Why No Contact With a Narcissist Always Benefits the
Target: The case for no contact with a narcissist. Before we
even begin let’s be clear no contact is often times not initiated
by the victim, but is rather used as a tool by the narcissist to walk
away from a situation and avoid having to answer for all of the evil,
lies, and deceit that they perpetrated upon their partner. To the
victim that doesn’t get any answers from the narc after they walk
away, it may seem like no contact is the worst possible thing. Yes
there is no doubt that no contact from the narc is a form of abuse
that benefits the narcissist, but we aren't focusing on the short
term benefits to the narc and the immediate injury to the discarded
victim. Instead, we are looking at the long-term implications of no
contact and how no contact is ultimately very beneficial to the
victim. Does the narc benefit from this long-term no contact?
Possibly they do, maybe not, but the thing that we must focus on is
the victim and getting them back to emotional, psychological, mental,
and physical health. What we’re trying to do is make sure that
the victim regains hope in their lives and restores their faith in
humanity. Those are our goals. So whether the narcissist benefits
or doesn’t benefit long-term from no contact is of no consequence.
The narcissist has done what they’ve done, they’ve had it their
way, they’ve gotten everything they wanted, and any repercussions
from what they have done to their ex partner is on them and on them
alone. Yes we em paths tend to care about our partners even though
we were terribly attacked and abused. Any sane person with the
ability to truly love another human being and commit to them simply
can't just turn off that love and commitment like a light switch.
Only the narc can walk away cold turkey and in doing so they give
themselves away. This ability to move on and get over a relationship
instantly and have another relationship is a clear giveaway that that
narc never cared or loved or committed or had any loyalty. It is a
clear indicator that the narc was a total fraud. Of course the
warped narc will be with their new friend and then turn around and
tell the abandoned partner they were the disloyal one. The sad thing
is the victim will be so distraught by the whole shock of seeing
their partner remove their mask and turn into a total stranger that
the partner will actually buy this totally ridiculous and unfeasible
statement. But with no contact the fog begins to clear and the mind
starts reorganizing itself and begins once again thinking rationally,
logically, and with reason.
Once the mind is functioning and thinking clearly and the
victim has done their homework and learned about covert narcissism
they can begin the long, convoluted journey of discovering and
comprehending what happened to them. It is essential to understand
those experiences with the narc for what they were in actuality, in
reality. At the time the victim had those experiences they were
being interpreted in the context of the fantasy existence the narc
had created and not the real world. Yes, that whole experience with
the narcissist from the very first moment that creep entered their
lives to D day, the day of discard and abrupt no contact is now
slowly disassembled into its component parts and each part re
evaluated with the knowledge gained about covert narcissism. New
revelations occur daily as memories of the past are triggered by
things the victim encounters as they go about their daily lives. In
the beginning those memories cause acute and intense episodes of
emotional pain. That emotional pain can range from a sense of dread,
a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness to intense anxiety, to deep
rage as the duplicity, deceit, lack of honesty, and malevolent
treachery of the narc now comes clearly into focus. Some of these
triggered intense emotional episodes can bring that victim to their
knees, paralyze them mentally and emotionally and for that reason are
rightfully called PTSD. But the victim takes each of these episodes
of PTSD and uses that pain to focus their attention and work out what
is going on, gaining insight into what misconceptions are causing
these totally irrational feelings. One by one these episodes are
confronted, like a bull is taken by the horns, and analyzed. Over
the course of many months the PTSD subsides and the importance of the
narc in that victim's life fades. The victim begins to understand
that the narc is an irrational human being that never had any real
reason to treat them as badly as they did. Slowly the victim gets
themselves off the hook and realizes that the narc's opinion of them,
the idealized fake opinion in the beginning and the fake devaluation
at the end, were all pure fabrications and that makes the narc's
opinion irrelevant. Yes, the victim's greatest mistake was respecting
that narcissist. The narc's opinion was certainly never worthy of
being respected, but sadly you come to the conclusion that even the
narc themselves isn't worthy of any respect at all. Of course you
still respect them, that is what a decent human being does, they
respect all people, but certainly that narc will never again be
trusted. Certainly that narc will never be believed again. Of
course any narc knows that once they have been found out it's game
over. No narc can live in an environment where their cover has been
blown. So much easier for the narc to find a fresh supply of naive
people that have never heard of covert narcissism. So yes time
gives clarity and resolution and meaningful, important, and healing
answers to the victim. Those answers come from research and daily
work. So the victim reevaluates and begins to understand the truth
of that interaction with the narcissist. Yes the victim now
understands the reality of every gesture of kindness, every faux
display of concern, or empathy, or love. The victim understands
those were never real anyway, just gesticulations and signaling of
genuine emotions that the narc learned to fake so that they could get
an emotional response and extract energy from their victim. Yes the
victim thinks back and realizes they had a sixth sense, a feeling
that something was “off” about everything the narc did, but
somehow that intuition was neutralized. The victim thinks back on
the numerous half truths and white lies and now clearly sees that
they were only a small indication of the true depth of that narc's
duplicity. After enough time pondering that ridiculous time with
the narcissist, sifting through memories and comprehending them for
what they were, not what they appeared to be, the victim can slowly
begin to understand the depth of the sham or confidence scheme that
was perpetrated upon them. Working on the resulting rage that comes
from the revelations is essential. With each success in giving that
rage to God, room is made for more, even starker revelations to be
comprehended. We then get to the question of is there any
benefit whatsoever, after a period of no contact, of having a frank
an open discussion with a narcissist to try to get some real closure.
The answer to that question is no, not if that person you were with
is a true covert narcissist. Now in the past I would have told you
that every narc is different, that narcissism is on a spectrum and
that no two relationships are the same. All of that may be true, but
a true covert narcissist, no matter what portion of the spectrum they
are on, will never do anything for another person's benefit. If that
narc has any reasons to re-initiate contact with you it will be for
solely selfish reasons. We have to remember that the narc doesn't
care about you at all. The narc never did. Not at the height of
your relational bliss nor at the end when they triangulated,
flaunting their new partner in your face, trying to drive you off the
edge. It's no different at any time with the narc , they simply
don't care about you and never ever did. No, you are never going to
get any honest answers or any genuine apology from a narcissist.
That narc will use any occasion of contact with you to get as much
energy from you as possible. The duplicitous narc I was with,
came to my place of work only after her boyfriend was at risk of
being confronted by me. After months of threats on his Instagram
page against me, I finally made a comment on the narc weasel's page
telling him it was time for him to back up those threats. Literally
less than 30 minutes after I made that comment she shows up at my
place of work. That cold hearted creep then told me she would
apologize and say she was sorry for what she did only after I said I
was sorry first. Bear in mind that narc would have faced serious
charges, possible jail time, had I pursued legal action. Yes she
tells me she wasn't in her right mind when she attacked me and made
those threats against me to get others involved. Yes she proclaims
herself to now be back to normal and proceeds with a display of
insanity that would make any psychopath proud. Oh yes she is calm,
channeling the new boyfriend who taught her to control her emotions.
Funny, I thought it was I who taught her to be calm and collected.
Well anyway, I had already begun understanding covert narcissism and
the display of duplicity that unfolded in front of me, with me being
totally aware of every lie she was speaking was quite an experience
on my end. I stared her straight in the eyes and almost like
watching a movie, with “detached amusement” I closely observed
that sick covert narc ply her trade. She fired off one lie after
another with precision, one outrageous tale after another. She never
flinched but I stared into those eyes and even knowing that I was
seeing through her duplicity she continued lying, but then there was
a tell. Her eyes began twitching when she realized I wasn't buying
any of what she was saying. I wasn't the same person who would
graciously take every thing she told me “on faith”. But her
tenacity, her devotion to lying was unabated. She kept going. Yes
her gift of “closure” to me was bald faced gaslighting in an
attempt to further abuse and disorient a person who was barely
holding on. She then told me never to contact her again, thinking
that she had once again come out on top. The arrogance of that creep
was astounding and only now, many months later, have I finally
understood that this cretin's arrogance was always present throughout
the relationship and throughout her life. Every story she ever told
me about her experiences as a child and those road confrontations she
seemed to always have, showed a consistent pattern. That of a self
centered, arrogant, immature, covert narcissist that would never
listen to anyone, that always had to win. After all she was a
queen, superior to all of those around her. Why didn't her mother
and her siblings and her step fathers ever understand that? Yes in
the past as a token of love I overlooked those small lies since I
soon realized it was impossible to confront her with them anyway.
But her mistake was to think that she was actually convincing me. Of
course she was getting away with the greater lies, the lies of making
me believe she was serious about a lifetime commitment that she had
made to me. Was my experience unique? I doubt it. So it
becomes clear that there will be absolutely no benefit to the victim
of ever seeing that narc again. There will be absolutely no straight
answers given and at the end the narc will have used that encounter
to heap more abuse on the victim. That is if they can get away with
it. So let’s be clear, if you want to get a second dose of a
narcissist and you want to think that your particular situation is
different from all the others you’re more than welcome to jump into
that cesspool and think that you’re going to get out spotlessly
clean. It won’t happen. But
for some they have to try and to those who do try I will only say one
thing: guard your heart, your soul, and your mind. Give it a try
and prove that your situation was different than all the others.
Prove to yourself that your partner wasn’t truly a covert
narcissist. If that partner wasn't a covert narc you may well come
away with some closure, with some satisfaction that your ex truly
was remorseful for their actions. But nothing good will ever come
from an encounter with a covert narc after a period of no contact.
Especially if that narc wants to resume the relationship and you are
foolish enough to believe they truly loved you. That's another
anecdote I could share, but not today. So does no contact
benefit the narcissist? Maybe it does, but then again maybe it
doesn’t. Clearly no contact benefits the narcissist after having
abused and attacked a victim and the narc's true inner self becomes
exposed. An aware victim is the narc's worst enemy, because facing
that person means the narc now has limited abilities to gaslight. A
narc will never meet someone head to head on an even playing field.
That narc's bag of tricks has now been emptied of much of it's
contents and they are now out in the open. Yes the narc carefully
honed their feigned outrage when they were suspected of having lied
or cheated, even if it was right in front of their partner. So we
now understand that the narc always has to maintain their capacity
for gaslighting and lying even in unimportant things. Why? Because
it keeps the narc in practice and creates an environment that
conditions the victim to accept the more important gaslighting and
lying when it is necessary. Here are some fictional examples
that I have created from my imagination that are based on experience.
Yes the narc would get through with a session with their secret
lover either online or in real life and have a whole list of
gesturing and facial expressions pre-planned if anyone even suspected
anything at all. The narc would take a liking to the mailman and
then cover up the fling by calling that mailman ugly, old, and
incompetent. That narcissist fool never realizing she was the talk
of the town. The narc would take a liking to a stay at home dad, a
lazy fool who took advantage of his baby mamma and lived off of his
parent's wealth, and immediately see an opportunity that they
couldn't pass up. That situation was an easy one for the narc, there
was plenty of opportunity to be clandestine. The narcissist fool
never realized people knew and saw, and that narc's reputation spread
far and wide. Yes that is why we can call narc's cretins. Thinking
themselves wise they become fools and give themselves away.
Sometimes in big ways, other times by little tells that have huge
significance. So of course in public she feigned hardly knowing or
even disliking her secret lover. But those secret glances that the
narc thought went unnoticed were keenly observed by those around
them. Yes, even the responsibility of being a mother or father was
shirked and taken advantage of for the narc's gain. Sad. But these
are fictional examples. I could go on about the generic narc's
reputation in the workforce but I will stop here. The key is to
understand that the more adamant the narc is about something the more
likely they are hiding something. Or at least think they are hiding
something. Many husbands or wives just give up and take to the
bottle or other sedatives until a feasible exit is found. We do all
sorts of things for the children. Anyway, when these
methods have been exposed the narc is left very vulnerable and this
disorients them. Their solution is to simply refuse contact with the
victim and make up a story about the victim being the abuser. That
is where flying monkeys and new male knights in shining armor or
female angelic saviors become essential. The narc absolutely has to
build a new fantasy existence that they can once again feel
comfortable in. The narc finds it impossible to live in the real
world where they have no advantages over those who surround them.
The narc can only exist in a world where they make the rules and they
have built a false persona. So yes the narc will benefit from no
contact in the short term, no doubt about it. But the implications
of that quick fix will eventually fall in on them. The victim on the
other hand will get the real tangible long term benefits of no
contact. Most victims needed closure, needed some answers,
needed to process the facts so that they could at least comprehend
what went wrong, learn and not repeat the same mistake. But the
narc wouldn't allow it. The reason is clear to those of us who have
studied covert narcissism. The narc knew that any close scrutiny
would reveal the scope of the fraud that the narc had perpetrated on
their partner. So the narc left and thought themselves the winner.
The victim is then left with the colossal task of finding answers on
their own. That journey can take weeks, months, years and even
decades if the victim is lucky enough to survive. Some don't. Sadly
the narc could care less and might even consider themselves powerful
for having had such a dramatic impact in another person's life. So
no, the victim sees very little benefit from no contact initially,
but the tables turn over time. Long term the narc loses and the
victim benefits from no contact. How and why? Well the narc has
a debt to pay to that victim. The narc was supposed to be like any
human being and think about their actions, do some close
self-examination and introspection, and feel remorse for what they
did. That narc should have felt the need to make things right or at
least if nothing else admit that they were wrong and make an apology.
But the narc refused and pretended nothing ever happened. So that
debt was never paid or even acknowledged, but even a narc, who may
not have a conscience, is aware of that debt. That narc can convince
themselves the debt doesn't exist but that doesn't make it so.
Denial of something doesn't make it go away. So the narc goes
through life incurring more and more debt and continuing their same
method of burying the truth by denial. But that debt just keeps on
accruing interest. In the end it becomes impossible for the narc to
make amends. Too much time has passed and sadly the narc has locked
themselves into a behavior pattern that they are a slave to, that
they can't escape. So the narc goes deeper and deeper into the
abyss, having to make more and more excuses, having to deny more and
more portions of their existence, having to perpetrate ever
increasing fraud on those around them. So the narc robs themselves
of any genuine accomplishments or any peace or any joy. The narc
does this to themselves and that no contact which seemed so enticing
and a comprehensive solution to their problem was just a quick fix
that got the narc into even deeper debt and trouble. So it becomes
clear why covert narcissists are miserable people that deny anyone
around them a genuine compliment or an ounce of respect. The narc is
miserable with themselves and as life goes on they become more and
more miserable. But the worst is yet to come. That is in the
afterlife since no, we don't just simply cease to exist. That is a
frightening prospect and many a narcissist is fully aware of it and
yet they refuse to be saved from this terrible fate. The victim
on the other hand has nothing but benefits from no contact. The
victim does examine the situation, and do the work, and has
introspection. The victim was willing to accept blame and more
importantly, the victim tried desperately to at least get some
resolution with their partner. The victim does benefit from no
contact in so many ways. First, just eliminating the toxic
environment created by the narcissist will eventually allow the
victim's natural tendency to be more positive about life reinstate
itself. Second, eliminating that false fantasy existence from the
victim's environment eventually allows the victim to live in a world
of reality, to see things clearly once again. Like a fog lifting.
The victim will eventually get the answers they require and will
eventually grow and learn from that experience with the narc. The
victim will once again be able to generate their own inner joy and
peace and find hope and even faith. Yes, all of these things take
time, but the no contact allows that healing to take place.
So we can view that victim a few days and weeks after the
discard by a narcissist and be gravely concerned about that person.
Yes that narc with their new “friend' is enjoying themselves and
telling the world they were the ones who survived abuse, while the
victim is unable to eat for weeks and is barely functioning. But
months and years later we see a different scene. That victim has
learned and become victorious. That victim has now understood what
is important in a relationship and in life and that victim, whether
alone or with someone, has hope for the future and has stability in
the present. That victim understands the importance of being
positive and eliminating toxic people from their lives. So yes long
term the victim can be and should be victorious. But that requires
doing the work. Understanding narcissism, totally eliminating the
need for vengeance, and not even being concerned if the narc will
ever pay for all that they have done. Yes the victim has moved on,
just like the narc told them to do, so that the narc could enjoy that
new instant boyfriend in peace. Yes the narc was well along the
process of setting themselves up before that discard and only needed
to feign victim status and suffering. So, keep in mind
in the long term the victim is the one that reaps the benefits and
the narc is the one that pays. I listened to God and followed the
directions set forth in the Bible. Many will say they have no
interest in the Christian perspective, but these people face a very
real problem. When a person has an illness that needs to be cured
the most important route to cure that patient is to find the cause of
the illness and treat that. Yes, there are many quick fixes that
will mask the symptoms and give some short term and even long term
benefits. Yes, many people can go through life thinking they have
their illness under control. But the ultimate cure for any condition
is to find the actual cause of that illness and treat the actual
cause, not the symptoms. The treatment is instituted and the person
goes on with life medication free. Narcissism is a condition of the
heart and in many ways goes into the spirit realm. It forces people
to look inside themselves, it focuses people on the motivations of
humans in general and it brings to light the difference between
children of the light who follow God's will in their lives and the
slaves of Satan, the children of darkness that are fooled by Satan
into believing they are getting it all their way. Eliminating the
spiritual aspects of narcissism means there will never be any
comprehensive understanding of how to cure the patient. Teaching
that victim how to fish and have fish for a lifetime instead of
giving them a fish every day is the goal. So, if the victim
has healed, the narc owes them nothing, God will repay that victim
and restore everything the narcissist took and even give more. The
narc doesn't owe the victim at all any more, they owe God, and the
payment of that debt is in God's hands and His alone. That is the
Christian point of view. Yes, it's not up to the victim to decide
how the narc will pay that debt. That isn't the victim's problem and
God has specifically told them to not make it their problem. God
promises to take care of the narc. The narc will pay that debt, one
way or another. The victim is instructed to rest easy, heal
themselves and have peace. The victim is relieved of that heavy
burden. So yes no contact always benefits the victim, not the covert
narcissist. …...Eventually. Thank you for watching. Comments
are welcomed. Peace be with you.
Why No Contact With a Narcissist Always Benefits the
Target: The case for no contact with a narcissist. Before we
even begin let’s be clear no contact is often times not initiated
by the victim, but is rather used as a tool by the narcissist to walk
away from a situation and avoid having to answer for all of the evil,
lies, and deceit that they perpetrated upon their partner. To the
victim that doesn’t get any answers from the narc after they walk
away, it may seem like no contact is the worst possible thing. Yes
there is no doubt that no contact from the narc is a form of abuse
that benefits the narcissist, but we aren't focusing on the short
term benefits to the narc and the immediate injury to the discarded
victim. Instead, we are looking at the long-term implications of no
contact and how no contact is ultimately very beneficial to the
victim. Does the narc benefit from this long-term no contact?
Possibly they do, maybe not, but the thing that we must focus on is
the victim and getting them back to emotional, psychological, mental,
and physical health. What we’re trying to do is make sure that
the victim regains hope in their lives and restores their faith in
humanity. Those are our goals. So whether the narcissist benefits
or doesn’t benefit long-term from no contact is of no consequence.
The narcissist has done what they’ve done, they’ve had it their
way, they’ve gotten everything they wanted, and any repercussions
from what they have done to their ex partner is on them and on them
alone. Yes we em paths tend to care about our partners even though
we were terribly attacked and abused. Any sane person with the
ability to truly love another human being and commit to them simply
can't just turn off that love and commitment like a light switch.
Only the narc can walk away cold turkey and in doing so they give
themselves away. This ability to move on and get over a relationship
instantly and have another relationship is a clear giveaway that that
narc never cared or loved or committed or had any loyalty. It is a
clear indicator that the narc was a total fraud. Of course the
warped narc will be with their new friend and then turn around and
tell the abandoned partner they were the disloyal one. The sad thing
is the victim will be so distraught by the whole shock of seeing
their partner remove their mask and turn into a total stranger that
the partner will actually buy this totally ridiculous and unfeasible
statement. But with no contact the fog begins to clear and the mind
starts reorganizing itself and begins once again thinking rationally,
logically, and with reason.
Once the mind is functioning and thinking clearly and the
victim has done their homework and learned about covert narcissism
they can begin the long, convoluted journey of discovering and
comprehending what happened to them. It is essential to understand
those experiences with the narc for what they were in actuality, in
reality. At the time the victim had those experiences they were
being interpreted in the context of the fantasy existence the narc
had created and not the real world. Yes, that whole experience with
the narcissist from the very first moment that creep entered their
lives to D day, the day of discard and abrupt no contact is now
slowly disassembled into its component parts and each part re
evaluated with the knowledge gained about covert narcissism. New
revelations occur daily as memories of the past are triggered by
things the victim encounters as they go about their daily lives. In
the beginning those memories cause acute and intense episodes of
emotional pain. That emotional pain can range from a sense of dread,
a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness to intense anxiety, to deep
rage as the duplicity, deceit, lack of honesty, and malevolent
treachery of the narc now comes clearly into focus. Some of these
triggered intense emotional episodes can bring that victim to their
knees, paralyze them mentally and emotionally and for that reason are
rightfully called PTSD. But the victim takes each of these episodes
of PTSD and uses that pain to focus their attention and work out what
is going on, gaining insight into what misconceptions are causing
these totally irrational feelings. One by one these episodes are
confronted, like a bull is taken by the horns, and analyzed. Over
the course of many months the PTSD subsides and the importance of the
narc in that victim's life fades. The victim begins to understand
that the narc is an irrational human being that never had any real
reason to treat them as badly as they did. Slowly the victim gets
themselves off the hook and realizes that the narc's opinion of them,
the idealized fake opinion in the beginning and the fake devaluation
at the end, were all pure fabrications and that makes the narc's
opinion irrelevant. Yes, the victim's greatest mistake was respecting
that narcissist. The narc's opinion was certainly never worthy of
being respected, but sadly you come to the conclusion that even the
narc themselves isn't worthy of any respect at all. Of course you
still respect them, that is what a decent human being does, they
respect all people, but certainly that narc will never again be
trusted. Certainly that narc will never be believed again. Of
course any narc knows that once they have been found out it's game
over. No narc can live in an environment where their cover has been
blown. So much easier for the narc to find a fresh supply of naive
people that have never heard of covert narcissism. So yes time
gives clarity and resolution and meaningful, important, and healing
answers to the victim. Those answers come from research and daily
work. So the victim reevaluates and begins to understand the truth
of that interaction with the narcissist. Yes the victim now
understands the reality of every gesture of kindness, every faux
display of concern, or empathy, or love. The victim understands
those were never real anyway, just gesticulations and signaling of
genuine emotions that the narc learned to fake so that they could get
an emotional response and extract energy from their victim. Yes the
victim thinks back and realizes they had a sixth sense, a feeling
that something was “off” about everything the narc did, but
somehow that intuition was neutralized. The victim thinks back on
the numerous half truths and white lies and now clearly sees that
they were only a small indication of the true depth of that narc's
duplicity. After enough time pondering that ridiculous time with
the narcissist, sifting through memories and comprehending them for
what they were, not what they appeared to be, the victim can slowly
begin to understand the depth of the sham or confidence scheme that
was perpetrated upon them. Working on the resulting rage that comes
from the revelations is essential. With each success in giving that
rage to God, room is made for more, even starker revelations to be
comprehended. We then get to the question of is there any
benefit whatsoever, after a period of no contact, of having a frank
an open discussion with a narcissist to try to get some real closure.
The answer to that question is no, not if that person you were with
is a true covert narcissist. Now in the past I would have told you
that every narc is different, that narcissism is on a spectrum and
that no two relationships are the same. All of that may be true, but
a true covert narcissist, no matter what portion of the spectrum they
are on, will never do anything for another person's benefit. If that
narc has any reasons to re-initiate contact with you it will be for
solely selfish reasons. We have to remember that the narc doesn't
care about you at all. The narc never did. Not at the height of
your relational bliss nor at the end when they triangulated,
flaunting their new partner in your face, trying to drive you off the
edge. It's no different at any time with the narc , they simply
don't care about you and never ever did. No, you are never going to
get any honest answers or any genuine apology from a narcissist.
That narc will use any occasion of contact with you to get as much
energy from you as possible. The duplicitous narc I was with,
came to my place of work only after her boyfriend was at risk of
being confronted by me. After months of threats on his Instagram
page against me, I finally made a comment on the narc weasel's page
telling him it was time for him to back up those threats. Literally
less than 30 minutes after I made that comment she shows up at my
place of work. That cold hearted creep then told me she would
apologize and say she was sorry for what she did only after I said I
was sorry first. Bear in mind that narc would have faced serious
charges, possible jail time, had I pursued legal action. Yes she
tells me she wasn't in her right mind when she attacked me and made
those threats against me to get others involved. Yes she proclaims
herself to now be back to normal and proceeds with a display of
insanity that would make any psychopath proud. Oh yes she is calm,
channeling the new boyfriend who taught her to control her emotions.
Funny, I thought it was I who taught her to be calm and collected.
Well anyway, I had already begun understanding covert narcissism and
the display of duplicity that unfolded in front of me, with me being
totally aware of every lie she was speaking was quite an experience
on my end. I stared her straight in the eyes and almost like
watching a movie, with “detached amusement” I closely observed
that sick covert narc ply her trade. She fired off one lie after
another with precision, one outrageous tale after another. She never
flinched but I stared into those eyes and even knowing that I was
seeing through her duplicity she continued lying, but then there was
a tell. Her eyes began twitching when she realized I wasn't buying
any of what she was saying. I wasn't the same person who would
graciously take every thing she told me “on faith”. But her
tenacity, her devotion to lying was unabated. She kept going. Yes
her gift of “closure” to me was bald faced gaslighting in an
attempt to further abuse and disorient a person who was barely
holding on. She then told me never to contact her again, thinking
that she had once again come out on top. The arrogance of that creep
was astounding and only now, many months later, have I finally
understood that this cretin's arrogance was always present throughout
the relationship and throughout her life. Every story she ever told
me about her experiences as a child and those road confrontations she
seemed to always have, showed a consistent pattern. That of a self
centered, arrogant, immature, covert narcissist that would never
listen to anyone, that always had to win. After all she was a
queen, superior to all of those around her. Why didn't her mother
and her siblings and her step fathers ever understand that? Yes in
the past as a token of love I overlooked those small lies since I
soon realized it was impossible to confront her with them anyway.
But her mistake was to think that she was actually convincing me. Of
course she was getting away with the greater lies, the lies of making
me believe she was serious about a lifetime commitment that she had
made to me. Was my experience unique? I doubt it. So it
becomes clear that there will be absolutely no benefit to the victim
of ever seeing that narc again. There will be absolutely no straight
answers given and at the end the narc will have used that encounter
to heap more abuse on the victim. That is if they can get away with
it. So let’s be clear, if you want to get a second dose of a
narcissist and you want to think that your particular situation is
different from all the others you’re more than welcome to jump into
that cesspool and think that you’re going to get out spotlessly
clean. It won’t happen. But
for some they have to try and to those who do try I will only say one
thing: guard your heart, your soul, and your mind. Give it a try
and prove that your situation was different than all the others.
Prove to yourself that your partner wasn’t truly a covert
narcissist. If that partner wasn't a covert narc you may well come
away with some closure, with some satisfaction that your ex truly
was remorseful for their actions. But nothing good will ever come
from an encounter with a covert narc after a period of no contact.
Especially if that narc wants to resume the relationship and you are
foolish enough to believe they truly loved you. That's another
anecdote I could share, but not today. So does no contact
benefit the narcissist? Maybe it does, but then again maybe it
doesn’t. Clearly no contact benefits the narcissist after having
abused and attacked a victim and the narc's true inner self becomes
exposed. An aware victim is the narc's worst enemy, because facing
that person means the narc now has limited abilities to gaslight. A
narc will never meet someone head to head on an even playing field.
That narc's bag of tricks has now been emptied of much of it's
contents and they are now out in the open. Yes the narc carefully
honed their feigned outrage when they were suspected of having lied
or cheated, even if it was right in front of their partner. So we
now understand that the narc always has to maintain their capacity
for gaslighting and lying even in unimportant things. Why? Because
it keeps the narc in practice and creates an environment that
conditions the victim to accept the more important gaslighting and
lying when it is necessary. Here are some fictional examples
that I have created from my imagination that are based on experience.
Yes the narc would get through with a session with their secret
lover either online or in real life and have a whole list of
gesturing and facial expressions pre-planned if anyone even suspected
anything at all. The narc would take a liking to the mailman and
then cover up the fling by calling that mailman ugly, old, and
incompetent. That narcissist fool never realizing she was the talk
of the town. The narc would take a liking to a stay at home dad, a
lazy fool who took advantage of his baby mamma and lived off of his
parent's wealth, and immediately see an opportunity that they
couldn't pass up. That situation was an easy one for the narc, there
was plenty of opportunity to be clandestine. The narcissist fool
never realized people knew and saw, and that narc's reputation spread
far and wide. Yes that is why we can call narc's cretins. Thinking
themselves wise they become fools and give themselves away.
Sometimes in big ways, other times by little tells that have huge
significance. So of course in public she feigned hardly knowing or
even disliking her secret lover. But those secret glances that the
narc thought went unnoticed were keenly observed by those around
them. Yes, even the responsibility of being a mother or father was
shirked and taken advantage of for the narc's gain. Sad. But these
are fictional examples. I could go on about the generic narc's
reputation in the workforce but I will stop here. The key is to
understand that the more adamant the narc is about something the more
likely they are hiding something. Or at least think they are hiding
something. Many husbands or wives just give up and take to the
bottle or other sedatives until a feasible exit is found. We do all
sorts of things for the children. Anyway, when these
methods have been exposed the narc is left very vulnerable and this
disorients them. Their solution is to simply refuse contact with the
victim and make up a story about the victim being the abuser. That
is where flying monkeys and new male knights in shining armor or
female angelic saviors become essential. The narc absolutely has to
build a new fantasy existence that they can once again feel
comfortable in. The narc finds it impossible to live in the real
world where they have no advantages over those who surround them.
The narc can only exist in a world where they make the rules and they
have built a false persona. So yes the narc will benefit from no
contact in the short term, no doubt about it. But the implications
of that quick fix will eventually fall in on them. The victim on the
other hand will get the real tangible long term benefits of no
contact. Most victims needed closure, needed some answers,
needed to process the facts so that they could at least comprehend
what went wrong, learn and not repeat the same mistake. But the
narc wouldn't allow it. The reason is clear to those of us who have
studied covert narcissism. The narc knew that any close scrutiny
would reveal the scope of the fraud that the narc had perpetrated on
their partner. So the narc left and thought themselves the winner.
The victim is then left with the colossal task of finding answers on
their own. That journey can take weeks, months, years and even
decades if the victim is lucky enough to survive. Some don't. Sadly
the narc could care less and might even consider themselves powerful
for having had such a dramatic impact in another person's life. So
no, the victim sees very little benefit from no contact initially,
but the tables turn over time. Long term the narc loses and the
victim benefits from no contact. How and why? Well the narc has
a debt to pay to that victim. The narc was supposed to be like any
human being and think about their actions, do some close
self-examination and introspection, and feel remorse for what they
did. That narc should have felt the need to make things right or at
least if nothing else admit that they were wrong and make an apology.
But the narc refused and pretended nothing ever happened. So that
debt was never paid or even acknowledged, but even a narc, who may
not have a conscience, is aware of that debt. That narc can convince
themselves the debt doesn't exist but that doesn't make it so.
Denial of something doesn't make it go away. So the narc goes
through life incurring more and more debt and continuing their same
method of burying the truth by denial. But that debt just keeps on
accruing interest. In the end it becomes impossible for the narc to
make amends. Too much time has passed and sadly the narc has locked
themselves into a behavior pattern that they are a slave to, that
they can't escape. So the narc goes deeper and deeper into the
abyss, having to make more and more excuses, having to deny more and
more portions of their existence, having to perpetrate ever
increasing fraud on those around them. So the narc robs themselves
of any genuine accomplishments or any peace or any joy. The narc
does this to themselves and that no contact which seemed so enticing
and a comprehensive solution to their problem was just a quick fix
that got the narc into even deeper debt and trouble. So it becomes
clear why covert narcissists are miserable people that deny anyone
around them a genuine compliment or an ounce of respect. The narc is
miserable with themselves and as life goes on they become more and
more miserable. But the worst is yet to come. That is in the
afterlife since no, we don't just simply cease to exist. That is a
frightening prospect and many a narcissist is fully aware of it and
yet they refuse to be saved from this terrible fate. The victim
on the other hand has nothing but benefits from no contact. The
victim does examine the situation, and do the work, and has
introspection. The victim was willing to accept blame and more
importantly, the victim tried desperately to at least get some
resolution with their partner. The victim does benefit from no
contact in so many ways. First, just eliminating the toxic
environment created by the narcissist will eventually allow the
victim's natural tendency to be more positive about life reinstate
itself. Second, eliminating that false fantasy existence from the
victim's environment eventually allows the victim to live in a world
of reality, to see things clearly once again. Like a fog lifting.
The victim will eventually get the answers they require and will
eventually grow and learn from that experience with the narc. The
victim will once again be able to generate their own inner joy and
peace and find hope and even faith. Yes, all of these things take
time, but the no contact allows that healing to take place.
So we can view that victim a few days and weeks after the
discard by a narcissist and be gravely concerned about that person.
Yes that narc with their new “friend' is enjoying themselves and
telling the world they were the ones who survived abuse, while the
victim is unable to eat for weeks and is barely functioning. But
months and years later we see a different scene. That victim has
learned and become victorious. That victim has now understood what
is important in a relationship and in life and that victim, whether
alone or with someone, has hope for the future and has stability in
the present. That victim understands the importance of being
positive and eliminating toxic people from their lives. So yes long
term the victim can be and should be victorious. But that requires
doing the work. Understanding narcissism, totally eliminating the
need for vengeance, and not even being concerned if the narc will
ever pay for all that they have done. Yes the victim has moved on,
just like the narc told them to do, so that the narc could enjoy that
new instant boyfriend in peace. Yes the narc was well along the
process of setting themselves up before that discard and only needed
to feign victim status and suffering. So, keep in mind
in the long term the victim is the one that reaps the benefits and
the narc is the one that pays. I listened to God and followed the
directions set forth in the Bible. Many will say they have no
interest in the Christian perspective, but these people face a very
real problem. When a person has an illness that needs to be cured
the most important route to cure that patient is to find the cause of
the illness and treat that. Yes, there are many quick fixes that
will mask the symptoms and give some short term and even long term
benefits. Yes, many people can go through life thinking they have
their illness under control. But the ultimate cure for any condition
is to find the actual cause of that illness and treat the actual
cause, not the symptoms. The treatment is instituted and the person
goes on with life medication free. Narcissism is a condition of the
heart and in many ways goes into the spirit realm. It forces people
to look inside themselves, it focuses people on the motivations of
humans in general and it brings to light the difference between
children of the light who follow God's will in their lives and the
slaves of Satan, the children of darkness that are fooled by Satan
into believing they are getting it all their way. Eliminating the
spiritual aspects of narcissism means there will never be any
comprehensive understanding of how to cure the patient. Teaching
that victim how to fish and have fish for a lifetime instead of
giving them a fish every day is the goal. So, if the victim
has healed, the narc owes them nothing, God will repay that victim
and restore everything the narcissist took and even give more. The
narc doesn't owe the victim at all any more, they owe God, and the
payment of that debt is in God's hands and His alone. That is the
Christian point of view. Yes, it's not up to the victim to decide
how the narc will pay that debt. That isn't the victim's problem and
God has specifically told them to not make it their problem. God
promises to take care of the narc. The narc will pay that debt, one
way or another. The victim is instructed to rest easy, heal
themselves and have peace. The victim is relieved of that heavy
burden. So yes no contact always benefits the victim, not the covert
narcissist. …...Eventually. Thank you for watching. Comments
are welcomed. Peace be with you.
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