
be superior to everyone. But then the narc encounters another
problem: they have to live in the real world. So in order to
continue believing in their own superiority the narc creates a
fantasy world for themselves, a fantasy world in which they are
imbued with great abilities and accomplishments and where everyone
around them is far less than they are. In order to construct and
maintain this fantasy existence and maintain a position of
superiority over others the narc needs to use every tool at their
disposal. Those tools are One: lying, cultivating lying and being
better at lying than anyone else around them. Two: Cultivating
gaslighting so that they can disorient everyone around them and be
the only one that knows the truth. Three: Insulating themselves
from any real vulnerability to another person by not having any
significant attachments to another human being. The roadblocks in
the narc's path such as conscience, clear thinking, looking at
themselves and their environment objectively, will have to be
demolished. The narc's lack of attachment causes them to
isolate themselves, put themselves into a bubble, literally prevents
them from having any deep and emotionally satisfying interactions
with other human beings. That emotional detachment also causes the
narc to see people as mere objects or utilities or appliances in
their environment. The narc truly becomes a very self-centered
individual. Their sole concern is for themselves and for themselves
alone. The narc will convince themselves that their own selfishness
is an absolute necessity and what does it matter anyway since those
around them have no value compared to the narc themselves. So the
narc lives in a world of one. It’s a lonely world and an empty
world, a world without substance or energy. Without deep attachment
to other people the narc trades any vulnerability for a far greater
problem. The narc has no ability to generate any positive emotions
or have any self-created energy so in an ironic twist the narc, whose
goal was to have no dependence on any other human being and to be
totally self-sufficient and independent is actually the most
dependent human being on earth. The covert narc cannot survive
without the energy and fuel that they obtain from others. Yes the
narc never understands the strength and courage it takes to make
yourself vulnerable. The narc never sees their emotional detachment
for what it really is, cowardice and to put it in the narc's terms
inferiority and weakness. So that is the narcissists story.
The victim's story is a very different one, because the very nature
of a narcissist and their interaction with someone they call their
partner creates the most incredible pain that a person could suffer
in a relationship. The narcissist persists until that partner of
theirs is 100% convinced the narc is serious, is 100% convinced the
narc is committed. Once the narc has fully engaged their victim and
gotten everything they want they simply walk away with no concern
whatsoever about the pain that they cause. Then some of these
narcissists go one step further and actually enjoy inflicting
additional pain and suffering upon their ex partners. So yes, the
victim of a narcissist is placed, through no fault of their own, into
a very bizarre scenario. That victim of the covert narc needs to
face a situation where they have deep love and concern about someone
and that very same person has now become a stranger that has nothing
but malevolent intentions towards them. The greatest slap in the
face of all is the fact that the evil narc uses all of the
confidences shared with them, all of the trust, all of the good
wishes and kind actions directed towards them and uses those gestures
of love against the victim. How can any person understand the level
of depravity and lack of appreciation that can drive someone to cause
as much pain as possible to the person who gave it all to the narc
and never had anything but love for that narc. The evil that would
actually take the good gifts given them and weaponize them. That is
a covert narcissist and their method of operation. That is why no
disparaging metaphor or statement about a narc can ever be too
harsh. So does it require any additional explanation as to why
covert narcissism is a tragedy? It is clearly a tragedy for the
victim. The victim may look back on that narc encounter and see that
it made them stronger, but for many victims that isn't the case.
Some people are left scarred for life so the question is what was the
significance of the narc in the victim's life? That narc encounter
was a pause, a roadblock, a shock to the victim's system. That narc
was a challenge, a mountain to climb and to some victims they can
never see themselves ever getting to that summit and looking out at
the bright horizon behind that lofty and intimidating peak. For me
it was a challenge I could have never met without doing it with God's
help and with His strength. I have not yet reached that mountaintop
and I have no idea what I will find on the other side, but I have no
doubt that it will be far superior to the desolation I have put
behind me. That stark, emotionless, fake, phony world of a
narcissist relationship. So what was the purpose for
the victim to be in the narc's life? We can only speculate, but I
will attempt to make a guess. The narc was given a chance for love,
for understanding, for compassion. The narc was given a chance to
heal and find peace. The narc was given everything a person should
ever want and expect from life and that narc warped all of that good
and threw it away like worthless garbage. So what was the victim's
purpose for the narcissist? Each victim is another nail in the
narc's coffin. Another reason that the narc has no excuse for being
as evil as they were. Does the narc really believe they were never
understood, never had love, never got a chance? Maybe. But the
string of victims in that narc's wake tells a very different story.
A story that narc will never be able to escape. So yes, in the end
covert narcissism will be a tragedy for the narcissist themselves as
well. But there will be no tears of sympathy for that creature as
it's life unfurls around it, fully displayed with no ability to cover
anything up, and like an anchor pulls it into the abyss. The lake of
fire. A place of no return. Any narc alive may still have a chance,
but it is only a matter of time before they get to the point of no
return. Jesus can help, can save, but the vast majority of narcs
won't have Him. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed.
Peace be with you.
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