Misconceptions About the Narcissist
Relationship That Prevent the Victim From Healing: The target
of narcissist abuse that has been used and then discarded can
oftentimes have great difficulty in letting go of the thought of that
relationship. This is both by the design of the narcissist and by
the false conception in the target's mind that that time they spent
with the narcissist was an actual relationship. Make no mistake the
relationship was very real for the victim and the victim had all of
the emotions any normal person would have in a normal relationship.
What was missing is that the narc was never in that relationship at
all. The narc never invested themselves into the relationship and
never reciprocated that relationship to their partner. The narc was
with that target solely for the purpose of getting a new experience,
gathering new material for their next new false persona and most
important of all getting the target primed so that they could draw
out all of that person's energy for themselves. So the narcissist
certainly also called that a relationship but the narc's definition
of a relationship is clearly NOT a relationship at all, it is merely
a contract to allow mining of the victim's resources with the false
promise of future gain. So in some ways this parallels the
exploitation of the resources of third world countries. Somehow that
promise of prosperity for allowing a more powerful nation or a
corporation to take the resources never actually materializes into
any tangible benefits for the citizens of that country.
So yes, the narc calls their victimization of the target a
relationship but it is clear it is no relationship at all on the
narcissist's part. The victim certainly sees their time with a narc
in the conventional way and treats that experience as an actual
relationship. No, we aren't blaming the victim, since we have to
keep in mind that in the mirroring idealization phase there were
actual tangible evidences of a relationship but with the gradual,
imperceptible erosion of those beneficial experiences in the
devaluation phase, the target was eventually brought into a world of
turmoil and uncertainty. By then the victim was well committed to
that narc and there was no choice but to maintain hope by accepting
promises of future prosperity and happiness. Yes the narc actually
encouraged that line of thinking. All the victim needed to do was
try a little harder and when those goals were nearly achieved the
narc simply moved the goalposts. Yes, at that point the victim was
hooked and the narc had free reign to call all of the shots. No this
wasn't a relationship but the victim was now in a deep fog and
totally disconnected from reality and accepting this farce of a
relationship as the genuine item. So yes, the target goes through
the cycle of idealization-mirroring, devaluation, and final discard
never seeing any of it. They are locked into the false notion that
this relationship with that narc is a genuine one, a union where
there partner views that relationship the same way that they do and
that is the first misconception: the misconception that you are in a
reciprocal relationship. Yes it is a relationship but a one-sided
one, a relationship where only the target is actually treating it as
such and investing the effort. The next misconception is
that the target, viewing that time with the narc as an actual
relationship believes wholeheartedly that that narc was brought into
their life for a reason. Yes, a religious person who was waiting for
over a decade for God to bring someone to them would naturally view
that narc as an answer to their prayer. That is of course not the
case, but after the discard the victim still has much confusion
trying to understand the meaning of that narcissist in their lives.
Sadly this confusion can go on for months years and even decades if
the victim never finally comes to the realization that the
relationship was not a relationship at all. Yes, the false notion
that their experience with the narcissist was an actual relationship
is a major roadblock on the journey to a full recovery and as such
needs to be overcome with the light of truth. So a target might
think “ Why did God allow this person into my life if not for a
relationship?” “The minute that person walked through the door
it was predestined that we would be together so how could this not be
God's will?” Well here is the key to understanding this confusing
scenario. Practically speaking, that narc wasn't a person that came
into your life, they were a tragedy, a natural disaster that
destroyed your life like a tornado, flood, earthquake, illness,
mugging, rape, assault, etc. but in slow motion. The fact that this
tragedy came upon the victim in the form of something that resembled
a relationship is where the problem lies. Yes it looked like the
narcissist cared, yes the victim was experiencing all of the emotions
of a genuine relationship and to outsiders it also looked like a
genuine relationship. So the target could be forgiven for not
understanding why that relationship happened to them. Why did that
relationship really occur? What was really going on? That narc was
looking for a target. They were going to find someone and just
like a wolf or tiger on the prowl or any other predator they were
looking at the herd and specifically targeting the weak and the
vulnerable. The young, the old, and the injured. So in a sense the
narc saw that vulnerability in the target and couldn't help
themselves. Let's be clear the vulnerabilities in the victim,
empathy, the ability to care about and genuinely love others, and a
selfless attitude were hardly a weaknesses but they are
vulnerabilities and the narc had carefully honed their skills to take
advantage of a person who cared, who trusted others, and believed the
best of those around them. Yes, the narc could take full advantage
of every one of those character traits. So here is the real core of
the argument: that flood, that tornado, that earthquake, they never
masqueraded as anything that was good, as anything that you might
want to look back on and be happy about. Those tragedies, as bad as
they were, were at least honest and presented themselves as what
they actually were: a tragedy plain and simple. No sugar coating.
And because those tragedies presented themselves as what they
actually were, as negative occurrences, they could be overcome more
easily. The next misconception on the part of the target is that
their genuine love for the narcissist was something the narcissist
valued and more importantly the target's love was something that the
narcissist never had before, that somehow the target's love was
“special”. Yes, the target put a huge effort into understanding
the narcissist, trying to understand why the narc was always unhappy,
in turmoil and plagued. Trying to fathom why the narc was always
saying they weren't going to a good place. Trying to find a way to
build a lasting, stable relationship with that narc. Accepting that
narc unconditionally with all of their flaws. The flaws that only
started showing up in the devaluation phase and seemed to grow
exponentially as the relationship ran it's course. Yes, the victim
was convinced that the narc simply needed one person that would hold
on and not give up on them and finally get them to make that
breakthrough and become the person that the target believed the narc
could always be. Yes, the target saw the potential in that
narcissist, they saw their “greatness” and that target made it
their life's purpose to get that narc past all of their fears,
phobias, resentments, envy, and darkness so that maybe that narc
could finally achieve that greatness and have peace and stability in
their lives. But here is the problem. The narcissist NEVER valued
any of the love that the target gave them. The narc couldn't even
appreciate that love because they didn't have the capacity to.
Moreover, that love was nothing special to the narc. The narcissist
may have stated you were only the second person they had ever been
with, but the reality is that narc repeated this cycle of deceiving
others into loving them and giving them that “special” love many
times before. So here is the reality: nothing you had to offer
wasn't given to the narcissist previously. The sad reality is that
nothing will ever turn that narcopath around. When you start
clearing up these misconceptions it becomes much easier to divorce
yourself from that narcissist and that is our goal: to take every
vestige of that creature out of our hearts and minds and to fully
clear ourselves of every trace of those toxins that the narc infused
us with. In which other ways does the victim have a unique
experience that causes misconceptions and prevents closure? Well the
narc can never make a clean cut so when there is the possibility for
the relationship to end equitably they can't be satisfied. So the
narc makes sure to traumatize and threaten the target after the
relationship ends ensuring that the target will have no opportunity
whatsoever to get them out of their mind. This can be called trauma
bonding and of course this was the same tool that was being used by
the narc throughout the post idealization phase of the relationship,
but for the grand finale the narc pulled out all of the stops and
became vicious beyond belief. Yes, the threats made meant the
target was constantly thinking about the narc and looking over their
shoulder. This created the ultimate trauma bond in the victim. Why
is this done if the narc has already moved on? Well the simple
answer is that the narc can't resist the urge to draw even more
energy from the victim. So where does the misconception come in?
Eventually the victim comes to their senses,wakes up and sees the
reality of that narcissist as the loveless, calloused, cretin that
they were and realizes that so called relationship was nothing but an
intricately planned con and then the rage and anger begins. Well in
their mind the victim-target is convinced that their resentment and
anger for the narcissist will somehow actually produce justice. The
victim thinks that their anger will somehow transfer to the
narcissist and make that narc pay, actually feel the deep emotional
pain and suffering that they have caused the victim. But sadly only
the victim is really hurt by holding on to those feelings of
resentment. The narc isn't effected in any way by those feelings
that the victim has. If anything the narc knowing that the victim is
still deeply wounded will only give the narc more energy to draw from
the victim. What is the takeaway for the victim? Your victory over
the narcissist occurs when you have given up that anger altogether.
The anger and rage don't help you and it in no way effect the
narcissist, at least not the way you would like them to. You need to
remember that every time those rage producing thoughts come to mind
of the cruelty perpetrated upon you by the narc, you have to fight
them, you have to give yourself the truth that the narcissist is long
gone and they could care less about you other than the possibility of
once again torturing you and getting negative energy from you. You
have only one source of relief, that is you yourself, and you have
only one enemy, that is you yourself. The faster you purge that
narcissist out of every atom of your mind, heart, and spirit, the
sooner you get them out of your mental and emotional and physical
environment the faster you will heal. That is your goal and the
pathway to a full and complete recovery.
So, the statement that you were never in a relationship
with that narcissist solicits further clarification and discussion.
We are talking about a relationship with a pathological covert
narcissist, somebody who never had the ability to love their partner,
somebody who never had the ability to care about their partner,
somebody who was calloused and had no remorse about anything that
they did to that partner and this is the key to all of the statements
that we have made. It doesn't matter if you’ve been in that
relationship for weeks, months, years, or decades, whether you were
married to the person, whether you share children with that person,
it was never a real relationship. So you might wonder why someone
who never loved you would stay in the relationship for all that time.
We’ve already ruled out the possibility of a love attachment or
commitment or loyalty, so what is the real reason for it? Well
there are many possibilities: simple economics, the social status a
relationship afforded, or simply the inability to find the right
replacement are just a few possibilities. We have to remember that
the narcissist can always make up for the perceived deficiencies in
their existing partner by filling their free time away from that
partner with numerous affairs involving people of every social status
and types so in a sense that marriage affords the narcissist more
freedom for debauchery than they could ever achieve on their own.
On to the next
misconception. Some people might make the argument that the target
had a lot of positive feelings for and experiences with that
narcissist and that because those feelings and experiences were
positive the victim should hold onto them. But the problem is these
so-called positive feelings are what bind the victim to the narc and
they make it difficult to let go and that is decidedly not healthy.
Why else isn't it healthy to hold on to these positive feelings?
After all the victim invested their heart and soul into that time of
their life. Well the answer is clear: because those positive
emotions that were genuine are attached to the wholehearted evil
negativity and fake persona of the narcissist. In other words those
positive emotions are based on a lie. Even though the victim was
100% pure in their intentions this is irrelevant. So this argument
definitely doesn't make a case for a healthy way of thinking and is
another clear misconception. To look at this an alternate way, the
argument goes that the victim's feelings for the narcissist were
good and were healthy and were pure and it therefore stands to reason
that those feelings of nostalgia for their time with the narc are OK
and maybe something to be held onto. Here is another way of seeing
the problem with that line of thought: there are numerous drugs that
will make you feel good about yourself make you feel good mentally or
physically, but many of them are nothing but poison and they erode
your sense of self and they eventually destroy you mentally and
physically so you could hardly call those toxic products something
beneficial because they made you feel good. Getting over a drug
addiction and never looking back is a sign of health and similarly
purging those positive emotions based on the narcissist's fake
persona is also the true sign of health and recovery. Yes, nostalgia
for a time of your life is usually a positive emotion, but the
misguided nostalgia for the fake, phony, artificial, tragedy of a
narc relationship is and absolute blight that has to be eliminated.
Just remember this as well, that narcissist walked away from you and
never gave you a second thought other than thinking how they could
extract further energy from you. So what is the take away
from all of this? How do we look back on that relationship with the
narc in a way that we can heal? What is the healthy way to see that
relationship? No matter how long you were in that relationship with
the narcissist you should never take that situation personally
anymore than you would take a flood or an accident or earthquake
personally. You weren’t responsible for the flood and weren’t
responsible for that earthquake and you weren’t responsible for
being at the wrong place at the wrong time when that narcissist
decided they needed to take their next meal and found you as a ready
offering. That meal may have lasted days, weeks, months, years,
decades, it’s all the same. Don’t take it personally. Yes of
course there was a vulnerability that made you susceptible to the
narcissist and with knowledge you have hopefully honed your skills of
perception and detection and you will now never allow another
narcissist to breach your defenses again. If it’s any
consolation the torment, pain and emotional, mental, and physical
turmoil, the chaos that the narc produced in your life will one day
be felt by that narcissist in all of its strength, undiluted, because
despite what the narcissist might want to believe they won’t get
away with any of their treachery and they will one day pay. In full.
That, or a genuine conversion. One or the other. Thank you for
watching. Comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.
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