Narcissist's “Bag of Tricks”: Let's Have a Brief Look
Inside: The creed of the magician is to keep their routines
a closely guarded secret and only an “inner circle” will get a
glimpse of what lies behind the magic they perform. The Narcissist
would make a great magician, since their greatest interest is in
deception, however there is a problem. To be a successful magician
requires someone to be focused, committed and devoted to developing
your skills and the average narcissist doesn't have that degree of
dedication to anything. The narcissist's brand of magic frequently
doesn't go beyond dime store trick kits, and that is adequate, since
most people don't expect normal adults to engage in trickery and
deception in everyday life. The narc's disguise is simply the fact
that they appear to be an adult and have the appearance of acting
like one. Now on to the narc's “bag of tricks”. You were never
aware of this bag of tricks, since it is the narc's most prized and
carefully guarded secret. No, not even their most intimate partner
will ever be told of the presence of this bag or even be aware of
it's existence. This bag contains all of the tricks the narc has
honed and developed over their lifetime and it is their emergency
kit, it contains their owner's manual, their bible, a clear cut exit
plan in case of emergency, and all of the weapons to defend
themselves, their various knives, guns, you name it (these are
figurative or possibly literally present and available). Inside that
bag is a cache of souvenirs or “trophies” of past conquests that
always reminds the narc of the power he had over others right before
discarding them. The clear reminders of his “superiority”. The
specifics and details are different for every narc, but let's look at
some of the common items normal people (in this case, I myself) have
discovered inside the bag of narcissists. Those items the world now
knows about, due to sharing. To their credit, some self-aware
narcissists have actually opened up their bags and revealed much of
what was inside to the outside world. So here is a brief description
and list. This is not intended to be a comprehensive “lexicon of
narcissist methods and materials”, but one should be written and
distributed and should be constantly revised, when there are new
discoveries of what lies inside these evil narc's minds. In the
interests of brevity, I will describe a handful of the many traits I
have personally discovered in that bag. I could go on for an hour
boring you with the details. A whole book could be written on the
contents of this bag. I will define the following terms using my
personal encounters on the front line of narc abuse. Lengthy
and detailed definitions and descriptions of the following “tools
of the narc's trade” can be found on the internet and other sources
so, again, I will provide only brief descriptions using my
experience as a guide. 1. Gaslighting: You and the narc
experience an event in real time, then one day later, or some other
time in the future, when you comment on the occurrence, the narc
insists the event either never occurred, or that it occurred totally
differently than the way you recollect. Not just minor differences,
a TOTAL rewrite of the event. The narc is adamant about their
version of the occurrence and is not open to discussing the
possibility that your version has any validity. Result: you, the
victim, begin to question your own sanity. If you have any reasoning
skills, you soon realize that these disagreements about what occurred
in the past only occur with the narcissist, not with other people you
interact with. If you spend enough time with the narc, even when
you present them with solid evidence that an ongoing dispute occurred
the way you recollect it, the narc refuses to believe and holds on to
his version. 2. Re-framing: The narc will take a
statement that you made, then recite almost verbatim what you said,
the key word here is ALMOST, and make your words have a totally
different intent and meaning. Example: You love the narc and one
day want to marry them. The narc knows of your intentions, but makes
it clear to you they aren't interested in marriage at the moment.
They just want to live together. You tell your friend “I have
every intention of marrying that woman”, meaning that you know she
doesn't want marriage, but you will do whatever it takes to prove to
her you are worthy of her hand in marriage. The narc is then told
this by your friend and the narc turns the statement into: you said
“we intend to get married”, making you, the victim appear to be
crazy and living in an unrealistic fantasy world. A whole page of
more examples could be given. 3. Deflection: You confront the
narc on an issue that needs to be addressed in the relationship and
then they change the discussion into an argument unrelated to the
conversation you intended to have. This is done so seamlessly that
years of these events can go on without you even realizing it and
never noticing why no issues can ever be resolved despite your best
efforts. 4. Speaking as an authority on a subject they have no
comprehensive knowledge of. I had the unique opportunity to be
working with my narc partner and one day she literally began talking
to me about a subject I had training in. The conversation she had
with me sounded like it was authoritative, but was literally pure,
illogical nonsense with no coherence. The narc was literally trying
to tell me that what I was doing was wrong and correcting me with
this incoherent diatribe. I told her in the politest and gentlest
and most diplomatic way possible that she didn't know what she was
talking about. World War 3 would be easier for me to hear about than
reliving the aftermath of that reaction. I learned NEVER to question
the narc or correct them again. 5. Lying: This is the narc's
most prized possession, they take much pride in their ability to lie
and deceive others. While the rest of society has spent their whole
lives avoiding dishonesty, and eliminating lying in their lives as
much as possible, the narc has gone the other direction and taken the
opportunity to hone their lying skill to a high art. The partner who
is our victim, will certainly notice some evidence of half truths and
“white lies” that are obvious and may even be “cute”, but the
victim will never even be able to conceive of the level and number of
lies in the relationship as well as in the narc's life in general.
The narc is so dedicated to lying that the narc has devoted his life
to lying. Perversely, this is probably the only thing the narc has
ever made a 100 percent commitment to and the narc would never put in
jeopardy his most prized relationship with his true life partner,-
the lie. The narc has remained very faithful to his or her partner
the lie, and the lie has always been reliable to the narc, all other
relationships are expendable, but never the relationship with the
lie. Only after a breakup and analyzing the situation and examining
the facts of what really went on in the relationship does the victim
even just begin to comprehend the total scope of the lying that took
place. However, the sad reality is that what the victim can discover
is only the tip of the iceberg of the narc's life of lies. 6.
Unjustly accusing the victim of the very thing they, the narc is
doing. This is almost a pre-emptive strike or smokescreen, if you
will. The narc uses a secret recipe of gaslighting, deflection,
dramatic acting, false injury, etc., to achieve this trick and they
can be quite adept at it. A solid example in my life is disloyalty.
There was ample evidence of the narc not being loyal to me with a
number of different people having excessive importance to the narc
and in multiple cases their needs were more important than mine. The
narc then accused me of being disloyal in multiple different
instances, all of which were unfounded. Here is one example: because
I wouldn't betray a friend who had been loyal and faithful to me for
over 14 years, I was called disloyal. The actual disloyalty of the
narc in our relationship was far greater than I ever could have
imagined and was incredibly shocking to me when I found out. This
whole thing began with the narc flirting with someone 5 feet away
from me right at the time she was preparing her intricately planned
discard. This was the ultimate in disloyalty. The true scope of
her disloyalty was discovered only after the relationship ended and I
began scrutinizing every aspect of the relationship, trying to
understand what went wrong. 7. Taking anything that is important
to you, for example, a cause you are working on for public awareness,
and reading all sorts of intentions that do not exist into what you
are doing and then putting a permanent label on you. Here are some
examples. My opinion paper on “the new con game” (you can see at
blogspot) was continually referred to as a “Manifesto” as if I
were Ted Kazynski, the unibomber, and intended to do harm. That was
my current thinking, and I am not even sure if I believe all of that
any more. It was simply a distillation of what I had currently been
studying. If I were to publish that paper now, I would need to do
more research and always be willing to change my opinion. The narc
didn't see it, but now I understand that this treatment is the modus
operondi for a narc in the devaluation phase. Because I believe in
Christianity, I was immediately labeled a “homophobe” and the
narc actually started trying to tell me that I was discriminating
against those people in my life, ABSOLUTELY not the case. I have
never been anything but kind and compassionate to these people, any
displeasure with them came from personal encounters, unrelated to
their lifestyle. Trying to have a discussion and explain what I was
doing fell on deaf ears, the narc placed the undeserved labels on me
and didn't want to be confused by an explanation. I will leave it at
that. Only now do I realize that I was being prepared for the
slaughter, otherwise known as the sudden discard performed to be as
painful as possible for the narc abuse victim. Bottom line, the narc
was going to turn me into an undesirable person and beginning to
build a case that they could refer to as to why the relationship
ended. All of my videos on narcissism have come from a combination
of learning from others and interpreting my personal experiences in
the light of the new knowledge I have gained. I sometimes wonder if
it is useful to personalize the descriptions, because this struggle
is NOT about an individual, it is about giving insight that can be
applied by others to help their situation. I have gained from both
personal accounts and general knowledge and I hope this video has
been of help. No one could come up with the bizarre, warped
scenarios that occur when in a relationship with a narcissist. No
one person will ever fully crack the narc code or credo, since each
narc, although reading from the same script is an individual. Each
of us has our own bizarre tale to tell. A nightmare that was lived
in real time and in real life. Looking back on it I get shivers down
my spine. I actually loved and was intimately involved with an
inhuman beast that was sucking the life force out of me and even when
I was aware of the situation, I only wanted to return for more
victimization. Thank you as always for watching. Your comments
are welcomed.
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