The Narcissist Lives in A Surreal
World of His Own Making With Devastating Results to the Real
World The statement that a narcissist is the center
of their own world is spot on accurate. The narc is King or Queen
and Creator in this world of theirs and the rest of us in the real
world are merely players in HER world. The narcissist's world is the
only world they know and the only world that counts to them. So the
narcissist decides the rules in this world and answers only to its
Queen, the narc themselves. How convenient, since every human being
on this earth is kind and forgiving to themselves. So what is the
point? Well this attitude causes REAL damage to the rest of us
willing to live in the REAL WORLD, a world we have to share with
others, a world were we aren't King, a world were we are accountable
for our actions, a world were we have to compromise to get along. To
illustrate this point let's indulge in a metaphor. Let's give
an example of a person who takes a water pistol and spray paints that
water pistol, then goes into a bank and brandishes that pistol. The
people in that bank are terrorized and the narc decides to teach that
selfish teller a lesson, making her strip to her underwear. The 60
year old “selfish and terrible” loan officer who wouldn't give
her a loan is terrorized to the point that they have a heart attack.
The narc looks on and refuses to allow help to be called. Another
teller is so badly threatened she nearly has a seizure. The narc
then walks out of that bank not having taken a single penny. So
let's take a look at the aftermath here in this metaphorical example.
The “arrogant”, according to the narc, bank teller that had to
strip to her underwear was so humiliated that she couldn't return to
work and suffered such anxiety that she took years to recover and get
back to normal. The loan officer, well he didn't get a chance to
give away his daughter at the wedding. The whole family was
devastated and the loan officer's widow was so distraught she had to
sell the house and go into assisted living. Twenty years of that
poor woman's life was robbed from her. These could have been quality
years with her husband, her soul mate. Instead they were spent
isolated and her mental and physical health deteriorated. Those
grandchildren never got to meet and gain wisdom from a man that they
would have known as Pop Pop. What about the last teller? Well, she
went back to work, but after a few months of waiting for the next
person to walk in with a gun, and suffering incredible anxiety
attacks, she had to get out of the bank. In fact she would never
again be able to work in a position that had direct contact with the
public. What incredible power that narc had. What an
accomplishment, and all with a mere water pistol. So, what
about the narc? Did they feel any remorse? Of course not. Those
people in the bank needed to be taught a lesson. The narc did the
world a favor. After all how could they not understand the
importance of that narcissist. How could they commit the cardinal
sin of just treating her like some average person off the street.
The narc did no wrong. After all that was a water pistol and they
were in no danger whatsoever. She even painted the water pistol dark
brown, not black. It should have been obvious that that wasn't a
real gun. She never stole a penny of money, no harm was done at all.
If these people were so stupid as to not see that gun was a water
pistol painted dark brown, it isn't the narc's fault what happened to
them. They were too trusting, not wise enough to the world. Too
naive, because they had a soft childhood a life of ease and comfort
growing up. Not like the narc who had to learn early about the harsh
reality of life. Therefore it isn't the narc's fault if they over
reacted to something. There was no threat to these people. The narc
did nothing wrong and no one will ever convince the narc otherwise.
It isn't the narc's fault. To add to all of this the narcissist
harbors uncontrollable rage, anger, and resentment at both of those
tellers and the loan officer. She will never be able to forgive them
for what they did to her. Of course, if the authorities ever
investigate and question her, she will deny the whole event ever
happened. She was simply at the bank to make a deposit, but had to
leave before she could make that deposit. Those people at the bank
are liars and they have an overactive imagination. Those people who
work at the bank are crazy they need mental help. This
is the mentality of the narcissist and this is why they will never
understand the devastating effects of their behavior or ever take
responsibility. They automatically assume no one ever had it harder
than them. They assume that anyone who doesn't see them as special
is a bad ignorant person that deserves to be punished. How dare
anyone the narc comes in contact with expect to be treated as an
equal. Such insurrection would never be allowed. The narc reigns
supreme in their own world and will never give up control. Their
sole purpose in the love bombing or idealization phase was to get you
to willingly enter their world. You willingly entered that world and
now you have the audacity to actually want to have rights in the
narc's world? You actually think the narc will leave that world of
their own creation and share existence in the real world as a mere
mortal, an equal to others? You never understood the narc, or you
would have never expected the narc to consider you an equal. If you
understood the narc, you would have never insisted on having any
rights of your own choosing. After all, the narc gave you plenty of
rights and plenty of freedom, you just never realized those rights
and freedoms were granted to you by the narc. Your assumption that
you were entitled to rights and entitled to choose and fight for the
rights you decided were important to you was an act of supreme
arrogance and pride, according to the narc. That attitude alone
justified all that the narc did to you, including your banishment.
Thank you for watching, your comments are always
welcomed. Peace be with you.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
The Scourge of Societal Degradation:
The Enemy Within: Locating The Source of The
Problem: A War for the Heart and the Mind- Hijacking Culture: If
you ask a person what it is in this world that they value above all
other things, you will usually get a response of their family. The
average parent would automatically think of their children. Then
their grandchildren, then their extended family. Beyond family there
is your cultural heritage, and beyond that there is the community
that you live in. Lastly there is a sense of a national identity.
These are the things of lasting value that have been carefully handed
to you from previous generations and are the things you will pay
forward to the next generation. These are the important things that
people are willing to die for. These ideals are so valuable that
wars are fought to protect them. The present society we live in in
America was bought with the blood of those who died in the
Revolutionary War and all subsequent generations paid these American
freedoms and ideals forward to the next generation. The ideals of
acceptable codes of conduct are individualized for each family, but
also extend to the aggregate of people in a society. How groups of
people in a society should behave. These standards evolve and change
over time and the hope is that they are continually improved upon.
You could cite civil rights for all citizens as an example.
For thousands of years as economic, political, environmental,
and technological changes occurred in a society, these standards were
modified and changed to take into account new conditions. This was
an organic, thoughtful evolution of an existing society. These
changes were made only as an adaptation, the best and most efficient
way of incorporating changes so that society could grow and prosper.
So what happens if these changes are not made with a simple agenda of
adapting to new economic or technological changes? What happens if a
group of people has a different agenda? What happens if the ideals
that every generation was willing to die for are attacked from within
and at a very slow and imperceptible pace? The general population
adapts to these ARTIFICIAL changes that are not beneficial to the
society in the same way that the population adapted to the BENEFICIAL
organic changes. Especially if the population is told that these
artificial, corrosive changes are GOOD and that anyone who opposes
these changes is BAD. So what is the point? The assumption
that all change is good and more modern is just that, an assumption.
The problem is that everyone has been programmed to believe this
assumption is not an assumption, but an incontrovertible fact.
Therefore, the public believes without question that the change in
standards or codes of conduct for a society are automatically an
improvement, made for the benefit of future generations. But what if
there is an agenda? What if these changes are not a response to
finding a solution to adapt to technological or environmental or
economic changes? What if there is an agenda not to build up and
improve a society, but rather to destroy it? That is known as having
an enemy within. Here is what happens when an external
enemy decides to attack a society. First the attacker is identified
and called out as being wrong and evil. Then the society unites,
comes together against this common enemy. People's notions of
patriotism kick in and there is a re-emphasis and celebration of all
that is good about an individual society. A common enemy gives a
sense of unity and community. Those of us old enough need just
remember the 9/11 attacks. All Americans were brothers and sisters
and we all united against a new common enemy. So what if a
group of people understands what is most important and valuable and
chooses a roundabout way to take that away right under a society's
nose? Well if it is done right, no one will notice, but when people
do notice the internal enemy simply retreats and restrategizes.
Since no one ever recognized these people as an enemy, they are free
to stay in society and regroup. The planning never stops and the
enemy will never rest until their ultimate goal is achieved. So, you
may ask, who is this “group” of people you are referring to? In
one word, they are the GLOBALISTS. These people come from all
origins, although many of them can be considered puppets of a shadow
group that no one even knows about. Their goal? To dissolve all
national boundaries, dissolve all sense of societal identity and
ultimately blend all of the people on earth into a homogeneous group.
So, what is needed to fight these people? First people in a
society need to wake up to the presence of globalists. Then people
have to regain a sense of solidarity and understand that the
incitement of unnecessary racial, class,cultural, and gender disputes
is a way of dividing and conquering the population. Second we will
not get into the racial or ethnic identity of the globalists, because
in all likelihood these people are of many backgrounds. The people
who are awake are also of all backgrounds. So what is the point of
all of this. Each race and ethnicity has a right to exist. Each
individual culture has a right to exist. Our Creator literally
separated people into various groups. He was dead set against a one
world society with one tongue and one culture. See the story of the
tower of Babel. So the Individual people and cultures and races of
the world have to stop allowing the people behind the curtain to
dictate what they should think and how they should think. If
Americans want to preserve their culture, this is NOT an act of hate,
it is an act of love. An act of appreciating all of the efforts and
suffering of previous generations and an act of love to preserve that
culture for future generations. This doesn't at all mean that other
cultures are not appreciated, but it is simply doing what all people
do when confronted with a common enemy. “Circling the wagons”
and fighting for a common cause, reaffirming and remembering all that
is good about a society. We should consider other cultures and
people of all races brothers. They have their sovereignty and we
simply want to have ours. There is no racism or sense of superiority
involved with this and in America, we have a multiracial society.
The problem is not multiracialism, the problem is multiculturalism,
which can only serve to erode an existing culture. But this subject
is radioactive and people just refuse to acknowledge or think about
it. You are doing new additions to a society no favor by enabling
them not to assimilate, and you are doing a society no favors by
Balkanizing it. You are just sewing the seed for future discord
amongst citizens who consider themselves different from each other.
So let's be clear about what is going on in our present world.
Globalists have gradually and insidiously gained more and more
control of every aspect of society and have gradually chipped away at
the moral standards of the world's communities. How have they done
this? By using the tools of media. It doesn't matter what media we
are talking about, they are all in lockstep. This includes Movies,
Television, News Outlets, and Newspapers. They all read from the
same script and no variations or independent thinking are allowed,
with some minor exceptions. The small group of Television networks,
Television programs, Radio talk show programs, and Movies that are
allowed to go off of the official narrative (for example Fox News and
Various Radio Talk Shows) are put under heavy constraints. As an
example, any one of the TV or radio hosts knows full well that one
misplaced word or statement taken out of context can result in their
dismissal. So these “opposing” voices to the mainstream also
serve a purpose for the globalists, namely to give the illusion of
freedom of speech and thought, the illusion of allowing people to
speak their minds. The internet has been the one area that has been
free of the stringent control of the globalist, but this is just one
of the many setbacks that they have had over the decades and you can
be sure that just as in past eras, it is only a matter of time until
the truth is once again silenced. This silencing will always have
the appearance of acting on the behalf of the public, and as most
people are totally oblivious to what is being done to them the masses
will be all to happy to agree as their freedoms are torn from them
with their own consent. The enemy within has achieved what a
thousand armies and all the fire power in the world couldn't achieve,
without firing a single shot. Thank you for watching, your comments
are welcomed.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Narcissist Never Plays an Honest
Hand: Comments have arisen on this channel about no
contact and the implication was made that if the victim enforces no
contact against the narcissist isn't the victim being hardhearted?
That poses an interesting question, especially if the victim is the
one that was discarded, and this is a valid question that deserves an
answer. So, should the narcissist be given a second chance? Almost
everyone deserves a second chance don't they? The answer is No if
that person tried to kill you, and shows no sign of having learned
anything since the event, but that is an extreme example. Most of
the time yes, everyone deserves a second chance and the real issue
here is one of trust. Even if given a second chance the victim would
be fool hearty to let down their guard if the narcissist wants to
resume a relationship. So, here is the problem, the narcissist never
plays an honest hand. Would you play another game of poker with
someone who took away your life savings in your last Poker game then
was found to be cheating? How then do you approach someone in this
scenario? You have three options: play the game and make sure you
don't put too much at stake, have someone closely monitor the other
player, or YOU, the victim decide that Poker will no longer be
played. You decide on the game to be played and you make the rules
and you closely monitor your opponent for cheating. If there is
cheating a penalty will need to be established. If your partner
refuses to play on an even playing field, you have done your duty and
given them the second chance at a relationship, not a second chance
to take advantage of you and destroy all that you have
rebuilt. Here is my real life experience. I was free of the
narc and had taken them off of my phone contacts long ago, when a
question came up in the comments section asking if a victim going no
contact with the narc is hardhearted which it definitely is not,
since the victim has every right to get away from the abuse. My
response was also that I would give the narc a second chance if they
asked for it, and that I would try to make things work. I made an
Instagram post that I thought the narc might see stating that I was
willing to communicate with her if she wanted to resolve our issues.
Not one week later I get a message on Instagram that I have a contact
with a new IG account with the name “spam account “x”, name
withheld”, no posts, over 300 followers, new account. I didn't
really care. Ignored it. 1 week later my Instagram page tells me
“your friend “y”, account name withheld, is on Instagram”. I
now have another contact that is on Instagram. Well there were some
dark posts on that site which gave me cause for concern, so I
actually commented on the post out of concern. Then, not 6 hours
later, I realized I was once again being set up for another round of
deception, screen shotted my comment, deleted it, and blocked and hid
all of these new accounts from my Instagram page. Once again the
narc was going to engage me in a game where the narc made all of the
rules. 2 days later I unblocked the account and made a post saying
you have my number you are free to text me if you want to contact me.
I for one will not be looking up those accounts again. Then
the doubt sets in and you start beating yourself up thinking you just
blew an opportunity at communicating with your previous partner and
lost the opportunity to resolve some of the issues that are still up
in the air. Once again you're back in the depths of depression and
it's like day 2 post discard. You lose all sense and value of
yourself again, but luckily after some much needed sleep and
reflection it dawns on you, if that narc really cared they would come
at you in a straightforward way. I clearly stated to her she was
welcomed to contact me, and of course I meant as herself. Instead I
am supposed to communicate with some dark anime character. A woman
of nearly 50 years of age should be beyond that. So like someone who
has overcome a bad infection, you have some immunity from being
reinfected and this is what I observed. You have just rebuilt
yourself into a functional human being with greater and greater
periods of joy in your life and you are optimistic about your future
and feeling pretty good about yourself. Then this setback and
something inside of you fights back. You realize that you are a
person with beliefs and with standards, a person with internal
sovereignty that has value. You realize there is nothing wrong with
you. These strong reactions and reaffirmations of yourself are your
psyche's natural defense against the impulse you have to beat
yourself up and question yourself for not having been good enough for
the narc or having ideas that didn't align with that of the
narcissist. It is like an immune system and as rapidly as this
reinfection comes it resolves itself. You have learned and you have
learned on a subconscious level. Then to complete the cure you
reemphasize and recall all of the terribly abusive behavior the narc
inflicted and again think of her as an evil beast. This terrible
metaphor is also protective since it very accurately depicts the
danger the narc poses to you. This is literally a battle for your
heart, soul, and mind and at one point it was a battle for your very
life, so I am very sorry, but I have no regrets calling these people
evil beasts. My death or misfortune or financial ruin would give the
narc the greatest pleasure. I can not go into the details, but
because of the narc's gaslighting, triangulation, and devaluation, I
was at the verge of making a huge mistake that the narc knew about.
Metaphorically, I was about to drive off a cliff financially and
personally and the narc knew this and just watched and waited. They
actually went out of their way to get me to make this mistake.
Luckily, I came to my senses and I am now better off than I could
have ever imagined. No thanks to the narc.
So, to get back to reconciliation, if that were ever to
happen, which is highly unlikely. Remember the poker analogy and the
fact that the narc never plays an honest hand. Keep on reminding
yourself of that. Only verifiable actions should ever dissuade you
of that notion. First and foremost the victim will have to be the
one making the rules in the relationship and the victim had better
have a strong sense of who they are and keep their core being heavily
guarded and off limits to the narc. Trust and laxening of the
control will have to be earned. You are now wise to the ways of the
narc, so gaslighting, lying, circular arguments that get you nowhere
will need to be called out as they occur. Real honest communication
will have to be an integral part of every day, week, and month and
the relationship will have to be made a high priority. In addition
there can be no secrecy, that is a two way street both you and the
narc need to be more open about things. Will this ever occur with a
narcissist? That's highly unlikely. The narc will put on the act
of sincerity, but most likely once again find a way into you. They
will almost see the above rules and constraints as a challenge and
once they have gained your confidence, they will not be able to fight
the urge to find new supply and discard you yet again.
So, should you give the narc a second chance?
That depends on your situation. You are best off not to give that
second chance, but if you feel strong enough to enforce all of the
safeguards, maybe. If you aren't married to that person, one episode
of actual infidelity is probably enough to say NO. If you are
married, especially if you have children then there is more of a need
to try to make things work. If a person is physically violent with
you all bets are off, NO WAY do you want to place yourself in
physical or life threatening danger. That is my opinion. My policy
for a girlfriend was always “one strike and you're out” and I
made that clear to her and she knew I meant it. Trust? My clearly
stated policy was that my trust for them was 100%. They had 100%
freedom to do whatever they needed to do or wanted to do without
question or concern on my part. Unexplained time away or inability
to keep a date on time were never questioned as was phone or computer
use. But once there was evidence of a problem with infidelity I
would move to find out everything. That was clearly stated to my ex
and she knew I was serious. I always believe that a person's
infidelity will eventually be brought to my attention without any
effort on my part and that proved itself to be true. In
conclusion, the best course of action is to get yourself back, become
emotionally strong and mentally healthy again and when you are ready
find a genuine person to spend the rest of your life with. Freedom
from a narcissist is the greatest gift you could give yourself and it
shouldn't be that difficult to find someone that will be far superior
to the narc, since the average person is not a pathological
narcissist, narcopath for short. Thank you for watching. Your
comments are always welcomed.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Getting over the “What If's”
after Narcissist Discard One
of the things that tortures the Narc victim after the sudden discard
is the “what if” syndrome. What if I would have said that, what
if I would have done that differently, what if I would have noticed
sooner that something was wrong, what if I would have been more
assertive in trying to resolve issues I knew needed to be addressed
in the relationship, what if I would have breached my integrity and
done what the narc asked, the list goes on and on. “If only”,
then you would still be in the relationship with the narc, you would
still be happy (or at least you thought you were happy). This is
like being in quicksand, the more you struggle and try to make sense
of things, the deeper you sink. So how do you get out of this
scenario? What you need to do is focus on other things, once you
focus on the other things and answer some questions you won't have
any “what if's”, at least for this episode of recurrent PTSD.
Here is what to focus on, at least what I have found is
helpful. One: Was the Narc lying to you? To one degree or
another, YES. Two: Were they ever really honest with you about
their feelings, and their plans? No, they were NOT. Three: Did
they ever really want to work things out with you and have any
resolution to the problems that came up in the relationship? No,
they did not. Four: Did they ever even want to deal with the
problems in the relationship when you brought them up? No, they did
not. Five: Did they ever really love you? Well, you always thought
they did, they said they did, but there were so many evidences to the
contrary. Six: Were they ever loyal to you? No they were not.
There were so many evidences of disloyalty, that you couldn't believe
they were loyal and yet the narc turned the tables on you and
sometimes questioned your loyalty, which was never in question, by
the way. By the narc questioning your loyalty, you automatically
assumed they understood the importance of loyalty and they valued
loyalty. You never even considered that possibly the narc was just
setting up a smoke screen to hide their own disloyalty. Seven: Then
you have to think about multiple times where you were just puzzled by
the way the narc acted when they should have had sympathy and empathy
for you, they should have cared about you, they should have really
been concerned about you. What did the narc do in these situations?
They were totally cold and calloused in ways you would have never
expected them to be in that environment. So, after going through all
of the above questions and answering them honestly, you have to
wonder if the narc ever really loved you at all. When you start
focusing on the above questions with the new found knowledge that you
have gained through research on the web, YouTube, books, and
learning about other people's experiences , you realize that you were
definitely with a narc. Of course, you have to be very sure of that,
you don't want to be just accusing them of this, but when you're sure
you were with a narc, you're sure they didn't have a lot of the
qualities that a partner should have had, then you can start letting
yourself off the hook. You can stop with the “what if's”. You
tried everything in your power to have meaningful conversations and
resolve issues, the narc did everything in their power to NEVER
resolve them. You were an honest broker, you made a lifetime
commitment to the narc. The narc was just putting on an act, knowing
that they were putting on an act and just planning a few steps ahead,
so that they could make an exit cleanly, pretending it was all your,
the victim's fault. This is what the narc was doing all along. The
narc never planned on having a permanent relationship with you, and
if they did plan on a lifetime relationship, it would still only last
as long as it was advantageous to the narc. They would abandon that
commitment with no remorse when another newer or better opportunity
came along always with a good excuse for why they had to leave and
why they are the victim and you are all to blame. So let's
say the discard could have been avoided and you were still in the
relationship with the narc. Would you really be better off? Think
about it. You would still be under the impression the narc loved
you, that they were loyal, that they were honest and mostly truthful,
that they were truly committed to you. You would never even know
that covert narcissists exist. Yes you would once again think you
were happy, but were you really happy in the relationship? Not
really. On top of that you now know that the whole foundation of the
relationship was based on lies and deception, so that whatever value
you placed on the relationship and whatever comfort and happiness you
were getting was really only based on an illusion. Think about this.
You are now better off. True joy, happiness and hope are slowly
coming back into your life. Yes, you are better off. Focus on that.
What if you were back with the narc? You would still think you were
happy and just needing to work a little bit harder to satisfy the
unhappy, dissatisfied narc. Success was always just around the
corner as you squeezed yourself harder and harder and yet you never
seemed to get any traction. Is that really something you
miss? One last point to make: You still think that YOU
are the one who lost everything when the relationship suddenly ended,
but you really didn't lose anything when the narc left. Ironically,
the narc, who thinks they lost nothing, really, actually lost
everything. The narc lost true love, they lost someone who cared
about them. They lost someone who was committed to them as a human
being and dedicated to their personal growth. A person dedicated to
the growth of the relationship, and committed to the narc's
happiness. That's what they lost. What you thought you lost: love,
somebody who cared about you, somebody who would be your life
partner, you NEVER had. So just remember that, and be thankful that
the “what if's” didn't go a different way, that things are the
way they are. If you really do want to do some “what if's”.
What if you were still with that person? What if you were still
under the illusion that they cared about you? What if you went
forward even further with your relationship together and made even
deeper commitments. What if? What if you realized all of this even
deeper into the relationship? What if the narc was untrue to you
when you were even more vulnerableThank you as always for listening.
I look forward to your comments. May peace and joy surround you and
may you heal more and more with each passing day.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Reaping the Benefits of Healing
after Narcissist Abuse: Patience and Daily Work are Key: You
have gone through a couple of months with No Contact from the narc
and then one day you think about all that the narc did to you, but
you no longer take it personally. You are intimately aware of all of
the details of what the narc did, but you just think about it all
with detached amazement. You say to yourself: “Wow, it is
inconceivable that that type of person could exist and be so wicked,
I would of never have believed it possible. Too bad for them. I
will be on the lookout for people like this in the future and very
gently detach myself and get away if I meet another one. Thank
goodness I am free of all of that negativity.” Yes, you have
worked hard fighting your way out of the dark world of the narc. You
didn't start out that way, did you? No, you wanted back into the
relationship. You can call it Stockholm Syndrome or liken it to a
person who just got released after a 20 year prison sentence. You
aren't really sure what to do with your life in this sunny, positive
world, or what to do with your freedom, so you actually want to go
back into your cell and live the comfortable life that you were so
used to. A harsh, restrained existence where you were fed crumbs of
emotional support and pretended they were a fine meal. You needed to
use your imagination and pretend everything was great. Now you are
free and it's become your responsibility to never return to that
cell. It is time to live life, and you have worked hard for the
freedom. That freedom is the mental freedom of no longer catering
every thought to the welfare of the narc, no longer spending huge
amounts of time thinking about new ways to satisfy and please the
narc. The narc programmed you to want to please and satisfy them and
at the same time they purposely made it impossible to ever attain
that goal by constantly changing the goalposts. The result:
continuous turmoil , frustration, self-doubt on your end, and a
gradual decline in your self confidence and self esteem. In the end
you thought of your self as having no value and you weren't capable
of doing anything right. So the work began after the
discard and you learned about covert narcs and applied that knowledge
to your own situation. You fought hard to detect all of the toxic
thoughts and emotions that the narc had injected your heart and soul
with and you worked on eliminating those toxins by allowing your
heart and mind to process, filter and eliminate them from your life.
Every dark thought had to be met head on, not buried and in my case
it was and still is being given to God. How many times have you
heard it in these videos, “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”.
This worked and continues to work for me, but the results are not
always immediate. Every narcissist victim needs to come to grips
with what was done to them as soon as possible, because there does
need to be a day when you truly have moved on and you no longer think
about or worry about narcissism. That has to be your goal, even
though you can't give yourself an ultimatum or time limit to be 100%
narc free. 100% narc free means not thinking of the narc partner
and no longer thinking about narcissism in general. Yes, you will be
gun shy and looking out for other narcissists, but over time even
that can be eliminated. If you are lucky enough not to have been
married to and you don't have any children with the narc, you will
eventually recognize your good fortune and blessings. If you share
children with the narc, but are unmarried, that can be made to work.
Both of the unmarried partners NEVER entered into the sacred vows of
marriage with that narc creature and are at least technically not
obligated to return to that toxic, dark environment EVER again. The
poor souls unfortunate enough to have been deceived into marrying
these beasts are in a much tougher situation and I will not speak to
that subject. I have personally had a divorce and I did consider
myself a Christian. Was my ex wife a narc? Probably, and I never
even realized it at the time. It is never recommended that anyone get
a divorce but I can totally understand why people do get a divorce.
Especially with a full blown narc that refuses to be faithful and
loyal, and who doesn't have an ounce of genuine love or empathy. But
that is between you and God. I am at peace with my decision to get a
divorce and I was ready to be alone the rest of my life rather than
spend another day with my ex wife. That was my decision, I will
never advocate divorce to anyone else. So I will now
speak to those who are free of their narc partner. For those of us
that were discarded, we as victims couldn't even allow ourselves to
think or believe that our partner could truly just abandon us and
never have a second thought about us or any concern about us at all.
This was just too harsh a reality to think about right after the
narc's departure. Months have gone by, and that reality has now
proven itself in actual experience. Yes, the narc told you
they loved you, made you feel like the relationship was at its peak
and getting better, then one week later left abruptly and never
wanted to talk to you again, EVER. Never even allowed one honest
conversation to take place. Now, months later, you think about this
with detached amazement and are almost amused by the fact that a
creature like this actually exists and you had an intimate
relationship with them. You are amazed at the fact that you were
totally blind to the nature of that person, because you are now very
intimately aware of what darkness and evil resided below that angelic
surface. The actual demon behind the mask. All you can do is shake
your head and breathe a sigh of relief. You realize you are so
fortunate it is over. You dodged a bullet. Then something
incredible happens to you, you start smiling and have true joy and
you now fully comprehend the blessing that you received by having the
narc removed from your life. Previously, you were bitter and angry
at losing the most important thing in your life, your relationship
with the narc. All you wanted was God's help to restore what you
had lost. You now fully understand that God was showing you the
greatest love, compassion, and kindness you ever received from Him
when He removed that narc, and didn't give you what you were asking
for. You are now breathing fresh air and you feel lighter and
so much more joyful and there is sunshine in your life again. You
know that it is only a matter of time before you do meet someone that
is positive and has the capacity for genuine love and empathy. A
person that will be interested in honest communication and in
building a solid, healthy relationship. But it is not time yet. You
still feel that incredible bond and obligation to honor the lifetime
commitment that you made to that person. You still can't fully
accept that your partner, the person you were presented with as being
your partner, isn't buried deep inside that shell of a being you
spent all of those years with. But you are at least open to the
possibility of a new relationship and in some ways looking forward to
it. There is someone out there that will be placed in your life, and
when you meet that person, you will fully comprehend the incredible
gift you were given when the narc was removed. They were removed to
make room for a genuinely good person that is far better, far
superior in every way to the person that you lost. Only you can
prevent this from happening, by insisting on the narc and the narc
alone, or by accepting another low quality relationship in an effort
to rush the healing process. Patience is key. Thank you for
watching, comments are always welcomed.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Common Denominator of the
Neglected Abused Narc and the Overindulged Narc It is a source
of great mystery and wonderment that neglecting or abusing a child
can produce a similar effect to doing just the opposite,
overindulging a child and giving them everything their way. Those
parents that treat a child of 4 or 5 like an adult, give them
everything their way, but also push them into activities the child
would prefer not to participate in are a separate category. Please
note: we are talking about extreme examples of mis-parenting and
there are also strong-willed or difficult children that can overwhelm
even the best intentioned parents. There are probably many other
possible ways to create a narcissist, but let's focus on the concept
of right and wrong, good and bad as they relate to narcissism. This
will be our main topic. We will also briefly discuss trust and
respect as it relates to narcissism. 1. Parenting
styles that predispose children to narcissism: A. The
Overindulged Narcissist: “Modern” Parenting: To understand
the origins of the explosion in the number of overindulged
narcissists you need to go back to a book entitled “Common Sense
Book of Baby and Child Care” written by Dr. Benjamin Spock and
first published in 1946. Modern day parenting, which is permissive
and advocates not injuring the child's self-esteem has it's origins
in this book. This book advocated accommodating children's feelings
and catering to their preferences. Previously children had been
brought up to respect authority and parents taught children
self-denial and delayed gratification. Now, instead the home was to
become child-centered, with an emphasis on allowing the child to
develop their own “freedom of expression”. The child was to be
heavily praised, whether they deserved it or not, in an effort to
build the child's self-esteem. The concept of positive and negative
reinforcement was eliminated and there was to be only minimal
correction by the parent in an effort to let the child develop
unbridled from parental influence. So there was mostly praise with
minimal negative feedback from the parent. This parenting philosophy
grew in momentum and started becoming noticeable by the early 1960's
. At that time, the people practicing this style of parenting were
still in a minority and considered the exception. An episode of a
1960's sitcom, Bewitched, Episode 26, Season 4 titled “Playmates”
seemed to show the folly of this method, and nearly all parents of
the day were in agreement that this was no way to raise a child. But
the tide turned and nowadays disciplining a child, telling them
they need to do better, and teaching them the concept of absolute
right and wrong is considered out-dated and to some people they even
consider this child abuse. At least that is how the popular media
portrays it and the evidence of this type of parenting is all around
us. Thank goodness most parents aren't adhering to this concept,
they simply try to incorporate portions of it into a more traditional
form of parenting. The problem is, a greater and greater percentage
of people are parenting by this method hard core as true believers.
B. The Neglected Abused Narcissist: In Contrast, the
neglected or abused narcissist got either no feedback or
inappropriate or incorrect feedback for their actions. Meaning that
the neglected narc frequently never got praised or even acknowledged
for doing good and frequently never got the appropriate feedback for
doing bad. In some warped situations the narc child may actually
have received the greatest praise when they did the wrong thing, such
as stealing or successfully lying to someone. So this child has
literally been trained that evil is good. Can you think of anything
sadder than that? C. Conclusion: No Subtlety for
the Narcissist: So what is the point? What is the common
denominator? Both the overindulged and the abused narcissist were
never taught to understand the true meaning of right and wrong, good
and bad, because these narcs never received the proper feedback from
their parents. No rewards that were proportional to a good deed and
no punishment that was also in proportion to a bad deed. Because of
this, the narcs never developed a sense of proportionality, the
subtle wrongness or rightness of an action was never pointed out to
them at a crucial time in their development. In other words, the
narc never learned to notice the subtleties of good and bad during
their development, when they would have intuitively learned all of
these differences easily and developed an intuitive understanding of
right and wrong in all of its various manifestations. So the narc
can't notice the subtle mixture of right and wrong, good and bad, in
themselves or in others. This doesn't mean the narc doesn't
understand what is right and wrong, but to the narc, a person can
only be right or wrong, good or bad, with very little if any
provisions for a complex mixture of the two in one person. Add to
this the twisted parenting that some abused neglected narcs endure
and you create a person that looks normal on the outside, but
literally has no moral compass, or what morality they have is twisted
or reversed. The narc soon learns this fact and understands they are
not like others, so they learn to mimic correct actions on the
outside to fit in. II. Traditional Parenting:
Positive and Negative Feedback, Accurate Self Assessment: A.
General: Let's go into more detail on the parenting issue. The
traditional way of bringing up a child gives consequences for bad
behavior in the form of punishment and rewards good behavior in the
form of praise, or anything desirable to the child. This is known as
positive and negative reinforcement. Part of the problem with
today's moral relativism is the concept of there being no absolute
right or wrong- it's all relative, but even the narcissist and anyone
with an ounce of common sense intuitively understands there is a
right and wrong, good and bad. The additional societal problems, the
concept of every child having equal capabilities, every child
deserving an award regardless of achievement, and the above concept
of anything negative injuring the child's self-esteem will be put
aside. Let's focus on the right and wrong concept. So here is what
happens with traditional parenting. A child does something wrong and
is made aware that they did something wrong. This gives the child
accurate feedback, a way of developing a pattern of self-assessment.
The wrong thing could simply be a mistake, which requires the child
to be made aware of it and try to learn and do better next time, or
it can be an act of willful disobedience. Every wrong act will
require different degrees and types of punishment, but the feedback
has to be given. The subtle ways of correcting or disciplining
a child, giving negative feedback, that is, were developed over
hundreds and thousands of years and refined to a point where the
average family, and society in general had a good idea, a rational
general consensus of how to raise a child. The presence of extended
family members, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, were also reservoirs
of wisdom that could always be tapped. In other words, if someone
needed help in how to raise a child, there were plenty of people with
the knowledge and wisdom to provide it. The modern day system
simply discarded those thousands of years of child rearing wisdom and
reinvented nearly everything from scratch. Getting back to
tradition, praise, or any other form of positive feedback was also
developed to a high, subtle art, through hundreds and thousands of
years of trial and error. Excessive praise for something that did
not merit it, or the opposite, not giving negative feedback , was
considered incorrect and referred to as spoiling the child. The
positive feedback had to be proportional to the good thing that the
child did. As an aside, it should also be noted that there are times
when both withholding punishment or withholding praise is the best
course and sometimes tough love requires a parent to push their
child, but all of this gets into the most complicated problem a
person will probably ever encounter- the parenting of a child.
Please don't take these remarks personally. The best thing to be
said is that if a child knows unequivocally that they are loved,
nothing else is more important. Let's get back to the subject of
narcissists, the common denominator that creates the
narcissist. B. The Common Denominator for Narcissists:
The neglected or abused child that becomes a narcissist received
excessive, undeserved, incorrect, and inappropriate negative feedback
and minimal, or incorrect, or inappropriate positive feedback. The
overindulged child got minimal if any negative feedback and got
excessive, unmerited, or inappropriate positive feedback. C.
Normal children have a conscience, are aware of the full spectrum of
human existence and can admit to personal flaws: So here is the
point to be made. A child that is properly raised is aware of right
and wrong and that right behavior is good and wrong behavior is bad.
They are aware that doing something wrong is bad and will have
negative consequences and doing something good will be rewarded or
have positive consequences. This produces a child that has a
conscience and an ability to accurately assess themselves and the
courage to admit they did something wrong as well as the ability to
feel remorse. These children have been exposed to the full spectrum
of human emotions and existence and they intuitively learn about the
complexities of the people around them as well as their own
complexities, since they are given a method to understand and analyze
themselves, as well as those around them. These children understand
it is OK to make a mistake and to do something wrong, because there
are so many other aspects of a person and these negative things are
only a small percentage of the overall person. So a balanced, normal
person will admit their mistakes or the flaw in their character, but
realizing that this is only a small portion of their persona, that
normal person will have the courage to admit the mistake or flaw and
endeavor to minimize or eliminate those undesirable parts of
themselves. The driving force and incentive behind this self
assessment and change is a healthy conscience and healthy feelings of
guilt and remorse that the normal person listens to and learns from.
The narc, not fully comprehending the complexities of right and wrong
, never develops that all important conscience or if the narc has a
conscience, they end up ignoring it and eventually the conscience
gets seared and is no longer present. A similar case can be made for
the narc's lack of remorse and empathy. A normal person matures over
a lifetime and that person is both confident and comfortable with
themselves, because that person has developed a lifestyle that is
open to change, honest self assessment and continual
self-improvement. The Christian has the added guidance of the Bible
that serves as a constant gold standard to compare oneself to. The
Christian has no illusions as to their own greatness, since they need
only think about Jesus, who lived a perfect, sinless life or many of
the Biblical characters that had extraordinary faith that no ordinary
person could even come close to. The saying “no one is perfect”
is an obvious truth, but the narcissist can never accept even the
slightest imperfection in themselves, because their upbringing has
prevented them from seeing the complexities of others as well as
their own complexities. It is all good or all bad for the narc,
nothing in between. III. The Tragic Result of Not Being able to
Self-Assess and Admit Personal Flaws Is Narcissism: To put
things a slightly different way, in either the neglected or
overindulged narcissist, accurate positive or negative feedback was
absent in their upbringing and they therefore don't have the ability
to accurately assess themselves and therefore, there is the absence
of a conscience, or remorse, or empathy. The lack of empathy comes
from the narc's inability to understand others. These narcs haven't
been parented to experience the full range of feedback that would
provide a foundation and framework of a conscience. A conscience or
feeling remorse can only be possible if someone can think about their
own wrong actions. Again, the narc has an oversimplified concept of
humanity. A person is either 100% good or 100% bad to the
narcissist, and the narc will fight tooth and nail to always come out
as the person who is 100% good regardless of who is to blame. The
actual facts of who is right or good, or who is wrong or bad is
irrelevant to the narc. The narc can tell good from evil, right from
wrong, but that is not what interests the narc. The narc is only
focused on the appearance of good and they will do whatever it takes
to have the label of “good” for themselves and those they decide
to idealize in their idealization phase of a relationship.
Additionally, there will always have to be those people labeled as
“bad” to contrast with those who are labeled “good”.
IV. Respect and Trust for the Narcissist: Both types
of narc have a problem with respect for others and trusting others.
The neglected abused narcissist has a problem trusting their
parents,who have let them down and this transfers to other people as
well. This lack of trust causes a lack of respect for others as
well. The overindulged narcissist has a lack of respect for their
parents, as well as those around them and this lack of respect makes
it more difficult to trust the opinions or views or motivations of
other people. 5. Conclusion: In summary when you
combine an inability to trust and respect others, with an inability
to understand the complexity of the human condition with regards to
good and bad, with a lack of conscience or remorse then you can begin
to understand some of the motivations of the narcissist, why they do
some of the things that they do. That can be the subject of a future
video. We have spent far too long in the dark world of the
narcissist. It's time to get back into the sunlight. Back to a
world where good is good and evil is evil. A world where love,
empathy, kindness exist. A world where people present themselves as
honestly as possible to their partners and believe in the power of
communication and accurate feedback to their partner. A world where
people have a conscience and are committed to growth and being
positive. That world does exist for many people and as a narc abuse
survivor, just being away from the narc has already begun to make
that a reality for the victim. Thank you for watching, peace be
with you. Your comments are always welcomed.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Time and the
Narcissist The passage of time and space makes your
tentative label of narcissist on your partner more and more accurate.
At any time the narcissist could have proven you wrong. They could
have shown up in your life and been truly sorry and given a heartfelt
apology. They could have just been upset about a disagreement that
you had and needed some time alone to gather their thoughts. Maybe
the heat of the moment and the aftermath required time and after
gathering their thoughts the narc would become rational again. All
of this is understandable and would have been totally normal. Here
is the problem. The narc never saw the error of their ways. The
narc never came back to repair things. Instead, the narc immediately
jumped into a new intimate relationship and immediately treated that
new person as if they had been with that person for years and you,
their true intimate partner for literally over 3 1/2 years, as a
stranger. That is bizarre, just by hearing about it. No normal
human being could do such a thing, no one that actually felt love,
empathy, remorse or had a conscience. No one who ever took any
responsibility for their part in a disagreement. No one who ever had
a commitment to another human being in a relationship could do that.
No one could just walk away from a relationship and literally never
have a single two way conversation with someone they purported to
love ever again. Never even one honest exchange with the person they
discarded. This is the definition of being hardhearted if there ever
was one. Each hour, day, week and month going by made the judgment
on the narc firmer and firmer. At any time shortly after the
discard, the narc could have repaired everything and as more time
went by, the narc's lack of concern, love, and commitment for their
previous partner became more and more obvious and undeniable. The
narcissist looks upon time and space as their friend in this
scenario, but in reality it just made the damage they had done to
their partner greater and greater, and the narc will eventually have
to pay for all of the damage he has done. So the longer the time,
the greater the damage, the greater the amount that needs to be paid.
Going back further , the narcissist had time and was given
many chances in the past, not just a second chance. But they
squandered the opportunity, because they didn't take that time to
analyze what went wrong, accept responsibility, and do better next
time. They injured many people over the course of their lives.
They got away Scot free over and over again, so you imagine that
would have given them some pause, thinking that eventually their luck
would run out. Not so for the narc. Each slimy escape from the mess
and discord they caused emboldened the narc further and made them
even more sophisticated in their ability to deceive and mask or cover
up their nefarious, evil activities of cheating and lying to their
partners. Pretending to care, pretending to love, pretending to have
remorse and empathy and commitment, pretending, pretending,
pretending. Pretending to pretend. Pretending not to pretend.
Confusing their victims and unknowingly also eventually confusing
themselves without knowing it. Like a gambler, or an addict, the
narc can't help themselves. Each win makes them gamble more and
eventually they lose big time and end up sucked up in their own
deception as everything blows up and the narc as well as the victim
are severely wounded. That wasn't supposed to happen. Everything
was in place for a controlled demolition. The narc would set the
charges and watch at a distance as he hit the button and the
victim's world carefully tumbled down all around them. It was all
the victim's fault, the narc was far away. The narc wasn't the one
who set the explosives, and for that matter who says there were
explosives. Maybe the victim's world just tumbled down because of
shoddy workmanship. Unfortunately this time the explosives went off
prematurely, before the narc made a full escape. No problem, just
blame everything on the victim and make the victim feel guilty and
totally responsible for all that occurred. Then walk away, institute
no contact, and prevent the victim from rectifying anything the narc
told him he had done wrong. Are you getting the metaphor? So the
passage of time makes the narcissist more and more confident in their
ability to pull things off, but here is the sad part, at least for my
narc. They become overconfident and are so totally deluded that
their deceptive behavior, which they are so confident in as being
undetectable, ends up being obvious. The narc is now actually
unwittingly deceiving themselves and lying to themselves in the plane
sight of the public. Their bizarre behavior is clearly abnormal.
Their inability to think cohesive thoughts is obvious as they
construct infantile ways of trying to deceive their former partner on
social media. How sad. The passage of time also makes the
narc at least begin to worry about eventually having to pay for all
that he has done. Pay for it in this world, that is. After all, the
narc does know right from wrong and he is aware of the fact that
although he got away with all that he did, he still was really the
one who should have suffered, because he knows that he did wrong. So
over time at least presumably, the narc will start worrying about
being abandoned the way he has done to others so many times in the
past. The narc will eventually be able to trust people even less
because he is fully aware of how treacherous a human being can be.
He knows this from his own personal conduct towards others. Then we
get to the ultimate effects of time. We all get older. The narc
will age and eventually not be quite as attractive to the opposite
sex and over time, there is also a possibility of losing mental
capacity. This is presumably a great concern for the narc who uses
both their physical appearance and mind as tools of deception.
Finally there is the subject of what happens after we die. My narc
told me on numerous occasions that they were not heaven bound, “I'm
not going to a good place” as they used to say and I was never able
to tie them down as to why they were saying this. I truly assumed
the narc didn't mean it, but now I am thinking the narc may well be
right. The narc may already be aware that she is beyond redemption,
and sadly after all I have experienced her do I am thinking she might
be correct. So if the narc's ultimate punishment is either complete
annihilation or eternal anguish and pain and distress in Hell and the
narc is aware of this possibility then there is no question that time
is not the narcissist's friend. Let's hope the narc is one of those
that does still have a chance. Thank you for watching, your
comments are welcomed.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
The Goal of No Contact For the
Discarded Victim: The Narc Must Be Dead to You True recovery
from narc abuse and a return to mental health requires the victim to
totally purge the narc from their system. The day you say to
yourself “I don't care what the narc is doing or what will happen
to the narc” is a pivotal day. It's the day you can see real,
tangible progress. This means you don't care if the narc is in pain
or turmoil or suffering or if the narc is doing well with their new
relationship. You truly don't care anymore. The no contact period
had many phases and it seems you have arrived at the final phase for
yourself when you no longer care. But let's be clear , this progress
may only be temporary or short-lived. But as long as you never see
or hear from the narc again, you may actually have arrived at the end
of the tunnel, or you can see the light at the end. My personal
journey to this point took place in 6 phases as follows. Lets
have a brief look at the phases of no contact, and try to assess the
progress made. Please note, this is referring to the narc abuse
victim that has been suddenly discarded, not the victim trying to get
rid of the narc. Phase 1: Your concern about the welfare of the
narc, how they felt, how they were doing, if everything was OK with
them constituted the first phase of no contact for you. The bizarre
scenario where you still really loved and cared for them and wanted
nothing but the best for the narc, while at the same time the narc
presented themselves as your worst enemy and instituted a cold policy
of NO CONTACT with you. Of course, in this phase, you may not even
have been aware of covert narcissism and you just assumed the narc
partner was a normal person capable of love, remorse, and empathy.
Phase 2: The learning phase, where you did multiple web searches,
using the bizarre behavior you had observed and wondered at as
criteria for web searches. For me that was cold lack of empathy,
lying , psychopathic behavior. I actually searched my web browsing
history, especially my YouTube browsing history and I went from
sociopaths, then to psychopaths, then to covert narcissists. When I
arrived at the covert narcissist I had the beginnings of getting
answers. Phase 3: After coming to the tentative conclusion that
your partner is a covert narcissist you entered the discovery phase
where you had to try to answer the questions and try to understand
what was going on with the narc and what was really going on in the
relationship. This required reassessing and reanalyzing every word
and every occurrence and every interaction you had with the narc and
then reinterpreting everything with your new knowledge. I will now
give three examples that actually happened to me to illustrate the
point. There are many more. First, in May I got a very short hair
cut and when my partner saw me right after, she was very excited
about it, more that I would have expected. She then made the comment
that it reminded her of a military cut and she really liked it. I
received a lot of attention from her just because of the haircut and
I was confused as to why this was so important to her. How uncanny
that she was totally into military men and has befriended many
military men and chose one as her intimate buddy right after the
discard, about 6 months later. Second, my narc partner made the
comment on the Adele song titled “Hello”, she stated: “that
song perfectly describes my life, I totally relate to the lyrics”.
I later that day looked the song up on the internet and was shocked.
The song was all about a man who had been so hurt by the breakup that
the woman couldn't even talk to him and tell him how sorry she was.
That's how destroyed the man was. Now being in a great relationship
and having your partner say she relates to this lyric hits you like a
lightning bolt. When confronted with the lyric, the narc simply does
a classic diversion and no clear answer is obtained. This is so
seamless, that you just move on, subconsciously already knowing you
will never get any more clarity on the subject. Looking back on it,
you now understand that you were already conditioned by the narc to
accept ambiguity and you were never even aware of it. Third, during
one of our times of peace and intimacy she starts talking about a
stalker she once had and hoping that I wouldn't be like that. She
had brought this up once before about a year previous. This was
puzzling to me and I wanted her to clarify , so I told her “but we
are in a committed relationship, so why are you even worried about me
stalking?” at which point she changed the subject and minimized
what she just said. How blind our trust is in the evil narc, how
willing the victim is to believe their lies. Not 2 months later came
the sudden and unexpected discard. So let's think about this.
Judging from the above three occurrences, I come to a number of
conclusions with my 20 20 hindsight. Let's tackle them in order of
appearance. The military man reference clearly shows she was already
looking for someone different than her current partner and was
already convincing herself that a veteran or military man that loved
animals was more the type that she wanted to be with and she was
beginning to do research and making friends. The Adele song opens up
three possibilities. 1, She was cheating on me with another man and
suddenly ended it. 2, She is talking about a past relationship
that she tried to rekindle while with me. 3, She is already
plotting my painful discard and has given her hidden intentions away.
Then the comment about stalking, someone stalking her in the past.
According to the narc, you were only the second person she was ever
with, the first boyfriend wasn't an intimate relationship, then her
husband, then you. But somewhere in between came the “stalker”.
Well it is possible that that stalker took things too seriously, but
based on my knowledge of the narc, I find it highly possible that we
are dealing with another intimate relationship where the narc made
all sorts of promises and then pulled away unexpectedly and suddenly.
As for me being only the second person she was ever with. That is
highly unlikely when I look back on things now, but I will spare the
details and evidence I discovered about her past. It isn't good, and
judging by her behavior totally plausible. Phase 4 of the no
contact phase is trying to convince yourself your partner is a narc
and never was the person they portrayed themselves as being, and
NEVER loved you. During this phase you do intense research and
studying trying to understand the mind of a narcissist and trying
your hardest to believe that your partner isn't a narc. You
intensely hope that your partner will show up and be truly remorseful
and because she really loves you is ready to repair the relationship.
Time goes by and the reality that your partner is a narc becomes
undeniable. Phase 5 is fighting recurring resurgences of bitterness,
anger and the urge to seek revenge. This also paradoxically
involves constant concern about her well being. You want her to be
suffering like you are and be in pain, but at the same time you want
her to be happy and at peace, but you definitely don't want her to be
happy with the complicit aggressor flying monkey weasel new intimate
partner. You want to shake her and hug her at the same time.
Throughout phase 5 one thing is clear, you don't really want to know
what is going on with the narc one way or another, but you are still
curious. The final phase, phase 6, the phase that started this
video, is when you don't want to know and you don't care to know and
you aren't curious to know anything about the narcissist. You are
now very concerned about your own mental health and you want to
continue the peace and tranquility and stability you have fought so
hard for. The greatest danger to the narc abuse victim in this phase
is having the narc reappear either in person, or by someone reporting
to you about them. You literally become nauseous at the thought of
the narc and returning to the incredible misery of caring and being
totally shut out. The narc is now dead to you and you want to keep
things that way. Is there another phase? Others will have to tell
us, because this is literally where I am at the moment and I can see
a bright future for myself, but I don't know if I am truly free.
Only time will tell. Thank you for watching, comments are
always welcomed.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
The Ugly Reality of the Narcissist:
Why Metaphors are Necessary The Depiction of narcissists as
ghouls, beasts, demons, vampires, and creatures, seems like the
rantings of bitter people trying to get even. The unbelievable and
unimaginable accounts and descriptions of cruelty seem to the outside
observer to be nothing more than the over embellished or made up
character assassination of the jilted lover or a disobedient child
wanting to get back at parents who genuinely loved their child, but
the child prefers to see the parents as demons. Those people are
fortunate enough to never have had intimate and close contact with a
narc, and honestly, for their own sakes I hope they never have a narc
in their lives and I totally understand their judgment on narc abuse
victims. So why such a harsh depiction and description of the narc?
Are the narc abuse victims bitter people trying to get even? Is it
all just fueled by the need for vengeance and anger on the narc abuse
victim's end,- nothing more that passive aggression? Sure, there is
the element of wanting to “set things straight”, no doubt about
it, but that is mainly to make people aware of the narcissist and
give people as accurate an idea of what they will encounter. Here is
the main point: the narcissist is the hunter and the aggressor, they
are the ones that seek out the victim and prepare them for their
fate. They look just like any other normal person and when in the
love bombing or over valuation phase of the relationship, they appear
as angelic and perfect and wonderful people to their chosen victim
and make no doubt about it, the narc's target is a victim. All of
this is totally invisible to the outside world and to the victim, so
how do you even begin to try to get “the uninitiated”, otherwise
known as the people lucky enough never to have been in a relationship
with a narc, to understand the nature of these people. The only
reasonable and possible way that I can think of is to use the
metaphors, the terrible and ugly metaphors of evil beasts, etc.
above. The only way is to describe in detail what they have done to
you, without disclosing the narc's identity. If the outside world
doesn't want to believe, that is their good pleasure. If the outside
world wants to view the narc survivor as bitter and not wanting to
get over it, and holding a grudge and seeking vengeance through
passive aggression, that is their choice. The outside world has been
warned and that is the primary reason for everything that most narc
abuse survivors do. As an abuse survivor, you want others to avoid
the painful situation you have just gone through, you want to do for
others what you wish someone would have done for you. I thought I
knew just about everything there was to know about the human race. I
was well studied in relationships, psychology, and human nature. If
someone would have told me about covert, not overt narcissism 4 years
ago, I would have considered it crazy. I would have not been able to
understand and I would frankly not believe these people exist and
would certainly not be wasting precious time trying to understand
these complicated, broken, warped people. Let's pull off the gloves,
narcissists are evil, bad people pure and simple. But at least I
would have been warned and maybe, even though I wasn't really taking
the crazy narc abuse victim 100 percent seriously, after all the
victim must be exaggerating since there are two sides to every story.
In any disagreement between two people, both partners are equally to
blame and both parties have legitimate grievances, don't they? NO,
not the case with the narcissist, and I hate to inform you there is
very little exaggeration going on with these accounts. So go ahead
and judge. I would have. That evil hideous creature used to depict
a narc is the easiest way to show you who they are, you have no
incentive to do the research and understand these people by thinking
about them. A wolf in sheep's clothing graphic is so accurate that
no more need be said. A demon, a blood sucking creature, a vampire,
the list goes on, all give insight into the narc. They aren't
being posted for spite. Describing the narcissist as having a mind
that is like a sewer and dwelling in a sewer is so harsh and a very
disagreeable thought and sight. In my case, I know of no other way
to depict what I observed. Healing for the victim comes when they
adequately comprehend the nature of narcissists in general and their
narcissist in particular. If you care for the music and understand
the power behind the words and can feel the emotions, it might be
helpful to listen to the end of this video. A brilliant and
insightful lyric by Moonrise titled “The Lights of a distant Bay”.
This lyric brought tears to my eyes. It's meaning has deep
significance for this time in my life. If you aren't interested, I
understand. Have a good day and thank you for watching, your
comments are welcomed. Peace be with you.
Monday, April 3, 2017
The Legacy of Narcissist Abuse:
PTSD and Filling the Void Left in Your Life No matter how
hard a person tries to move on from Narc Abuse, it refuses to let go
of the victim. You grab the bull by the horns and take the pain full
force, rather than denying there is a problem. You get every
possible answer as to what went on in the fake relationship with
your fake narc partner, with absolutely zero help from the narc. You
inform yourself of what a narc is and educate yourself how to
understand, cope with, and heal from the encounter with these inhuman
beasts. You work on the anger and resentment and in my case, you
give it to God. So you should now be in a pretty good situation 6
months away from ground zero, otherwise known as your discard. All
issues have been addressed and you are experiencing healing and have
increasingly longer periods of joy. But then the slightest thing
goes wrong in your life and you are back in the doldrums, as if you
just experienced the discard yesterday. That's the PTSD kicking in
when least expected. You have done all that you can do and you are
once again an empty shell and the full force of negative emotions
wash through you and decide to stay. You are nearly brought to your
knees and this happens out of nowhere. So that is the first problem
and you try to get a reading of what is going on in your life. You
thought you had made progress, were you just kidding yourself and did
the minor glitch in your life shed light on your real internal state
of mind and heart? Then you notice the second problem, something
that wasn't even obvious- you are totally devoid of any thoughts,
almost like a computer that had it's hard drive erased and had the
operating system restored. Only the basic programs are left. You
avoided loading any unnecessary software to your life, and now you
are a clean slate and you are trying to be careful about what
programs or software you put (or install to continue the metaphor)
into your life and that is where you realize there is much more work
for you to do. Let's get away from the metaphor and make an
assessment of what is going on. You have spent 6 months where
literally every aspect of your life, your whole world, all of your
hopes, aspirations, dreams, and plans were torn away from you and
this situation was so bizarre and unexpected that you couldn't
believe it was true. You couldn't comprehend it. So now you are a
man, or woman without a country you have no past, it is clear your
past was really just a smoke and mirror fantasy creation, you
clearly have no present- you are still pulling yourself together, and
you have absolutely no vision of your future. You are disoriented
and life almost seems meaningless , but you are determined to take
advantage of this moment in your life and recreate yourself. This is
your pivotal moment. Could you go back to all of the comfortable
distractions that were in your life before you encountered the narc?
Absolutely. But now that you have just gotten out of a fantasy
existence, you realize that you want to rebuild your life and live
your life honestly and truly. Meaning that you want to be honest and
true to yourself. No more kidding yourself that life is fine and
more importantly, you need to really search deeply into your psyche
and find out what your real values and priorities are and what type
of life you need to lead going forward. A life that at least
acknowledges your needs and values. You don't want to live someone
else's life anymore. Let's be clear, we aren't talking about
becoming a narcissist, but this is a good time for really digging
deep and looking at what has been missing in your life. You have
responsibilities to other people in your life, family members and
possibly close friends and those responsibilities should be honored,
provided that those people aren't also taking advantage of you and
draining you of huge amounts of energy and provided they aren't
holding you back from achieving happiness and joy and success. Yes,
it now seems there are more narcs in your life, but maybe those
people aren't narcs at all, and you are being overly sensitive.
Tread carefully. You are now in the position to recreate yourself
and deal with the emptiness as you carefully forge ahead, or you can
go back to the life you had before the narc and pretend everything is
OK. I, for one, am not doing that. That means emptiness, lack of
direction, and intense inner turmoil because there is no comfort in
being an empty slate. People weren't designed to be that way. I
will pray to God to give me direction as I slowly and carefully
redesign and re-engineer who I am and how I respond to the world.
The narc was my world, they were my soul mate and life's purpose.
The narc was my future and inside that person was every good thing
that ever meant anything to me. I invested everything I had, all of
the good and positive things inside of me, into that person. It is
all gone, and now it feels like I am drifting in outer space. I
refuse to grab onto the things of the past that were comfortable, but
just weighed me down. Does it mean I have had a setback? No. It
just means I am now ready to deal with the next step in the healing
process. Mercifully, I was unaware of this step until now. I have
no idea how many steps are left until fully healed, but my confidence
in declaring myself “healed” and “over it” and “ready to
move on” has received a strong dose of reality. Thank you
for watching. Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
The Reprobate: Are They the True
Walking Dead? Are Narcissists Reprobate? No human being is
qualified to make the judgment that another human being is
irredeemable, only God can make that judgment. The only place to get
an idea of God's opinion and judgment is in the Bible and the Bible
gives a detailed description of those people who are potentially
irredeemable, they are called people with a reprobate mind. There
are two main Christian opinions on the subject of salvation. One
group of Christians believes that as long as a person is alive and
breathing, they have a chance for salvation, or the ability to accept
Jesus as their savior and enter into the kingdom of heaven. The
other group believes that there are people alive and walking among us
that have lost the possibility of entering heaven. These people are
the reprobate. In a sense, these people have already sealed their
own fate and nothing they do from here on out will prevent them from
going to hell, or if there is no hell at the minimum these people
have lost the opportunity for eternal life. Narcissists share many of
the same traits with these reprobate people, so the question is then
are narcs reprobate? Sadly, there is a good possibility that many of
them are, which puts them in the worst possible position a living
human being on this earth could be in. So what does it mean to be a
reprobate person? These are people who God has made multiple appeals
to throughout their lives and these people rejected God each and
every time God tried to reach them, so eventually God gave up on
these people and left them to themselves. The problem is, because
they have rejected God, God will now reject them if they ever want to
reach Him in the future. So these people have lost the opportunity
to have eternal life by their own hand, since they chose to reject
God. Here is the disclaimer: this interpretation of the reprobate
should always be seen as what it is: man's interpretation of God's
word, the Bible, and as such, it may be wrong. So the question isn't
do reprobate people exist or are we in a position to know if someone
is reprobate. The question is if you are reprobate, or at the verge
of becoming reprobate, do you face the possibility of losing eternal
life and potentially facing the judgment of hell after you die? So,
in light of that, whether you believe in the Bible or not we are
dealing with a very serious subject. Let's proceed. We pay a high
price when we take the Bible for granted, especially those of us who
have encountered a narc. Let's not get into the fact that many of us
have had a relationship with a narc which didn't even consider doing
things God's way. Premarital sex is now considered the norm and
someone that considers sex out of wedlock wrong is considered the odd
one. The Bible labels sex outside of marriage as fornication, a
clear sin. So there is probably the biggest cause of our suffering.
We entered into an intimate relationship with someone without both
partners being 100 % in. This suited the narc just fine. But that
is an aside, let's get to the meat of the matter. We think that we
are at the cutting edge of modern psychology in understanding the
narc. We struggle to understand these people, what motivates them,
how they got that way. We struggle trying to help these people,
believing in them, believing they can change; then we can't
understand why years of being there for the narc, having faith in
them and holding on doesn't make a bit of difference. Our intense
effort was a total waste of time. If we only understood the answers
to everything were in the Bible all along. No one person has the
right to call another person reprobate, because only God knows the
heart of an individual and if we as narc abuse survivors have learned
anything at all, it should be clear to us we don't have the ability
to understand the narc, at least not to the extent that God can
understand him. So why not listen to what God has to say about the
reprobate. Again, a reprobate person is someone who has
rejected God, and after having rejected God for long enough, has been
rejected by God and is then allowed to, or is given over to his sin.
The rest of this video will be taken purely from the Bible. It's
amazing what insight the Bible has into the reprobate human, what
type of person they are, what their values are, and how they act. It
might sound familiar to you. All of this comes from Romans 1, 28 to
32, but then there is a warning to those who want to judge or label
someone found in Romans 2, 1 to 5, This will comprise the rest of
the video. Romans 1
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