Monday, May 29, 2017

The Narcissist is Wittingly or Unwittingly an Emissary of Satan: When it comes to lying, duplicity, treachery, and a long list of other vices the narc is “all in”. The narc sees absolutely nothing wrong with what others consider bad and immoral behavior. In their mind, the narc is above all of that, they are free compared to other people that are constrained by morality. For example, the narc does understand that she needs to give the appearance of being against promiscuous sex, she will profess her chastity loudly to a person she is seducing if that is what he expects. She will profess having a belief in God if her target is a Christian. She will go along with the premise that two people have to make a lifetime commitment if they are to become physically intimate. Whatever it takes, but of course they are all empty words and she knows it. Anyway, the narc does understand that in many circles moral character is valued and even expected and she knows that it is vital for her to appear moral. But that is for show only, she really isn't constrained at all. She is free. The narcissist is in effect an atheist whether they see themselves as one or not, because they would simply never be able to live in accordance with the external rules of God or submit themselves to God's or anyone else's will. Some bizarre scenarios actually have a narc believe themselves a person of faith and project that religious farce to all they come in contact with. You have to wonder if the narcissist is fooling themselves about loving God in that situation. The narc will die a thousand deaths before they would ever give in and not be Queen of the world. Yes, the deluded narcissist calls herself goddess and thinks it cute. Goddess of what? Goddess of the flies? No, the lord of the flies, Satan, is her master and she has dedicated every particle of her being to serving him without ever knowing it. She worships Satan in every thought and action and her self image is all about being exactly what her master commands her to be. She is the most loyal and obedient servant Satan could ever expect and he uses her beauty to destroy everything in her path. Satan lies to her daily about how free she is while keeping her as his personal puppet to do his bidding as he sees fit. The naive narc thinks herself free. How tragic. So, that is the sad reality for the narc, the narc who is convinced and self deluded about her own freedom. Plain and simple the narc is the most enslaved person on the planet, they are a slave to Satan, a slave to sin. So what is the truth that Satan is hiding from the narc? Let's take a look at a few Bible verses. Romans 6 6 “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin--” ,Romans 6 18 “You have been set free from sin and become slaves of righteousness.”, and finally Romans 6 16 “Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?” So the bottom line is you are either going to be a slave of sin or a slave of righteousness and that is the truth that Satan is hiding from the narcissist. Yes, the narcissist is literally the opposite of what they believe themselves to be. The narcissist is the least free person, the narcissist is the most naive person, the narcissist is the most uninformed about the reality of life and the saddest thing of all the narcissist thinks the very thing that could save her, the acknowledgment of God's rulership, by submission to or enslavement to God is the one thing that could set her free. So those people that are enslaved by morality are actually the free ones, but the narc doesn't see it. She has been given a strong delusion. So how does this lack of understanding of her own enslavement show up in the narc? Well, she thinks it cool to be a dark angel an “Azazel”, yes the deluded fool actually called herself that and put a post up saying heaven is boring. All of the dark imagery of vampires, demons, and evil women turns her on and actually feeds her sense of grandiosity and invincibility. All delusions that show Satan owns her lock stock and barrel. The narc has no free will at all and even when an obvious addiction is pointed out to her Satan's control over her is so complete she can't be reached, and she refuses to see. The damage from her addiction is all around her and yet she blames everything and everyone but herself and that addiction. She is like the possession of the monster in “It! The Terror From Beyond Space” she is fully owned by the creature and only given enough freedom to be used as bait to ensnare others. But that is an individual example, an actual one. How are narcs in general used by Satan as his tools? Well, the narc is used to take good people and corrupt them. The narcissist sees a naive, trusting, relatively innocent person and sees an easy target. Yes she can deceive and manipulate that person and use them at her will and then simply discard those foolish naive people that actually believed her lies. The narc feels those victims deserved everything they got because they had a soft life, they weren't street wise. The narc had such a difficult childhood, no one suffered the way the narc suffered, and therefore she is fully justified in all that she does. She got a raw deal out of life and why not spread the wealth. The narc is compelled to give back all of the real and perceived cruelty that she received as a child to anyone she can pay it back to, so in some way the victim is receiving the retribution for what others have done to the narc. The narc is a hardened, heartless, soulless individual, so what does it matter if she turns someone else into a bitter human being? She suffered cruelty and abuse and received no love as a child, so now she is supposed to feel sorry or have remorse for someone that she was cruel to, abused, and never loved? Those victims should get over it. That's life. It's about time those victims were exposed to reality. The narc's harsh version of reality. A barren wasteland devoid of any of the good things, an environment where Satan rules supreme. No the narc's world isn't reality at all, the real world, the way it was meant to be is God's world a place of peace, love, joy, and light, not darkness. What the narc doesn't and will never understand is that other people have suffered as children and maybe even more than she did and yet they have not become narcissists, they do not want to harm others. Those people have retained their humanity and instead of being bitter and angry at the world they have taken that suffering to have greater compassion for others. Who can comprehend suffering, pain, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness better than someone who overcame those things and truly understands those traumas by actual experience. That is what happens when good people that have compassion and a conscience respond to adversity, so the narc whether they realize it or not, really has no excuse for their despicable behavior. Let's be clear, the trauma done to the narc as a child and genetics probably mean the narc can't really help themselves, but that doesn't make the narc or her actions any less evil. She still has a brain and can think. She is still a responsible adult. There is some culpability and responsibility there whether she acknowledges it or not. Yes, the narc is a tool of Satan, his emissary, they may realize it and actually be proud of it because they are so deluded they can no longer think clearly or the narc may just be acting on their own impulses. Either way they are on Satan's team. Don't ask how a person can justify thinking immorality OK and at the same time have a high opinion of themselves, actually think themselves superior to those who are trying to live by morals. It makes no sense. Don't ask how a person who apparently knows that money needs to be earned by hard work and doesn't appear superficial admires those who make money illegally and are nothing but superficial. It doesn't make sense. Does anything about the narc have any coherence or any logic? These people are walking contradictions and hypocrites through and through. One thing is certain, they are slaves to sin and slaves to lying and the father of lies is Satan. So yes, the narcissist is most definitely Satan's emissary. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcomed.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Morality and the Narcissist: The narcissist has a curious but very intimate relationship with morality. She will never be constrained by it, but it is one of her most effective tools of manipulation. All of us consider ourselves to be free. We believe we have the freedom to live life any way we see fit, within the boundaries of the law. This attitude is exponentially increased in the narcissist. The average person will always limit their activities and choices to things that are beneficial to themselves, but stop short of seeking their own benefits if another person is hurt by their gain. Most people set up a boundary, beyond which they will not go, no matter how much their need, that person will not hurt another human being to fulfill that need. There are gray areas where a person may choose a huge benefit for themselves even if it does cause some discomfort to another human being, and there are also altruistic actions where a person will choose to suffer or bear a cost for the benefit of another human being. The narc is a different animal all together. The slightest gain for many narcissists is all that is required, even if the cost to multiple other people is enormous. Not the narc's problem. Most narcissists are a bit more restrained and do set up a minor boundary which they will not go beyond without at least some thought. There might even be some consideration for the welfare of others, but the main reason for the narcissist thinking about things is to make sure they will be safe from the repercussions of hurting other people, rather than being concerned about the actual pain that they cause. So a narcissist will make sure they don't get caught breaking the law and they will make sure they size up the people they know will be harmed before they engage in their treacherous activity. This is where many a narcissist makes a mistake. The narcissist overestimates their abilities and underestimates the abilities of their victims. Because the narcissist is so self deluded, they sometimes expose their own treachery and mental illness publicly without even knowing it. My narc partner was dead set on gaslighting me with her fake sham Instagram accounts and her posts became so bizarre that her mental illness was obvious to anyone who looked at those posts, one in particular comes to mind. I showed these posts to a number of people and they confirmed that this was the work of a person with mental illness. The posts were literally incoherent and self contradictory. All of these posts were backed up by her narc weasel boyfriend as well as some of the flying monkeys she had accumulated on Instagram. The narc made a brief third visit to my place of business. That was at our last encounter when she was doing damage control for her boyfriend, since I was now calling him out to back up all of his threats. I had a rare opportunity to actually have a limited two way conversation with her. When she was made aware of the obviousness of her irrational behavior on Instagram, she never even skipped a beat, but her problem was I was now wise to narcissism and her gaslighting and lies were fully obvious to me in real time, while she thought she was talking to the old naive me. That brief visit was not for my benefit, it was for hers and her boyfriend's. In a final act of treachery she tried to gaslight me and denied she had been on Instagram for the past 3 months. Trying to twist the blade that she had embedded deep into my heart. I proved to her without a doubt how I knew these were her accounts and yet there was only the slightest twitch in her eyes as she continued barefacedly lying right to my face with eyes that had the look of insanity. Deep inside, however she knew she had been defeated. This was the last of three unannounced visits to my facility, the last two of which were witnessed by a third party and that person had no doubt that the narc was suffering from mental illness. The rage of this narc on the first two visits was incredible and that rage was backed up by a physical assault with threats the first visit and with additional incredible threats to myself on the second visit. I never did anything to actively try to harm the narc, but the narc became paranoid after the breakup because I actually had the audacity to talk to someone about the shabby treatment she had given me on our last weekend working together. The way she broke up with me, followed by the flirting and hand contact while gazing in another person's eyes for over 10 seconds right in front of me, etc. It enraged the narc that I told someone about this. The second visit was the narc not liking me having an Instagram page and she again threatened me with her “family” getting involved. Yes, the implication was I might be killed and in fact she said I would be killed if I didn't immediately delete the Instagram account. She had me so terrorized I removed it, but three days later I came to my senses and decided I'd had enough of the intimidation. I set up a new Instagram account. Yes, the narc had me firmly hypnotized and so totally disoriented that I didn't know the difference between her lies and the real world. Not the case on her third visit as mentioned above. So anyway, the narc sees something she wants and then does anything necessary to get it with no regard to the pain and suffering of others. She will freely enjoy that gain with no conscience or remorse. Only the narc's pleasure and desires are important to the narc. The number of unfortunate victims accumulates as the narc goes through her life. Now we will concentrate on the subject of morality. As stated, the narc is addicted to being free to live life as she deems necessary. Morality constitutes an unnatural and unnecessary restraint on that freedom for the narcissist in their business, social, and personal life. We will only focus on the personal relationship aspects in our discussion today. Commitment, loyalty, love, honor, truth, well those items are all too constraining for the narcissist personally, but they are important tools of manipulation. Telling the truth would mean losing the opportunity to have a new relationship, so she lies and says she is unattached. Telling the truth might mean she actually has to engage in a relationship on an even playing field with both partners actually having the same information. The lying, in the narc's eyes, gives her an advantage. She knows her partner's truth, but the partner doesn't know hers. That gives her power. She will not allow commitment or loyalty to her current partner to prevent her from seeking a new partner, that would limit her freedom. Of course, when it comes to her current partner, genuine commitment and loyalty are very necessary and expected, since they give her power over that partner. Similarly, the current partner's true love and devotion are perfect tools that give the narc another source of the power to dominate the relationship. After all, the narc isn't under the influence of the vulnerable feelings of being in love or bonded to another human being. In summary, when it comes to morality, the narc will never allow themselves to be constrained by morals, since they are addicted to freedom and they see morality as constraining. However, the narc does see the value of morals as tools to dominate her partner in a relationship because it gives her an advantage over her partner, a superiority, so the narc does expect her partner to be under the constraints of morality. Thank you for watching. Your comments are welcomed.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lack of Loyalty and Commitment: The Root of the Narcissist's Malignancy: Loyalty is a devotion and FAITHFULNESS to another human being or to a group or to a country or to a cause. The concept of loyalty implies a steadfast commitment to someone or some cause or a group that you are a part of and it is at the root of what is wrong with many of the things the narcissist does. Loyalty is the heart of commitment and commitment is the heart of, the substance of love and as has already been found out, the narcissist doesn't have the ability to love. Loyalty is the emotion or feeling that powers the commitment, the commitment being a promise to do something and then fulfilling that promise. Both loyalty and commitment have been diluted out in today's society of disposable relationships and this feeds into the type of relationship a narcissist prefers. A relationship that can be ended at any time for any reason. Let's just list the synonyms for loyalty to get a deeper understanding of what loyalty actually is: faithfulness, allegiance, homage, constancy, steadfastness, staunchness, true-heartedness, commitment, reliability, patriotism, dependability, troth, trueness, devotion, fidelity, obedience, trustworthiness, fealty, trustiness, obeisance. The term troth is archaic and it referred to the act or condition of being pledged to marry, it lives on in the present word betrothal which is an engagement or entering into a “marriage contract”. Fealty can be seen as a pledge of allegiance to another human being, meaning that they will be given priority over another human being, in medieval times this was by sworn oath. Obeisance, bowing to a King or Queen or another human being, is related to the concept of loyalty and adds the element of respect and humility, meaning you consider the other person equal to or greater than yourself, you are acknowledging that person's superiority and importance. Obeisance by definition is showing respect to someone or something. Loyalty to a person when you are in a relationship is exclusionary, in other words if you are loyal to a person you will exclude other people. You are disloyal to your partner when you fail to exclude others. This makes flirting a clear act of disloyalty. This disloyalty can extend to family, turning your back on family members who need you and to your own larger group when you turn your back on the culture of your ancestors, because you are wiser than they were and don't place any value on heritage or tradition. Another example of exclusionary loyalty is found in the Bible and illustrates that loyalty can't be split: Matthew 6 24 states “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Yee cannot serve God and mammon.” (mammon being money). If a relationship is to have any real substance or meaning or value the loyalty of the partners has to be exclusionary and genuine. The narc is incapable of genuine loyalty. Genuine loyalty means a partner remains true regardless of circumstances. The narc will always shift their loyalty to what is most advantageous to them, proof that the narc has no loyalty at all. The narc only knows how to act loyal, the actual emotion behind that loyalty is absent. Without that actual emotion the narc's loyalty is hollow and fake, it sure appears to be the real thing, but the proof is in the pudding, and when push comes to shove that “loyalty” suddenly transfers to a new partner and the old partner becomes the evil one. Remember the above Bible verse “he will hate the one and love the other”. My narc partner was always fixated on loyalty and looking back on things I was always puzzled as to why they were overly concerned about loyalty. My loyalty was 100%, in contrast, there were plenty of times when her loyalty was questionable, but I never doubted her since she seemed to place such a high priority on loyalty. I now fully understand this was just a smokescreen on her end to deflect from her own lack of loyalty. I can only imagine that her lack of loyalty was an issue in multiple past relationships so her best defense and best way to cover up her disloyalty was to be preemptive and accuse her partner of being disloyal even if there was no cause for this accusation, or maybe she was projecting her disloyalty onto me. Towards the end of the relationship she all of the sudden decided that what we were doing at the job wasn't to her liking. We had been doing these things for years but now her loyalty was shifted and was with someone else or another group of people or both and not two days later came the discard. She should have known better, there was absolutely nothing wrong with what we were doing and all of her arguments against it were obviously false, she was only repeating what other uninformed ignorant people were saying. She knew from personal experience that these people were wrong, but it wasn't trendy to do what we were doing and she had already shifted her loyalty to that other person and literally turned against me. Sorry to be so cryptic, have to protect her identity. Let's now go onto the topic of commitment, since it is another area in which the narc puts on a good act but they don't really have the ability to truly commit to anyone. The narc puts on the act of being committed to someone so that the other person genuinely commits to the narc and then the narc can freely use that person as a source of fuel or energy. The narc is always on the lookout for newer and better supply and when they have drained all of the energy out of their existing partner they simply walk away from the relationship and give their new “commitment” (fake commitment) to another partner at the drop of a hat. So to summarize the narc fully understands the power of loyalty, love and commitment as tools to bind another person to themselves so the narc carefully mimics these emotions in himself and trades these counterfeit emotions for the genuine commitment, love, and loyalty of his partner. When the partner has outlived their usefulness, the narc has no problem quickly shifting their counterfeit loyalty, love, and commitment to another better source of fuel. The very definition of commitment, loyalty and love, the very substance of those emotions makes them NON transferable to another human being since they are exclusionary. Genuine love, commitment, and loyalty are powerful and if they are pure are meant to last a lifetime between two people, they are the glue that binds two partners together. The fact that the narc can so rapidly transfer to another partner proves that they don't possess any genuine bond to another human being. Hence zero loyalty, zero commitment, zero love, only the counterfeit versions. So this is the problem with the narc, but in this case it might be a good opportunity to have a frank, uncomfortable discussion about modern day relationships and how the present lax standards partners are held to make it so much easier for narcs to ply their trade undetected or at least hide behind the loose moral standards of our time by pretending their brand of depraved indifference to their previous partner is “normal for our times”. So the rest of this video is going to go over the Creator's, God's, standards for relationships. For those of you not interested have a good day, but the information coming may be the most important you will ever hear when it comes to avoiding narcissists. God's standards, as found in the Bible are no longer lived by or even taken into account in modern society, but they are the narc's worst nightmare. Just think about this, the narcissistic pig that I was with has zero regard for any man she has ever been with and has absolutely no guilt or remorse for being unfaithful. In Biblical times a woman like this would be publicly stoned to death for even one act of adultery. Today these same women get into one adulterous affair after another with absolutely NO SHAME. These women are filled with arrogance and haughtiness and actually revel in the damage they do to men. Just think about what a public stoning would do to wipe away the smirk and take away the swagger from the evil arrogant narc that realizes this could be their fate. The stoning is a clear indicator that what she is doing is a very serious offense, nothing to be taken lightly and certainly nothing to be proud of. Yes, this woman openly and proudly flaunts her treachery and unfaithfulness and is quite proud of the supposed power it gives her. That woman's behavior has destroyed many a family and many a man and modern day society has no remedy for a creature like this, they roam the streets free to damage everyone that gets close to them, and they feel entitled to do this since in their mind they are only doing what everyone else is doing. Bear in mind I am not advocating stoning for unfaithfulness, but it reminds those of us in this warped depraved modern world how serious this activity really is. Next we get into the real problem with modern day society, the problem that makes every honest human being easy pickings for the narcissist. The moral standards for people are so low today that sex outside of wedlock is no longer considered shameful or sinful. Today many of us meet someone and get into a physical relationship with them without really first getting to know that person and before you know it you are a committed couple. This is like playing Russian Roulette. There is only one bullet in that 6 shooter and the odds are you aren't going to get shot, but there is that one in 6 chance. Well those of us that encountered the narc were unlucky enough to have the bullet in the chamber and were severely injured. God's standards are simple. Get to know someone first, no physical relationship at all. Then make a lifetime commitment and get engaged and then finally get married. The physical relationship was forbidden outside the boundaries of marriage. A relationship is NOT disposable in God's eyes, it is a lifetime commitment, especially once two partners are in a physical relationship. I have now heard comments that state well anyone is free to leave a relationship at any time, whether it be 6 months or 3 ½ years or 15 years. That kind of talk is the world's “wisdom”, but rest assured it is foolishness to God. 1 Corinthians 3 19 “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God...” 1 Corinthians 1 25 “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men...”

I made it very clear to my partner about my beliefs and there would be NO physical relationship without a 100% lifetime commitment on both of our ends and she agreed to this. I reemphasized this to her multiple times throughout the relationship and she understood what that meant. She never disagreed and we were supposedly on the same page. That this was a committed relationship, not one for fun. So yes people now believe there is no problem with ending a relationship for any reason whatsoever, no explanation needed. That is pure nonsense. That line of thinking reduces human beings to less than animals. Even some animals mate for life, animals such as swans, bald eagles, turtle doves, even French angelfish, but committed monogamy for humans is now considered unrealistic and odd? What is it going to take for people to wake up and realize they have been hypnotized by the media as well as education into accepting behaviors that were unimaginable only a few decades ago. The pure depraved filth that passes for entertainment, the news that seeks to manipulate and create opinion, not report the facts, and an education system that starts indoctrinating children into proper thought patterns as soon as possible and creates correct socially acceptable politically correct citizens. It all adds up to social engineering and mind control and the public has accepted it hook, line, and sinker. No this nonchalant attitude is NOT normal and not modern. Think about Sodom and Gomorrah. God is patient, and this attitude of the human race was predicted to occur right before the final harvest. Modern day narcissists are in seventh heaven, current moral standards have made it open season for the narcissist and there seems to be no shame associated with the narc's filthy behavior in our day and age. God has a different opinion. You do know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, don't you? Totally annihilated by fire and brimstone. All of those modern thinking progressive people who knew better than God, or just totally disregarded God altogether. After all, they were advanced, they had evolved, they had outgrown the need for those outdated Biblical standards of conduct. All of them, every one of them destroyed. How much longer will God be patient? Thank You for watching, your comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Narcissist is Haunted By Her Actions Part 2: Numerous comments have arisen about the use of the term “haunting”. When a person is haunted by an action the implication is that they are feeling remorse or their conscience is bothering them and so that term has created some confusion. Let me clarify. I am using the term haunting in a more literal way. A way in which the narc has totally divorced themselves from their actions, has NO emotional attachment to them, but the awareness of those actions still can't be escaped. No, the narc doesn't care about her previous life or those who were a part of it. Today being mother's day, let's start with what the most likely scenario is. I am thinking about that person wondering what she is doing, who she is with, how she is spending the day. I know what her mother's day tradition is so I still care and try to think about how she feels today. I try to project those feelings of nostalgia about our relationship onto the narcissist, but that is a mistake. What is really going on in the narc's mind? Is she having pleasant thoughts of last year and mourning the fact that she and I are no longer together? Unlikely. Here is the most likely scenario. The highlight of the narc's day, the only thing that really matters to her is NOT her daughter, it is that “Happy Mother's Day” greeting from her new boyfriend. The semi long distance relationship with the occasional hookup. That message will be secret,, maybe a direct message on a secret Instagram account, maybe a secret email or maybe she has devised a way of having a secret phone. Who knows, but that message is all she thinks about. Oh, I didn't tell you that relationship is a secret from everyone. So do you think that I have any illusions as to her thinking about me. No, she is putting on the act of devoted mother caring only for her daughter while putting all of her real attention, her mental presence on her secret soul mate. Now let's get back to the haunting metaphor. To do that we need to go back in time. The narc has decided that she is going to have her new relationship and discard her present partner. Her mind is made up and now it's just a matter of finding a way of disposing of an inconvenient person in her life. All the while she continues love bombing to make sure her present partner is totally unaware of her secret plans. So the plans are laid and as described in previous videos, things go wrong and she is unable to escape the damage as she blows up the relationship. Nonetheless, she simply makes use of the new unexpected turn of events and lies to her partner, viciously attacks him and threatens him with retribution from members of her family and a law suit that will take everything he owns. Then leaves the victim with his personal and work life literally torn to shreds and institutes NO CONTACT. It is over for her, she is a bit worse for wear but she has made sure that her previous partner is suffering and destroyed. So now she can enjoy her new relationship in peace. No, the narc doesn't care if her previous partner loses everything or commits suicide. That suicide would actually be a gift for that narc. It would provide the pleasure of knowing that her problem was solved. She would have no further interference from her previous partner again and be totally free to enjoy her new relationship. Also, her previous partner, the evil person (who never did anything to intentionally hurt her, by the way), got what he deserved. It would give great satisfaction to know that person died since they had the audacity to actually hold the narc accountable for her actions. They had the audacity to actually expect loyalty, forgiveness, and an honoring of the commitment she made. Didn't that previous partner understand that once the narc get's bored or doesn't have every demand met to the letter that the previous partner has to leave and stay away? Especially if he is spoiling the new relationship and all of her new future plans (her new life's purpose and her new soul mate) she has put so much effort in to construct. It took her months of decision making to decide what type of man she wanted, what type of work and charities she would be involved in. She finally found that man, realized that she was meant for a larger cause than just working in a local business and was well on the way to achieving her goals and then this old useless partner of hers has the notion that he is important and deserves attention and respect? No way, that useless ex needs to leave and leave immediately and the narc never wants to hear from him again. So yes, if he kills himself all the better. If it takes some nudging, well the new weasel will be happy to team up and drive that old partner right over the edge. Suicide? Too bad for the previous partner. For the narc and the high octane new narcissist weasel partner it's a job well done. What an accomplishment. That sure is a rock solid foundation to build a relationship on. So now you can understand how valuable that “Happy Mother's Day” is for the narc partner who found another narc weasel as her soul mate. There are no illusions that the narc is thinking tender thoughts about her past 3 ½ years of life with her previous soul mate and previous life's purpose. Back to the haunting, so let's give an illustration. You have just cleaned up a dirty garage and filled a bag full of junk and waste that you no longer want. It is garbage, dirty, filthy garbage. You hold your nose, throw that bag in the garbage can, then walk away. You put that garbage can on the curb and never think about that garbage again, you just want it gone. You don't care what happens to the garbage. You don't want to know what land fill it is taken to or if it is recycled or if it ends up in the ocean or in a whale's stomach or even on the next door neighbor's lawn. Not your responsibility, not your problem, you did your duty by placing the garbage on the curb. End of story. That is how the narc thinks of a relationship she no longer wants. So no, there is absolutely no remorse or guilt or nostalgia. There are no tender thoughts about her past. There is no second guessing about if she did wrong to her previous partner. She did what had to be done to dispose of that nasty garbage. So what if that garbage was another human being. She did her duty, disposed of the garbage, placed it on the curb. Not her problem. So what about the haunting? Well that narc did some very evil things, some incredibly treacherous things to that partner who never did anything but love her up until the last day and even far beyond that. She ruined another person's life, destroyed that person emotionally, destroyed his business and in some cases that narc may have driven someone to suicide. Not her problem. Keep in mind this narc has done this before, ruined other people's lives, nearly broke up a new family with a child, destroyed multiple other people who became stalkers when she decided they were no longer useful. She did her duty, disposed of the garbage every single time. Not her problem. After all she had such a terrible childhood. No one suffered the terrible life that she had to endure growing up. So it is all justified. Nice and simple. The narc doesn't care, the narc feels no remorse, the narc has no guilt. The narc simply doesn't care what happened to any of her victims. There is only one problem. The narc knows right from wrong and the narc knows she did wrong to those people, so no matter how many times she convinces herself she did her duty and disposed of the garbage, no matter how may times she denies her past and recreates herself and indulges in a new flight of fancy with a new “lifetime” partner, no matter how many times she justifies her actions by referring to her broken childhood, she cannot escape the knowledge that she did the wrong thing. So what about that garbage that she wasn't concerned about, that she didn't care what happened to? Well the remains of her victims were buried and all of those terrible, devious, treacherous acts were buried along with the victims. Just like ghosts those activities may not be visible to anyone but they are present and the narc knows they are present. The narc denies everything, but unless she literally loses her mind, the amount of effort to suppress that knowledge of her evil becomes greater and greater. The ghosts or memories of her past are there whether she denies them or not. The ghosts are real even if the narc pretends they aren't there and even if no one else can see them. Those ghosts, and there are more and more of them as the narc's life unfolds, follow the narc wherever she goes and they may well be her only companions in the eternal torment that awaits an unrepentant evildoer. Yes, the narc won't have anyone to complain to about her evil partner or her terrible childhood in Hell. She will be totally isolated, no contact with another living soul. But those ghosts will be there with her and she will no longer be able to ignore them in Hell as she goes deeper and deeper into her sinful unrepentance and slowly deteriorates into a subhuman beast that will truly no longer have the capacity to be a human being. So the narc isn't concerned about the afterlife? Thinks heaven boring? Oh, you say they are an atheist? Everyone intuitively knows there is a God, a being greater than themselves, and no one knows what “lies beyond the veil” of death. So, who do you think the narc is kidding to be so sure that they don't care or contemplate their afterlife? The narc may be lying to themselves and in that case it will be one of the rare occasions that that lie will damage the narc and the narc alone. Thank you for watching. Your comments are welcomed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Narcissist is Always Haunted by His Actions: The covert narcissist is a seemingly harmless human being. The narc definitely sees himself as a person who really doesn't want to hurt anyone, even though they do. The narc sees themselves as virtuous. Over the course of their lives the narc may actually seperate being virtuous from being good, that is how warped the narc's logic becomes as they go deeper and deeper into their psychosis. The narc may intuitively know that “they are not going to a good place” which seems to indicate they know they have done bad things and one day need to be accountable, but then why does the narc continue to be evil? Why doesn't the narc try to turn things around? Why is it that whatever the narc touches, whoever he has any sort of relationship with ends up severely damaged? Is the narc simply a misunderstood, troubled person that has the worst luck? It all boils down to the fact that the narc lives in his own world, a world in which he is the arbiter of right and wrong. When the narc bumps into other people those people either comply and become a part of the narc's world, a world where he is king and makes all of the rules or they become “bad” people who don't agree with the narc's opinion that they need to be vassals in his kingdom. So the narc suffers cognitive dissonance when he encounters people who actually have the notion they are the equals of the narc and expect the narc to share the world with them and respect them as equals. When the narc encounters these independent minded souls who refuse to get with the narcs program, he feels totally justified, even virtuous to harm these people in any way he deems necessary. But then there is always that nagging feeling the narc has. Maybe he isn't the center of the world, maybe other people do deserve to have rights equal to his own. Maybe there is a God that the narc actually has to submit to and bow down to. So, occasionally the narc does get anxious about being wrong, but then the narc thinks over the course of his life and if he really thought of himself as a mere mortal, someone no better or worse than anyone else, well then he would have to reevaluate his past and that would be devastating. You see the narc has a long list of people that have been severely damaged over the course of his life. Siblings he let down and just abandoned to a point where they are dead to him. Parents who had to suffer terribly trying to accommodate the narc. One broken relationship after another and numerous “stalkers” that couldn't understand why they just needed to move on at the drop of a hat and leave the narc alone when the narc found a new toy (partner) to play with. After all the narc had no problems moving on. Then there are the unexplained deaths of some of those that were close to the narc. Maybe just coincidence. Then of course there is the duplicity, the treachery, the lying, the gaslighting, but those actions were not done with malice. Those actions weren't evil. They were good, they were justified. The narc simply either did these things to people because those evil people deserved it or he needed to do those things to make sure those people stayed in line and kept with the program. Those people needed to be aware that the narc was king and in control. Those people needed to submit to the narc without question and the narc needed to keep them in line. So the deception and gaslighting was necessary to make sure they stayed off balance and the narc could remain the undisputed king. Those people were simply being prevented from committing the cardinal sin and challenging the narc's superiority and dominance. But still there is always that occasional nagging thought at night when the narc considers the awful unimaginable possibility that he isn't the center of the world , he isn't king. But that would mean that the narc was not justified in gaslighting, lying to others and the deceit and treachery was not justified and may truly be evil. The narc then diverts and deflects those thoughts of possible culpability by quickly going back to his mental surreal fantasy world and all is back to normal. Normal for the narc that is. The rest of the world considers the narc's normal world a nightmare, and unfortunately for the narc whether he likes it or not, whether he acknowledges it or not, he is living in a world that must be shared by others and his so called normal is decidedly not normal or logical or cohesive. So the narc has to continually deny the opinion of others around him and get himself back by stopping and banishing those thoughts of not being king. The narc has an enormous debt to pay if he is incorrect about himself being the center of the world. The narc probably never consciously thinks of themselves as the center of the world , they just subconsciously assume it without even realizing it. The covert narcissist is the worst of the bunch, because not only does the shy, restrained covert narc fool everyone he comes in contact with, he also fools himself. After all the covert narc is mild mannered, they don't dress in flashy clothes or drive the hottest car. They aren't overtly boastful. Their cheating and lying is done while appearing totally conservative. Their flirting, which is incredible and obvious and totally abnormal to an outside observer, is considered just talking to the narc. So what if that innocent talk inadvertently results in a physical encounter. The narc never meant that to happen. The narc engages in adultery with absolutely no remorse or conscience, again because the narc feels totally justified in doing it. The excuses the narc makes for cheating are long, here are just a few: their partner is a selfish lover, their partner has cheated on the narc, the partner and the narc aren't in a physical relationship and the narc feels the need for intimacy not being given to him by his partner, the narc has finally found their soul mate and has never felt understood before meeting the person they are cheating with, the partner is abusing the narc, the narc is about to get a divorce, but is only in the relationship until the children are old enough, but they just can't pass up this relationship with their soulmate . But then there is always that nagging feeling that maybe it isn't right to cheat and lie, especially when the husbands and boyfriends of the women they seduce or deceive into a relationship are angry at the narc. In this case the narc once again bumps into the real world and once again needs to indulge in a large dose of denial and rationalization. According to the narc's logic, if those husbands or boyfriends were really meeting their partner's needs the narc would have never had a chance. The narc was simply helping the women he stole from their partners have some happiness that was absent in their preexisting relationship. The narc was providing comfort to those who needed it. But again, there is always that doubt that the narc can never fully escape. The doubt that maybe they aren't the center of the world. The doubt that maybe stealing that relationship was not justified, not the right thing to do. Maybe the “comfort” that the narc provided to the women he seduced actually destroyed the lives of both the woman , her partner and their family. So the narc spends his life whistling in the dark, but he is always haunted by a history of destruction he can never escape, except by living deep in his warped, psychotic world. So what about that saying “I'm not going to a good place”? Is that an admission of being evil? Is it a way of rationalizing to himself “Well, I am already going to a bad place, so I might as well do whatever I please in this life, since my outcome is already assured”. Is it just a license to indulge in destruction of those around him? Is there some warped thrill the narc gets from being evil? Is this saying a warning to his or her victims, or is it just something the narc says to gaslight the universe and he doesn't believe it? The narc must be aware that no one can deceive God. Here is the sad reality, whether the narc believes it or not. There is value in turning his life around. There is a good possibility that the more damage the narc does in this world, the greater his suffering in the “not good place” he is going to. Talking to a narc about personal responsibility, a world where others are his equals is like a wooden stake going through his warped psychotic self-image. Talking about Jesus and salvation and his need to submit his will to God and bow his knee to Jesus is literally no different than the depiction of a cross causing a vampire to disintegrate. The Truth (Jesus) would literally vaporize the narc's fantasy world that consists of nothing but lies, duplicity, treachery, deception, and all other sorts of evil. So yes, the narc is always looking over his shoulder and always having to fight the real world since his actions are evil if judged in the real world and his world itself will totally vaporize if exposed to the sunlight of reality. So you have to wonder if the inspiration for the myth of vampires wasn't inspired by the narcissist. Maybe the vampire is just a metaphor to show people the true nature of these evil narcopathic beasts. They suck the lifeblood out of their victims and hold an unnatural spell on them and they could never survive in the real world of truth and in the sunshine. Thank you for watching. Your comments are welcomed.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Narc as Predatory Relationship Thief: Narcissist Weasel Syndrome: Up to this point I have dealt with the victims of narc abuse that were in an actual relationship with that narcissist. There is a whole group of narc victims that are the indirect victims of a narcissist. These are the people who have a relationship and have their partner in essence stolen by a narcissist. The narc is an interloper weasel in this scenario, and the victim may never have actual contact with the narc until the relationship is stolen. But some victims do get to “have contact” with the low life narc and the attitude of the narc in these situations is quite stunning. This type of narcissist is the lowest of the low, he far outstrips the average covert narcissist who at least knows their victim and has presumably at least given something of themselves to the victim before the pain they cause. The predatory narc is a different animal altogether, they are most definitely a weasel, but that is probably being unfair to actual weasels, who simply are animals doing what their instincts dictate. The human narc as weasel is doing what his vile lusts dictate, but you could never consider weasel like behavior normal for a human being. So let's give an illustration to explain the predatory narc. The predatory narc is always on the lookout for a fresh relationship and they are not bound by a sense of honor. If the narc sees a person that they might like as a partner, the fact that that person is married or is a parent makes very little difference to the narc. The narc wants what the narc wants. Morality or what is right is no issue for the narc, because the narc's needs are the only thing that matters or counts to a narcissist. In an effort to expose these beasts, I have broken their vile activity into 10 phases. Phase 1 So the narc sees a target, again it doesn't matter if they are married or have children or if they have a good stable relationship, and then begins to size up that person. The predatory covert narc will always appear as a very humble self-effacing meek individual to the target. This is part of how the narc gets what he wants, by appearing harmless and if it aids in entrapping the target, the narc will seem to an extent helpless or in need of help. That “help” will be more than welcomed when given by the target. That narc will portray themselves as a paragon of virtue, possibly even throwing in some Bible verses and feigning religiosity. There will be a special cocktail of new fake persona custom made for the intended target, which the narc hopes to make a victim. Phase 2 The narc will get to know that target and have that target open up to them, while the narc carefully takes mental notes and refines their fake persona. Phase 3 Of course the topic of “how things are going with the partner” will eventually come up and the narc will slowly get their foot in the door and make subtle statements to get as much personal information as possible on the target's relationship. Phase 4 The narc now having a good idea of the target's needs and desires and a pretty good idea of the weaknesses in the target's relationship begins to refine their fake persona to an even higher level, now beginning to feign all of the attributes that are missing in the target's partner. Phase 5 The narc has now befriended the target and found out both the vulnerabilities of the target, her partner, and the vulnerabilities of the target's relationship and begins to enable the target to use themselves as a sounding board to voice complaints about their partner. Phase 6 The narc then slowly begins amplifying those faults in the target's partner and the weaknesses in the relationship and get's the target to begin questioning if their existing relationship is really as good as they thought it was, and in fact the target begins thinking, “I have a friend (the predatory weasel narc) that really “get's me” and I feel so much more understood when I am around that person. The narc has now created the perfect custom made persona and planted the idea in the target's mind that they are the target's soul mate. The narc is very watchful and aware when phase 6 has taken full completion, in fact he is looking for this. Phase 7 The narc then backs off a little bit and tells the victim that it really isn't any of his business the target should work it out with her partner. After all they are married and share children with that person, even if that person isn't perfect. The narc has played the target like a fiddle and just sits back and waits. The target now can't do without the advice and friendship of the noble virtuous narc and starts thinking that maybe she needs to be with the narc, not her partner. Phase 8 is the culmination of the weasel's plans, when there begins to be a solid emotional relationship built with the target, and the target's loyalties are slowly but surely methodically completely removed from the target's partner over to the narc. The narc is careful to do this very subtly. Phase 9 is when the narc has now got a physical and deep emotional relationship with the target and is well on the way to getting the previous partner out of the picture. So let's pause here, and focus on the target's partner, the INDIRECT victim of the narc. The target's partner may or may not be a perfect person and as with all people there is always room for improvement, but that partner has made a firm, lifetime commitment to the target. The target who is gradually having her loyalty stolen by the narc weasel gradually becomes more distant and unavailable emotionally to her preexisting partner and that partner , if they love the target, is aware of what is going on and tries to get to the bottom of things and see what is wrong, but really doesn't suspect any danger to the relationship. The target is a sensitive person and her preexisting partner makes his own notes and endeavors to repair what is wrong with the relationship slowly and carefully. The preexisting partner has absolutely no clue that there is a wolf (actually weasel) at the door of their relationship. So here is the sad thing, because the target's partner trusts the target implicitly, he is never even aware of the extent of the problem in the relationship until the target acts in such a bizarre manner that he gets suspicious. Of course, at this point the target has already switched her loyalty over to the predatory weasel narc and is unreachable by the preexisting partner. The point where the target's partner is now angry and agitated and totally confused as to what is going on is where we will get back to the predatory narc weasel. This acting up of the preexisting partner is what the predatory narc weasel has waited for and the narc now institutes Phase 10, formally taking the relationship away from the preexisting partner. Of course now the preexisting partner is introduced to the narc, a person he never suspected existed. The narc weasel will give an appearance of being a knight in shining armor, saving the poor target from that crazy and angry preexisting partner. After all the target now has a relationship with the narc. The narc never got angry at her. The narc was patient and supportive, not like that crazy unstable previous partner of hers. Now, you might think that the narc weasel would have a bit of pause. After all he just won his trophy and stole a relationship right from under the nose of the unwitting preexisting partner. Does the narc feel remorse, guilt, or shame for his actions? Well he's a narc, we know the answer: Of course not. But here is where things go from the narc being a bad person to being a hideous creature literally dripping wet with raw sewage. The preexisting partner is of course now going to try to fight for the relationship, so what does the narc weasel do? The narc weasel starts gloating to the preexisting now ex partner about having taken away the target, and sadly, the target is now joining in with that narc weasel. The narc weasel is a powerful, real man not like the weak preexisting partner. Then the narc weasel decides to take over defense of the target and tells the target to go no contact with her ex partner. No communication whatsoever. Let's go back to the ex partner of the target. Well, he was blindsided and clueless, but he begins to look back on the past few months and reinterprets a lot of the statements and actions of his ex partner, the target of the narc weasel and starts realizing the effects that the narc weasel had on destabilizing the relationship. Unfortunately, for him, it is too late. His partner is firmly in the arms of the narc weasel predator. Now here is where the story gets interesting. The narc weasel always overestimates himself and simply believes that the previous partner of the target will sit still and take his abuse. So the narc starts making death threats against the previous partner on Instagram. Of course they are just benign posts- NOT, just general statements- SURE. Well unfortunately for the weasel, he grossly underestimated the target's previous partner. That ex partner gave the narc plenty of warnings to back off and shut up. The narc weasel won his prize, so stop with the gloating. Of course the weasel wouldn't stop, so it was time for him to come face to face with the previous partner of the narc. Meet man to man. The narc's partner would come unarmed and only wanting to talk, but the narc weasel would have to back up all of his threats. So what ended up happening? Well The ex partner first calls the narc weasel and has a little talk with him. The narc weasel then makes the threat that I am going to find you. Will unfortunately for the weasel, he bit off more than he could chew. The ex partner said words to the effect: Maybe I an going to find you first. Well the weasel spoke a few expletives and hung up. Well about 4 hours later the narc's ex partner gets a call from the police informing him he shouldn't go anywhere near the weasel or call the weasel again. Well that call was the greatest victory for the person who had just had his woman stolen from him and then had vicious threats made by the weasel. That weasel backed down and showed himself to be the true coward that he was. That was the turning point for the ex partner of the target. By the way, the target was also narcissistic and became a full blown narc under the weasel's tutelage. That was the day the ex partner began to get himself back, a shred of his dignity a piece of himself. The ex partner would never be afraid of anything a human could do to him again. There was only a fear of God. Please be aware that this story is partly fictional, since the ex partner will never really know what went on between the narc weasel and his ex partner. The part of how a narc seduces a victim was witnessed first hand observing a narc plying his trade on a coworker, as well as other actual accounts of the activities of slimy narcs, so it was incorporated to fill in the part the ex partner will never know about. Oh yes, my narc partner has a very interesting past and that information came to me miraculously and by chance. So I now know much about her, but I can't verify those things. I can only speak of what I know, and that I will do in such a way never to hurt or damage my narc ex partner. Despite everything, I still care and it is my sincerest hope that she one day views these videos and sees herself for who she is and what she is doing to those around her. Thank you for watching. Your comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.