Mindfulness and
Technology: The Modern day person lives in a world of
multitasking. It is expected in both our personal and often also
our professional lives. Modern day technology has created many
distractions, and additional responsibilities, with the expectations
of an immediate response, making it difficult to maintain a single
train of thought, or focus our attention. To detox from this
environment means getting your mind back and being in control of your
mental and emotional environment- this requires being aware of your
thoughts , or meta-cognition and ACTIVELY uncluttereing the mind by
practicing and cultivating mindfulness. The goal of mindfulness is
to allow your mind to focus on the here and now and on a single
thing, without distraction- getting the mind back closer to the way
things were before the advent of modern- day technologies and the
distractions they bring with them. Numerous studies have shown that
excessive use of technologies, in particular smart phones,
especially smart phones in combination with social media, are
changing the way people think and are actually restructuring the
brain. The result is people that have an increasingly shorter
attention span, that are less able to focus. This is especially
damaging to young developing children. Excessive screen use has been
documented, by MRI, to produce children with brains that are smaller
that they should be- a literal restructuring of the physical
architecture of the brain and the retardation of the brain's
development. Social norms or mores take time to develop, they
have not yet caught up with internet and computer use, which became
mainstream and in common use about 1995. Smart phone use started
with the iPhone in 2007 and has really become more widespread in the
last 5 years, since about 2012. So rapidly has this technology taken
over, that the effects of it's misuse are just beginning to be felt
and the PROPER use of these devices has yet to be determined.
Combine this with social media sites that are PURPOSELY designed to
be addictive and you have an explosive combination. My saying with
regards to present day misuse of technology: “In 100 years, people
will look back at this era and consider us crazy”. These people of
the future will not have an active smartphone by their bedside that
they check every hour or two, disrupting their sleep and be
responding to every alert on their personal device immediately- at
least that is my theory. So what to do? Some suggestions of
the many that can be thought of: One: Turn off the
smartphone overnight. If you need to be available for a son or
daughter out late, leave the phone in a mode that ONLY the child's
call can be received. Two: Turn off all notifications for
social sites, or even better take a ten day brake- notify your
“friends” that you will be doing this if need be. Then THINK
about the situation. Were you able to stay away for 10 days- if you
weren't you may well be addicted. Did you feel withdrawal symptoms?
BE HONEST with yourself. If so, you are addicted and these sites are
taking you away form the real world- otherwise known as the HERE AND
NOW. Three: Think about the actual and legitimate
reasons you need to have the phone with you at all times and see if
you can't minimize the necessity for immediate response. This
requires placing reasonable expectations of responding to a text or
voice message and having clearly defined parameters where there will
be no response. Only when there are extraneous circumstances- for
example a son or daughter being out late at night will the rules be
broken. Social sites and calls from friends about unimportant things
are not considered legitimate reasons for disrupting much needed
sleep. Four: If you are addicted, get a clam shell “dumb”
phone and have a support network of concerned friends or family that
you can be accountable to. In summary, let's just
re-emphasize the here and now: THE HERE: your actual physical
location, this does not include the people or ideas or fantasy world
in that smart phone and the NOW try to keep focused on the moment.
The Bible is a little more broad in saying focus on TODAY and the
problems therein: (Matthew 6:34 “Take therefore no thought for the
morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”). Please note that
planning and preparing for future responsibilities is considered a
part of “Today”, but the main focus should be today. Excessive
focus on the past or the future is nonproductive. Not planning for
the future is also foolhardy consider the wise and foolish virgins:
Matthew 25 the five wise virgins had oil in their lamps- they were
prepared having been warned the lamps would be needed when least
expected, the five foolish virgins had the attitude of not taking the
warnings seriously and thinking they would eventually get around to
getting the oil if it was ever really needed. The foolish were caught
off guard, and by the time they got their oil it was too late. This
metaphor was mainly referring to Christ's second coming at the end of
the world, where many people will not be prepared, but it can really
also apply to salvation no one knows their last day on earth and to
think you will eventually get around to be serious about Jesus is
playing a dangerous game. Thank you for taking time to watch
this video, I welcome your feedback in the commentary as I am always
trying to improve both the content and quality of my productions. The
process of navigating through world that is becoming increasingly
wicked and distracting requires that people get back to a Baseline of
what was normal not even before technology, but before all of the
social engineering that has taken place in our society, but that is a
subject for future videos. Those of us who are old enough to know
what a more sane existence- not a perfect one WAS like have an
obligation to preserve this knowledge and wisdom, impart it to those
who have forgotten or teach it to those young people unfortunate
enough to have grown up in the age of unbridled and unregulated
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