Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Nature of reality, A Christian Perspective: What Can Humans Know? Metaphysics, Theosophy, and many Eastern religions make a science of religion and give the impression that everything is potentially knowable by a mere human being. So the question is: can Humans know all there is about human existence, the world, the universe or even begin to grasp the concept of God? The answer, to the honest and sober observer to all of the questions is NO. Don't tell this to the mystics and seekers who see Christianity as just a quaint, old fashioned religion that has long ago been replaced by a high tech spirituality incorporating ALL religions and is therefore ENLIGHTENED. Sort of like an iPhone compared to the first telephone. If you want answers to all of the mysteries of life and the universe and even God, they will be given to you by those willing to give you answers, but how reliable is the source of these answers? By what authority are the answers being given? Is the source a near death experience, a mystic, a psychic, a seer, an astral traveler, a prophet? Well, that is your good pleasure if you want to believe, but how far are you willing to go to check out your sources and see how reliable they really are? For most people, not far. The belief that you can have special knowledge and know the mysteries of the universe is quite attractive and it can even be addictive to some people. But are these people really more aware than the average person or more deluded? Take it from someone who spent over ten years of his life as a “seeker”, the end result of all of your studies and knowledge and checking things out is a person who thinks they know the mysteries and is well on their way to total enlightenment, but they are really deluded. This mystical person's natural mindset is that of a drunken person compared to the non-spiritual person. Christianity does just the opposite. It places no emphasis on the know-ability of the Universe and human existence or the enlightenment of the individual aside from what the Bible teaches. The wisdom is IN the word of God and can only be absorbed, processed and then REFLECTED by the believer. The result is just the opposite of the “mystic” religions, a person that becomes MORE SOBER than the average human. Yes, the unbelievers are now seen as “drunk” in their natural thought process relative to the Christian believer. They are drunk with the lies and deceit that this world offers. The lies of the importance of humanity and that man is the final arbiter of what is right and wrong. So with that in mind, let's try to answer the BIG question to the extent that the Bible governs the answer. Trying to answer this question without the Bible is bald-faced arrogance and foolishness to the Christian. So, let's try to answer the question of what reality is, or more specifically, define reality in terms that humans can reasonably know and understand. Observable reality can be put into two general categories: One: The physical, which ranges from a grain of rice in the palm of your hand to a distant galaxy: matter or material things and the environment that surrounds these things. In other words, the universe and all it contains. Two: The events that occur in the physical environment as time goes on, otherwise known as the past, present, and future. These two comprise the measurable and scientifically observable aspects of reality- you might call them the VISIBLE part of reality. There is no debate when it comes to this part of reality, but there are other aspects of reality that aren't measurable and they can be called the INVISIBLE part of reality. The invisible part of reality, is not observable or measurable and can't be verified, so FAITH is required when dealing with the invisible. People can then debate who's invisible reality is true and who's is false. Let's divide this Invisible reality into two categories also. One: The Invisible reality as described by the Bible and Two: The Invisible reality described by everyone else. Please note, this is from a Christian perspective, so I am categorizing with that in mind. Some of these invisible parts of reality may one day be uncovered when science and knowledge increase, so that something such as telepathy, out of body experiences, and seeing auras can actually be measured and detected and studied. Even if these metaphysical activities do exist and become measurable, the question can still be posed are they Godly or considered a form of witchcraft? That is not the focus of this discussion, so we will move on. The invisible part of reality for the Christian is God, the heavenly realms and the various entities that occupy this environment. The Christian's source for his belief in this invisible reality is the Bible as well as his faith and the evidence of God in his own life as a believer. The Bible makes both the invisible reality of heaven and the nature of the one and only God comprehensible to mere humans. In other words, the Bible limits the information given about this invisible reality to what a human can understand. This invisible reality might be another dimension or something simply not comprehensible or definable in human terms. To a Christian this human existence is “not where it's at”. Our human existence is no doubt 100 percent real, but the invisible heavenly realm is, if it makes any sense, “more real” than our earthly existence. That invisible world is certainly more permanent and it is eternal, compared to the physical reality we see every day. Our hope, as believers, is to be fortunate enough to share in this unimaginable glorious existence when we leave this earth. So, that is a simplified, not comprehensive, version of what reality is. Observable reality is simply time and space and matter and the events that occur as they interact. So what is the practical use of discussing reality? Reality is the foundation of TRUTH. Reality doesn't change and truth doesn't change and therefore people should value truth and be dedicated to and aware of the truth and honor it in their daily lives. Truth is the essence of and foundation for clear thinking. No one human has the truth, we all have flawed memories and we all can only see the physical environment from our individual, limited point of view. Humans are limited by there physical senses, their intelligence, their intuition, their emotional capabilities, as well as their preconceived ideas, or “dogmas” that they refuse to let go of. We are all dishonest with ourselves and others to one extent or another and of course we need to be aware that truth is immutable and our version of the truth is flawed. This attitude is the basis of all of the accomplishments and achievements of the human race. It is only when people clung to a lie and insisted upon it being real that progress was impeded, and yes sometimes the church, which should have been an ambassador of the truth , became truth's enemy (see Copernicus). In short, functional people as well as functional and healthy societies can only make progress proportional to their dedication to the truth. Lies impede progress in both people and societies. So why do people and societies cling to their lies? That is because the “father of lies” has been allowed a short reign in this fallen and broken world. We are talking about the Devil or Satan. That is the world we now live in. So let's briefly think about the so-called reality of our present day world, American society, and even the so-called reality of individuals. Is what you are told by the media real? Have you ever really examined it? Is political correctness dedicated to the truth- or a lie? Is man made global warming the threat you are told it is? The scientists agree on man made global warming don't they? Think about what questions are being asked of these scientists, how the answers to the questions are being interpreted and how the answers are being made to agree with a preconceived conclusion. Who do these scientists depend on for their livelihood and what would happen if they expressed descent? These are just some safer illustrations of the lies and deceit going on in our present world. So what harsh truths does the world not want to hear? They are too numerous to count, but here is a big one. God created this world and the people on it for His purposes. God is sovereign and in control of the world and every Human being on it. God's opinion as expressed in the Bible- NOT men's opinions of what the Bible says, but the accurate interpretation of the Bible, is TRUTH. ANY OPINION or ATTITUDE that contradicts the Bible is a lie and carries all of the baggage that lies bring with them. So here is the takeaway: You are being told that those people that hold to the Bible and Christianity are an impediment to progress. That our present day society has progressed and is “enlightened”. We are living in an age when the lie is presented as the truth and the truth as a lie. You could say that in our day mankind in general and people in specific are their own “gods”, being the ultimate arbiters of what is right and wrong. They are of the opinion man created god, sounds foolish but it really is their attitude whether they are conscious of it or not. So think about this: TRUTH is the path to progress, lies IMPEDE progress. Do you get it? Our present day “progress” is not progress at all because it's essence and foundation is a lie. The Bible foretold of this situation occurring in the last days. Are we there yet? Only God knows. The only reason God is still allowing Satan- “the father of lies” reign is because God is not yet finished with His purpose for this earth. God will end this earth when there is no more value in allowing the wickedness and sin to prosper, probably when no more people on earth are redeemable, but that is only a guess. Remember: our stay in this broken, fallen, sinful, imperfect world is temporary, and if you are a true believer in Jesus, hold on and have FAITH. An unimaginably glorious eternal existence awaits you in heaven. May you be filled with peace, love and joy and may the Lord richly bless you and bring you enlightenment. Thank you as always for watching, comments are welcome.

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