Sunday, March 19, 2017

Narcissists and Demons: Uncanny Resemblance, Demon Possession, or Mistaken Identity? Narcissists are characterized as being incapable of remorse, compassion, empathy or love and are said to have only emotions of envy, anger, fear, and jealousy. Narcs seem to have nothing but negative emotions and they have no conscience or guilt when it comes to lying. Narcs know the difference between right and wrong, but have no problem doing what is wrong again- no guilt or remorse. Their actions towards others are vicious and cruel and they have no compassion or empathy for those that they hurt again- no guilt, no remorse. Narcs live in a fantasy world with them at the center of it and they can then be comfortable in a world where they suffer no consequences for their actions, since THEY are in total control of this world. Narcs in their fantasy world thrive on deceiving others and inducing them into an unreal and warped reality that the narc creates for their victim. Any attempt at exposing the narc's activities are met with rage and anger. They live their lives in the darkness and do not want exposure to the light. Many are not interested in hearing about Christianity and Jesus. Narcs drain others of their positive energy. So in some ways they even resemble the stereotypical vampire. Vampires are repelled by the cross and are killed by the light of the sun and they drain others of their life force (blood). Interesting how some of the greatest stories and monsters are created as metaphors for things seen in real life, making the the stereotypical covert narcissist the ideal model for a vampire. So how do narcs relate to demons? To do this we need to describe their leader, Satan, and the attributes that he and his demons (fallen angels) possess. Satan is described in the Bible as the “father of lies” his stock in trade is deceiving people and tempting them to do sinful activities. Satan searches far and wide for people to corrupt and his demons are very much of the same mindset. Demons are well aware of who Jesus is, they know He is the Son of God and in fact God Himself and they respect, understand and fear His power. They want no part of Jesus, because they fear Him: ( James 2:19 - Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.). Satan and Demons are devoid of love, compassion, or any positivity. They are wholly negative, and thrive on destroying and corrupting that which is positive. This is in many ways similar to the narcissist. Satan and his demons are spiritual entities and their battle for the mind of a human being is in the spiritual realm they try to drag a person away from the truth and what is real and good in the world. The narcissist's world is also unreal and they attempt to drag their victims into an equally unreal environment that they create. There is an interesting parallel when you look at things from a spiritual perspective between being a born again believer, indwelt and lead by the Holy Spirit (God) and the opposite- a person indwelt and lead by a demon or multiple demons as documented in the bible (e.g. Luke 8:2 - And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,) posing the question if some narcissists are demon possessed. This may be a possibility since there are various degrees of demon possession from mild cases creating a seemingly normal person that occasionally goes out of control to full blown major demon possession which exhibits itself as profound mental illness. The more likely possibility is that these narcs are simply functioning by a combination of genetic predisposition and learned behaviors as a result of abusive and neglectful parenting. So are narcs demon possessed? Again, the vast majority are probably not and are most likely suffering from the effects of abuse or neglect as children. Two additional spiritual aspects that may feed and maintain a narcissist's bad behavior are a lack of recognition that: 1. this world is a battle between good and evil and that the battle is a spiritual one Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The EXTERNAL spiritual battle and 2. The individual is in a PERSONAL struggle between his flesh and the spirit and the importance of starving and therefore weakening the flesh (1John 2:16
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.) and strengthening the spirit or good that is inside of you. The INTERNAL spiritual battle Another result of narcs not being aware of the EXTERNAL spiritual (“1” above) warfare is that the narc is more susceptible to being lead into spirituality which is ungodly or Satanic either in the form of false religions or cults or even “cultic causes” some even having nothing to do with religion, but false just the same ( a prominent “animal rights organization” popular on Instagram and a marketing organization come to mind) .
Regarding the INTERNAL condition: while at present there is a very poor success rate for curing the pathological covert narcissist in psychology you should never count out the power of the Holy Spirit to transform someone and for God removing a person's heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh. (God says this is possible in His Word.) In the same way no demon possessing a human has any chance against the power of the Holy Spirit. Leaving only the last area the battle between the flesh and the spirit or what I like to call the conscience inside a person. If a person ignores their conscience long enough, it becomes “seared” and after awhile this useful inner voice is silent. Prayer and a gradual opening up of oneself to whatever small fragment is left of the conscience can also bring it back to life and restore it with time. It is just a matter of the narc wanting to change and recognizing the value of doing so. Anyone who lies without a twinge of guilt is definitely deficient or devoid of a conscience , especially if they know what they are doing is wrong.
In Summary:
  • Demon possession is most likely an extremely rare cause of covert narcissism
  • Satanic and Demonic influence take place in a spiritual battle for a person's soul or ultimate destiny, they are fighting against the forces of GOOD: God and His angels and beings
  • The EXTERNAL spiritual battle, that of the world, is a problem for the narc, because they don't recognize it. Making them unable to discern good and healing spiritual sources from counterfeit or outright evil spiritual sources. They fail to understand that just because something is spiritual, it doesn't automatically mean it is “good” or healthy or healing. The false spirituality may stroke the narcissists notions that they don't need to listen to an almighty sovereign Creator, but ultimately it just drives them deeper into the fantasy world where they are the god.
  • The INTERNAL spiritual battle is also unrecognized or unimportant to the narc and therefore the importance of preserving or restoring or growing the conscience and empathy is lost on the narc.
  • The Holy Spirit indwelling a person, especially a narcissist, could cure many of the ills of narcissism by: 1 Removing all demon possession 2 Removing a heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh (restoring or creating conscience, the ability to love, feel empathy, compassion, etc.) 3 Restore or create a CORRECT and GENUINE spirituality which is GOOD nourishing and healing, further removing the narcissistic tendencies. 4 Create a desire to strengthen the Spirit and weaken the flesh allowing even more healing.
So what is my answer to the lead question? Narcissists are like demons and susceptible to demonic influence and are in many ways similar to demons, but there is on critical difference: Demons are fallen angels and irredeemable as far as we can tell from the Bible. Narcissists are Human beings and therefore REDEEMABLE until their last breath. God has the power to change ANY human being. ANSWER: Uncanny resemblance, unlikely demon possession, and definitely mistaken identity (no they aren't demons or irredeemable). This offers more hope than present day Psychology that says: “Poor prognosis for recovery”.

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