What the Covert Narcissist Fears
Most: The covert narc is devoid of almost all of the
positive emotions that most humans are capable of feeling, but they
are not without emotion. The narc has been given a full capacity for
feeling the negative emotions of envy and hatred. The narc is
jealous of everyone that even has the slightest appearance of being
better off or more accomplished than they. But the narc's greatest
vulnerability lies in their ability to feel fear. So what exactly
does the narc fear? Looking into this aspect of the narc opens up
the whole gamut of what covert narcissism is all about. The
narc is all about breaking rules while appearing to abide by them.
The narc always seeks the advantage in any situation and one of the
main ways of gaining an advantage is to use the morality, the true
compassion, the empathy of others as tools of manipulation. Yes
moral codes of conduct mean that others in the narc's environment are
more predictable and therefore more easily manipulated. Moral codes
of conduct also leave open a world of untapped possibilities and
opportunities that others with morality would never contemplate.
Sane people aren't paranoid and most people want to think the best of
others. The narc couldn't be happier than to have someone believe
that people are basically good. “Yes, keep on believing in the
good of others while I pretend to be good publicly and live like a
devil where no one can see” is the narc's attitude. The narc sees
their opening by skirting all of the rules of morality. For
example, the narc sees nothing wrong at all with having an affair if
they can get away with it and this illustrates the narc's mentality
and attitude perfectly. The narc's attitude is that they can find
untapped possibilities by treading where no moral person would ever
go. In the narc's mind this opens up all sorts of otherwise lost
opportunities. So that affair is simply the narc having pleasure by
not being concerned about the rules of morality. To the narc moral
people are simply missing out on that fun. Many other examples could
be given, but the bottom line is that the narc isn't bound by
conscience, isn't effected by remorse and has zero empathy for any
person that is harmed by their actions. This means the narc is free
to take advantage of any opportunity that comes their way with little
or no repercussions to themselves (their psyche). But it also means
the narc has much to hide, much that must remain
secret. The key to living this way is to be covert,
appearing to be a totally different person than they actually are.
This is the motivation behind the narc's many masks and personas.
Those personas mean that the narc is in control and has convinced
many that their outer persona is real. Only the narc has the inside
information, the knowledge that this persona is all a ruse. Yes that
mask is fully fabricated by the narc and one of that narc's biggest
thrills is pulling off the sham and making people believe. The
beauty of it all is that when the narc tires of that persona, or the
environment, or the job or the relationship they will simply create
yet another persona and entrap a whole new set of people to the next
persona. The narc goes through life and perfects this duplicitous
lifestyle and refines these false masks to a point where they can
juggle two or three at the same time, tailoring every one of those
personas to the appropriate environment. Yes, that is the nature of
the narc's addiction, an addiction to duplicity, lying, and
deception. The foundation of all of this is the narc's soul mate,
their true companion that they have bonded to for life, their true
lifetime partner that they have wedded themselves to: the lie.
So when you look at the scope of a narcissist's life it
becomes clear they are all about deception, lying and duplicity.
Those narcs are addicted to living a lie and in fact would cease to
exist if forced to be honest and truthful. Why? Because sadly, that
narc is literally a hollow human being that abdicated their humanity
somewhere in their early childhood. Yes putting on an act was so
much easier than dealing with their own broken inner self. So the
narc abandoned themselves in pursuit of the lie, the false persona,
and in doing so much of the pain and suffering, much of the work that
would have been required to build up that broken inner self, their
real persona, was simply avoided. Instead the easy way out was to
pretend. Yes many in that narc's environment would simply believe in
that narc's fake persona and that meant the narc could have a persona
that was far more accomplished, far grander than the actual narc
themselves. Yes in the beginning that narc's grandiose statements
were obvious chicanery, easily detected by others, but over time the
narc refined their duplicity and more and more people believed. But
the narc lost themselves in the process and now there is literally
nothing, no one home deep inside that narc. If you look hard enough
there is an immature child somewhere inside that narc that never
developed into an adult, huddled in the corner hiding and incapable
of interacting with the real world. But in essence the narc is empty
and therefore their very existence now depends on maintaining a sham,
deceiving others about themselves. Yes deep inside that narc knows
they are empty. So the narc is now dependent on lies, duplicity,
misdirection, and treachery. The narc is dependent on one false mask
after another. The narc is forever mimicking and mirroring and
plagiarizing the genuine personas of others and forever searching but
never finding. No that narc will never find themselves, never find
peace, never find contentment, never escape chaos. No that narc
will never ever be able to feel comfortable with themselves because
they are literally living a lie. So the question might be asked
what if a narc stuck to one persona and “made it work”? Well the
narc couldn't and wouldn't ever do that. Why? Because the narc
knows that the persona is fake, is one dimensional, is fabricated and
being that the narc knows this they are totally unfulfilled by even
the most ideal situation. Yes that narc may find someone who loves
them and cares, but to the narc this isn't real at all. First and
foremost the narc can't appreciate the love and commitment of their
partner, they don't have the emotional capacity to, and second the
narc feels detached from all of that devotion because it is directed
to a fabricated persona that the narc has created. The love from
their partner is literally not owned by the narc at all in their
mind, but instead directed to one of their disposable personas. So
it becomes clear that for the narc to “own that love” they would
need to own that fabricated persona and that is intolerable to the
narcissist. Instead, the narc simply drains all of the energy out of
the relationship and the partner using that false persona as the
conduit. The narc is emotionally detached from both the partner and
the relationship and really hasn't even committed to their own
persona, their own false self. No the narc will move on eventually
and create a newer, seemingly “better” persona and that new
persona will be different but make no mistake it will be every bit as
fake as the last one and therefore every bit as unsatisfying. So
eventually the narc will get bored of both themselves (that
fabricated self) and their new situation. That is the nature of
covert narcissism. So now it becomes clear why the
narcissist fears the truth, because it literally destroys them. The
narc's very fabric, very substance is constructed of lies, making the
term fabricated persona very appropriate. That persona is an amalgam
of false experiences, mirrored and plagiarized traits that were
simply stolen from other people mixed with the narc's embellished and
modified actual experiences, but it is the lie that binds them all
together. The truth, or the light would literally dissolve that
narc and leave nothing behind. All the narc has and has ever had for
the greater majority of their lives is one fake phony persona after
another and that is all the narc will ever have. So what does the
narc fear? Any person who insists on the truth, exposes the narc
for what they are, exposes the narc's actions and words, pins that
narcissist down and forces them to own their treachery, duplicity,
and debauchery. So now it becomes clear why that covert narc
deceives and gaslights and confuses. That narcissist is literally
fighting for their existence. Yes that fake persona is all they have
and all they are. The narc understands full well that no matter how
well constructed, that fake persona will simply collapse like a house
of cards if ever scrutinized in the light of truth, so the narc
absolutely needs ambiguity and confusion, needs to have all the
people that surround them in a fog. Now it becomes clear why the
narc simply can't understand the value of the truth. In fact the
narc hates the truth and most definitely loves the lie. The truth,
and any clear thinking individual that sees through that narc's act
is that covert narcissist's biggest nightmare. Coupled
to that fear of the truth is fear of exposure, which is simply a
revelation of the truth in any given environment. In this scenario
the narc's life substance may not be at risk, but their ability to be
treacherous and duplicitous is greatly reigned in. This makes the
narc feel constrained and the narc's solution to that problem will be
to simply make plans on changing their environment. When a region of
a state has been exhausted the next stage is to move far away where
there will be free reign to once again play their wicked game and
perpetrate their ruse on a whole new frontier of ready victims. The
beauty of this is that the narc can make up any story they wish about
their past and the reality, the truth will be far away and out of
reach to those new victims who are once again being preyed upon by
that evil covert narcissist. So, aside from being
constrained, what else is it about exposure that narc's fear? Well
that narc cherishes their fake public “billboard” and they would
never want their sordid acts and the abusive boorish behavior that is
displayed behind closed doors to ever be publicly found out. So
publicly the narc will say they love the truth and want honesty and
transparency. Publicly that narc will put on the act of morality
and compassion and even fake empathy, but it is all a phony display
designed by the narc to get their much needed and wanted public
attention and to be seen as a fine person. Then and only then are
the good things in this world appreciated by the narc, because those
publicly broadcast positive emotions are an absolute necessity for
that narc to get that adulation that they so crave. Yes evil people
do exist and the list of traits for evil people, lack of empathy,
remorse and conscience, etc. describe the covert narcissist
perfectly. So the narc will always fear the truth, fear being found
out, fear being exposed, fear having that fine public persona shown
to be what it is: fake. Yes those narcs are fake phony frauds
through and through and they will always hate the truth because it
stops them cold in their tracks and dissolves their very life
substance, everything they are and all of the lies they hold so dear.
The truth shatters the narc's public image and what lies behind that
facade is not a pretty sight. Thank you for watching. Comments are
welcomed. Peace be with you.
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