Why the Narcissist Wants You
Dead: The target of narc abuse goes on feeling like a
shell of themselves, a hollow human being for a long time after the
discard. The feelings of helplessness, loneliness, abandonment,
worthlessness can persist for months, years, even decades because the
victim's sense of self has literally been blown apart by the
narcissist. The narc was the victim's confidant, the person with
whom they shared their deepest secrets, fears, hopes and dreams with.
The narc was the perfect partner at first, no one had ever taken so
much interest in the victim and the narc lifted that victim's self
esteem to unprecedented heights in the mirroring- idealization phase
of the relationship. Victims with humility and a clear sense of
their own limitations frequently fight at this love bombing phase and
don't allow all of the attention and compliments to go to their head,
but the narc is relentless and won't give up. They will attack the
victim from every angle until they finally DO get inside the victims
head. My narc was relentless just about two weeks into having met
her and she never let up. I never believed the relationship was
really happening, that I had been so lucky and so blessed to have
been given an opportunity to have a relationship with someone who was
everything I ever wanted in a woman, someone who exceeded all of my
expectations, someone who was genuinely interested in me, someone who
adored and admired me. I didn't believe it and told the narc as
much, well that just made her double down and she finally broke down
that wall of mistrust as I totally let down my guard and allowed
myself to be vulnerable once again after 14 years alone. What were
some of the narc's favorite tools to get me to lower my guard and let
her into my heart, mind, and imagination? Here are a few of her
favorite sayings to me: You are a great guy. Any woman who knew
you, really got to know you, would think of themselves as lucky to
have found you. My search is over I've finally found my soul mate
and life's purpose. You've totally healed me psychologically and
emotionally. I had a dream that I left you and I was in a new job
and then I realized I had made the biggest mistake of my life. No
one ever took the time to really understand me, but you are so
attentive, so in tune with who I am. You really get me. The narc
would say: “I really wasn't looking for another relationship I just
wanted to spend some time alone with no partner and maybe finally
meet someone, but when I met you I just couldn't pass up the
opportunity.” My favorite that the narc said multiple times: “Have
some confidence, I am all yours, I belong to you. I am yours
forever.” When I told her I had only had two relationships in my
life she told me I was only the second person she had ever been with.
I was foolish enough to believe the lies and manipulation that narc
was getting away with as she love bombed me into being her devoted
partner. So what happens on the other end of the relationship
when YOU are the narc's partner and they are grooming “the next
one”? A narc still in a relationship might tell the new target
something to the effect: “My partner and I aren't together at all,
haven't been for years. They go their way, I go mine.” When the
reality is they are at the same time telling their partner how much
they still love them. Yes, the narc always takes the role of the
victim, trapped in an unworkable relationship and that is exactly how
they present it to the next candidate for a relationship. What are
the excuses for still being with the old partner? Well, this is just
conjecture but here are a few possibilities. We just live under the
same roof for the sake of the children. The partner is their
employer and they have been entrapped and can't get out of the
relationship. What are some of the narc's grievances? In fact my
partner has repeatedly cheated on me and he is always drunk. I tried
so hard to get my partner help, I was so devoted to that person, but
I have thrown up my arms. I need to find someone who is mature, who
will share the burdens of life with me and who will really take the
time to build a real solid relationship with me that will last a
lifetime. My partner squanders money and we can't get ahead. My
partner takes no responsibility, it's all on me. My partner promised
me all sorts of things for our future together, but was just lying to
get me to fall in love with them. That partner never fulfilled those
promises and never had any intentions of fulfilling them. The
partner of the narc is a fake and a phony and a liar. The list goes
on. But one thing to note: Most of those accusations the narc makes
against the partner are based on truth and reality, but there is only
one problem. The narc is the one with all of those bad qualities and
the narc is simply projecting those things onto the partner they are
demonizing. Lies like that say an awful lot about how little
respect she had for me. She never ever respected me enough to be
honest and truthful. She never respected me enough to present
herself honestly. She never respected the relationship enough to
build it on a foundation that had substance and would allow it to
last a lifetime. No, instead the narc built a relationship based on
smoke and mirrors, lies and deception. The foundation of the
relationship, her part at least, was unimportant to the narc, since
this was all a temporary distraction in her mind. The narc didn't
want a firm foundation for the relationship. The relationship was
intended from the very beginning to be transient, to fail by design.
The narc was bored and simply wanted a novel experience with someone
new and different, not a “ball and chain”. The relationship was
more like a tent that could be dismantled and folded up as the narc
went to new territory or simply burned and replaced if needed. It
was only the victim, who the narc viewed as a fool that bought in to
her deception, who was stupid enough to believe her lies, that took
things seriously. Oh, the partner really believed everything the
narc said? Well that victim deserved to get a dose of reality and
have the rug pulled out from under them. Life is tough says the narc
and I am here to make sure you get a deep, comprehensive lesson into
how harsh and cruel life can be. Yes the narc was doing you a
service when they burnt down your world and destroyed you from the
inside out. So how does this all relate to the discard and the no
contact and the demonization. It has everything to do with it. Yes,
you know the truth and that makes you the most dangerous person on
the planet. Yes there were others in the past “crazy stalkers”
etc. and each of those poor souls was equally destroyed and
discredited and left with nothing as the narc walked away unscathed.
The narc was the poor victim of an evil perpetrator. How else could
the narc survive. Yes the narc demonizes their old partner for good
reason. That old partner knows the truth, so that partner has to be
made evil, has to be made crazy has to be discredited. That old
partner has the truth that would totally destroy the fantasy world,
the false mask that makes everyone consider the narc a paragon of
virtue in the community and most importantly in the eyes of the
narc's new “chosen other”. So yes, the narc wants you dead
because you are their biggest threat. Lies and deceit can't live in
the light of truth. What is the point of all of this? Well
think about the poor mother who loves her children and has a
manipulative partner demonize her and has her own children, her own
flesh and blood turn against them. What incredible pain and
suffering that must cause. Now it becomes clear why the victim has
been made the evil one. Think about the person who devoted their
lives to the narc and did nothing but good for her and deeply loved
her and cared about her. Think about any person you can think of
that gave their heart to the narc and made themselves vulnerable.
Were these people perfect? Absolutely not, but that is no reason to
call them evil. These victims are made into the devil because they
know the truth, not because there is some inner covert agenda that
the victim had that was equal to that of the narcissist. The victim
isn't demonizing the narcissist to cover up the truth, the victim is
merely exposing the truth and that truth in many cases exposes the
narc's true evil. The narc knows this. So here is the
truth the victim has to understand, the truth that can set them free.
How appropriate for this Independence Day. The narc is no contact,
is treating you badly, disparages you, minimizes you, makes you feel
worthless not because any of those things are true, but because you
are the most dangerous person on the planet. You know the REAL truth
and that makes you enemy number one. There isn't anything wrong with
you even though the narc tries hard to make you believe that. The
narc needs you incapacitated and confused and self doubting. The narc
needs you destroyed. The narc needs you to believe you are the evil
and crazy one. The narc fears one thing more than anything else on
this planet. A victim who is clear headed and aware and sees that
narc for the evil parasite that they are. The narc is literally
fighting for their lives and it's you or them. The narc may be self
deceived, but they know one thing for sure, their lies have never
been able to stand up to the truth when there was a fair fight. So
you aren't being shunned for your weaknesses and deficiencies, even
though you do have weaknesses and deficiencies. You are being
shunned and not allowed contact with the narc because they are deeply
afraid of the truth that lives inside of you. So yes, the narc wants
you dead literally or figuratively. Remember who you are.
You were a positive, creative person. A person who felt deeply, who
cared about others and the world around you. A person who had flaws
and was working on them. A person who lived, for the most part, in
the light of truth. The narc saw that spark in your eyes that
kindness in your soul, the love in your heart for humanity and for
others, that sympathy and empathy and couldn't resist taking those
things, the energy of them, for themselves. When the narc exhausted
that supply in you, depleted you, they shifted to one purpose and
only one purpose. To remove you from their lives in any way
possible. You needed to be kept unaware of what was going on. The
narc carefully planned their escape and had all sorts of contingency
plans, because you were now spent and the narc was determined to move
on. Reasons for leaving? They are multiple: boredom, realizing
they couldn't manipulate you or deceive you are just two. But the
big one is when you found out the truth about them and learned about
covert narcissism. Thank you for watching. Comments are
welcomed. Peace be with you.
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