The Narc as Predatory Relationship
Thief: Narcissist Weasel Syndrome: Up to this point I
have dealt with the victims of narc abuse that were in an actual
relationship with that narcissist. There is a whole group of narc
victims that are the indirect victims of a narcissist. These are the
people who have a relationship and have their partner in essence
stolen by a narcissist. The narc is an interloper weasel in this
scenario, and the victim may never have actual contact with the narc
until the relationship is stolen. But some victims do get to “have
contact” with the low life narc and the attitude of the narc in
these situations is quite stunning. This type of narcissist is the
lowest of the low, he far outstrips the average covert narcissist who
at least knows their victim and has presumably at least given
something of themselves to the victim before the pain they cause.
The predatory narc is a different animal altogether, they are most
definitely a weasel, but that is probably being unfair to actual
weasels, who simply are animals doing what their instincts dictate.
The human narc as weasel is doing what his vile lusts dictate, but
you could never consider weasel like behavior normal for a human
being. So let's give an illustration to explain the
predatory narc. The predatory narc is always on the lookout for a
fresh relationship and they are not bound by a sense of honor. If
the narc sees a person that they might like as a partner, the fact
that that person is married or is a parent makes very little
difference to the narc. The narc wants what the narc wants.
Morality or what is right is no issue for the narc, because the
narc's needs are the only thing that matters or counts to a
narcissist. In an effort to expose these beasts, I have broken their
vile activity into 10 phases. Phase 1 So the narc sees a target,
again it doesn't matter if they are married or have children or if
they have a good stable relationship, and then begins to size up that
person. The predatory covert narc will always appear as a very
humble self-effacing meek individual to the target. This is part of
how the narc gets what he wants, by appearing harmless and if it aids
in entrapping the target, the narc will seem to an extent helpless or
in need of help. That “help” will be more than welcomed when
given by the target. That narc will portray themselves as a paragon
of virtue, possibly even throwing in some Bible verses and feigning
religiosity. There will be a special cocktail of new fake persona
custom made for the intended target, which the narc hopes to make a
victim. Phase 2 The narc will get to know that target and have that
target open up to them, while the narc carefully takes mental notes
and refines their fake persona. Phase 3 Of course the topic of “how
things are going with the partner” will eventually come up and the
narc will slowly get their foot in the door and make subtle
statements to get as much personal information as possible on the
target's relationship. Phase 4 The narc now having a good idea of
the target's needs and desires and a pretty good idea of the
weaknesses in the target's relationship begins to refine their fake
persona to an even higher level, now beginning to feign all of the
attributes that are missing in the target's partner. Phase 5 The
narc has now befriended the target and found out both the
vulnerabilities of the target, her partner, and the vulnerabilities
of the target's relationship and begins to enable the target to use
themselves as a sounding board to voice complaints about their
partner. Phase 6 The narc then slowly begins amplifying those
faults in the target's partner and the weaknesses in the relationship
and get's the target to begin questioning if their existing
relationship is really as good as they thought it was, and in fact
the target begins thinking, “I have a friend (the predatory weasel
narc) that really “get's me” and I feel so much more understood
when I am around that person. The narc has now created the perfect
custom made persona and planted the idea in the target's mind that
they are the target's soul mate. The narc is very watchful and aware
when phase 6 has taken full completion, in fact he is looking for
this. Phase 7 The narc then backs off a little bit and tells the
victim that it really isn't any of his business the target should
work it out with her partner. After all they are married and share
children with that person, even if that person isn't perfect. The
narc has played the target like a fiddle and just sits back and
waits. The target now can't do without the advice and friendship of
the noble virtuous narc and starts thinking that maybe she needs to
be with the narc, not her partner. Phase 8 is the culmination of the
weasel's plans, when there begins to be a solid emotional
relationship built with the target, and the target's loyalties are
slowly but surely methodically completely removed from the target's
partner over to the narc. The narc is careful to do this very
subtly. Phase 9 is when the narc has now got a physical and deep
emotional relationship with the target and is well on the way to
getting the previous partner out of the picture. So let's
pause here, and focus on the target's partner, the INDIRECT victim of
the narc. The target's partner may or may not be a perfect person
and as with all people there is always room for improvement, but that
partner has made a firm, lifetime commitment to the target. The
target who is gradually having her loyalty stolen by the narc weasel
gradually becomes more distant and unavailable emotionally to her
preexisting partner and that partner , if they love the target, is
aware of what is going on and tries to get to the bottom of things
and see what is wrong, but really doesn't suspect any danger to the
relationship. The target is a sensitive person and her preexisting
partner makes his own notes and endeavors to repair what is wrong
with the relationship slowly and carefully. The preexisting partner
has absolutely no clue that there is a wolf (actually weasel) at the
door of their relationship. So here is the sad thing, because the
target's partner trusts the target implicitly, he is never even aware
of the extent of the problem in the relationship until the target
acts in such a bizarre manner that he gets suspicious. Of course, at
this point the target has already switched her loyalty over to the
predatory weasel narc and is unreachable by the preexisting partner.
The point where the target's partner is now angry and agitated and
totally confused as to what is going on is where we will get back to
the predatory narc weasel. This acting up of the
preexisting partner is what the predatory narc weasel has waited for
and the narc now institutes Phase 10, formally taking the
relationship away from the preexisting partner. Of course now the
preexisting partner is introduced to the narc, a person he never
suspected existed. The narc weasel will give an appearance of being
a knight in shining armor, saving the poor target from that crazy and
angry preexisting partner. After all the target now has a
relationship with the narc. The narc never got angry at her. The
narc was patient and supportive, not like that crazy unstable
previous partner of hers. Now, you might think that the narc weasel
would have a bit of pause. After all he just won his trophy and
stole a relationship right from under the nose of the unwitting
preexisting partner. Does the narc feel remorse, guilt, or shame for
his actions? Well he's a narc, we know the answer: Of course not.
But here is where things go from the narc being a bad person to being
a hideous creature literally dripping wet with raw sewage. The
preexisting partner is of course now going to try to fight for the
relationship, so what does the narc weasel do? The narc weasel
starts gloating to the preexisting now ex partner about having taken
away the target, and sadly, the target is now joining in with that
narc weasel. The narc weasel is a powerful, real man not like the
weak preexisting partner. Then the narc weasel decides to take over
defense of the target and tells the target to go no contact with her
ex partner. No communication whatsoever. Let's go back
to the ex partner of the target. Well, he was blindsided and
clueless, but he begins to look back on the past few months and
reinterprets a lot of the statements and actions of his ex partner,
the target of the narc weasel and starts realizing the effects that
the narc weasel had on destabilizing the relationship.
Unfortunately, for him, it is too late. His partner is firmly in the
arms of the narc weasel predator. Now here is where the story gets
interesting. The narc weasel always overestimates himself and simply
believes that the previous partner of the target will sit still and
take his abuse. So the narc starts making death threats against the
previous partner on Instagram. Of course they are just benign posts-
NOT, just general statements- SURE. Well unfortunately for the
weasel, he grossly underestimated the target's previous partner.
That ex partner gave the narc plenty of warnings to back off and shut
up. The narc weasel won his prize, so stop with the gloating. Of
course the weasel wouldn't stop, so it was time for him to come face
to face with the previous partner of the narc. Meet man to man. The
narc's partner would come unarmed and only wanting to talk, but the
narc weasel would have to back up all of his threats. So what ended
up happening? Well The ex partner first calls the narc weasel and
has a little talk with him. The narc weasel then makes the threat
that I am going to find you. Will unfortunately for the weasel, he
bit off more than he could chew. The ex partner said words to the
effect: Maybe I an going to find you first. Well the weasel spoke a
few expletives and hung up. Well about 4 hours later the narc's ex
partner gets a call from the police informing him he shouldn't go
anywhere near the weasel or call the weasel again. Well that call
was the greatest victory for the person who had just had his woman
stolen from him and then had vicious threats made by the weasel.
That weasel backed down and showed himself to be the true coward that
he was. That was the turning point for the ex partner of the target.
By the way, the target was also narcissistic and became a full blown
narc under the weasel's tutelage. That was the day the ex partner
began to get himself back, a shred of his dignity a piece of himself.
The ex partner would never be afraid of anything a human could do to
him again. There was only a fear of God. Please be aware that this
story is partly fictional, since the ex partner will never really
know what went on between the narc weasel and his ex partner. The
part of how a narc seduces a victim was witnessed first hand
observing a narc plying his trade on a coworker, as well as other
actual accounts of the activities of slimy narcs, so it was
incorporated to fill in the part the ex partner will never know
about. Oh yes, my narc partner has a very interesting past and that
information came to me miraculously and by chance. So I now know
much about her, but I can't verify those things. I can only speak of
what I know, and that I will do in such a way never to hurt or damage
my narc ex partner. Despite everything, I still care and it is my
sincerest hope that she one day views these videos and sees herself
for who she is and what she is doing to those around her. Thank
you for watching. Your comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.
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