Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Narcissist is Haunted By Her Actions Part 2: Numerous comments have arisen about the use of the term “haunting”. When a person is haunted by an action the implication is that they are feeling remorse or their conscience is bothering them and so that term has created some confusion. Let me clarify. I am using the term haunting in a more literal way. A way in which the narc has totally divorced themselves from their actions, has NO emotional attachment to them, but the awareness of those actions still can't be escaped. No, the narc doesn't care about her previous life or those who were a part of it. Today being mother's day, let's start with what the most likely scenario is. I am thinking about that person wondering what she is doing, who she is with, how she is spending the day. I know what her mother's day tradition is so I still care and try to think about how she feels today. I try to project those feelings of nostalgia about our relationship onto the narcissist, but that is a mistake. What is really going on in the narc's mind? Is she having pleasant thoughts of last year and mourning the fact that she and I are no longer together? Unlikely. Here is the most likely scenario. The highlight of the narc's day, the only thing that really matters to her is NOT her daughter, it is that “Happy Mother's Day” greeting from her new boyfriend. The semi long distance relationship with the occasional hookup. That message will be secret,, maybe a direct message on a secret Instagram account, maybe a secret email or maybe she has devised a way of having a secret phone. Who knows, but that message is all she thinks about. Oh, I didn't tell you that relationship is a secret from everyone. So do you think that I have any illusions as to her thinking about me. No, she is putting on the act of devoted mother caring only for her daughter while putting all of her real attention, her mental presence on her secret soul mate. Now let's get back to the haunting metaphor. To do that we need to go back in time. The narc has decided that she is going to have her new relationship and discard her present partner. Her mind is made up and now it's just a matter of finding a way of disposing of an inconvenient person in her life. All the while she continues love bombing to make sure her present partner is totally unaware of her secret plans. So the plans are laid and as described in previous videos, things go wrong and she is unable to escape the damage as she blows up the relationship. Nonetheless, she simply makes use of the new unexpected turn of events and lies to her partner, viciously attacks him and threatens him with retribution from members of her family and a law suit that will take everything he owns. Then leaves the victim with his personal and work life literally torn to shreds and institutes NO CONTACT. It is over for her, she is a bit worse for wear but she has made sure that her previous partner is suffering and destroyed. So now she can enjoy her new relationship in peace. No, the narc doesn't care if her previous partner loses everything or commits suicide. That suicide would actually be a gift for that narc. It would provide the pleasure of knowing that her problem was solved. She would have no further interference from her previous partner again and be totally free to enjoy her new relationship. Also, her previous partner, the evil person (who never did anything to intentionally hurt her, by the way), got what he deserved. It would give great satisfaction to know that person died since they had the audacity to actually hold the narc accountable for her actions. They had the audacity to actually expect loyalty, forgiveness, and an honoring of the commitment she made. Didn't that previous partner understand that once the narc get's bored or doesn't have every demand met to the letter that the previous partner has to leave and stay away? Especially if he is spoiling the new relationship and all of her new future plans (her new life's purpose and her new soul mate) she has put so much effort in to construct. It took her months of decision making to decide what type of man she wanted, what type of work and charities she would be involved in. She finally found that man, realized that she was meant for a larger cause than just working in a local business and was well on the way to achieving her goals and then this old useless partner of hers has the notion that he is important and deserves attention and respect? No way, that useless ex needs to leave and leave immediately and the narc never wants to hear from him again. So yes, if he kills himself all the better. If it takes some nudging, well the new weasel will be happy to team up and drive that old partner right over the edge. Suicide? Too bad for the previous partner. For the narc and the high octane new narcissist weasel partner it's a job well done. What an accomplishment. That sure is a rock solid foundation to build a relationship on. So now you can understand how valuable that “Happy Mother's Day” is for the narc partner who found another narc weasel as her soul mate. There are no illusions that the narc is thinking tender thoughts about her past 3 ½ years of life with her previous soul mate and previous life's purpose. Back to the haunting, so let's give an illustration. You have just cleaned up a dirty garage and filled a bag full of junk and waste that you no longer want. It is garbage, dirty, filthy garbage. You hold your nose, throw that bag in the garbage can, then walk away. You put that garbage can on the curb and never think about that garbage again, you just want it gone. You don't care what happens to the garbage. You don't want to know what land fill it is taken to or if it is recycled or if it ends up in the ocean or in a whale's stomach or even on the next door neighbor's lawn. Not your responsibility, not your problem, you did your duty by placing the garbage on the curb. End of story. That is how the narc thinks of a relationship she no longer wants. So no, there is absolutely no remorse or guilt or nostalgia. There are no tender thoughts about her past. There is no second guessing about if she did wrong to her previous partner. She did what had to be done to dispose of that nasty garbage. So what if that garbage was another human being. She did her duty, disposed of the garbage, placed it on the curb. Not her problem. So what about the haunting? Well that narc did some very evil things, some incredibly treacherous things to that partner who never did anything but love her up until the last day and even far beyond that. She ruined another person's life, destroyed that person emotionally, destroyed his business and in some cases that narc may have driven someone to suicide. Not her problem. Keep in mind this narc has done this before, ruined other people's lives, nearly broke up a new family with a child, destroyed multiple other people who became stalkers when she decided they were no longer useful. She did her duty, disposed of the garbage every single time. Not her problem. After all she had such a terrible childhood. No one suffered the terrible life that she had to endure growing up. So it is all justified. Nice and simple. The narc doesn't care, the narc feels no remorse, the narc has no guilt. The narc simply doesn't care what happened to any of her victims. There is only one problem. The narc knows right from wrong and the narc knows she did wrong to those people, so no matter how many times she convinces herself she did her duty and disposed of the garbage, no matter how may times she denies her past and recreates herself and indulges in a new flight of fancy with a new “lifetime” partner, no matter how many times she justifies her actions by referring to her broken childhood, she cannot escape the knowledge that she did the wrong thing. So what about that garbage that she wasn't concerned about, that she didn't care what happened to? Well the remains of her victims were buried and all of those terrible, devious, treacherous acts were buried along with the victims. Just like ghosts those activities may not be visible to anyone but they are present and the narc knows they are present. The narc denies everything, but unless she literally loses her mind, the amount of effort to suppress that knowledge of her evil becomes greater and greater. The ghosts or memories of her past are there whether she denies them or not. The ghosts are real even if the narc pretends they aren't there and even if no one else can see them. Those ghosts, and there are more and more of them as the narc's life unfolds, follow the narc wherever she goes and they may well be her only companions in the eternal torment that awaits an unrepentant evildoer. Yes, the narc won't have anyone to complain to about her evil partner or her terrible childhood in Hell. She will be totally isolated, no contact with another living soul. But those ghosts will be there with her and she will no longer be able to ignore them in Hell as she goes deeper and deeper into her sinful unrepentance and slowly deteriorates into a subhuman beast that will truly no longer have the capacity to be a human being. So the narc isn't concerned about the afterlife? Thinks heaven boring? Oh, you say they are an atheist? Everyone intuitively knows there is a God, a being greater than themselves, and no one knows what “lies beyond the veil” of death. So, who do you think the narc is kidding to be so sure that they don't care or contemplate their afterlife? The narc may be lying to themselves and in that case it will be one of the rare occasions that that lie will damage the narc and the narc alone. Thank you for watching. Your comments are welcomed.

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