The Reprobate: Are They the True
Walking Dead? Are Narcissists Reprobate? No human being is
qualified to make the judgment that another human being is
irredeemable, only God can make that judgment. The only place to get
an idea of God's opinion and judgment is in the Bible and the Bible
gives a detailed description of those people who are potentially
irredeemable, they are called people with a reprobate mind. There
are two main Christian opinions on the subject of salvation. One
group of Christians believes that as long as a person is alive and
breathing, they have a chance for salvation, or the ability to accept
Jesus as their savior and enter into the kingdom of heaven. The
other group believes that there are people alive and walking among us
that have lost the possibility of entering heaven. These people are
the reprobate. In a sense, these people have already sealed their
own fate and nothing they do from here on out will prevent them from
going to hell, or if there is no hell at the minimum these people
have lost the opportunity for eternal life. Narcissists share many of
the same traits with these reprobate people, so the question is then
are narcs reprobate? Sadly, there is a good possibility that many of
them are, which puts them in the worst possible position a living
human being on this earth could be in. So what does it mean to be a
reprobate person? These are people who God has made multiple appeals
to throughout their lives and these people rejected God each and
every time God tried to reach them, so eventually God gave up on
these people and left them to themselves. The problem is, because
they have rejected God, God will now reject them if they ever want to
reach Him in the future. So these people have lost the opportunity
to have eternal life by their own hand, since they chose to reject
God. Here is the disclaimer: this interpretation of the reprobate
should always be seen as what it is: man's interpretation of God's
word, the Bible, and as such, it may be wrong. So the question isn't
do reprobate people exist or are we in a position to know if someone
is reprobate. The question is if you are reprobate, or at the verge
of becoming reprobate, do you face the possibility of losing eternal
life and potentially facing the judgment of hell after you die? So,
in light of that, whether you believe in the Bible or not we are
dealing with a very serious subject. Let's proceed. We pay a high
price when we take the Bible for granted, especially those of us who
have encountered a narc. Let's not get into the fact that many of us
have had a relationship with a narc which didn't even consider doing
things God's way. Premarital sex is now considered the norm and
someone that considers sex out of wedlock wrong is considered the odd
one. The Bible labels sex outside of marriage as fornication, a
clear sin. So there is probably the biggest cause of our suffering.
We entered into an intimate relationship with someone without both
partners being 100 % in. This suited the narc just fine. But that
is an aside, let's get to the meat of the matter. We think that we
are at the cutting edge of modern psychology in understanding the
narc. We struggle to understand these people, what motivates them,
how they got that way. We struggle trying to help these people,
believing in them, believing they can change; then we can't
understand why years of being there for the narc, having faith in
them and holding on doesn't make a bit of difference. Our intense
effort was a total waste of time. If we only understood the answers
to everything were in the Bible all along. No one person has the
right to call another person reprobate, because only God knows the
heart of an individual and if we as narc abuse survivors have learned
anything at all, it should be clear to us we don't have the ability
to understand the narc, at least not to the extent that God can
understand him. So why not listen to what God has to say about the
reprobate. Again, a reprobate person is someone who has
rejected God, and after having rejected God for long enough, has been
rejected by God and is then allowed to, or is given over to his sin.
The rest of this video will be taken purely from the Bible. It's
amazing what insight the Bible has into the reprobate human, what
type of person they are, what their values are, and how they act. It
might sound familiar to you. All of this comes from Romans 1, 28 to
32, but then there is a warning to those who want to judge or label
someone found in Romans 2, 1 to 5, This will comprise the rest of
the video. Romans 1
28: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those
things which are not convenient;” Not convenient could also be
termed things that are not fitting, or sinful, Point One: These
people don't want to think of God or take Him into account in
their lives so God “gives them over” meaning He allows them
to have a reprobate mind and because of the reprobate mind they
reject God totally and engage in sinful or “inconvenient”
activity. Think about this, if you reject God long enough He
gives up and gives you over to a mindset that totally rejects God
and then you engage in all sorts of sinful activity, no longer
being concerned about what God thinks. The rest of Romans 1
from 29 to 32 describes these people in detail. Romans
29: Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder,
debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers. Romans30: Backbiters,
haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil
things, disobedient to parents. Romans 31 :Without
understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful:
Now let's
break down the description of these reprobate people: 1. They are
filled with all unrighteousness meaning they are immoral, wicked
and sinful. They are unjust, unfair, have no integrity, and are
dishonorable. 2. Fornication means having sex outside of
marriage. This is commonplace in our time. But this also
includes illicit sex, or adultery, and women or men who are
promiscuous and have multiple sex partners. 3. Wickedness is
morally objectionable behavior, mental disregard for
justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in thought and
life; depravity; sinfulness; criminality. 4. Covetousness
has many various meanings , but it is wanting to have
inordinately more money or possessions than you already have and
also to gain dishonestly. 5. Maliciousness means intentionally
harmful or spiteful, evil or having an evil disposition. 6. Full
of Envy which is discontented or resentful longing for someone
else's possessions, qualities, other desirable attributes, or
luck. 7. Full of Murder, to kill someone with premeditated
malice and having a sound mind. 8. Full of Debate, or you
could say strife, an expression of enmity. Contention or
discord. My take is someone who always seeks an argument that
creates discord by design. A person who isn't interested in
resolving anything. They don't want resolution. 9. Full of
Deceit, which is the intentional misleading or beguiling of
another human being. Charming or enchanting someone, usually in
a deceptive way. 10. Malignity is deliberate ill will, malice,
malevolence, craftiness. 11. Whisperers are most likely people
who are gossips, talebearers, rumor-mongers, generally causing
discord among people. 12. Backbiters are those who attack the
character or reputation or slander someone not present. 13.
Haters of God this is self explanatory, meaning these people want
no part of God and don't want to think or hear about Him and they
certainly would never even consider being obedient to Him. 14.
Despiteful is to treat with contempt or look down upon another
human being. 15. Proud having a high opinion of one's own
dignity, importance, or superiority is the definition that fits
best here in my opinion. Or you could say showing yourself
above others , preeminent. 16. Boasters are people who talk
about or write about themselves in a proud or self-admiring way.
17. Inventors of evil things is best seen as delighting in
inventing 'original' and 'novel' ways of being or doing evil.
That is according to T R Schreiner, Romans, Baker Exegetical
Commentary, Baker Academic, 1998, page 98. 18. Disobedient to
parents- not respecting the authority of their parents or
submitting themselves to the parents or listening to them.
Refusing to obey. 19. Without understanding: a person incapable
of comprehending spiritual things, or people who are spiritually
blind. Also inconsiderate and foolish. 20. Covenantbreakers
are people who don't adhere to or aren't bound to promises,
oaths, agreements or vows that they make. People who are false
to their engagements and treat covenants as a scrap of paper.
The don't stay true to their love partners, even if they are
married, because they don't feel bound to any agreement or
promises they have made. 21. Without natural affection this
means without the natural attachment that a child would normally
have for the parent and a parent would normally have for the
child. Presumably, this person would either not have any
affection for their mother or father and they wouldn't have any
affection for their children. 22. Implacable: this refers to
someone who is unwilling to or unable to forgive and will hold a
grudge and can never be reconciled with someone they feel has
committed an offense against them. You could also call them
vindictive. 23. Unmerciful: people who have no mercy towards
another, no compassion or pity when they are in a position of
power to grant it to another human being. Lastly there is the
warning in Romans 2, 1 to 5. This warning was against the Jews,
who were the enlightened believers of their day that they should
not judge others that they deemed unenlightened (the Gentiles),
since they themselves were guilty of many of the sins they were
condemning and judging others of. As a Christian believer, or
anyone for that matter placing the judgment of narcissist or
irredeemable on another human, we had better be very careful and
look in the mirror and realize that we ourselves are also guilty
of many things. That is my interpretation of the warning,
especially when making a very serious allegation against a group
of people that are labeled narcissists.
So the
above characteristics of a person with a reprobate mind certainly
seem to very closely and accurately describe a person that we
define as a narcissist. Add to this the possibility that these
people may not be redeemable and you have all of the answers you
need. Those answers were there in the Bible for over 2,000
years. These people have always been around. These are not good
people, and they are not people that can be helped. The only
hope is that the individual narcissist has at least not totally
rejected God and still may have the possibility of getting His
attention and mercy and grace. So maybe we now have answers as
to why all of the efforts we have made to help these people and
be their friends have been totally futile and all of our attempts
at communication have fallen on deaf ears. The answers were
always there in the Bible. They've been there for over two
thousand years. So what do we conclude? The narc's
life is a mess, yours is not. Your life has been disrupted, but
that doesn't mean your life is a mess. You think clearly.
You're a human being who has genuine feelings, who genuinely
loves, who has compassion, who has sympathy. You deal with the
world like a normal human being deals with the world. So no,
despite all of the disorder and chaos that the narc created in
your life, you aren't a mess. The narc is the one who's a mess
and will always be a mess. The sooner you understand you can't
help that person, the sooner you understand that there is nothing
you can do, the better. The only thing that is going to happen
with you being in contact with that person is that your life is
destroyed and disrupted , the sooner you realize that, the better
off you are. But once again, you have to be ready for that
information, and you have to be ready to accept it and be ready
to move on. No human being should ever tell you you have to move
on. Thank you for watching, your comments are welcomed.
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