The Narcissist Has No Respect: The narcissist has no
respect for anyone or anything. They don't respect their parents
growing up. They don't respect relatives. They don't respect their
peers. As the narc matures and is expected to act as an adult their
lack of respect becomes more covert. Yes, the narc did learn one
thing: to get any sort of response from others around them they do
need to emulate, to fake, respect. Yes, the narc learned early on
that respect is something that human beings expect from each other.
Respect is given and received in a normal exchange between two
people. So the narc did understand that totally and they used that
fake respect to manipulate those around them. Yes when the narc
wanted something from mom or dad they feigned obedience and even
reverence for their parents and to not give themselves away they
gradually, seamlessly reverted back to disdain once that item was
obtained. The narc knew full well that insubordination was frowned
upon by their superiors and the last thing the narc wanted was to let
it slip that the narc never really considered those superiors even
equal to them. Yes the narc considered every authority figure in
their lives inferior to them from as early as they could begin to
think of those around them. Only as the narc got older did that narc
realize that they had to keep that dark secret of having disdain for
everyone around them concealed. Yes, society frowned upon that.
So yes that narc never had any respect for any human
being, but they also had absolutely zero respect for institutions.
The narc didn't buy into the family hierarchy at all since they never
felt it was appropriate for their parents to have authority over
them. The narc felt the same way about school, why in the world
should they be forced to listen to those teachers when the narc, at
least in their mind already knew it all. Yes that narc was always
inflexible and unteachable, but the narc did learn. That learning
was all on the narc's terms, however. Yes, the narc would educate
themselves, picking and choosing what to study. Those studies were
quite unconventional. No, their were no guidebooks or classes on
being the best liar in the room. There were no AP classes in
treachery and deceit. Gaslighting wasn't even a subject to be
studied, because even to this day that word and all of its meaning
has yet to be mainstream. So the narc did learn and learn quite
well, it just wasn't learning that would benefit society. It was
learning solely for the purpose and benefit of the narc and the narc
alone. That learning did become more beneficial to society however
when the narc realized that they needed to work for a living to get
money and all of the things that they wanted for themselves. So the
narc readily received their training and mastered the skills to
fulfill their tasks in any job they took, but that learning was
solely for selfish reasons, the side effect was that the narc
actually was a productive individual. Yes, productivity was a mere
unintended consequence. But make no mistake the narc milked
everything they could to leverage that productivity as efficiently as
possible. Yes, any good thing the narc did always had to give
maximum benefit to the narc and the bare minimum to others. So
typically the narc gave the appearance of building one position up
after another and seemed like a loyal employee, but when that
position was mined for every ounce of benefit, or a new and better
opportunity arose, the narc abandoned their post for fresher ground.
Yes that “loyal” narc employee was always looking for a better
opportunity. The search was done carefully, behind the employer's
back, and then the narc's excuse for leaving was that “an
opportunity” was presented to them serendipitously, without any
effort being put in on their part. Yes, it was an offer the narc
just couldn't refuse. It is uncanny how the narc cheated on their
employer just like they cheated on their partners. The narc is
always looking for a newer, a fresher opportunity and they see no
reason to allow a little thing like commitment and respect and
loyalty to get in their way. Promises either explicit or implied can
always be gaslit out of existence as the narc rewrites history and
moves on to their new supply. Yes, the long list of employment
positions is only rivaled by the narc's personal endeavors in
relationships. But the narc was well aware of the need for
references and was very delicate and gentle in moving from one job to
the next. Yes, leaving on good terms was important, but of course
the narc frequently revealed their treachery in one job or another
and the way that narc dealt with those failures to fully deceive was
to simply leave holes in their resume and call themselves a caretaker
of an elder or a stay at home parent, or any other feasible excuse.
Yes the narc I was with actually called herself a “homemaker”, O
K. The reality is that many of those spaces in the resume are
actually nuclear disasters that left the employer in a huge bind and
required huge effort to repair the damage that was done. But the
narc leveraged it all and always made sure their reputation or
billboard was intact. Those messy departures from one job or another
were always followed with threats and in the modern day workplace it
is in the employer's interest to let things slide. After all that
employer has actual responsibilities and a true commitment to the
services and products they provide. The employer needs to focus on
the actual work that needs to be done. So that is the narc
in the workplace and the common theme there is that they have no
respect for anyone that is in authority over them. They simply feign
respect because it is a necessary tool to get what they want. The
narc is no different in their relationships. The narc never
respected a single one of the long list of partners they accumulated
over their lifetime. Oh yes, the narc felt themselves quite generous
if they let a current partner go gently, with one lame excuse or
another. The real reason was almost invariably that a new partner
was already obtained and the narc needed to do housecleaning. Yes, a
clean departure would allow the narc to enjoy that new relationship
unencumbered. So it's clear that the gentle release was simply
because it benefited the narc. How else can we know this? Well,
once the narc had fresh supply, they simply had no incentive or
motivation to put effort into the existing relationship, so the narc
frequently got sloppy and blew their cover. After all that victim
wasn't really even worth any more effort. As a result the narc
either inadvertently or by design revealed the calloused, heartless,
depraved creature under the mask right in front of their soon to be
ex partner. After all, that narc no longer had anything to lose. So
in that scenario the narc showed their true nature and didn't feel
any need whatsoever to feign respect for that discarded partner.
Yes, the narc was ruthless and displayed a chilling lack of even an
ounce of humanity. If it isn't in the narc's interest they don't
expend any energy whatsoever on another human being. Yes, the narc
actually wants to lose that partner, so why show any respect.
Instead the narc puts their lack of respect for another person on
full display and when the victim is exposed to that level of
depravity it shocks them to the core. Yes the narc exposed
themselves in the heat of the moment and this gave them an immediate
benefit. But long term that narc created a problem for themselves
since now there was someone who knew their secret, knew the truth.
Gaslighting, reframing and a total rewrite of the past was used on
the victim to confuse and disorient them. Lies, slander, treachery,
and bearing false witness was used to repudiate the victim to those
outside of the relationship. Yes, a smear campaign with flying
monkeys is the narc's cure all for everything when they can no longer
pull the wool over the victim's eyes or silence them. But a victim
that educates themselves and puts together the pieces will know the
narc's game. That victim will heal no matter how many flying monkeys
or tools of the trade the narc uses against them. The narc's lack
of respect extends to God as well. The narc may convince themselves
they are worshiping God, but make no mistake, deep inside, at the
subconscious level the narc believes themselves to be god. The narc
will always have full authority in their own lives and never truly
submit to or even admit to the existence of a higher power. In the
narc's mind the definition of God is open to interpretation. Even if
that narc professes Christianity that narc's god is subject to the
narc's rules. Talk about the Almighty God and the rules laid down by
that Supreme Being and the narc will give lip service and agree, but
no way would that type of God, the true God, ever be acceptable to a
narcissist. That God would require the narc's respect. No, the narc
will keep the god of their creation, the god that they can redefine
whenever necessary. The god that decides that everything the narc
does is correct and noble no matter how depraved or evil. The god
that lets the narc do and say whatever they want to do. The god that
respects the narc. Now it becomes clear why a green jade Buddha is
the narc's perfect false idol. So any appearance the narc gives of
allowing God authority in their lives is a mere act.
Yes the pattern that they show in their work and
personal life extends to their relationship with God. Religion is
seen as merely a very useful tool to make others regard them as fine
human beings, as good people, but the pattern is exactly the same.
The narc is simply counterfeiting the appearance of piety to bolster
their billboard. Conversely, if atheism is considered the “in”
thing with a group they want to be a part of, that narc will emulate
that as well. Feigning atheism is one of the few times that the narc
is portraying a more accurate exterior, one that more closely
resembles what is actually going on inside their warped, diseased
psyche. But make no mistake, that atheism is an act, because the
narc does believe in a god and only one god, themselves. Yes, Satan
has them on a tight leash and the narc never realizes that in all of
their efforts to be number one in deceit, they never see that they
themselves are the ones that are the most deceived. The
narc's love affair with trendy social causes is easily explained
since these causes are the perfect venue for the narc to disguise
their lack of respect. Why? Because the narc has the perfect
ability to feign genuine concern and dedication to a cause with
little or no scrutiny of their true motives, and the payback to their
ego is enormous in relationship to the amount of effort they expend.
Yes, what better way to have society admire them than to be a
supporter of a cause that is prominent with the important people of
the world. Yes, that narc's inner hollow lack of concern will never
be questioned in a group setting. Again it is all a matter of “doing
the math” for the narc and those social causes give the largest
payback for the smallest amount of input. Social causes are the
ultimate candy for the narc, because these causes give the narc the
most exposure, the greatest direct infusion of energy to their
over-inflated and totally fake public persona or “billboard”.
How incredibly sick it is to cover up your total selfishness by
appearing to be just the opposite in public. True story: My ex was
“passionately” championing suicide prevention on a social site,
while at the same exact time she was teaming up with her weasel creep
friend to try and push me over the edge. Yes the depraved hypocrisy
of the narcissist takes your breath away. That calloused cretin was
all of the sudden concerned with PTSD since her next target would be,
and had to be a military man and that creep turned generating PTSD
in her ex partner into a fine art. Those chains have now been broken
by the way. The narc's lack of respect extends to institutions,
their own country, and even their own heritage, since everything has
to bow down to the narcissist. Nothing is sacred to the narc. The
narc has no respect for marriage. Once that narc is married the
obligations and responsibilities that the marriage contract imposes
don't even figure into any of their plans. Why? Simply because that
narc has absolutely no respect for the institution of marriage and
sadly has no respect for their partner either. Marriage is simply a
tool to get the narc what they want. Yes, marriage gives prestige.
Being seen publicly as committed to another human being means the
narc is viewed as a prime mover by society. Marriage gives all of
the other perks as well, such as financial stability. Never does the
narc even begin to appreciate the sanctity of the institution of
marriage, the importance of it, the incredible gift it can be when
done right. But again, the narc has absolutely no respect for the
institution of marriage. If the narc wants an extramarital
relationship, that narc will never allow a marriage to get in their
way. The narc doesn't respect the family unit. They didn't respect
their parents growing up and they frequently don't even respect their
role as parent when they are older. Yes, a narc that doesn't take
that role of parent seriously probably commits the worst act of
disrespect a human being is capable of. Yes, the narc will seem to
sacrifice themselves, but even with their children the narc always
takes as much benefit from the role of parent for themselves as
possible. Does the narc love their children? Maybe they actually do
and maybe they actually sacrifice for their children, but it is never
even close to the level of obligation that parenting should be. The
narc just simply isn't capable of thinking more of others than of
themselves. Not even their own children. I will spare a poignant
anecdote that was related to me to protect the innocent about a
person who actually put huge efforts into cultivating a new
relationship when they should have been focusing exclusively on a
child that was in severe need. So, does the narc respect the
authorities, Police for example? Same as all of the above, respect
is feigned because it is necessary, but only to the extent that it is
necessary. Yes, my narc ex was followed by a police officer through
town and finally stopped and told off the officer asking why he was
following her. She felt safe because she believed she hadn't broken
any laws. The narc also made a point of being close to some of the
officers in town and avoided numerous tickets by taking advantage of
those associations. But actual respect for authority? Not a
chance. The list of how the narc disrespects everything can go
on and on, but is there anything that the narc respects? The only
form of respect a narc has is that which is motivated by fear. Fear
of public humiliation, fear of being publicly unmasked, fear of being
found out for the fake, phony frauds that they are. Only then will
the narc actually give the appearance of yielding if it is necessary.
But once that danger is evaded the narc will make a point of
returning with a vengeance and have absolutely no mercy when they
have gotten the upper hand and give their payback. Yes, the narc
never forgets and the narc will never allow someone to get the last
word, the narc will never allow themselves to be bested. Never is
this more clearly felt and comprehended than when a narc thinks they
were discarded by their partner, then resumes the relationship with
that person. The sole reason for that narc to get back together with
their partner is to exact revenge and make very sure that the partner
is totally abandoned when at their most vulnerable. Sick but true.
So the pattern of disrespect becomes clear and it is the same
exact pattern in every single setting the narc enters into. No
genuine respect for anything or anyone, fake respect for everything
and everyone and the only goal for the narc is to extract as much
benefit for themselves in every single instance. So, what if the
narc actually does things that are beneficial to others? Well again,
those are simply unintended consequences, but make no mistake
whatsoever, the fruits of the narc's efforts are primarily for
selfish reasons and the narc makes sure they are the greatest
beneficiaries of those fruits. Of course no one knows what is really
going on in someone else's head, so why make such a harsh judgment?
Well here is a key: The narc helps many people over the course of
their lives and actually can be seen as a positive force at least for
a while, but then the narc gives themselves away and shows they never
really cared at all. How is this? Well once a narc is done with any
situation and they no longer have any use for a person or a job that
narc frequently burns down and destroys every one of their positive
accomplishments. Yes every good act and act of apparent kindness and
concern is literally blown up leaving the partner, or the job, or
others that depended on that narcissist in far worse condition than
before that narc made their appearance. Yes the narc literally
destroys all of the good that they have done and then does additional
damage, leaving things worse off than before they ever appeared on
the scene. Why would someone do this? Because they never really
cared or respected and by blowing things up either on purpose or
inadvertently that lack of concern is fully exposed. Yes the narc
could have easily avoided doing the damage and would have avoided it
if they ever really genuinely cared. Having your partner and
confidant suddenly drop their mask and become a totally different
person, a stranger is one of the most incredible shocks anyone in a
relationship could experience, That shock is only equaled when an
informed observer sees and fully comprehends the incredible hypocrisy
of the narc in a public setting. Wolves in sheep's clothing, like
whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside, but on the
inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.
Choose your metaphor. Thank you for watching. Comments are
welcomed. Peace be with you. Ending Comment: The purpose of every
human being on this earth is to glorify God. The Universe, this
Earth and the people on this Earth, including narcissists, were
created by God for His purposes. Yes, the narc started out as a
creation of God to glorify God, but somewhere during the course of
their existence they were taken over by darkness. So the new
purpose of the covert narcissist is to embody evil and glorify their
master, Satan. How is this possible in a world that was created by
God? God has allowed Satan, sin, and the “ministers of
unrighteousness”, which includes covert narcissists, to have
apparent freedom to do as they please. Somehow God is using sin for
His purposes, to turn evil into good. But here is the frightening
thought, the narc is clearly owned and operated by Satan, but that
narc is so far gone that telling them this truth won't make a bit of
difference. You will be confronted with the typical narc smirk. Yes
the narc is a slave to sin and totally convinced that everything is
OK, totally convinced that they are in control. The narc may not
even believe in the devil, but they are his puppet all the same.
Just as the devil, and the third of the angels that followed him were
once good and obedient to God, and purposely rebelled against their
sole purpose for existence, the narc was also created to be good and
worship God. So the devil, his fallen angels called demons, and all
unrepentant narcissists will one day end up in the same location.
No, they aren't going to a good place. The covert narc
will broadcast their great compassion, concern, and empathy about an
animal to the world. …meanwhile, in private, they engage in the
lowest form of treachery, and depravity that a human is capable of
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