The Narcissist Promises Heaven, But
Delivers Hell The narcissist is, by design, a dishonest
partner, never having any intention of presenting their true selves
in a relationship. A normal relationship is where both partners get
to know each other and make an earnest effort to compromise and adapt
to each other, with the idea of creating a bond that will last
forever in a relationship that is carefully crafted over time. A
normal relationship is based on mutual respect and true love and
concern for the partner. In a healthy relationship that love and
respect grow and provide the incentive to get to know the partner on
a deeper and deeper level. The more intimate the relationship, the
more vulnerable each partner makes themselves and the deeper the
relationship becomes. This creates a deep loyalty. An honest
partner is interested in continually improving and growing the
relationship and the bond and the love and loyalty. The narcissist
isn't interested in any of the above for a number of reasons. First
and foremost, his ability to love is nonexistent or very weak, second
he has no empathy, or interest in knowing his love partner, third,
the narcissist is not dedicated to honesty and has little genuine
respect for his partner. In short all of the important things
required for a solid and satisfying relationship are absent in the
narc. So the narc is forced to put on an act and mimic what comes
across as genuine emotional investment, love , concern, empathy,
commitment, respect, and loyalty. The narc doesn't comprehend any of
these emotions only what they appear like on the outside, so he
approaches a relationship from a totally different perspective.
Unfortunately, to the partner the narc appears normal and on the same
page and genuinely interested in a healthy relationship. The
giveaways are that the narc does occasionally slip. There are times
where lack of empathy, lack of loyalty, lack of honesty, and lack of
genuine love make a brief visit to the surface of the narc's
personality, but the narc explains the situations away and the narc's
partner is all too willing to believe the narc's excuses.
Because the narc is unable to experience any of the emotions
necessary in creating a truly satisfying relationship, he doesn't
have the incentives needed to build the relationship and is also
incapable of appreciating or enjoying a relationship and therefore he
doesn't really value the relationship for any of the correct reasons.
Instead, the narc sees a relationship as a source of fuel, or
narcissistic supply. This means the relationship itself has no real
value, only the energy that can be extracted from it and sadly, there
is no real love or appreciation for the partner. The narc is truly
putting on an act or wearing a mask and playing a game, unfortunately
the rest of the world, especially the intimate partner, is serious
and unaware that below the normal appearing surface the narc has none
of the positive emotions or intentions that he is portraying. Only
occasional “glitches” will give a glimpse of the real person
behind the mask and it is never a pretty sight. So, now that the
groundwork for the narc's mentality and attitude towards
relationships has been established, let's talk about the promises
that are made or implied by the narc in a relationship. It
boggles the normal person's mind when a person that is “100 percent
in”, “totally committed to” a relationship for years, overnight
becomes a different person and leaves a relationship with no remorse,
leaving behind all of the commitment and all of the promises made to
the partner. The reason for the narc leaving, if one is given at
all, makes no sense or is simply something that a normal person who
loves there partner would understand. So here is what I think has
been going on. The narc, by his very nature is never serious
about a relationship the way a normal person would be. To the narc
it is a game and he will say, do, and promise whatever it it takes to
achieve the goal of obtaining his narcissist supply or the love and
devotion of his partner. Intuitively knowing that he never has any
intentions of fulfilling all of the promises he makes leaves him free
to promise just about anything. The promise might just be an implied
lifetime commitment or love or loyalty or devotion to the partner, or
for a man a promise of great future wealth to the unsuspecting female
partner. None of it is a problem, because the narc will always have
a good excuse for why they haven't delivered on the promises. At
best the partner might just get disappointing news that the promised
future wealth just disappeared due to unforeseen or unexpected
circumstances. The partner, now hooked, lovingly understands. When
instead, a narc simply tires of a relationship and has found a new
source of supply in another partner, the narc employs a different
strategy. Alternatively, the partner may begin to show signs of
independence and unwillingness to allow the narc to control them, or
the partner may start showing signs of being aware of the narc's act.
Any of these are reason enough for the narc to seek fresher fields.
Usually the narc will set up a set of circumstances that will make
the partner seem like they are at fault for causing the breakup. The
reason given is frequently makes no sense, or the narc baits the
partner into getting upset and then uses the partner's reaction as
the reason for the breakup. The narc then makes a hasty retreat with
no discussion or conversation had, otherwise known as the discard.
The narc, having no empathy, first of all has no incentive to help
his now useless former partner because there is “nothing in it”
for him. Second, the narc at least partially understands that he has
done something wrong by breaking up with the partner. Third, the
narc also knows that the excuses and lies he has made for the breakup
may not stand up to scrutiny, so it is best to remain silent and “no
contact”. In conclusion, the narc makes incredible and outrageous
promises and is free to do so, because he will always have a good
excuse or an exit strategy lined up if there is ever the risk of
having to deliver on the promises. The victim promised HEAVEN, is
left with the reality of a true HELL on earth when the narc discards
them with no remorse and no contact and no closure.
Another important
thing to note about the narcissist's relationships that underscores
the fact that they are not serious about having a real relationship
and that they don't value or love the person they are seeking a
relationship with is the indiscriminate nature of the choice they
make in partners. Since the narc isn't looking for a partner to love
and respect, but just someone to extract energy or narcissistic
supply from and manipulate, their partner can be a janitor, a
mailman, a doctor, a lawyer or even a stay-at-home father that isn't
working that gives the narc the opportunity for an easily concealed
thrill. Their partner can be older or younger than them, or not even
good looking. The income level of a new partner is not important to
the narc if they have another partner paying the bills, since the
narc never expects to have a permanent relationship with the new
partner. They will convince a new partner in any way necessary that
they are serious and committed to the relationship and promise the
new partner they are planning a life with them and love them, simply
to string them along and extract their fuel. All the while the narc
plans his exit strategy as just previously described. Every
relationship scenario is just seen as a different set of variables to
manipulate to the narcissist's advantage. The narc's partner choices
are merely pawns and three dimensional objects for the narcissist's
use. The narcissist will be able to manipulate the people that are
in the lower status and intelligence category more easily and be able
to extract higher quality fuel from those partners of higher status
and intelligence. No matter their status, every one of the narc's
partners will be discarded if there is no more energy to extract from
them. The narc's insatiable desire for a new experience makes them
continually seek relationships with all categories of people, since
they are never satisfied. So let's re-emphasize the common theme.
The narc doesn't cherish, understand, appreciate, or seek out a
healthy relationship with a love partner. The narc doesn't have the
capacity to love, appreciate, or respect another human being in a
relationship, they only view their partner as a source of
narcissistic supply or fuel, this makes the partner disposable and
the narc has no intention of a lifetime commitment to any one person,
unless that lifetime relationship provides something of benefit to
the narc. The narc will feign love, commitment, respect, remorse,
empathy, anything necessary if it is needed to maintain their
narcissistic supply. The narc may experience “withdrawal symptoms”
if the partner unexpectedly exits the relationship, but this is not
due to sadness about losing the person, it's all about pride, having
their sense of “being in control” shattered. The narc will not
miss the partner in the normal way or be heartbroken, they will miss
the energy supply and any desire to get the relationship back is all
about regaining control over the relationship or getting back the
energy supply. Healing from narcissistic abuse can be a long
process. Knowledge is the key to understanding what happened to you.
This unfortunately requires understanding the dark inner recesses
and warped motivations of the narc's mind. That mind isn't a swamp,
it's more like a sewer and you need to explore it to understand and
get healthy. Take heart, you will get better and once again go out
into the fresh air and sunlight and you will be able to experience
things with new insight and be armed with knowledge and wisdom that
will equip you to spot and avoid these evil creatures in the future.
You have the capacity to love, to deeply feel, to experience joy.
The narc will never have these things and always be unhappy and
dissatisfied. Once again, thank you for watching, your
comments are always welcome.
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